Message Name | Error Message |
ATYP_MISMATCH | The account type cannot be changed when referencing a purchase order. |
The account type cannot be changed when referencing a purchase order. |
DELETE_FAILED_PO | The accounting sequence is associated with a Purchase Order or General Encumbrance and cannot be deleted. |
The accounting sequence is associated with a Purchase Order or General Encumbrance and cannot be deleted. |
DIRECT_STOCK_INVALID | Direct pay invoice cannot have stock items |
Direct pay invoice cannot have stock items |
ENCD_NEW_SEQ | Invoice is associated with an encumbrance and hence cannot create additional accounting sequences |
Invoice is associated with an encumbrance and hence cannot create additional accounting sequences |
HEADER_ACCT_BANK_MISMATCH | Invoice header and accounting bank code must be the same when the Invoice header bank is valued |
Invoice header and accounting bank code must be the same when the Invoice header bank is valued |
INCORRECT_DOC_ACCTG_ITEM | Item value must be zero for document level accounting |
Item value must be zero for document level accounting |
INCORRECT_PO_CODE | Value of Purchase Order code does not match that on header |
Value of Purchase Order code does not match that on header |
INVALID_ACCI_CODE | Invalid value for Index |
Invalid value for Index |
INVALID_ACCT_CODE | Invalid value for Account |
Invalid value for Account |
INVALID_ACTV_CODE | Invalid value for Activity |
Invalid value for Activity |
INVALID_ADDL_AMT_PCT | Invalid value for Additional Amount Percentage |
Invalid value for Additional Amount Percentage |
INVALID_ADDL_CHRG_AMT | Invalid value for Additional Charge Amount |
Invalid value for Additional Charge Amount |
INVALID_ADDL_RUCL_CODE | Invalid value for Additional Rule Class Code |
Invalid value for Additional Rule Class Code |
INVALID_APPR_AMT | Invalid value for Approval Amount |
Invalid value for Approval Amount |
INVALID_APPR_AMT_PCT | Invalid value for Approved Amount Percentage |
Invalid value for Approved Amount Percentage |
INVALID_APPR_IND | Invalid value for Approval Indicator |
Invalid value for Approval Indicator |
INVALID_BANK_CODE | Bank %01% is invalid |
Bank %01% is invalid |
INVALID_CAP_AMT | Invalid value for Cap Amount |
Invalid value for Cap Amount |
INVALID_COAS_CODE | Invalid value for Chart of Accounts |
Invalid value for Chart of Accounts |
INVALID_CONVERT_ADDL_CHRG_AMT | Invalid value for Converted Additional Charge Amount |
Invalid value for Converted Additional Charge Amount |
INVALID_CONVERT_AMT | Invalid value for Converted Amount |
Invalid value for Converted Amount |
INVALID_CONVERT_DISC_AMT | Invalid value for Converted Discount Amount |
Invalid value for Converted Discount Amount |
INVALID_CONVERT_TAX_AMT | Invalid value for Converted Tax Amount |
Invalid value for Converted Tax Amount |
INVALID_DATA_ORIGIN | Invalid value for Data Origin |
Invalid value for Data Origin |
INVALID_DISC_AMT | Invalid value for Discount Amount |
Invalid value for Discount Amount |
INVALID_DISC_AMT_PCT | Invalid value for Discount Amount Percentage |
Invalid value for Discount Amount Percentage |
INVALID_DISC_RUCL_CODE | Invalid value for Discount Rule Class Code |
Invalid value for Discount Rule Class Code |
INVALID_EOY_ACCR_STATUS_IND | Invalid value for End of Year Accrual Status Indicator |
Invalid value for End of Year Accrual Status Indicator |
INVALID_FSYR_CODE | Invalid value for Fiscal Year Code |
Invalid value for Fiscal Year Code |
INVALID_FUND_CODE | Invalid value for Fund |
Invalid value for Fund |
INVALID_INVH_CODE | Invalid value for Invoice Code |
Invalid value for Invoice Code |
INVALID_ITEM | Invalid value for Commodity |
Invalid value for Commodity |
INVALID_ITYP_SEQ_CODE | Invalid value for Income Type Sequence Code |
Invalid value for Income Type Sequence Code |
INVALID_LOCN_CODE | Invalid value for Location |
Invalid value for Location |
INVALID_NSF_OVERRIDE_IND | %01% is an invalid value for NSF Override Indicator |
%01% is an invalid value for NSF Over-ride Indicator |
INVALID_NSF_SUSP_IND | Invalid value for NSF Suspend Indicator |
Invalid value for NSF Suspend Indicator |
INVALID_OPEN_PAID_IND | Invalid value for Open Paid Indicator |
Invalid value for Open Paid Indicator |
INVALID_ORGN_CODE | Invalid value for Organization |
Invalid value for Organization |
INVALID_PARTIAL_LIQ_IND | Invalid value for Partial Liquidation Indicator |
Invalid value for Partial Liquidation Indicator |
INVALID_PERIOD | Invalid value for Fiscal Period |
Invalid value for Fiscal Period |
INVALID_POHD_CODE | Invalid value for Purchase Order Code |
Invalid value for Purchase Order Code |
INVALID_PO_ITEM | Invalid value for Purchase Order Commodity |
Invalid value for Purchase Order Commodity |
INVALID_PREV_PAID_AMT | Invalid value for Previous Paid Amount |
Invalid value for Previous Paid Amount |
INVALID_PROG_CODE | Invalid value for Program |
Invalid value for Program |
INVALID_PROJ_CODE | Invalid value for Project |
Invalid value for Project |
INVALID_RUCL_CODE | Invalid value for Rule Class Code |
Invalid value for Rule Class Code |
INVALID_SEQ_NUM | Invalid value for Sequence Number |
Invalid value for Sequence Number |
INVALID_SUSP_IND | Invalid value for Suspend Indicator |
Invalid value for Suspend Indicator |
INVALID_TAX_AMT | Invalid value for Tax Amount |
Invalid value for Tax Amount |
INVALID_TAX_AMT_PCT | Invalid value for Tax Amount Percentage |
Invalid value for Tax Amount Percentage |
INVALID_TAX_RUCL_CODE | Invalid value for Tax Rule Class Code |
Invalid value for Tax Rule Class Code |
INVALID_USER_ID | Invalid value for User ID |
Invalid value for User ID |
INVOICE_CANCELLED | The invoice %01% is cancelled and cannot be updated |
The invoice %01% is cancelled and cannot be updated |
INVOICE_COMPLETE | The invoice %01% is completed and cannot be updated |
The invoice %01% is completed and cannot be updated |
ITYP_VALUE_1099 | ITYP must be valued only for 1099 invoices |
ITYP must be valued only for 1099 invoices |
MISSING_BANK | Value for bank is missing on the Accounting as well as the Invoice Header |
Value for bank is missing on the Accounting as well as the Invoice Header |
MISSING_HEADER | There is no invoice header corresponding to this accounting |
There is no invoice header corresponding to this accounting |
MISSING_INVH_CODE | Missing mandatory value for Invoice code |
Missing mandatory value for Invoice code |
MISSING_ITEM | There are no commodities found for this invoice |
There are no commodities found for this invoice |
MISSING_NSF_SUSP_IND | Missing mandatory value for NSF Suspend Indicator |
Missing mandatory value for NSF Suspend Indicator |
MISSING_RUCL_CODE | Missing mandatory value for Rule Class Code |
Missing mandatory value for Rule Class Code |
MISSING_SEQ_NUM | Missing mandatory value for Accounting Sequence number |
Missing mandatory value for Accounting Sequence number |
MISSING_SUSP_IND | Missing mandatory value for Suspend Indicator |
Missing mandatory value for Suspend Indicator |
MISSING_USER_ID | Missing mandatory value for User ID |
Missing mandatory value for User ID |
NO_CONTEXT | No appropriate context has been set to update the accounting of a completed invoice |
No appropriate context has been set to update the accounting of a completed invoice |
NO_CONTEXT_INTERNAL | No appropriate context has been set to update the accounting of a completed invoice using the internal procedure |
No appropriate context has been set to update the accounting of a completed invoice using the internal procedure |
PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find record using primary or unique key |
Cannot find record using primary or unique key |
P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete, record does not exist |
Cannot delete, record does not exist |
P_DELETE_FAILED_COMP | The invoice is completed and cannot be deleted |
The invoice is completed and cannot be deleted |
P_DELETE_FAILED_MATCH | The invoice has been forwarded to matching and cannot be deleted |
The invoice has been forwarded to matching and cannot be deleted |
RECORD_EXISTS | Cannot create, record already exists |
Cannot create, record already exists |
SDAT_RUCL_MISSING | FTVSDAT does not contain rule class data corresponding to internal rule class %01% |
FTVSDAT does not contain rule class data corresponding to internal rule class %01% |
SUSPENSE_PRIV | Accounting rows cannot be created in suspense unless the appropriate context is set |
Accounting rows cannot be created in suspense unless the appropriate context is set |
USER_FUND_NOT_AUTHORIZED | User %01% is not authorized to post to fund %02% |
User %01% is not authorized to post to fund %02% |
USER_NOT_AUTH | User %01% is not authorized for this type of Invoice |
User %01% is not authorized for this type of Invoice |
USER_NSF_AUTH | User %01% does not have authority to override NSF check |
User %01% does not have authority to over-ride NSF check |
USER_ORGN_NOT_AUTHORIZED | User %01% is not authorized to post to organization %02% |
User %01% is not authorized to post to organization %02% |
ZERO_DOLLAR_APPR | The approved amount cannot be zero. |
The approved amount cannot be zero. |