
Package BANINST1.fb_invoice_acctg_strings

This package contains the error messages and error message functions for FB_INVOICE_ACCTG.

Message NameError Message
ATYP_MISMATCHThe account type cannot be changed when referencing a purchase order.
The account type cannot be changed when referencing a purchase order.
DELETE_FAILED_POThe accounting sequence is associated with a Purchase Order or General Encumbrance and cannot be deleted.
The accounting sequence is associated with a Purchase Order or General Encumbrance and cannot be deleted.
DIRECT_STOCK_INVALIDDirect pay invoice cannot have stock items
Direct pay invoice cannot have stock items
ENCD_NEW_SEQInvoice is associated with an encumbrance and hence cannot create additional accounting sequences
Invoice is associated with an encumbrance and hence cannot create additional accounting sequences
HEADER_ACCT_BANK_MISMATCHInvoice header and accounting bank code must be the same when the Invoice header bank is valued
Invoice header and accounting bank code must be the same when the Invoice header bank is valued
INCORRECT_DOC_ACCTG_ITEMItem value must be zero for document level accounting
Item value must be zero for document level accounting
INCORRECT_PO_CODEValue of Purchase Order code does not match that on header
Value of Purchase Order code does not match that on header
INVALID_ACCI_CODEInvalid value for Index
Invalid value for Index
INVALID_ACCT_CODEInvalid value for Account
Invalid value for Account
INVALID_ACTV_CODEInvalid value for Activity
Invalid value for Activity
INVALID_ADDL_AMT_PCTInvalid value for Additional Amount Percentage
Invalid value for Additional Amount Percentage
INVALID_ADDL_CHRG_AMTInvalid value for Additional Charge Amount
Invalid value for Additional Charge Amount
INVALID_ADDL_RUCL_CODEInvalid value for Additional Rule Class Code
Invalid value for Additional Rule Class Code
INVALID_APPR_AMTInvalid value for Approval Amount
Invalid value for Approval Amount
INVALID_APPR_AMT_PCTInvalid value for Approved Amount Percentage
Invalid value for Approved Amount Percentage
INVALID_APPR_INDInvalid value for Approval Indicator
Invalid value for Approval Indicator
INVALID_BANK_CODEBank %01% is invalid
Bank %01% is invalid
INVALID_CAP_AMTInvalid value for Cap Amount
Invalid value for Cap Amount
INVALID_COAS_CODEInvalid value for Chart of Accounts
Invalid value for Chart of Accounts
INVALID_CONVERT_ADDL_CHRG_AMTInvalid value for Converted Additional Charge Amount
Invalid value for Converted Additional Charge Amount
INVALID_CONVERT_AMTInvalid value for Converted Amount
Invalid value for Converted Amount
INVALID_CONVERT_DISC_AMTInvalid value for Converted Discount Amount
Invalid value for Converted Discount Amount
INVALID_CONVERT_TAX_AMTInvalid value for Converted Tax Amount
Invalid value for Converted Tax Amount
INVALID_DATA_ORIGINInvalid value for Data Origin
Invalid value for Data Origin
INVALID_DISC_AMTInvalid value for Discount Amount
Invalid value for Discount Amount
INVALID_DISC_AMT_PCTInvalid value for Discount Amount Percentage
Invalid value for Discount Amount Percentage
INVALID_DISC_RUCL_CODEInvalid value for Discount Rule Class Code
Invalid value for Discount Rule Class Code
INVALID_EOY_ACCR_STATUS_INDInvalid value for End of Year Accrual Status Indicator
Invalid value for End of Year Accrual Status Indicator
INVALID_FSYR_CODEInvalid value for Fiscal Year Code
Invalid value for Fiscal Year Code
INVALID_FUND_CODEInvalid value for Fund
Invalid value for Fund
INVALID_INVH_CODEInvalid value for Invoice Code
Invalid value for Invoice Code
INVALID_ITEMInvalid value for Commodity
Invalid value for Commodity
INVALID_ITYP_SEQ_CODEInvalid value for Income Type Sequence Code
Invalid value for Income Type Sequence Code
INVALID_LOCN_CODEInvalid value for Location
Invalid value for Location
INVALID_NSF_OVERRIDE_IND%01% is an invalid value for NSF Override Indicator
%01% is an invalid value for NSF Over-ride Indicator
INVALID_NSF_SUSP_INDInvalid value for NSF Suspend Indicator
Invalid value for NSF Suspend Indicator
INVALID_OPEN_PAID_INDInvalid value for Open Paid Indicator
Invalid value for Open Paid Indicator
INVALID_ORGN_CODEInvalid value for Organization
Invalid value for Organization
INVALID_PARTIAL_LIQ_INDInvalid value for Partial Liquidation Indicator
Invalid value for Partial Liquidation Indicator
INVALID_PERIODInvalid value for Fiscal Period
Invalid value for Fiscal Period
INVALID_POHD_CODEInvalid value for Purchase Order Code
Invalid value for Purchase Order Code
INVALID_PO_ITEMInvalid value for Purchase Order Commodity
Invalid value for Purchase Order Commodity
INVALID_PREV_PAID_AMTInvalid value for Previous Paid Amount
Invalid value for Previous Paid Amount
INVALID_PROG_CODEInvalid value for Program
Invalid value for Program
INVALID_PROJ_CODEInvalid value for Project
Invalid value for Project
INVALID_RUCL_CODEInvalid value for Rule Class Code
Invalid value for Rule Class Code
INVALID_SEQ_NUMInvalid value for Sequence Number
Invalid value for Sequence Number
INVALID_SUSP_INDInvalid value for Suspend Indicator
Invalid value for Suspend Indicator
INVALID_TAX_AMTInvalid value for Tax Amount
Invalid value for Tax Amount
INVALID_TAX_AMT_PCTInvalid value for Tax Amount Percentage
Invalid value for Tax Amount Percentage
INVALID_TAX_RUCL_CODEInvalid value for Tax Rule Class Code
Invalid value for Tax Rule Class Code
INVALID_USER_IDInvalid value for User ID
Invalid value for User ID
INVOICE_CANCELLEDThe invoice %01% is cancelled and cannot be updated
The invoice %01% is cancelled and cannot be updated
INVOICE_COMPLETEThe invoice %01% is completed and cannot be updated
The invoice %01% is completed and cannot be updated
ITYP_VALUE_1099ITYP must be valued only for 1099 invoices
ITYP must be valued only for 1099 invoices
MISSING_BANKValue for bank is missing on the Accounting as well as the Invoice Header
Value for bank is missing on the Accounting as well as the Invoice Header
MISSING_HEADERThere is no invoice header corresponding to this accounting
There is no invoice header corresponding to this accounting
MISSING_INVH_CODEMissing mandatory value for Invoice code
Missing mandatory value for Invoice code
MISSING_ITEMThere are no commodities found for this invoice
There are no commodities found for this invoice
MISSING_NSF_SUSP_INDMissing mandatory value for NSF Suspend Indicator
Missing mandatory value for NSF Suspend Indicator
MISSING_RUCL_CODEMissing mandatory value for Rule Class Code
Missing mandatory value for Rule Class Code
MISSING_SEQ_NUMMissing mandatory value for Accounting Sequence number
Missing mandatory value for Accounting Sequence number
MISSING_SUSP_INDMissing mandatory value for Suspend Indicator
Missing mandatory value for Suspend Indicator
MISSING_USER_IDMissing mandatory value for User ID
Missing mandatory value for User ID
NO_CONTEXTNo appropriate context has been set to update the accounting of a completed invoice
No appropriate context has been set to update the accounting of a completed invoice
NO_CONTEXT_INTERNALNo appropriate context has been set to update the accounting of a completed invoice using the internal procedure
No appropriate context has been set to update the accounting of a completed invoice using the internal procedure
PK_NOT_FOUNDCannot find record using primary or unique key
Cannot find record using primary or unique key
P_DELETE_FAILEDCannot delete, record does not exist
Cannot delete, record does not exist
P_DELETE_FAILED_COMPThe invoice is completed and cannot be deleted
The invoice is completed and cannot be deleted
P_DELETE_FAILED_MATCHThe invoice has been forwarded to matching and cannot be deleted
The invoice has been forwarded to matching and cannot be deleted
RECORD_EXISTSCannot create, record already exists
Cannot create, record already exists
SDAT_RUCL_MISSINGFTVSDAT does not contain rule class data corresponding to internal rule class %01%
FTVSDAT does not contain rule class data corresponding to internal rule class %01%
SUSPENSE_PRIVAccounting rows cannot be created in suspense unless the appropriate context is set
Accounting rows cannot be created in suspense unless the appropriate context is set
USER_FUND_NOT_AUTHORIZEDUser %01% is not authorized to post to fund %02%
User %01% is not authorized to post to fund %02%
USER_NOT_AUTHUser %01% is not authorized for this type of Invoice
User %01% is not authorized for this type of Invoice
USER_NSF_AUTHUser %01% does not have authority to override NSF check
User %01% does not have authority to over-ride NSF check
USER_ORGN_NOT_AUTHORIZEDUser %01% is not authorized to post to organization %02%
User %01% is not authorized to post to organization %02%
ZERO_DOLLAR_APPRThe approved amount cannot be zero.
The approved amount cannot be zero.

Program units
f_get_error   Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

error_tab   Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


error_tab gb_common_strings.errmsg_tab_type;

Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


Function f_get_error(p_errorname VARCHAR2)
  RETURN gb_common_strings.err_type

Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

p_errorname   Name associated with the error message.