
Package BANINST1.fb_common

Utility functions and procedures for Banner Finance APIs.

Program units
f_api_version   Returns the API version number.
f_get_vendor_ap_ach_status   Returns the accounts payable ACH status of the vendor, address type and address sequence combination
f_get_vend_direct_deposit   Returns the accounts payable direct deposit record for the vendor, address type and address sequence combination
f_is_doc_posted   Returns Y if a document has an entry in the transaction history table FGBTRNH
f_is_bank_code_valid   This function returns a Y if the passed in bank code is valid and returns an N if the bank code either does not exist in the bank table or is not effective or has been terminated.
f_get_base_currency   Returns the base currency of the institution.
f_check_run_in_progress   Returns TRUE if a check run is in progress
f_is_enc_rolled   Function that returns a Y if encumbrances have been rolled for the chart and fiscal year.
p_raise_error   This procedure accepts errors stored in a PL/SQL table type format.
p_calc_pct_amt   Procedure to calculate amounts and percents.
p_calc_pct_amt   Procedure to calculate the approved, discount, additional charge and tax amounts.
p_calc_convert_amts   Procedure to calculate converted amounts.
f_set_unspecified   Function to compare the first parameter which is the old value and the second parameter which is the new value and return the new value if it is different from the old value or return dml_common.unspecified_string if both values are identical.
f_set_unspecified   Function to compare the first parameter which is the old value and the second parameter which is the new value and return the new value if it is different from the old value or return dml_common.unspecified_number if both values are identical.
f_set_unspecified   Function to compare the first parameter which is the old value and the second parameter which is the new value and return the new value if it is different from the old value or return dml_common.unspecified_date if both values are identical.
f_get_gjbprun_value   Function to return the user entered value for a job parameter from the job submission table GJBPRUN.



gjbprun_c   Cursor to return all values entered by a user for a parameter during job submission.
fgbtrnh_c   Cursor to return data from the fgbtrnh table


CURRENCY_MASK CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := '999G999G999G999G999G990D99';


SUBTYPE currency_summary_type IS NUMBER(20,2);


TYPE finance_rectype IS RECORD (
  r_rucl_code         fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_rucl_code%type,
  r_eff_date          DATE,
  r_acci_code         fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_acci_code%type,
  r_accrual_ind       fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_accrual_ind%type,
  r_acct_code         fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_acct_code%type,
  r_activity_date     DATE,
  r_actv_code         fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_actv_code%type,
  r_auto_jrnl_id      fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_auto_jrnl_id%type,
  r_bank_code         gxvbank.gxvbank_bank_code%type,
  r_budget_period     fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_budget_period%type,
  r_bud_dispn         fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_bud_dispn%type,
  r_bud_id            fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_bud_id%type,
  r_check_user_auth   VARCHAR2(1),
  r_cmt_pct           fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_cmt_pct%type,
  r_cmt_type          fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_cmt_type%type,
  r_coas_code         fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_coas_code%type,
  r_curr_code         fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_curr_code%type,
  r_dep_num           fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_dep_num%type,
  r_dist_pct          fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_dist_pct%type,
  r_doc_code          fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_doc_code%type,
  r_doc_seq_code      fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_doc_seq_code%type,
  r_doc_ref_num       fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_doc_ref_num%type,
  r_dr_cr_ind         fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_dr_cr_ind%type,
  r_encb_action_ind   VARCHAR2(1),
  r_encb_num          fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_doc_code%type,
  r_encb_type         fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_encb_type%type,
  r_encd_item_num     fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_encd_item_num%type,
  r_encd_seq_num      fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_seq_num%type,
  r_fsyr_code         fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_fsyr_code%type,
  r_fund_code         fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_fund_code%type,
  r_item_num          fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_item_num%type,
  r_locn_code         fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_locn_code%type,
  r_orgn_code         fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_orgn_code%type,
  r_posting_period    fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_posting_period%type,
  r_prjd_code         fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_prjd_code%type,
  r_prog_code         fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_prog_code%type,
  r_reversal_ind      fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_reversal_ind%type,
  r_seq_num           fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_seq_num%type,
  r_status_ind        VARCHAR2(1),
  r_submission_number fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_submission_number%type,
  r_trans_amt         fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_trans_amt%type,
  r_trans_date        fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_trans_date%type,
  r_trans_desc        fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_trans_desc%type,
  r_user_id           fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_user_id%type,
  r_vendor_pidm       fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_vendor_pidm%type);


TYPE err_rectype IS RECORD (
    r_edit_field    ftvedit.ftvedit_field%TYPE,
    r_edit_seq_num  ftvedit.ftvedit_edit_seq_num%TYPE,
    r_edit_code     ftvedit.ftvedit_edit_code%TYPE,
    r_err_desc      ftvsdat.ftvsdat_title%TYPE,
    r_error_message gb_common_strings.err_type);


TYPE err_tabtype IS TABLE OF err_rectype
                      INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;


CURSOR gjbprun_c ( prun_job       gjbprun.gjbprun_job%TYPE,
                   prun_one_up_no gjbprun.gjbprun_one_up_no%TYPE,
                   prun_number    gjbprun.gjbprun_number%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)

Cursor to return all values entered by a user for a parameter during job submission.
One row will be returned if the parameter accepts only a single value.
Multiple rows will be returned if the parameter can have multiple values.
If no parameter number is passed in, all parameter values are returned.


cursor fgbtrnh_c(
        p_doc_code          fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_doc_code%type,
        p_doc_seq_code      fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_doc_seq_code%type,
        p_item_num          fgbtrnh.FGBTRNH_ITEM_NUM%type DEFAULT NULL,
        p_seq_num           fgbtrnh.FGBTRNH_SEQ_NUM%type DEFAULT NULL,
        p_submission_number fgbtrnh.FGBTRNH_SUBMISSION_NUMBER%type DEFAULT NULL,
        p_reversal_ind      fgbtrnh.FGBTRNH_REVERSAL_IND%type DEFAULT NULL,
        p_serial_num        fgbtrnh.FGBTRNH_SERIAL_NUM%type DEFAULT NULL )

Cursor to return data from the fgbtrnh table


Function f_api_version RETURN PLS_INTEGER

Returns the API version number.

Version of the API signature. Changes only when the signature changes.


Function f_get_vendor_ap_ach_status(p_vend_pidm    ftvvend.ftvvend_pidm%type,
                                    p_atyp_code    ftvvend.ftvvend_atyp_code%type DEFAULT NULL,
                                    p_atyp_seq_num ftvvend.ftvvend_addr_seqno%type DEFAULT NULL)
  RETURN gxrdird.gxrdird_status%TYPE

Returns the accounts payable ACH status of the vendor, address type and address sequence combination

p_vend_pidm   The internal number for this vendor
p_atyp_code   The address type for the vendor
p_atyp_seq_num   The address sequence for the vendor returns the gxrdird status


Function f_get_vend_direct_deposit(p_vend_pidm    ftvvend.ftvvend_pidm%type,
                                   p_atyp_code    ftvvend.ftvvend_atyp_code%type DEFAULT NULL,
                                   p_atyp_seq_num ftvvend.ftvvend_addr_seqno%type DEFAULT NULL)

Returns the accounts payable direct deposit record for the vendor, address type and address sequence combination

p_vend_pidm   The internal number for this vendor
p_atyp_code   The address type for the vendor
p_atyp_seq_num   The address sequence for the vendor returns the gxrdird record


Function f_is_doc_posted(p_doc_code          fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_doc_code%type,
                         p_doc_seq_code      fgbtrnh.fgbtrnh_doc_seq_code%type,
                         p_item_num          fgbtrnh.FGBTRNH_ITEM_NUM%type DEFAULT NULL,
                         p_seq_num           fgbtrnh.FGBTRNH_SEQ_NUM%type DEFAULT NULL,
                         p_submission_number fgbtrnh.FGBTRNH_SUBMISSION_NUMBER%type DEFAULT NULL,
                         p_reversal_ind      fgbtrnh.FGBTRNH_REVERSAL_IND%type DEFAULT NULL,
                         p_serial_num        fgbtrnh.FGBTRNH_SERIAL_NUM%type DEFAULT NULL)

Returns Y if a document has an entry in the transaction history table FGBTRNH
  and N if the entry does not exist in FGBTRNH. The document code parameter p_doc_code
  and document type parameter p_doc_seq_code are required.

p_doc_code   The document code - required
p_doc_seq_code   The type of the document. eg. 1 for requisition, 2 for PO, 3 for invoice. - required
p_item_num   The item number of the document
p_seq_num   The sequence number of the document
p_submission_number   The submission number of the document
p_reversal_ind   The reversal indicator. Populate if checking for a cancelled document.
p_serial_num   The serial number


Function f_is_bank_code_valid(p_bank_code  gxvbank.gxvbank_bank_code%TYPE,
                              p_trans_date DATE,
                              p_coas_code  ftvcoas.ftvcoas_coas_code%type default NULL)

This function returns a Y if the passed in bank code is valid and returns an N if the bank code either does not exist in the bank table or is not effective or has been terminated.

p_bank_code   The bank code that is to be validated.
p_trans_date   The date against which the bank code should be validated.


Function f_get_base_currency RETURN gubinst.gubinst_base_curr_code%type

Returns the base currency of the institution.


Function f_check_run_in_progress RETURN BOOLEAN

Returns TRUE if a check run is in progress


Function f_is_enc_rolled(p_coas_code FTVFSYR.FTVFSYR_COAS_CODE%TYPE,
                         p_fsyr_code FTVFSYR.FTVFSYR_FSYR_CODE%TYPE)

Function that returns a Y if encumbrances have been rolled for the chart and fiscal year.
Returns an N if they have not been rolled.

p_coas_code   The chart of accounts code.  Required. VARCHAR2(1).
p_fsyr_code   The fiscal year code for which this check is being made. Required. VARCHAR2(2).


Procedure p_raise_error(p_err_tab fb_common.err_tabtype)

This procedure accepts errors stored in a PL/SQL table type format.
The errors are concatenated into a string and then an oracle exception is raised with the error string.

p_err_tab   A PL/SQL table type composed of individual error strings.


Procedure p_calc_pct_amt(p_pct          IN OUT NUMBER,
                         p_amt          IN OUT NUMBER,
                         p_error_out    OUT VARCHAR2,
                         p_total_amt    NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
                         p_round_pct_to NUMBER DEFAULT 4,
                         p_round_amt_to NUMBER DEFAULT 2)

Procedure to calculate amounts and percents.

p_pct   The percentage value . Either percent or amount is required.
p_amt   The amount. Either percent or amount is required.
p_error_out   Any error message returned by the procedure
p_total_amt   The amount used to calculate the percent..
p_round_pct_to   The decimal number to which the percent value should be rounded to.
p_round_amt_to   The decimal number to which the amount should be rounded to.


Procedure p_calc_pct_amt(p_appr_pct     IN OUT NUMBER,
                         p_appr_amt     IN OUT NUMBER,
                         p_disc_pct     IN OUT NUMBER,
                         p_disc_amt     IN OUT NUMBER,
                         p_addl_pct     IN OUT NUMBER,
                         p_addl_amt     IN OUT NUMBER,
                         p_tax_pct      IN OUT NUMBER,
                         p_tax_amt      IN OUT NUMBER,
                         p_error_out    OUT VARCHAR2,
                         p_total_appr   NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
                         p_total_disc   NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
                         p_total_addl   NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
                         p_total_tax    NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
                         p_round_pct_to NUMBER DEFAULT 4,
                         p_round_amt_to NUMBER DEFAULT 2)

Procedure to calculate the approved, discount, additional charge and tax amounts. This procedure is used in the requisition, purchase order and invoice APIs.

p_appr_pct   The ratio of the approved amount to the total approved amount.
p_appr_amt   The approved amount.
p_disc_pct   The ratio of the discount amount to the total discount amount.
p_disc_amt   The discount amount.
p_addl_pct   The ratio of the additional charge amount to the total additional charge amount.
p_addl_amt   The additional charge amount.
p_tax_pct   The ratio of the tax amount to the total tax amount.
p_tax_amt   The tax amount.
p_total_appr   The total approved amount used to calculate the approved amount and percent.
p_total_disc   The total discount amount used to calculate the discount amount and percent.
p_total_addl   The total additional charge amount used to calculate the additional charge amount and percent.
p_total_tax   The total tax amount used to calculate the tax amount and percent.
p_error_out   Any error message generated by the procedure during the calculations.
p_round_pct_to   The decimal number to which the percent value should be rounded to.
p_round_amt_to   The decimal number to which the amount should be rounded to.


Procedure p_calc_convert_amts(p_unit_price         NUMBER,
                              p_disc_amt           NUMBER,
                              p_addl_amt           NUMBER,
                              p_tax_amt            NUMBER,
                              p_convert_unit_price OUT NUMBER,
                              p_convert_disc_amt   OUT NUMBER,
                              p_convert_addl_amt   OUT NUMBER,
                              p_convert_tax_amt    OUT NUMBER,
                              p_curr_code          VARCHAR2,
                              p_trans_date         DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE)

Procedure to calculate converted amounts. This procedure is used by the requisition, purchase order and invoice APIs.

p_unit_price   The unit price of an item in foreign currency.
p_disc_amt   The discount amount in foreign currency.
p_addl_amt   The additional charge amount in foreign currency.
p_tax_amt   The tax amount in foreign currency.
p_convert_unit_price   The unit price in base currency.
p_convert_disc_amt   The discount amount in base currency.
p_convert_addl_amt   The additional charge amount in base currency.
p_convert_tax_amt   The tax amount in base currency.
p_curr_code   The foreign currency code.
p_trans_date   The date based on which the currency conversion rate is to be calculated.


Function f_set_unspecified(p_old_value VARCHAR2, p_new_value VARCHAR2)

Function to compare the first parameter which is the old value and the second parameter which is the new value and return the new value if it is different from the old value or return dml_common.unspecified_string if both values are identical.  Null is considered a unique value.

p_old_value   VARCHAR2
p_new_value   VARCHAR2


Function f_set_unspecified(p_old_value NUMBER, p_new_value NUMBER)

Function to compare the first parameter which is the old value and the second parameter which is the new value and return the new value if it is different from the old value or return dml_common.unspecified_number if both values are identical.  Null is considered a unique value.

p_old_value   NUMBER
p_new_value   NUMBER


Function f_set_unspecified(p_old_value DATE, p_new_value DATE) RETURN DATE

Function to compare the first parameter which is the old value and the second parameter which is the new value and return the new value if it is different from the old value or return dml_common.unspecified_date if both values are identical.  Null is considered a unique value.

p_old_value   DATE
p_new_value   DATE


Function f_get_gjbprun_value(p_gjbprun_job       gjbprun.gjbprun_job%TYPE,
                             p_gjbprun_one_up_no gjbprun.gjbprun_one_up_no%TYPE,
                             p_gjbprun_number    gjbprun.gjbprun_number%TYPE)
  RETURN gjbprun.gjbprun_value%TYPE

Function to return the user entered value for a job parameter from the job submission table GJBPRUN.

p_gjbprun_job   The name of the job that is being submitted. Must exist in the jobs table GJBJOBS. VARCHAR2
p_gjbprun_one_up_no   The unique one up number created by the job submissions form. NUMBER
p_gjbprun_number   The number of the parameter whose value is being selected.

The user entered value for the parameter.  This value is entered by the user in the job submission form GJAPCTL.