Banner Business Entity and Business Process APIs - Human Resources
Release 8.10

nb_common This package provides utility functions and procedures for the Banner HR APIs.
nb_ea_comments This package provides the Common Business interface for an Electronic Approvals Comment.
nb_ea_comments_rules This package provides messaging support and field validations for the Electronic Approvals Comments API.
nb_ea_comments_strings This package contains error messages and error message functions for the Electronic Approvals Comments API.
nb_ea_group_category This package provides the Common Business interface for an Electronic Approvals Group Category
nb_ea_group_category_rules This package provides messaging support and field validations for the Electronic Approvals Group Category API.
nb_ea_group_category_strings This package contains error messages and error message functions for the Electronic Approvals Group Category API.
nb_ea_group_user The Electronic Approvals Group User API establishes valid originators for an approval group.
nb_ea_group_user_rules This package provides messaging support and field validations for the Electronic Approvals User API.
nb_ea_group_user_strings This package contains error messages and error message functions for the Electronic Approvals Group User API.
nb_effcert_addl_queue This package provides the common business interface for the Effort Certification Additional Queue Members API (NB_EFFCERT_ADDL_QUEUE).
nb_effcert_addl_queue_rules This package provides messaging support and field validations for the Effort Certification Additional Queue Members API (NB_EFFCERT_ADDL_QUEUE).
nb_effcert_addl_queue_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Effort Certification Additional Queue Members API (NB_EFFCERT_ADDL_QUEUE).
nb_effcert_category This package provides the common business interface for the Effort Certification Category Rule API (NB_EFFCERT_CATEGORY).
nb_effcert_category_rules This package provides messaging support and field validations for the Effort Certification Category Rule API (NB_EFFCERT_CATEGORY).
nb_effcert_category_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Effort Certification Category Rule API (NB_EFFCERT_CATEGORY).
nb_effcert_dflt_queue This package provides the common business interface for the Effort Certification Default Queue Rule API (NB_EFFCERT_DFLT_QUEUE).
nb_effcert_dflt_queue_rules This package provides messaging support and field validations for the Effort Certification Default Queue Rule API (NB_EFFCERT_DFLT_QUEUE).
nb_effcert_dflt_queue_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Effort Certification Default Queue Rule API (NB_EFFCERT_DFLT_QUEUE).
nb_effcert_ftyp This package provides the common business interface for the Effort Certification Member Fund Type API (NB_EFFCERT_FTYP).
nb_effcert_ftyp_rules This package provides messaging support and field validations for the Effort Certification Member Fund Type API (NB_EFFCERT_FTYP).
nb_effcert_ftyp_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Effort Certification Member Fund Type API (NB_EFFCERT_FTYP).
nb_job_base This package provides the common business interface for a Job Base (NB_JOB_BASE).
nb_job_base_rules Support subprograms for the Job Base API (nb_job_base).
nb_job_base_strings This package contains error messages and error message functions for the Job Base API (NB_JOB_BASE).
nb_job_detail This package provides the common business interface for Job Detail (NB_JOB_DETAIL).
nb_job_detail_rules Support subprograms for the Job Detail API (nb_job_detail).
nb_job_detail_strings This package contains error messages and error message functions for the Job Detail API (NB_JOB_DETAIL).
nb_job_earnings This package provides the Common Business interface for the Job Earnings API(NB_JOB_EARNINGS).
nb_job_earnings_rules This package provides messaging support and field validations for the Job Earnings API(NB_JOB_EARNINGS).
nb_job_earnings_strings This package contains error messages and error message functions for the Job Earnings API (NB_JOB_EARNINGS).
nb_job_enc_history This package provides the common business interface for the Job Labor Encumbrance History API (NB_JOB_ENC_HISTORY).
nb_job_enc_history_rules This package provides messaging support and field validations for the Job Labor Encumbrance History API (NB_JOB_ENC_HISTORY).
nb_job_enc_history_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Job Labor Encumbrance History API (NB_JOB_ENC_HISTORY).
nb_job_labor This package provides the Common Business interface for JOB LABOR.
nb_job_labor_rules NOTE: Please be advised that this API is currently intended to only support internal operations.
nb_job_labor_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for Job Labor API (NB_JOB_LABOR).
nb_ntvacat Standard functions and procedures for Approval Category Code Validation Form
nb_ntvagrp Standard functions and procedures for Electronic Approval Groups Validation Table
nb_ntveccg Standard functions and procedures for Effort Certification Category Code Validation Table.
nb_ntvecgr Standard functions and procedures for Effort Certification Category Group Code Validation Table.
nb_ntvprxm Standard functions and procedures for Proxy Module Code Validation Table.
nb_ntvqprt Standard functions and procedures for Routing Queue Participant Code Validation Table.
nb_proxy This package provides the common business interface for the Proxy API (NB_PROXY).
nb_proxy_module This package provides the common business interface for the Proxy Module API (NB_PROXY_MODULE).
nb_proxy_module_rules This package provides messaging support and field validations for the Proxy Module API (NB_PROXY_MODULE).
nb_proxy_module_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Proxy Module API (NB_PROXY_MODULE).
nb_proxy_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Proxy API (NB_PROXY).
nb_queue_group This package provides the common business interface for the Routing Queue Group API (NB_QUEUE_GROUP).
nb_queue_group_rules This package provides messaging support and field validations for the Routing Queue Group API (NB_QUEUE_GROUP).
nb_queue_group_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Routing Queue Group API (NB_QUEUE_GROUP).
nb_queue_participant This package provides the common business interface for the Effort Certification Routing Queue Participant Rule API (NB_QUEUE_PARTICIPANT).
nb_queue_participant_rules This package provides messaging support and field validations for the Effort Certification Routing Queue Participant Rule API (NB_QUEUE_PARTICIPANT).
nb_queue_participant_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Effort Certification Routing Queue Participant Rule API (NB_QUEUE_PARTICIPANT).
nb_redistr_addl_queue This package provides the common business interface for the Labor Redistribution Additional Queue Members API (NB_REDISTR_ADDL_QUEUE).
nb_redistr_addl_queue_rules This package provides messaging support and field validations for the Labor Redistribution Additional Queue Members API (NB_REDISTR_ADDL_QUEUE).
nb_redistr_addl_queue_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Labor Redistribution Additional Queue Members API (NB_REDISTR_ADDL_QUEUE).
nb_redistr_dflt_queue This package provides the common business interface for the Labor Redistribution Default Queue API (NB_REDISTR_DFLT_QUEUE).
nb_redistr_dflt_queue_rules This package provides messaging support and field validations for the Labor Redistribution Default Queue API (NB_REDISTR_DFLT_QUEUE).
nb_redistr_dflt_queue_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Labor Redistribution Default Queue API (NB_REDISTR_DFLT_QUEUE).
nb_redistr_ftyp This package provides the common business interface for the Labor Redistribution Member Fund Type API (NB_REDISTR_FTYP).
nb_redistr_ftyp_rules This package provides messaging support and field validations for the Labor Redistribution Member Fund Type API (NB_REDISTR_FTYP).
nb_redistr_ftyp_strings This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Labor Redistribution Member Fund Type API (NB_REDISTR_FTYP).
np_job_assignment This package provides the common business interface for the Job Assignment BPI (NP_JOB_ASSIGNMENT).
np_job_assignment_strings This package contains error messages and error message functions for the Job Assignment BPI (NP_JOB_ASSIGNMENT).
np_job_earnings This package provides the common business interface for the Job Earnings BPI(NP_JOB_EARNINGS).
np_job_labor This business process control API package provides the common business interface for processing Job Labor Distribution set.