
Package nb_job_labor

This package provides the Common Business interface for JOB LABOR.

The Job Labor API establishes information about labor distribution assigned to the job.  Employee job information must exist for the person, when job labor is created.

HR application security is invoked when performing query, create, delete, and update operations.

To query, create, delete, or update data, you must have access to the Employee Class, the Employee Home Organization, the employee's jobs Employer Code, and the employee's maximum jobs salary level. Access to these fields is defined by the User ID in the Banner HR security tables. If access is not granted, a query on the job labor data will result in no data being found. Consequently, the data cannot be created, deleted or updated.

Program units
f_api_version   Returns the API version number.
f_exists   Checks to see if a record exists.
f_isequal   Compares two records for equality.
f_query_all   Selects all records for the entity.
f_query_by_date   Selects all records for the entity as of query date.
f_query_one   Selects one record using key.
f_query_by_rowid   Selects one record using ROWID.
f_query_one_lock   Selects one record and locks it.
f_query_last_effective_date   The f_query_last_effective_date function returns the recent job labor distirbution effective date.
p_create   Creates a record.
p_delete   Deletes a record.
p_lock   Locks a record.
p_update   Updates a record.

job_labor_rec   Business Entity record type
job_labor_ref   Entity cursor variable type
job_labor_tab   Entity table type

M_ENTITY_NAME   Business Entity Name



Business Entity Name


TYPE job_labor_rec IS RECORD (
  r_pidm                            nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_pidm%TYPE,
  r_posn                            nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_posn%TYPE,
  r_suff                            nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_suff%TYPE,
  r_effective_date                  nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_effective_date%TYPE,
  r_coas_code                       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_coas_code%TYPE,
  r_acci_code                       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_acci_code%TYPE,
  r_fund_code                       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_fund_code%TYPE,
  r_orgn_code                       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_orgn_code%TYPE,
  r_acct_code                       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_acct_code%TYPE,
  r_prog_code                       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_prog_code%TYPE,
  r_actv_code                       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_actv_code%TYPE,
  r_locn_code                       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_locn_code%TYPE,
  r_proj_code                       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_proj_code%TYPE,
  r_ctyp_code                       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_ctyp_code%TYPE,
  r_acct_code_external              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_acct_code_external%TYPE,
  r_percent                         nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_percent%TYPE,
  r_encd_num                        nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_encd_num%TYPE,
  r_encd_seq_num                    nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_encd_seq_num%TYPE,
  r_salary_encumbrance              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_salary_encumbrance%TYPE,
  r_salary_enc_to_post              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_salary_enc_to_post%TYPE,
  r_fringe_encumbrance              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_fringe_encumbrance%TYPE,
  r_fringe_enc_to_post              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_fringe_enc_to_post%TYPE,
  r_fund_code_fringe                nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_fund_code_fringe%TYPE,
  r_orgn_code_fringe                nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_orgn_code_fringe%TYPE,
  r_acct_code_fringe                nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_acct_code_fringe%TYPE,
  r_prog_code_fringe                nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_prog_code_fringe%TYPE,
  r_actv_code_fringe                nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_actv_code_fringe%TYPE,
  r_locn_code_fringe                nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_locn_code_fringe%TYPE,
  r_change_ind                      nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_change_ind%TYPE,
  r_fringe_residual                 nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_fringe_residual%TYPE,
  r_fringe_res_to_post              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_fringe_res_to_post%TYPE,
  r_user_id                         nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_user_id%TYPE,
  r_data_origin                     nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_data_origin%TYPE,
  r_future_salary_enc               nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_future_salary_enc%TYPE,
  r_future_fringe_enc               nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_future_fringe_enc%TYPE,
  r_future_fringe_residual          nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_future_fringe_residual%TYPE,
  r_future_sal_enc_to_post          nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_future_sal_enc_to_post%TYPE,
  r_future_frg_enc_to_post          nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_future_frg_enc_to_post%TYPE,
  r_future_frg_res_to_post          nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_future_frg_res_to_post%TYPE,
  r_enc_override_end_date           nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_enc_override_end_date%TYPE,
  r_enc_last_recast_date            nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_enc_last_recast_date%TYPE,
  r_enc_last_calc_date              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_enc_last_calc_date%TYPE,
  r_encd_num_fringe                 nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_encd_num_fringe%TYPE,
  r_encd_seq_num_fringe             nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_encd_seq_num_fringe%TYPE,
  r_internal_record_id              gb_common.internal_record_id_type);

Business Entity record type


TYPE job_labor_ref IS REF CURSOR RETURN job_labor_rec;

Entity cursor variable type


TYPE job_labor_tab IS TABLE OF job_labor_rec INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;

Entity table type


Function f_api_version RETURN PLS_INTEGER

Returns the API version number.

Version of the API signature. Changes only when the signature changes.


Function f_exists(p_rowid gb_common.internal_record_id_type)

Checks to see if a record exists.

p_rowid   Database ROWID of the record to be selected. VARCHAR2(18)

Y if found, otherwise N.


Function f_isequal(rec_one job_labor_rec, rec_two job_labor_rec)

Compares two records for equality.
Tests each field of rec_one against the corresponding field of rec_two. Two null values are considered equal.

rec_one   The first record to compare. Type job_labor_rec Required
rec_two   The second record to compare. Type job_labor_rec Required

Y if all values in records are equal, otherwise N. Nulls match Nulls.


Function f_query_all(p_pidm           nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_pidm%TYPE,
                     p_posn           nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_posn%TYPE,
                     p_suff           nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_suff%TYPE,
                     p_effective_date nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_effective_date%TYPE default null,
                     p_change_ind     nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_change_ind%TYPE default null)
  RETURN job_labor_ref

Selects all records for the entity.

p_pidm   Internal Identification Number of the employee. NUMBER(8) Required
p_posn   Position Number. VARCHAR2(6) Required
p_suff   Suffix of the job. VARCHAR2(2) Required
p_effective_date   Date that the labor distribution record becomes effective. DATE Required

A cursor variable that will fetch the set of records.


Function f_query_by_date(p_pidm       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_pidm%TYPE,
                         p_posn       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_posn%TYPE,
                         p_suff       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_suff%TYPE,
                         p_query_date nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_effective_date%TYPE,
                         p_change_ind nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_change_ind%TYPE default null)
  RETURN job_labor_ref

Selects all records for the entity as of query date.

p_pidm   Internal Identification Number of the employee. NUMBER(8) Required
p_posn   Position Number. VARCHAR2(6) Required
p_suff   Suffix of the job. VARCHAR2(2) Required
p_query_date   Date that the labor distribution record becomes effective. DATE Required

A cursor variable that will fetch the set of records.


Function f_query_one(p_pidm                   nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_pidm%TYPE,
                     p_posn                   nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_posn%TYPE,
                     p_suff                   nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_suff%TYPE,
                     p_effective_date         nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_effective_date%TYPE,
                     p_coas_code              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_coas_code%TYPE,
                     p_acci_code              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_acci_code%TYPE,
                     p_fund_code              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_fund_code%TYPE,
                     p_orgn_code              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_orgn_code%TYPE,
                     p_acct_code              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_acct_code%TYPE,
                     p_prog_code              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_prog_code%TYPE,
                     p_actv_code              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_actv_code%TYPE,
                     p_locn_code              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_locn_code%TYPE,
                     p_proj_code              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_proj_code%TYPE,
                     p_ctyp_code              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_ctyp_code%TYPE,
                     p_acct_code_external     nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_acct_code_external%TYPE,
                     p_percent                nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_percent%TYPE,
                     p_encd_num               nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_encd_num%TYPE,
                     p_encd_seq_num           nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_encd_seq_num%TYPE,
                     p_salary_encumbrance     nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_salary_encumbrance%TYPE,
                     p_salary_enc_to_post     nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_salary_enc_to_post%TYPE,
                     p_fringe_encumbrance     nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_fringe_encumbrance%TYPE,
                     p_fringe_enc_to_post     nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_fringe_enc_to_post%TYPE,
                     p_fund_code_fringe       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_fund_code_fringe%TYPE,
                     p_orgn_code_fringe       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_orgn_code_fringe%TYPE,
                     p_acct_code_fringe       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_acct_code_fringe%TYPE,
                     p_prog_code_fringe       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_prog_code_fringe%TYPE,
                     p_actv_code_fringe       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_actv_code_fringe%TYPE,
                     p_locn_code_fringe       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_locn_code_fringe%TYPE,
                     p_change_ind             nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_change_ind%TYPE,
                     p_fringe_residual        nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_fringe_residual%TYPE,
                     p_fringe_res_to_post     nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_fringe_res_to_post%TYPE,
                     p_user_id                nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_user_id%TYPE,
                     p_data_origin            nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_data_origin%TYPE,
                     p_future_salary_enc      nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_future_salary_enc%TYPE,
                     p_future_fringe_enc      nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_future_fringe_enc%TYPE,
                     p_future_fringe_residual nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_future_fringe_residual%TYPE,
                     p_future_sal_enc_to_post nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_future_sal_enc_to_post%TYPE,
                     p_future_frg_enc_to_post nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_future_frg_enc_to_post%TYPE,
                     p_future_frg_res_to_post nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_future_frg_res_to_post%TYPE,
                     p_enc_override_end_date  nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_enc_override_end_date%TYPE,
                     p_enc_last_recast_date   nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_enc_last_recast_date%TYPE,
                     p_enc_last_calc_date     nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_enc_last_calc_date%TYPE,
                     p_encd_num_fringe        nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_encd_num_fringe%TYPE,
                     p_encd_seq_num_fringe    nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_encd_seq_num_fringe%TYPE)
  RETURN job_labor_ref

Selects one record using key.

p_pidm   Internal Identification Number of the employee. NUMBER(8) Required
p_posn   Position Number. VARCHAR2(6) Required
p_suff   Suffix of the job. VARCHAR2(2) Required
p_effective_date   Date that the labor distribution record becomes effective. DATE Required
p_coas_code   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(1)
p_acci_code   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_fund_code   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_orgn_code   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_acct_code   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_prog_code   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_actv_code   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_locn_code   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_proj_code   Project Code within Finance Cost Accounting Module. VARCHAR2(8)
p_ctyp_code   Cost Type within Finance Cost Accounting Module. VARCHAR2(2)
p_acct_code_external   A free form Account Code to allow update of an accounting system other than Banner Finance. VARCHAR2(60)
p_percent   Percent of pay to be applied to this labor distribution. NUMBER(5,2) Required
p_encd_num   The Encumbrance Number used to interface with Banner Finance. VARCHAR2(8)
p_encd_seq_num   The Encumbrance Sequence Number used to interface with Banner Finance. NUMBER(4)
p_salary_encumbrance   Amount of salary encumbered to this labor distribution for the active fiscal year. NUMBER(11,2)
p_salary_enc_to_post   Amount of salary encumbrance that will be posted to the Finance system. NUMBER(11,2) Required
p_fringe_encumbrance   Amount of fringe benefits encumbered to this labor distribution for the active fiscal year. NUMBER(11,2)
p_fringe_enc_to_post   Amount of fringe benefits encumbrance that will be posted to the Finance system. NUMBER(11,2) Required
p_fund_code_fringe   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_orgn_code_fringe   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_acct_code_fringe   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_prog_code_fringe   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_actv_code_fringe   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_locn_code_fringe   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_change_ind   Specifies if the record is active or to be deleted.  VARCHAR2(1) Required
A   Active
D   Backout (initiated from NBAJOBS LD changes)
F   Fringe Backout (initiated from NTRFBLD LD changes)
H   History.

p_fringe_residual   Fringe encumbrance residual amount assigned to this externally funded labor distribution. NUMBER(11,2)
p_fringe_res_to_post   Amount of fringe encumbrance residual to post to this externally funded labor distribution. NUMBER(11,2)
p_user_id   The Oracle ID of the user who changed the record. VARCHAR2(30)
p_data_origin   Source system that created or updated the row. VARCHAR2(30)
p_future_salary_enc   Amount of salary encumbered to a labor distribution for future fiscal years. NUMBER(17,2)
p_future_fringe_enc   Amount of fringe benefits encumbered to a labor distribution for future fiscal years. NUMBER(17,2)
p_future_fringe_residual   Amount of fringe encumbrance residual assigned to a labor distribution for future fiscal years. NUMBER(17,2)
p_future_sal_enc_to_post   Amount of future salary encumbrance that will be posted to finance system for specified labor distribution. NUMBER(17,2)
p_future_frg_enc_to_post   Amount of future fringe benefit encumbrance that will be posted to finance system for specified labor distribution. NUMBER(17,2)
p_future_frg_res_to_post   Amount of future fringe encumbrance residual that will be posted to finance system for specified externally funded labor distribution. NUMBER(17,2)
p_enc_override_end_date   The end date used to calculate future fiscal year encumbrances for a labor distribution. DATE
p_enc_last_recast_date   The Recast date of the last run of NBPENCM. DATE
p_enc_last_calc_date   The Capture Date of the last NBPENCM run. DATE
p_encd_num_fringe   The Fringe Encumbrance Number used to interface with Banner Finance. VARCHAR2(8)
p_encd_seq_num_fringe   The Fringe Encumbrance Sequence Number used to interface with Banner Finance. NUMBER(4)

A cursor variable that will fetch exactly one record.


Function f_query_by_rowid(p_rowid gb_common.internal_record_id_type)
  RETURN job_labor_ref

Selects one record using ROWID.

p_rowid   Database ROWID of the record to be selected. VARCHAR2(18) Required

A cursor variable that will fetch exactly one record.


Function f_query_one_lock(p_rowid gb_common.internal_record_id_type)
  RETURN job_labor_ref

Selects one record and locks it.

p_rowid   Database ROWID of the record to be selected. VARCHAR2(18)

A cursor variable for one record, locking the record.


Function f_query_last_effective_date(p_pidm NBRJLBD.NBRJLBD_PIDM%TYPE,
                                     p_posn NBRJLBD.NBRJLBD_POSN%TYPE,
                                     p_suff NBRJLBD.NBRJLBD_SUFF%TYPE)

The f_query_last_effective_date function returns the recent job labor distirbution effective date.

p_pidm   Internal Identification Number of the employee. NUMBER(8) Required
p_posn   Position Number. VARCHAR2(6) Required
p_suff   Suffix of the job. VARCHAR2(2) Required


Procedure p_create(p_pidm                   nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_pidm%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_posn                   nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_posn%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_suff                   nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_suff%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_effective_date         nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_effective_date%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_date,
                   p_coas_code              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_acci_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_acci_code              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_acci_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_fund_code              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_fund_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_orgn_code              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_orgn_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_acct_code              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_acct_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_prog_code              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_prog_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_actv_code              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_actv_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_locn_code              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_locn_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_proj_code              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_proj_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_ctyp_code              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_ctyp_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_acct_code_external     nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_acct_code_external%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_percent                nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_percent%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_encd_num               nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_encd_num%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_encd_seq_num           nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_encd_seq_num%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_salary_encumbrance     nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_salary_encumbrance%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_salary_enc_to_post     nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_salary_enc_to_post%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_fringe_encumbrance     nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_fringe_encumbrance%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_fringe_enc_to_post     nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_fringe_enc_to_post%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_fund_code_fringe       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_fund_code_fringe%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_orgn_code_fringe       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_orgn_code_fringe%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_acct_code_fringe       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_acct_code_fringe%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_prog_code_fringe       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_prog_code_fringe%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_actv_code_fringe       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_actv_code_fringe%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_locn_code_fringe       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_locn_code_fringe%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_change_ind             nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_change_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_fringe_residual        nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_fringe_residual%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_fringe_res_to_post     nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_fringe_res_to_post%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_user_id                nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
                   p_data_origin            nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_future_salary_enc      nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_future_salary_enc%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_future_fringe_enc      nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_future_fringe_enc%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_future_fringe_residual nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_future_fringe_residual%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_future_sal_enc_to_post nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_future_sal_enc_to_post%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_future_frg_enc_to_post nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_future_frg_enc_to_post%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_future_frg_res_to_post nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_future_frg_res_to_post%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_enc_override_end_date  nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_enc_override_end_date%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_date,
                   p_enc_last_recast_date   nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_enc_last_recast_date%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_date,
                   p_enc_last_calc_date     nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_enc_last_calc_date%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_date,
                   p_encd_num_fringe        nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_encd_num_fringe%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_encd_seq_num_fringe    nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_encd_seq_num_fringe%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_rowid_out              OUT gb_common.internal_record_id_type,
                   p_warnings_out           OUT gb_common_strings.err_type)

Creates a record.

p_pidm   Internal Identification Number of the employee. NUMBER(8) Required
p_posn   Position Number. VARCHAR2(6) Required
p_suff   Suffix of the job. VARCHAR2(2) Required
p_effective_date   Date that the labor distribution record becomes effective. DATE Required
p_coas_code   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(1)
p_acci_code   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_fund_code   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_orgn_code   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_acct_code   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_prog_code   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_actv_code   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_locn_code   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_proj_code   Project Code within the Finance Cost Accounting Module. VARCHAR2(8)
p_ctyp_code   Cost Type within the Finance Cost Accounting Module. VARCHAR2(2)
p_acct_code_external   A free form Account Code to allow update of an accounting system other than Banner Finance. VARCHAR2(60)
p_percent   Percent of pay to be applied to this labor distribution. NUMBER(5,2) Required
p_encd_num   The Encumbrance Number used to interface with Banner Finance. VARCHAR2(8)
p_encd_seq_num   The Encumbrance Sequence Number used to interface with Banner Finance. NUMBER(4)
p_salary_encumbrance   Amount of salary encumbered to this labor distribution for the active fiscal year. NUMBER(11,2)
p_salary_enc_to_post   Amount of salary encumbrance that will be posted to the Finance system. NUMBER(11,2) Required
p_fringe_encumbrance   Amount of fringe benefits encumbered to this labor distribution for the active fiscal year. NUMBER(11,2)
p_fringe_enc_to_post   Amount of fringe benefits encumbrance that will be posted to the Finance system. NUMBER(11,2) Required
p_fund_code_fringe   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_orgn_code_fringe   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_acct_code_fringe   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_prog_code_fringe   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_actv_code_fringe   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_locn_code_fringe   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_change_ind   Specifies if the record is active or to be deleted.  VARCHAR2(1) Required
A   Active
D   Backout (initiated from NBAJOBS LD changes)
F   Fringe Backout (initiated from NTRFBLD LD changes)
H   History.

p_fringe_residual   Fringe encumbrance residual amount assigned to this externally funded labor distribution. NUMBER(11,2)
p_fringe_res_to_post   Amount of fringe encumbrance residual to post to this externally funded labor distribution. NUMBER(11,2)
p_user_id   The Oracle ID of the user who changed the record. VARCHAR2(30)
p_data_origin   Source system that created or updated the row. VARCHAR2(30)
p_future_salary_enc   Amount of salary encumbered to a labor distribution for future fiscal years. NUMBER(17,2)
p_future_fringe_enc   Amount of fringe benefits encumbered to a labor distribution for future fiscal years. NUMBER(17,2)
p_future_fringe_residual   Amount of fringe encumbrance residual assigned to a labor distribution for future fiscal years. NUMBER(17,2)
p_future_sal_enc_to_post   Amount of future salary encumbrance that will be posted to finance system for specified labor distribution. NUMBER(17,2)
p_future_frg_enc_to_post   Amount of future fringe benefit encumbrance that will be posted to finance system for specified labor distribution. NUMBER(17,2)
p_future_frg_res_to_post   Amount of future fringe encumbrance residual that will be posted to finance system for specified externally funded labor distribution. NUMBER(17,2)
p_enc_override_end_date   The end date used to calculate future fiscal year encumbrances for a labor distribution. DATE
p_enc_last_recast_date   The Recast date of the last run of NBPENCM. DATE
p_enc_last_calc_date   The Capture Date of the last NBPENCM run. DATE
p_encd_num_fringe   The Fringe Encumbrance Number used to interface with Banner Finance. VARCHAR2(8)
p_encd_seq_num_fringe   The Fringe Encumbrance Sequence Number used to interface with Banner Finance. NUMBER(4)
p_rowid_out   Database ROWID of the record to be created. VARCHAR2(18) Required


Procedure p_delete(p_rowid gb_common.internal_record_id_type)

Deletes a record.

p_rowid   Database ROWID of the record to be deleted. VARCHAR2(18)


Procedure p_lock(p_rowid_inout IN OUT gb_common.internal_record_id_type)

Locks a record.
If ROWID is not passed in, the record is located using the key values and the ROWID of the locked row is passed in p_rowid_inout

p_rowid_inout   Database ROWID of the record to be locked. VARCHAR2(18) Required


Procedure p_update(p_pidm                   nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_pidm%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_posn                   nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_posn%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_suff                   nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_suff%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_effective_date         nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_effective_date%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_date,
                   p_acci_code              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_acci_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_fund_code              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_fund_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_orgn_code              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_orgn_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_acct_code              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_acct_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_prog_code              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_prog_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_actv_code              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_actv_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_locn_code              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_locn_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_proj_code              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_proj_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_ctyp_code              nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_ctyp_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_acct_code_external     nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_acct_code_external%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_percent                nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_percent%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_encd_num               nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_encd_num%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_encd_seq_num           nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_encd_seq_num%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_salary_encumbrance     nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_salary_encumbrance%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_salary_enc_to_post     nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_salary_enc_to_post%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_fringe_encumbrance     nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_fringe_encumbrance%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_fringe_enc_to_post     nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_fringe_enc_to_post%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_fund_code_fringe       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_fund_code_fringe%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_orgn_code_fringe       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_orgn_code_fringe%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_acct_code_fringe       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_acct_code_fringe%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_prog_code_fringe       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_prog_code_fringe%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_actv_code_fringe       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_actv_code_fringe%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_locn_code_fringe       nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_locn_code_fringe%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_change_ind             nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_change_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_fringe_residual        nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_fringe_residual%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_fringe_res_to_post     nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_fringe_res_to_post%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_user_id                nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
                   p_data_origin            nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_future_salary_enc      nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_future_salary_enc%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_future_fringe_enc      nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_future_fringe_enc%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_future_fringe_residual nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_future_fringe_residual%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_future_sal_enc_to_post nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_future_sal_enc_to_post%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_future_frg_enc_to_post nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_future_frg_enc_to_post%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_future_frg_res_to_post nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_future_frg_res_to_post%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_enc_override_end_date  nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_enc_override_end_date%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_date,
                   p_enc_last_recast_date   nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_enc_last_recast_date%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_date,
                   p_enc_last_calc_date     nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_enc_last_calc_date%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_date,
                   p_encd_num_fringe        nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_encd_num_fringe%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_encd_seq_num_fringe    nbrjlbd.nbrjlbd_encd_seq_num_fringe%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_rowid                  gb_common.internal_record_id_type,
                   p_warnings_out           OUT gb_common_strings.err_type)

Updates a record.

p_pidm   Internal Identification Number of the employee. NUMBER(8) Required
p_posn   Position Number. VARCHAR2(6) Required
p_suff   Suffix of the job. VARCHAR2(2) Required
p_effective_date   Date that the labor distribution record becomes effective. DATE Required
p_coas_code   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(1)
p_acci_code   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_fund_code   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_orgn_code   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_acct_code   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_prog_code   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_actv_code   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_locn_code   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_proj_code   Project Code within the Finance Cost Accounting Module. VARCHAR2(8)
p_ctyp_code   Cost Type within the Finance Cost Accounting Module. VARCHAR2(2)
p_acct_code_external   A free form Account Code to allow update of an accounting system other than Banner Finance. VARCHAR2(60)
p_percent   Percent of pay to be applied to this labor distribution. NUMBER(5,2) Required
p_encd_num   The Encumbrance Number used to interface with Banner Finance. VARCHAR2(8)
p_encd_seq_num   The Encumbrance Sequence Number used to interface with Banner Finance. NUMBER(4)
p_salary_encumbrance   Amount of salary encumbered to this labor distribution for the active fiscal year. NUMBER(11,2)
p_salary_enc_to_post   Amount of salary encumbrance that will be posted to the Finance system. NUMBER(11,2) Required
p_fringe_encumbrance   Amount of fringe benefits encumbered to this labor distribution for the active fiscal year. NUMBER(11,2)
p_fringe_enc_to_post   Amount of fringe benefits encumbrance that will be posted to the Finance system. NUMBER(11,2) Required
p_fund_code_fringe   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_orgn_code_fringe   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_acct_code_fringe   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_prog_code_fringe   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_actv_code_fringe   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_locn_code_fringe   Valued only if Banner Finance is installed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_change_ind   Specifies if the record is active or to be deleted.  VARCHAR2(1) Required
A   Active
D   Backout (initiated from NBAJOBS LD changes)
F   Fringe Backout (initiated from NTRFBLD LD changes)
H   History.

p_fringe_residual   Fringe encumbrance residual amount assigned to this externally funded labor distribution. NUMBER(11,2)
p_fringe_res_to_post   Amount of fringe encumbrance residual to post to this externally funded labor distribution. NUMBER(11,2)
p_user_id   The Oracle ID of the user who changed the record. VARCHAR2(30)
p_data_origin   Source system that created or updated the row. VARCHAR2(30)
p_future_salary_enc   Amount of salary encumbered to a labor distribution for future fiscal years. NUMBER(17,2)
p_future_fringe_enc   Amount of fringe benefits encumbered to a labor distribution for future fiscal years. NUMBER(17,2)
p_future_fringe_residual   Amount of fringe encumbrance residual assigned to a labor distribution for future fiscal years. NUMBER(17,2)
p_future_sal_enc_to_post   Amount of future salary encumbrance that will be posted to finance system for specified labor distribution. NUMBER(17,2)
p_future_frg_enc_to_post   Amount of future fringe benefit encumbrance that will be posted to finance system for specified labor distribution. NUMBER(17,2)
p_future_frg_res_to_post   Amount of future fringe encumbrance residual that will be posted to finance system for specified externally funded labor distribution. NUMBER(17,2)
p_enc_override_end_date   The end date used to calculate future fiscal year encumbrances for a labor distribution. DATE
p_enc_last_recast_date   The Recast date of the last run of NBPENCM. DATE
p_enc_last_calc_date   The Capture Date of the last NBPENCM run. DATE
p_encd_num_fringe   The Fringe Encumbrance Number used to interface with Banner Finance. VARCHAR2(8)
p_encd_seq_num_fringe   The Fringe Encumbrance Sequence Number used to interface with Banner Finance. NUMBER(4)
p_rowid   Database ROWID of the record to be updated. VARCHAR2(18)