
Package nb_queue_participant_strings

This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Effort Certification Routing Queue Participant Rule API (NB_QUEUE_PARTICIPANT).

Message NameError Message
INVALID_CATCH_ALL_GROUP_INDInvalid Catch All Group Indicator for Routing Queue Participant Rule. Valid Values are (Y)es and (N)o.
Invalid Catch All Group Indicator for Routing Queue Participant, Valid Values: (Y)es and (N)o.
INVALID_COAS_CODEInvalid Chart of Accounts for Routing Queue Participant Rule.
An invalid Chart of Accounts parameter was provided when calling a function or procedure in the Routing Queue Participant Rule API (NB_QUEUE_PARTICIPANT). The code must exist in the Chart of Accounts Validation table (FTVCOAS).
INVALID_DATA_SOURCE_TYPEInvalid Participant Data Source for Routing Queue Participant Rule. Valid Values are (F)und, (G)rant, (O)rganization and (M)Group.
Invalid Participant Data Source for Routing Queue Participant, Valid Values: (F)und, (G)rant, (O)rganization and (M)Group.
INVALID_GRANT_PERSONNELCannot update Personnel Indicator, Participant Data Source is not Grant for Routing Queue Participant Rule.
The Personnel Indicator cannot be updated as the Participant Data Source is not Grant for Routing Queue Participant Rule.
INVALID_GROUP_CATCHCannot update Catch All Group Indicator, Participant Data Source is not Group for Routing Queue Participant Rule.
The Catch All Group Indicator cannot be updated as the Participant Data Source is not Group for Routing Queue Participant Rule.
MISSING_GRANT_PERSONNELParticipant defined as Grant, Personnel Indicator is required.
Personnel Indicator must be provided as the Participant Data Sours is Grant.
INVALID_PERSONNEL_IDInvalid Grant Personnel Indicator for Routing Queue Participant Rule.
Invalid Grant Personnel Indicator for Routing Queue Participant, Valid Values: (Y)es and (N)o.
INVALID_QPRT_CODEInvalid Routing Queue Participant for Routing Queue Participant Rule.
An invalid Routing Queue Participant parameter was provided when calling a function or procedure in the Routing Queue Participant Rule API (NB_QUEUE_PARTICIPANT). The code must exist in the Routing Queue Participant Validation table (NTVQPRT).
MISSING_CATCH_ALL_GROUP_INDMissing mandatory Catch All Group Indicator for Routing Queue Participant Rule.
A Catch All Group Indicator must be provided. Valid values are: (Y)es and (N)o.
MISSING_COAS_CODEMissing mandatory Chart of Accounts for Routing Queue Participant Rule.
The Chart of Accounts parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Routing Queue Participant Rule API (NB_QUEUE_PARTICIPANT). This parameter is a key value for the QUEUE_PARTICIPANT entity and must be provided.
MISSING_DATA_SOURCE_TYPEMissing mandatory Participant Data Source for Routing Queue Participant Rule.
A Participant Data Source must be provided. Valid values are: (F)und, (G)rant, (O)rganization and (M)Group.
MISSING_QPRT_CODEMissing mandatory Routing Queue Participant for Routing Queue Participant Rule.
The Routing Queue Participant parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Routing Queue Participant Rule API (NB_QUEUE_PARTICIPANT). This parameter is a key value for the QUEUE_PARTICIPANT entity and must be provided.
PK_NOT_FOUNDCannot update Routing Queue Participant Rule, record does not exist.
The combination of required parameters does not refer to an existing QUEUE_PARTICIPANT entity.
P_CHILD_EXISTSCannot delete Routing Queue Participant Rule, Effort Certification Default Queue Rules exist.
An attempt was made to delete a QUEUE_PARTICIPANT record, but a child record with these key values was found.
P_DELETE_FAILEDCannot delete Routing Queue Participant Rule, record does not exist.
An attempt was made to delete a QUEUE_PARTICIPANT record, but a record with these key values (or rowid) could not be found.
P_GROUP_EXISTSCannot delete Routing Queue Participant Rule, Routing Queue Groups exist.
An attempt was made to delete a QUEUE_PARTICIPANT record, but a child record with these key values was found.
P_NTRLRDQ_EXISTSCannot delete Routing Queue Participant Rule, Labor Redistribution Default Queue Rules exist.
An attempt was made to delete a QUEUE_PARTICIPANT record, but a child record with these key values was found.
P_UPDATE_CATCH_ALL_FAILCannot update Catch All Group Indicator for Routing Queue Participant Rule, Default Routing Queue Action must be Approve.
An attempt was made to update a QUEUE_PARTICIPANT record, but Default Routing Queue Action must be Approve.
P_UPDATE_DATA_SOURCE_FAILCannot update Participant Data Source for Routing Queue Participant Rule, Participant Data Source is used in one or more Default Routing Queues.
An attempt was made to update a QUEUE_PARTICIPANT record, but Data Source is used in one or more Default Routing Queues.
RECORD_EXISTSCannot create Routing Queue Participant Rule, record already exists.
An attempt was made to create a new QUEUE_PARTICIPANT record, but a record already exists with these key values.

Program units
f_get_error   Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

error_tab   Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


error_tab gb_common_strings.errmsg_tab_type;

Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


Function f_get_error(p_errorname VARCHAR2)
  RETURN gb_common_strings.err_type

Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

p_errorname   Name associated with the error message.