Message Name | Error Message |
ILLEGAL_FACL_STATSCAN_REPT_IND | Faculty Stats Canada Report Indicator for Job Base only allowed for Canadian, Higher Education installations. |
Omit the Faculty Stats Canada Report Indicator parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API. |
ILLEGAL_SALARY_ENCUMBRANCE | Salary Encumbrance for Job Base not allowed when Employee Class Salary Encumbrance Indicator is set to System Calculated or Hours Input. |
Omit the Salary Encumbrance parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API. |
ILLEGAL_ANN_SALARY | Annual Salary for Job Detail cannot be changed unless Salary Step is zero. |
Omit the Annual Salary parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
ILLEGAL_ASSGN_SALARY | Assignment Salary for Job Detail cannot be changed unless Salary Step is zero. |
Omit the Assignment Salary parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API./TD> |
ILLEGAL_ASSN_CODE | STRS Assignment for Job Detail not allowed when Banner Payroll not installed. |
Omit the STRS Assignment parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
ILLEGAL_DFPR_CODE | Defer Pay for Job Detail not allowed when Banner Payroll not installed. |
Omit the Defer Pay parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
ILLEGAL_EMPR_CODE | Employer for Job Detail not allowed when Banner Payroll not installed. |
Omit the Employer parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
ILLEGAL_ENCUMBRANCE_HRS | Encumbrance Hours for Job Detail not allowed when Employee Class Salary Encumbrance rule set to System Calculated or Value Input. |
Omit the Encumbrance Hours parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
ILLEGAL_JBLN_CODE | Job Location for Job Detail not allowed when Banner Payroll not installed. |
Omit the Job Location parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
ILLEGAL_JCRE_CODE | Job Change Reason for Job Detail not allowed when Banner Payroll not installed. |
Omit the Job Change Reason parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
ILLEGAL_LCAT_CODE | Leave Category for Job Detail not allowed when Banner Payroll not installed. |
Omit the Leave Category parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
ILLEGAL_LCAT_CODE_LEAVE_METHOD | Leave Category for Job Detail not allowed when Accrue Leave Method is by employee. |
Omit the Leave Category parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
ILLEGAL_LGCD_CODE | Longevity for Job Detail not allowed when Banner Payroll not installed. |
Omit the Longevity parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
ILLEGAL_LOCN_CODE | EEO Location for Job Detail not allowed when Banner Payroll not installed. |
Omit the EEO Location parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
ILLEGAL_LOCN_CODE_COMMERCIAL | EEO Location for Job Detail not allowed for non-Commercial installations. |
Omit the EEO Location parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
ILLEGAL_PCAT_CODE | Premium Pay Category for Job Detail not allowed when Banner Payroll not installed. |
Omit the Premium Pay Category parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
ILLEGAL_REG_RATE | Regular Rate for Job Detail cannot be changed unless Salary Step is zero. |
Omit the Regular Rate parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
ILLEGAL_SCHL_CODE | EEO School for Job Detail not allowed when Banner Payroll not installed. |
Omit the EEO School parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
ILLEGAL_SCHL_CODE_K12 | EEO School for Job Detail not allowed for non-K12 installations. |
Omit the EEO School parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
ILLEGAL_WKCP_CODE | Workers' Compensation for Job Detail not allowed when Banner Payroll not installed. |
Omit the Workers' Compensation parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
INVALID_ACCRUE_LEAVE_IND | Invalid Accrue Leave Indicator for Job Base. |
Valid values are Y - Yes, N - No. |
INVALID_BEGIN_DATE_VS_FISC | Invalid Begin Date for Job Base; not within a defined fiscal year. |
Verify that a fiscal year has been defined for the Begin Date. |
INVALID_BEGIN_DATE_VS_LOA | Invalid Begin Date for Job Base; the employee is currently on leave. |
The Employee status must be active as of the Begin Date. |
INVALID_BEGIN_DATE_VS_POSN | Invalid Begin Date for Job Base; must be within the Position Begin and End Date range. |
Check the Position Begin and End Dates. |
INVALID_BEGIN_DATE_VS_TERM | Invalid Begin Date for Job Base; cannot be after the employee's Termination Date. |
Check the Termination Date on the Employee data. |
INVALID_CIVIL_SERVICE_IND | Invalid Civil Service Indicator for Job Base. |
Value values are Y - Yes, N - No. |
INVALID_CONTRACT_DATE_RANGE | Invalid Contract Dates for Job Base; Contract Begin Date cannot be greater than Contract End Date. |
Re-enter the Contract Dates. |
INVALID_CONTRACT_TYPE | Invalid Contract Type for Job Base. |
Refer to the NP_JOB_ASSIGNMENT API documentation for a list of valid Contract Type values. |
INVALID_CONTR_BEG_DATE_VS_BJOB | Invalid Contract Begin Date for Job Base; must be within the Job Begin and End Date range. |
Check the Job Base Begin and End Dates. |
INVALID_CONTR_BEG_DATE_VS_POSN | Invalid Contract Begin Date for Job Base; must be within the Position Begin and End Date range. |
Check the Position Begin and End Dates. |
INVALID_CONTR_END_DATE_VS_BJOB | Invalid Contract End Date for Job Base; must be within the Job Begin and End Date range. |
Check the Job Base Begin and End Dates. |
INVALID_CONTR_END_DATE_VS_POSN | Invalid Contract End Date for Job Base; must be within the Position Begin and End Date range. |
Check the Position Begin and End Dates. |
INVALID_ECLS_CODE | Invalid Position Employee Class for Job Base. |
Check the Employee Class rules data for a valid Employee Class. |
INVALID_ELIGIBLE_DATE | Invalid Eligible Date for Job Base; cannot be less than Job Begin Date. |
Enter a date that is not less than the Job Base Begin Date. |
INVALID_ENCUMBRANCE_CHANGE_IND | Invalid Encumbrance Change Indicator for Job Base. |
Valid values are Y - Yes, N - No. |
INVALID_ENC_HRS_CONTRACT | Invalid Total Contract Hours for Job Base; cannot be less than the Total Encumbrance Hours. |
Check the Total Encumbrance Hours. |
INVALID_END_DATE | Invalid End Date for Job Base; must be equal to latest Job Detail Effective Date. |
Verify the latest effective dated record. |
INVALID_END_DATE_ACTIVE | End Date for Job Base cannot be entered when latest Job Detail Status is Active or On Leave. |
DO not enter the Job Base End Date. |
INVALID_END_DATE_TERMINATED | End Date for Job Base cannot be removed when latest Job Detail Status is Terminated. |
Do not remove the Job Base End Date. |
INVALID_END_DATE_VS_BEGIN | Invalid End Date for Job Base; cannot be less than Begin Date. |
Enter an End Date that is greater than Begin Date. |
INVALID_FACL_STATSCAN_REPT_IND | Invalid Faculty Stats Canada Report Indicator for Job Base. |
Valid values are Y - Yes, N - No. |
INVALID_IPEDS_REPT_IND | Invalid IPEDS Report Indicator for Job Base. |
Valid values are Y - Yes, N - No. |
INVALID_IPEDS_REPT_IND_JC | Invalid IPEDS Report Indicator for Job Base; conflicting EEO Contract Groups found for other jobs. |
Check all IPEDS reportable jobs for consistent EEO Contract Groups and Skills. |
INVALID_IPEDS_REPT_IND_NR | Invalid IPEDS Report Indicator for Job Base; EEO Contract Group is not IPEDS reportable. |
Turn off IPEDS Report Indicator. |
INVALID_OPERATION_TYPE | Invalid Operation Type for Job Base. |
Refer to the NP_JOB_ASSIGNMENT_RULES documentation for a list of valid Operation Type values. |
INVALID_PIDM | Invalid PIDM for Job Base. |
PIDM does not exist in the database. |
INVALID_POSN | Invalid Position for Job Base. |
The entered Position is not defined in the database. |
INVALID_POSN_BUDGET | Invalid Position for Job Assignment; Salary Budget does not exist. |
The Position Budget data does not exist for the entered Position. |
INVALID_POSN_MULT_WORKING | Invalid Position for Job Assignment; multiple working budgets exist. |
A Job Assignment cannot be created or updated when multiple working budgets exists for the Position. |
INVALID_POSN_NOT_ACTIVE | Invalid Position Status for Job Base; Position is not active. |
The entered Position must be active to create or update Job assignment data. |
INVALID_POSN_NO_PLBD | Invalid Position for Job Base; Labor Distribution not found for position and fiscal year. |
Position Budget Labor Distributions are not defined for the Position and current fiscal year. |
INVALID_POSN_NO_PTOT | Invalid Position for Job Assignment; Salary Budget error. |
Check the Position Budget data for the Position. |
INVALID_PROBATION_DATE_RANGE | Invalid Probation Dates for Job Base; Probation Begin Date cannot be greater than Probation End Date. |
Correct the Probation Dates. |
INVALID_PROBATION_UNITS_DAYS | Invalid Probation Units for Job Base; must be between 1 and 999 when Probation Units Indicator is set to Days. |
Change the Probation Units value. |
INVALID_PROBATION_UNITS_MONTHS | Invalid Probation Units for Job Base; must be between 1 and 99 when Probation Units Indicator is set to Months. |
Change the Probation Units value. |
INVALID_SALARY_ENCUMBRANCE | Invalid Salary Encumbrance for Job Base; net change in Salary Encumbrance greater than Position Available Budget. |
The Position Available Budget has been exceeded. |
INVALID_STEP_INCR_DAY | Invalid Step Increase Day for Job Base; must be between 1 and 31. |
Re-enter a value between 1 and 31. |
INVALID_STEP_INCR_DAY_28 | Invalid Step Increase Day for Job Base; limit for February is 28. |
Re-enter a value between 1 and 28. |
INVALID_STEP_INCR_DAY_30 | Invalid Step Increase Day for Job Base; not valid for the specified Step Increase Month. |
Re-enter a value that is valid for the Step Increase Month. |
INVALID_STEP_INCR_MON | Invalid Step Increase Month for Job Base; must be between 1 and 12. |
Re-enter a value that is between 1 and 12. |
INVALID_WORK_SCHEDULE | Invalid default Work Schedule for Job Base; Daily Schedule which corresponds to Schedule Base Block does not exist. |
Check setup rules for the Default Work Schedule. |
INVALID_APPT_PCT | Invalid Appointment Percentage for Job Detail; must be between .01 and 100. |
Correct the entered value for Appointment Percentage. |
INVALID_ASSN_CODE | Invalid STRS Assignment for Job Detail. |
Correct the value for STRS Assignment. |
INVALID_COMPENSATION_BALANCE_1 | Assignment Salary divided by rate does not equal Hours Per Pay. |
Re-enter compensation data. |
INVALID_COMPENSATION_BALANCE_2 | Annual Salary divided by Factor does not equal the Assignment Salary. |
Re-enter compensation data. |
INVALID_COMPENSATION_BALANCE_3 | Rate times Factor times Hours Per Pay does not equal the Annual Salary. |
Re-enter compensation data. |
INVALID_COMPENSATION_DIV_ZERO | Invalid Compensation value for Job Detail; divide by zero occurred. |
Check the entered compensation data for a value of zero. |
INVALID_COMPENSATION_FIELD | Invalid Compensation field name for Job Detail; calculations could not be completed. |
The field name must be a valid Job Detail column name related to compensation. |
INVALID_DELETE_BEGIN_DATE | Invalid delete for Job Detail; cannot delete first Job Detail when future changes exist. |
If appropriate, delete future changes first. |
INVALID_DELETE_EMPLOYEE_TERM | Invalid delete for Job Detail; employee has been terminated. |
Record must exist for Pay History purposes. |
INVALID_DELETE_FUTURE_CHANGES | Invalid delete for Job Detail; only the last future change record may be deleted. |
If appropriate, delete future changes first. |
INVALID_DELETE_PAY_HISTORY | Invalid delete for Job Detail; pay history exists for the effective date. |
Record must exist for Pay History purposes. |
INVALID_DFPR_CODE | Invalid Defer Pay for Job Detail. |
Check the Defer Pay rules for a valid value and re-enter. |
INVALID_ECLS_CODE | Invalid Employee Class for Job Detail. |
Check the Employee Class rules for a value and re-enter. |
INVALID_EFFECTIVE_DATE_STATUS | Invalid Effective Date; only the Status may be changed to Terminated for this Effective Date. |
When the Effective Date is equal to the Last Paid Date, only the Status may be changed to Terminated. |
INVALID_EFFECTIVE_DATE_UPDATE | Invalid update to Job Detail; only Personnel Change Date, Encumbrance Hours, and Change Reason may be changed for this Effective Date. |
When the Effective Date is less than the Last Paid Date, only Personnel Change Date, Encumbance Hours, and Change Reason can be changed. |
INVALID_EFFECTIVE_DATE_VS_BJOB | Invalid Effective Date for Job Detail; must be within the Job Base Begin and End Date range. |
Effective Date must be within the Job Base Begin and End Dates. |
INVALID_EFFECTIVE_DATE_VS_FISC | Invalid Effective Date for Job Detail; not within a defined fiscal year. |
Check the Fiscal Year rules for valid fiscal years. |
INVALID_EFFECTIVE_DATE_VS_LPD | Invalid Effective Date for Job Detail; must be greater than last paid date of . |
Enter an Effective Date greater than the Last Paid Date. |
INVALID_EFFECTIVE_DATE_VS_MAX | Invalid Effective Date for Job Detail; Effective Date must be after the latest effective date. |
Job Detail changes can only be made to the last effective-dated record. |
INVALID_EFFECTIVE_DATE_VS_POSN | Invalid Effective Date for Job Detail; must be within the Position Begin and End Date range. |
Effective Date must be within the Position Begin and End Dates. |
INVALID_EFFECTIVE_DATE_VS_TERM | Invalid Effective Date for Job Detail; cannot be after Termination Date for Employee. |
No Job Detail changes can be made after the termination date of the employee. |
INVALID_EMPR_CODE | Invalid Employer for Job Detail. |
Check the Employer Rules for valid values. |
INVALID_ESKL_FOR_ECLS | Invalid Position Class Skill for Job Detail EEO Contract Group. |
The EEO Contract Group is not valid for the Position. |
INVALID_FACTOR | Invalid Factor for Job Detail; must be greater than zero. |
Enter a Factor that is greater than zero. |
INVALID_FACTOR_EQUAL_PAYS | Invalid Factor for Job Detail; must be less than Pays when Defer Pay is specified. |
Change the value for Factor or Pays. |
INVALID_FACTOR_FOR_DFPR | Invalid Factor for Job Detail; must equal the Factor associated with Defer Pay Rules. |
Enter the Factor associated with the Defer Pay Rules. |
INVALID_FACTOR_FOR_PICT | Invalid Factor for Job Detail; cannot be greater than the number of pays per year for Pay ID. |
Check the Pay ID rules and change the value for Factor. |
INVALID_FACTOR_NOT_EQUAL_PAYS | Invalid Factor for Job Detail; must equal Pays when no Defer Pay is specified. |
Change the value for Factor and Pays to be equal. |
INVALID_FACTOR_VS_PAYS | Invalid Factor for Job Detail; must be between 1 and value of Pays. |
Change the value for Factor. |
INVALID_HRS_DAY | Invalid Hours Per Day for Job Detail; must be between 1 and 24. |
Change the value for Hours Per Day. |
INVALID_HRS_PAY | Invalid Hours Per Pay for Job Detail; must be greater than zero. |
Change the value for Hours Per Pay. |
INVALID_JBLN_CODE | Invalid Job Location for Job Detail. |
Check the Job Location rules for a valid value. |
INVALID_JCRE_CODE | Invalid Job Change Reason for Job Detail. |
Check the Job Change Reason rules for a valid value. |
INVALID_LCAT_CHANGE | Invalid Leave category for Job Detail; cannot be changed when non-zero leave balances exist. |
Leave Category cannot be changed when balances for it exist. |
INVALID_LCAT_CODE | Invalid Leave Category for Job Detail. |
Check the Leave Category rules for a valid value. |
INVALID_LCAT_FOR_ECLS | Invalid Leave Category for Job Detail; not valid for the Employee Class. |
Check the Employee Class rules for valid values. |
INVALID_LEAV_REPT_METHOD | Invalid Leave Report Method for Job Detail. |
Valid values are P - Payroll, W - Web, D - Departmental, T - Third Party. |
INVALID_LGCD_CODE | Invalid Longevity for Job Detail. |
Check the Longevity rules for valid values. |
INVALID_LOCN_CODE | Invalid EEO Location for Job Detail. |
Check the EEO Location rules for valid values. |
INVALID_OPERATION_TYPE | Invalid Operation Type for Job Detail. |
Valid values are gb_event.CREATE_OPERATION, gb_event.UPDATE_OPERATION, and gb_event.DELETE_OPERATION. |
INVALID_PAYS | Invalid Pays for Job Detail; must be greater than zero. |
Change the value of Pays to be greater than zero. |
INVALID_PAYS_FOR_DFPR | Invalid Pays for Job Detail; must equal the Pays associated with Defer Pay Rules. |
Enter the Pays associated with the Defer Pay rules. |
INVALID_PAYS_FOR_PICT | Invalid Pays for Job Detail; cannot be greater than the number of pays per year for Pay ID. |
Check the Pay ID rules and change the value for Pays. |
INVALID_PCAT_CODE | Invalid Premium Pay Category for Job Detail. |
Check the Premium Pay Category rules for valid values. |
INVALID_PCAT_EARN_CODE | Invalid Premium Pay Category for Job Detail; includes an invalid Earn Code for the Employee Class. |
The Premium Pay Category rules contain an earn code that is not defined for the Employee Class Eligible Earnings. |
INVALID_PERS_PAY_CODE | Invalid PERS Pay for Job Detail. |
Refer to the NP_JOB_ASSIGNMENT API documentation for a list of valid PERS Pay Codes. |
INVALID_PICT_CODE | Invalid Pay ID for Job Detail. |
Check the Payroll ID rules for valid values. |
INVALID_PICT_CODE_FOR_CALN | Invalid Pay ID for Job Detail; Pay ID not set up on Pay Calendar for Effective Date. |
Verify that the Pay ID is set up on the Payroll Calendar rules. |
INVALID_PICT_CODE_FOR_DFPR | Invalid Pay ID for Job Detail; does not match Pay Id associated with Defer Pay. |
Check the Defer Pay rules for a valid value. |
INVALID_PICT_CODE_LEAV_REPT | Invalid Leave Report Payroll ID for Job Detail. |
Check the Pay ID rules for valid values. |
INVALID_PICT_CODE_LEAV_REPT_CN | Invalid Leave Report Pay ID for Job Detail; Pay ID not set up on Pay Calendar for Effective Date. |
Verify that the Leave Report Pay ID is set up on the Payroll Calendar rules. |
INVALID_PIDM | Invalid PIDM for Job Detail. |
An invalid PIDM parameter was provided when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. The PIDM must exist in the general person identification table (SPRIDEN). |
INVALID_POSN | Invalid Position for Job Detail. |
An invalid Position parameter was provided when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
INVALID_POSN_NOT_ACTIVE | Invalid Position Status for Job Detail; Position is not active. |
The Position Status must be active in order to create or update a Job Detail record. |
INVALID_SAL_STEP | Invalid Salary Step for Job Detail. |
Check the Salary/Rate Structure rules for valid values. |
INVALID_SCHL_CODE | Invalid EEO School for Job Detail. |
Check the Scholl rules for valid values. |
INVALID_SGRP_CODE | Invalid Salary Group for Job Detail. |
Check the Salary Group rules for valid values. |
INVALID_SGRP_TABLE_GRADE | Invalid Salary Group, Table, and Grade for Job Detail. |
Check the Salary Group and Salary/Rate Structure rules for valid combinations. |
INVALID_STATUS | Invalid Status for Job Detail. |
Refer to the NP_JOB_ASSIGNMENT API documentation for a list of valid Status values. |
INVALID_STATUS_EMPL_ON_LEAVE | Invalid Status for Job Detail; employee is on leave as of the effective date. |
The Status cannot be activated when the employee is on leave. Check the Employee Leave of Absence Dates. |
INVALID_STRS_PAY_CODE | Invalid STRS Pay for Job Detail. |
Refer to the NP_JOB_ASSIGNMENT API documentation for a list of valid STRS Pay Codes. |
INVALID_SUPERVISOR_JOB | Invalid Supervisor ID, Position, and Suffix for Job Detail. |
Verify that the ID and Position exist. |
INVALID_SUPERVISOR_PIDM_DEAD | Invalid Supervisor for Job Detail; supervisor is deceased. |
A deceased Supervisor cannot be assigned to this Job Detail record. |
INVALID_SUPERVISOR_PIDM_NO_ACT | Invalid Supervisor for Job Detail; supervisor has no active jobs as of the effective date. |
The assigned Supervisor must have an active job. |
INVALID_SUPERVISOR_PIDM_TERM | Invalid Supervisor for Job Detail; supervisor is terminated. |
A terminated Supervisor cannot be assigned to the Job Detail record. |
INVALID_TIME_ENTRY_METHOD | Invalid Time Entry Method for Job Detail. |
Refer to the NP_JOB_ASSIGNMENT API documentation for valid Time Entry Method values. |
INVALID_TIME_ENTRY_TYPE | Invalid Time Entry Type for Job Detail. |
Refer to the NP_JOB_ASSIGNMENT API documentation for valid Time Entry Type values. |
INVALID_TIME_ENTRY_TYPE_METHOD | Invalid Time Entry Type for Job Detail Time Entry Method. |
A Time Entry Type of None is only valid for a Time Entry Method of Payroll. |
INVALID_TIME_IN_OUT_IND | Invalid Time Entry In/Out Indicator for Job Detail. |
Valid values are Y - Yes, N - No. |
INVALID_WKCP_CODE | Invalid Workers' Compensation for Job Detail. |
Check the Workers' Compensation Classification rules for valid values. |
MISSING_ACCRUE_LEAVE_IND | Missing mandatory Accrue Leave Indicator for Job Base. |
The Accrue Leave Indicator parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API. |
MISSING_BEGIN_DATE | Missing mandatory Begin Date for Job Base. |
The Begin Date parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API. |
MISSING_CIVIL_SERVICE_IND | Missing mandatory Civil Service Indicator for Job Base. |
The Civil Service Indicator parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API. |
MISSING_COAS_CODE | Missing mandatory Chart of Accounts for Job Base. |
The Chart of Accounts parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API. |
MISSING_CONTRACT_BEGIN_DATE | Missing mandatory Contract Begin Date for Job Base; must be entered when Contract End Date is entered. |
The Contract Begin Date parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API. |
MISSING_CONTRACT_END_DATE | Missing mandatory Contract End Date for Job Base; must be entered when Contract Begin Date is entered. |
The Contract End Date parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API. |
MISSING_CONTRACT_TYPE | Missing mandatory Contract Type for Job Base. |
The Contract Type parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API. |
MISSING_DEFER_BAL | Missing mandatory Deferred Balance for Job Base. |
The Deferred Balance parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API. |
MISSING_ENCUMBRANCE_CHANGE_IND | Missing mandatory Encumbrance Change Indicator for Job Base. |
The Encumbrance Change Indicator parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API. |
MISSING_FACL_STATSCAN_REPT_IND | Missing mandatory Faculty Stats Canada Report Indicator for Job Base. |
The Faculty Stats Canada Report Indicator parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API. |
MISSING_IPEDS_REPT_IND | Missing mandatory IPEDS Report Indicator for Job Base. |
The IPEDS Report Indicator parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API. |
MISSING_PIDM | Missing mandatory PIDM for Job Base. |
The PIDM parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API. This parameter is a key value for the Job Base entity and must be provided. |
MISSING_POSN | Missing mandatory Position for Job Base. |
The Position parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API. This parameter is a key value for the Job Base entity and must be provided. |
MISSING_PROBATION_BEGIN_DATE | Missing mandatory Probation Begin Date for Job Base; must be entered when Probation Units or Probation End Date is entered. |
The Probation Begin Date parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API. |
MISSING_PROBATION_END_DATE | Missing mandatory Probation End Date for Job Base; must be entered when Probation Units or Probation Begin Date is entered. |
The Probation End Date parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API. |
MISSING_PROBATION_UNITS | Missing mandatory Probation Units for Job Base; must be entered when Probation Begin Date or Probation End Date is entered. |
The Probation Units parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API. |
MISSING_SALARY_ENCUMBRANCE | Missing mandatory Salary Encumbrance for Job Base. |
The Salary Encumbrance parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API. |
MISSING_STEP_INCR_DAY | Missing mandatory Step Increase Day for Job Base; must be entered when Step Increase Month is entered. |
The Step Increase Day parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API. |
MISSING_STEP_INCR_MON | Missing mandatory Step Increase Month for Job Base; must be entered when Step Increase Day is entered. |
The Step Increase Month parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API. |
MISSING_SUFF | Missing mandatory Suffix for Job Base. |
The Suffix parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API. This parameter is a key value for the Job Base entity and must be provided. |
MISSING_ANN_SALARY | Missing mandatory Annual Salary for Job Detail. |
The Annual Salary parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_APPT_PCT | Missing mandatory Appointment Percent for Job Detail. |
The Appointment Percent parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_ASSGN_SALARY | Missing mandatory Assignment Salary for Job Detail. |
The Assignment Salary parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_COAS_CODE_TS | Missing mandatory Time Sheet Chart of Accounts for Job Detail. |
The Time Sheet Chart of Accounts parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_COMPENSATION_DATA | Missing mandatory Compensation data for Job Detail; compensation calculation could not be completed. |
Some Compensation parameters were omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_DFPR_CODE | Missing mandatory Defer Pay for Job Detail; required when Factor not equal to Pays. |
The Defer Pay parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_ECLS_CODE | Missing mandatory Employee Class for Job Detail. |
The Employee Class parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_EFFECTIVE_DATE | Missing mandatory Effective Date for Job Detail. |
The Effective Date parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. This parameter is a key value for the Job Detail entity and must be provided. |
MISSING_EMPR_CODE | Missing mandatory Employer for Job Detail. |
The Employer parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_FACTOR | Missing mandatory Factor for Job Detail. |
The Factor parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_FTE | Missing mandatory FTE for Job Detail. |
The FTE parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_HRS_DAY | Missing mandatory Hours Per Day for Job Detail. |
The Hours Per Day parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_HRS_PAY | Missing mandatory Hours Per Pay for Job Detail. |
The Hours Per Pay parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_LCAT_CODE | Missing mandatory Leave Category for Job Detail. |
The Leave Category parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_LEAV_REPT_METHOD | Missing mandatory Leave Report Method for Job Detail. |
The Leave Report Method parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_ORGN_CODE_TS | Missing mandatory Time Sheet Organization for Job Detail. |
The Time Sheet Organization parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_PAYS | Missing mandatory Pays for Job Detail. |
The Pays parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_PERS_CHG_DATE | Missing mandatory Personnel Change Date for Job Detail. |
The Personnel Change Date parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_PER_PAY_DEFER_AMT | Missing mandatory Per Pay Defer Amount for Job Detail. |
The Per Pay Defer Amount parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_PER_PAY_SALARY | Missing mandatory Per Pay Defer Salary for Job Detail. |
The Per Pay Defer Salary parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_PICT_CODE | Missing mandatory Pay ID for Job Detail. |
The Pay ID parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_PICT_CODE_LEAV_REPT | Missing mandatory Leave Report Pay Id for Job Detail. |
The Leave Report Pay ID parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_PIDM | Missing mandatory PIDM for Job Detail. |
The PIDM parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. This parameter is a key value for the Job Detail entity and must be provided. |
MISSING_POSN | Missing mandatory Position for Job Detail. |
The Position parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. This parameter is a key value for the Job Detail entity and must be provided. |
MISSING_POSN_SGRP_TABLE_GRADE | Missing mandatory Salary Group, Table, and Grade for Position. |
The Salary Group, Table, and Grade are not defined for this Position. |
MISSING_REG_RATE | Missing mandatory Regular Rate for Job Detail. |
The Regular Rate parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_SAL_GRADE | Missing mandatory Salary Grade for Job Detail. |
The Salary Grade parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_SAL_STEP | Missing mandatory Salary Step for Job Detail. |
The Salary Step parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_SAL_TABLE | Missing mandatory Salary Table for Job Detail. |
The Salary Table parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_SGRP_CODE | Missing mandatory Salary Group for Job Detail. |
The Salary Group parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_SHIFT | Missing mandatory Shift for Job Detail. |
The Shift parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_STATUS | Missing mandatory Status for Job Detail. |
The Status parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_SUFF | Missing mandatory Suffix for Job Detail. |
The Suffix parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. This parameter is a key value for the Job Detail entity and must be provided. |
MISSING_SUPERVISOR_PIDM | Missing mandatory Supervisor PIDM for Job Detail; required when Supervisor Position or Suffix entered. |
The Supervisor PIDM parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_SUPERVISOR_POSN | Missing mandatory Supervisor Position for Job Detail; required when Supervisor ID or Position Suffix is entered. |
The Supervisor Position parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_SUPERVISOR_SUFF | Missing mandatory Supervisor Position Suffix for Job Detail; required when Supervisor ID or Position is entered. |
The Supervisor Suffix parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_TIME_ENTRY_METHOD | Missing mandatory Time Entry Method for Job Detail. |
The Time Entry Method parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_TIME_ENTRY_TYPE | Missing mandatory Time Entry Type for Job Detail. |
The Time Entry Type parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
MISSING_TIME_IN_OUT_IND | Missing mandatory Time In/Out Indicator for Job Detail. |
The Time In/Out Indicator parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. |
JOB_AMOUNTS_POSTED | Job Amounts have been posted to Finance; delete of Job Base not allowed. |
Delete is not allowed. |
JOB_DETAIL_RECORD_EXISTS | Cannot delete Job Base; Job Detail record exists. |
Delete all Job Detail records before deleting the Job Base. |
LABOR_DEFAULTED_FROM_POSN | Defaulted from Position Labor Distributions. |
Message used for auditing purposes. |
PAY_HISTORY_EXISTS | A record exists on Pay History for Job Base; delete not allowed. |
A Job Assignment cannot be deleted once the employee has been paid for that job. |
PCLS_NOT_FOUND | Position Class for Job Base Position not found. |
Check Position Class rules for the Position. |
PERSON_NOT_AN_EMPLOYEE | Cannot create Job Base; person is not defined as an employee. |
You must enter Employee information before a Job Assignment can be created. |
PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find record using primary or unique key for Job Base. |
Verify the entered PIDM, Position, and Suffix. |
PRIMARY_JOB_EXISTS | This employee already has a primary job. |
Only one primary job can be active at a time. |
PRIMARY_JOB_NOT_FOUND | A primary job has not been defined for this employee. |
One primary job must exist for the employee. |
P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete Job Base; record does not exist. |
An attempt was made to delete a Job Base record, but a record with these key values (or ROWID) could not be found. |
RECORD_EXISTS | Cannot create a Job Base; record already exists. |
An attempt was made to create a new Job Base record, but a record already exists with these key values. |
ROWID_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find the Job Base record using ROWID. |
Verify the record ID. |
BASE_EARNINGS_NOT_FOUND | Base earning for the employee class was not found for Job Detail. |
Check Employee Class rules for Base Earnings. |
COMP_UNPREDICTABLE_RESULTS | Specifying more than one of the following Job Detail fields can produce unpredictable compensation results; Regular Rate, Hours Per Pay, Assignment Salary, Factor, Annual Salary. |
Change the compensation data using two separate transactions. |
JOB_BASE_NOT_FOUND | Job Base record not found. |
A Job Base record must first exist before a Job Detail record can be created. |
PARTIAL_PAY_EARN_CODE_NOTFOUND | Earn code of partial pay type does not exist for Job Detail employee class. |
Check the Employee Class and Earnings rules for an Earn Code with Partial Pay type. |
PCLS_NOT_FOUND | Position Class for Job Base Position not found. |
Check the Position Class rules for valid values. |
PERSON_NOT_AN_EMPLOYEE | Cannot create Job Detail; person is not defined as an employee. |
An Employee record must exist before creating a Job Base record. |
PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find record using primary or unique key for Job Detail. |
The combination of primary key parameters does not refer to an existing Job Detail record. |
P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete Job Detail; record does not exist. |
An attempt was made to delete a Job Detail record, but a record with these key values (or ROWID) could not be found. |
RECORD_EXISTS | Cannot create a Job Detail; record already exists. |
An attempt was made to create a new Job Detail record, but a record already exists with these key values. |
ROWID_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find Job Detail record using ROWID. |
An invalid ROWID parameter was provided when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. The ROWID must exist in the database. |
WARNING_EMPLOYEE_IS_SUPERVISOR | The employee in this Job Base position is a supervisor. |
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction. |
WARNING_IPEDS_NOT_REPORTABLE | This Job Assignment is not IPEDS Reportable, but the IPEDS Report Indicator is set to Yes. |
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction. |
WARNING_IPEDS_REPORTABLE | This Job Assignment is IPEDS Reportable, but the IPEDS Report Indicator is set to No. |
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction. |
WARNING_MISSING_CONTRACT_DATES | Missing mandatory Contract dates for Job Base; required for encumbrance calculation with deferred pay. |
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction. |
WARNING_POSN_ENDED_BEFORE_JOB | Position ended before Job Assignment End Date. |
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction. |
WARNING_REACTIVATE_TERM_EMPL | This employee has been terminated; the termination date and reason should be removed from that record. |
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction. |
WARNING_SALARY_ENCUMBRANCE | Net change in Salary Encumbrance for Job Base is greater than Position Available Budget. |
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction. |
WARNING_SAL_ENC_ZERO_H | Salary Encumbrance for Job Assignment defaulted to zero because method is Hours Input. |
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction. |
WARNING_SAL_ENC_ZERO_V | Salary Encumbrance for Job Assignment defaulted to zero because method is Value Input. |
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction. |
WARNING_ECLS_CHANGE_FRINGE_LD | Employee Class for Job Detail has changed; a Labor Distribution for this date should be entered to recalculate fringe encumbrance. |
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction. |
WARNING_EMPLOYEE_IS_SUPERVISOR | The employee in this Job Detail position is a supervisor. |
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction. |
WARNING_ENCUMBRANCE_HRS | Encumbrance Hours for Job Detail fiscal year will not be automatically balanced with Job Base Total Encumbrance Hours. |
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction. |
WARNING_ENC_HRS_OUT_OF_BALANCE | Encumbrance Hours for Job Detail will not balance to Job Base Total Encumbrance Hours for the fiscal year. |
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction. |
WARNING_ENC_METHOD_VALUE_INPUT | Encumbrance Method for Job Detail is Value Input and Annual Salary has changed. |
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction. |
WARNING_FTE_EXCEEDED | FTE for Job Detail exceeds one. |
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction. |
WARNING_FUTURE_CHANGE_EXISTS | Future Job Detail changes exist starting on . |
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction. |
WARNING_MISSING_ENC_HRS | Missing mandatory Encumbrance Hours for Job Detail; required when Employee Class Salary Encumbrance rule set to Hours Input. |
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction. |
WARNING_PICT_CODE_FOR_CALN | Invalid Pay ID for Job Detail; Pay ID not set up on Pay Calendar for Effective Date. |
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction. |
WARNING_PICT_CODE_LEAV_REPT_CN | Invalid Leave Report Pay ID for Job Detail; Pay ID not set up on Pay Calendar for Effective Date. |
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction. |
WARNING_RATE_RANGE | Rate for Job Detail is outside the Salary Table/Grade range. |
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction. |
WARNING_SALARY_RANGE | Annual Salary for Job Detail is outside the Salary Table/Grade range. |
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction. |
WARNING_TIME_SHEET_EXISTS | Time Sheet exists; changes will not be made to any initialized time entry records. |
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction. |
WARNING_TOTAL_EMPLOYEE_FTE | Total FTE for Job Detail on this employee exceeds one as of the effective date. |
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction. |
WARNING_TOTAL_POSITION_FTE | Total FTE for Job Detail on this position greater than the budgeted FTE. |
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction. |