
Package nb_job_earnings_strings

This package contains error messages and error message functions for the Job Earnings API (NB_JOB_EARNINGS).

Message NameError Message
ACTIVE_WORK_SCHEDULE_EXISTSActive Work Schedule exists as of new effective date for Job Earnings
An active work schedule exists beyond the effective date. So, please change the effective date.
ACTIVE_WRK_SCH_EXISTS_IN_FUTActive Work Schedule exists in a future date for Job Earnings
An active work schedule exists at a later date than the given effective date. So, please change the effective date and try again.
EARNING_UNDEFINEDInvalid Earning for Job Earnings; not defined for Employee Class
Define the employee class code for Job Earnings and try again.
EARN_CODE_EXISTS_LATER_DATECannot create Earning for Job Earnings; future dated record already exists
Default Earning already exists at a later date than the given effective date. Look at existing earnings later than the given effective date and change earning.
EARN_COPY_FAILED_1Job Earnings records with this effective date exist already
Cannot copy forward earnings with the given effective date since earnings already exist for this effective date.
EARN_COPY_FAILED_2New Effective Date must be greater than last effective date
The given effective date must be greater than the effective date of the most recent earnings.
EFFECTIVE_PRIOR_LAST_PAID_DATECannot delete Job Earnings; Effective Date must be greater than last paid date
Payments have been made beyond the given effective date. So, cannot delete earnings with the given effective date.
INVALID_EARN_CODEInvalid Earning for Job Earnings
The earning entered is not valid. Please enter a valid one.
INVALID_EARN_TYPEInvalid Earn Type for Job Earnings
The earn type of the given earn code is not valid. Please change the earn code.
INVALID_PIDMInvalid PIDM for Job Earnings
An invalid PIDM parameter was provided when calling a function or procedure in the default earnings API. The PIDM must exist in the General Person Identification Table (SPRIDEN).
This is an identification tag only used for identifying the earnings API internally. It has nothing to do with error messages.
MISSING_ACTIVE_INDMissing mandatory Active Indicator for Job Earnings
The Active Indicator parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Default Earnings API. This parameter is a key value for the default earnings entity and must be provided.
MISSING_EARN_CODEMissing mandatory Default Earnings for Job Earnings
The Earnings parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Default Earnings API. This parameter is a key value for the default earnings entity and must be provided.
MISSING_EFFECTIVE_DATEMissing mandatory Effective Date for Job Earnings
The Effective Date parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Default Earnings API. This parameter is a key value for the default earnings entity and must be provided.
MISSING_JOB_DETAIL_RECORDNo job detail record exists for Job Earnings
The job detail entry is missing for this default earnings. Please create the job detail entry and try again.
MISSING_PARENTRequired parent record not found
The job record is missing. Please create the job record first and try again.
MISSING_PIDMMissing mandatory PIDM for Job Earnings
The PIDM parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Default Earnings API. This parameter is a key value for the default earnings entity and must be provided.
MISSING_POSNMissing mandatory Position Number for Job Earnings
The Position parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Default Earnings API. This parameter is a key value for the default earnings entity and must be provided.
MISSING_SHIFTMissing mandatory Shift for Job Earnings
The Shift parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Default Earnings API. This parameter is a key value for the default earnings entity and must be provided.
MISSING_SUFFMissing mandatory Suffix for Job Earnings
The Suffix parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Default Earnings API. This parameter is a key value for the default earnings entity and must be provided.
MORE_EARN_CODE_EXISTS_W_BSI_YCannot create Job Earnings; record with base salary indicator = 'Y' already exists
There can be only one default earnings with base salary indicator set to Y. Please verify before creating another default earnings.
PAY_HISTORY_EXISTSCannot update Job Earnings; Effective Date must be greater than last paid date
Cannot update the default earnings as pay history exists for effective dates beyond the given effective date. Please review the effective date and try again.
PK_NOT_FOUNDCannot update Job Earnings, record does not exist
The combination of required parameters does not refer to an existing default earnings entity.
P_DELETE_FAILEDCannot delete Job Earnings, record does not exist
An attempt was made to delete a default earnings record, but a record with these key values (or ROWID) could not be found.
RECORD_EXISTSCannot create Job Earnings, record already exists
An attempt was made to create a new default earnings record, but a record already exists with these key values.
SPECIAL_RATE_NOT_REQUIREDInvalid Special Rate for Job Earnings; rate indicator must be equal to 'S'
It is not necessary to enter the special rate for default earnings when rate indicator is not set to S.

Program units
f_get_error   Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

error_tab   Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


error_tab gb_common.errmsg_tab_type;

Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


Function f_get_error(p_errorname VARCHAR2) RETURN gb_common.err_type

Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

p_errorname   Name associated with the error message.