Message Name | Error Message |
ACTIVE_WORK_SCHEDULE_EXISTS | Active Work Schedule exists as of new effective date for Job Earnings |
An active work schedule exists beyond the effective date. So, please change the effective date. |
ACTIVE_WRK_SCH_EXISTS_IN_FUT | Active Work Schedule exists in a future date for Job Earnings |
An active work schedule exists at a later date than the given effective date. So, please change the effective date and try again. |
EARNING_UNDEFINED | Invalid Earning for Job Earnings; not defined for Employee Class |
Define the employee class code for Job Earnings and try again. |
EARN_CODE_EXISTS_LATER_DATE | Cannot create Earning for Job Earnings; future dated record already exists |
Default Earning already exists at a later date than the given effective date. Look at existing earnings later than the given effective date and change earning. |
EARN_COPY_FAILED_1 | Job Earnings records with this effective date exist already |
Cannot copy forward earnings with the given effective date since earnings already exist for this effective date. |
EARN_COPY_FAILED_2 | New Effective Date must be greater than last effective date |
The given effective date must be greater than the effective date of the most recent earnings. |
EFFECTIVE_PRIOR_LAST_PAID_DATE | Cannot delete Job Earnings; Effective Date must be greater than last paid date |
Payments have been made beyond the given effective date. So, cannot delete earnings with the given effective date.
INVALID_EARN_CODE | Invalid Earning for Job Earnings |
The earning entered is not valid. Please enter a valid one. |
INVALID_EARN_TYPE | Invalid Earn Type for Job Earnings |
The earn type of the given earn code is not valid. Please change the earn code. |
INVALID_PIDM | Invalid PIDM for Job Earnings |
An invalid PIDM parameter was provided when calling a function or procedure in the default earnings API. The PIDM must exist in the General Person Identification Table (SPRIDEN).
JOB_EARNINGS_TAG | Job Earnings |
This is an identification tag only used for identifying the earnings API internally. It has nothing to do with error messages.
MISSING_ACTIVE_IND | Missing mandatory Active Indicator for Job Earnings |
The Active Indicator parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Default Earnings API. This parameter is a key value for the default earnings entity and must be provided.
MISSING_EARN_CODE | Missing mandatory Default Earnings for Job Earnings |
The Earnings parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Default Earnings API. This parameter is a key value for the default earnings entity and must be provided.
MISSING_EFFECTIVE_DATE | Missing mandatory Effective Date for Job Earnings |
The Effective Date parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Default Earnings API. This parameter is a key value for the default earnings entity and must be provided.
MISSING_JOB_DETAIL_RECORD | No job detail record exists for Job Earnings |
The job detail entry is missing for this default earnings. Please create the job detail entry and try again.
MISSING_PARENT | Required parent record not found |
The job record is missing. Please create the job record first and try again.
MISSING_PIDM | Missing mandatory PIDM for Job Earnings |
The PIDM parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Default Earnings API. This parameter is a key value for the default earnings entity and must be provided.
MISSING_POSN | Missing mandatory Position Number for Job Earnings |
The Position parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Default Earnings API. This parameter is a key value for the default earnings entity and must be provided.
MISSING_SHIFT | Missing mandatory Shift for Job Earnings |
The Shift parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Default Earnings API. This parameter is a key value for the default earnings entity and must be provided.
MISSING_SUFF | Missing mandatory Suffix for Job Earnings |
The Suffix parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Default Earnings API. This parameter is a key value for the default earnings entity and must be provided.
MORE_EARN_CODE_EXISTS_W_BSI_Y | Cannot create Job Earnings; record with base salary indicator = 'Y' already exists |
There can be only one default earnings with base salary indicator set to Y. Please verify before creating another default earnings.
PAY_HISTORY_EXISTS | Cannot update Job Earnings; Effective Date must be greater than last paid date |
Cannot update the default earnings as pay history exists for effective dates beyond the given effective date. Please review the effective date and try again.
PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot update Job Earnings, record does not exist |
The combination of required parameters does not refer to an existing default earnings entity.
P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete Job Earnings, record does not exist |
An attempt was made to delete a default earnings record, but a record with these key values (or ROWID) could not be found.
RECORD_EXISTS | Cannot create Job Earnings, record already exists |
An attempt was made to create a new default earnings record, but a record already exists with these key values.
SPECIAL_RATE_NOT_REQUIRED | Invalid Special Rate for Job Earnings; rate indicator must be equal to 'S' |
It is not necessary to enter the special rate for default earnings when rate indicator is not set to S.