
Package nb_job_base_strings

This package contains error messages and error message functions for the Job Base API (NB_JOB_BASE).

Message NameError Message
ILLEGAL_FACL_STATSCAN_REPT_INDFaculty Stats Canada Report Indicator for Job Base only allowed for Canadian, Higher Education installations.
Omit the Faculty Stats Canada Report Indicator parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API.
ILLEGAL_SALARY_ENCUMBRANCESalary Encumbrance for Job Base not allowed when Employee Class Salary Encumbrance Indicator is set to System Calculated or Hours Input.
Omit the Salary Encumbrance parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API.
INVALID_ACCRUE_LEAVE_INDInvalid Accrue Leave Indicator for Job Base.
Valid values are Y - Yes, N - No.
INVALID_BEGIN_DATE_VS_FISCInvalid Begin Date for Job Base; not within a defined fiscal year.
Verify that a fiscal year has been defined for the Begin Date.
INVALID_BEGIN_DATE_VS_LOAInvalid Begin Date for Job Base; the employee is currently on leave.
The Employee status must be active as of the Begin Date.
INVALID_BEGIN_DATE_VS_POSNInvalid Begin Date for Job Base; must be within the Position Begin and End Date range.
Check the Position Begin and End Dates.
INVALID_BEGIN_DATE_VS_TERMInvalid Begin Date for Job Base; cannot be after the employee's Termination Date.
Check the Termination Date on the Employee data.
INVALID_CIVIL_SERVICE_INDInvalid Civil Service Indicator for Job Base.
Value values are Y - Yes, N - No.
INVALID_CONTRACT_DATE_RANGEInvalid Contract Dates for Job Base; Contract Begin Date cannot be greater than Contract End Date.
Re-enter the Contract Dates.
INVALID_CONTRACT_TYPEInvalid Contract Type for Job Base.
Refer to the NP_JOB_ASSIGNMENT API documentation for a list of valid Contract Type values.
INVALID_CONTR_BEG_DATE_VS_BJOBInvalid Contract Begin Date for Job Base; must be within the Job Begin and End Date range.
Check the Job Base Begin and End Dates.
INVALID_CONTR_BEG_DATE_VS_POSNInvalid Contract Begin Date for Job Base; must be within the Position Begin and End Date range.
Check the Position Begin and End Dates.
INVALID_CONTR_END_DATE_VS_BJOBInvalid Contract End Date for Job Base; must be within the Job Begin and End Date range.
Check the Job Base Begin and End Dates.
INVALID_CONTR_END_DATE_VS_POSNInvalid Contract End Date for Job Base; must be within the Position Begin and End Date range.
Check the Position Begin and End Dates.
INVALID_ECLS_CODEInvalid Position Employee Class for Job Base.
Check the Employee Class rules data for a valid Employee Class.
INVALID_ELIGIBLE_DATEInvalid Eligible Date for Job Base; cannot be less than Job Begin Date.
Enter a date that is not less than the Job Base Begin Date.
INVALID_ENCUMBRANCE_CHANGE_INDInvalid Encumbrance Change Indicator for Job Base.
Valid values are Y - Yes, N - No.
INVALID_ENC_HRS_CONTRACTInvalid Total Contract Hours for Job Base; cannot be less than the Total Encumbrance Hours.
Check the Total Encumbrance Hours.
INVALID_END_DATEInvalid End Date for Job Base; must be equal to latest Job Detail Effective Date.
Verify the latest effective dated record.
INVALID_END_DATE_ACTIVEEnd Date for Job Base cannot be entered when latest Job Detail Status is Active or On Leave.
DO not enter the Job Base End Date.
INVALID_END_DATE_TERMINATEDEnd Date for Job Base cannot be removed when latest Job Detail Status is Terminated.
Do not remove the Job Base End Date.
INVALID_END_DATE_VS_BEGINInvalid End Date for Job Base; cannot be less than Begin Date.
Enter an End Date that is greater than Begin Date.
INVALID_FACL_STATSCAN_REPT_INDInvalid Faculty Stats Canada Report Indicator for Job Base.
Valid values are Y - Yes, N - No.
INVALID_IPEDS_REPT_INDInvalid IPEDS Report Indicator for Job Base.
Valid values are Y - Yes, N - No.
INVALID_IPEDS_REPT_IND_JCInvalid IPEDS Report Indicator for Job Base; conflicting Employment Categories or Standard Occupation Categories found for other jobs.
Check all IPEDS reportable jobs for consistent EEO Contract Groups and Skills.
INVALID_IPEDS_REPT_IND_NRInvalid IPEDS Report Indicator for Job Base;  Employment Category is not IPEDS reportable.
Turn off IPEDS Report Indicator.
INVALID_OPERATION_TYPEInvalid Operation Type for Job Base.
Refer to the NP_JOB_ASSIGNMENT_RULES documentation for a list of valid Operation Type values.
INVALID_PIDMInvalid PIDM for Job Base.
PIDM does not exist in the database.
INVALID_POSNInvalid Position for Job Base.
The entered Position is not defined in the database.
INVALID_POSN_BUDGETInvalid Position for Job Assignment; Salary Budget does not exist.
The Position Budget data does not exist for the entered Position.
INVALID_POSN_MULT_WORKINGInvalid Position for Job Assignment; multiple working budgets exist.
A Job Assignment cannot be created or updated when multiple working budgets exists for the Position.
INVALID_POSN_NOT_ACTIVEInvalid Position Status for Job Base; Position is not active.
The entered Position must be active to create or update Job assignment data.
INVALID_POSN_NO_PLBDInvalid Position for Job Base; Labor Distribution not found for position and fiscal year.
Position Budget Labor Distributions are not defined for the Position and current fiscal year.
INVALID_POSN_NO_PTOTInvalid Position for Job Assignment; Salary Budget error.
Check the Position Budget data for the Position.
INVALID_PROBATION_DATE_RANGEInvalid Probation Dates for Job Base; Probation Begin Date cannot be greater than Probation End Date.
Correct the Probation Dates.
INVALID_PROBATION_UNITS_DAYSInvalid Probation Units for Job Base; must be between 1 and 999 when Probation Units Indicator is set to Days.
Change the Probation Units value.
INVALID_PROBATION_UNITS_MONTHSInvalid Probation Units for Job Base; must be between 1 and 99 when Probation Units Indicator is set to Months.
Change the Probation Units value.
INVALID_SALARY_ENCUMBRANCEInvalid Salary Encumbrance for Job Base; net change in Salary Encumbrance greater than Position Available Budget.
Invalid change in encumbrance value.
INVALID_SAL_ENC_CHANGEBudget error. Remove new record and increase budget on NBAPBUD.
The Position Available Budget has been exceeded.
INVALID_STEP_INCR_DAYInvalid Step Increase Day for Job Base; must be between 1 and 31.
Re-enter a value between 1 and 31.
INVALID_STEP_INCR_DAY_28Invalid Step Increase Day for Job Base; limit for February is 28.
Re-enter a value between 1 and 28.
INVALID_STEP_INCR_DAY_30Invalid Step Increase Day for Job Base; not valid for the specified Step Increase Month.
Re-enter a value that is valid for the Step Increase Month.
INVALID_STEP_INCR_MONInvalid Step Increase Month for Job Base; must be between 1 and 12.
Re-enter a value that is between 1 and 12.
INVALID_WORK_SCHEDULEInvalid default Work Schedule for Job Base; Daily Schedule which corresponds to Schedule Base Block does not exist.
Check setup rules for the Default Work Schedule.
JOB_AMOUNTS_POSTEDJob Amounts have been posted to Finance; delete of Job Base not allowed.
Delete is not allowed.
JOB_DETAIL_RECORD_EXISTSCannot delete Job Base; Job Detail record exists.
Delete all Job Detail records before deleting the Job Base.
LABOR_DEFAULTED_FROM_POSNDefaulted from Position Labor Distributions.
Message used for auditing purposes.
MISSING_ACCRUE_LEAVE_INDMissing mandatory Accrue Leave Indicator for Job Base.
The Accrue Leave Indicator parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API.
MISSING_BEGIN_DATEMissing mandatory Begin Date for Job Base.
The Begin Date parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API.
MISSING_CIVIL_SERVICE_INDMissing mandatory Civil Service Indicator for Job Base.
The Civil Service Indicator parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API.
MISSING_COAS_CODEMissing mandatory Chart of Accounts for Job Base.
The Chart of Accounts parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API.
MISSING_CONTRACT_BEGIN_DATEMissing mandatory Contract Begin Date for Job Base; must be entered when Contract End Date is entered.
The Contract Begin Date parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API.
MISSING_CONTRACT_END_DATEMissing mandatory Contract End Date for Job Base; must be entered when Contract Begin Date is entered.
The Contract End Date parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API.
MISSING_CONTRACT_TYPEMissing mandatory Contract Type for Job Base.
The Contract Type parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API.
MISSING_DEFER_BALMissing mandatory Deferred Balance for Job Base.
The Deferred Balance parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API.
MISSING_ENCUMBRANCE_CHANGE_INDMissing mandatory Encumbrance Change Indicator for Job Base.
The Encumbrance Change Indicator parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API.
MISSING_FACL_STATSCAN_REPT_INDMissing mandatory Faculty Stats Canada Report Indicator for Job Base.
The Faculty Stats Canada Report Indicator parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API.
MISSING_IPEDS_REPT_INDMissing mandatory IPEDS Report Indicator for Job Base.
The IPEDS Report Indicator parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API.
MISSING_PIDMMissing mandatory PIDM for Job Base.
The PIDM parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API. This parameter is a key value for the Job Base entity and must be provided.
MISSING_POSNMissing mandatory Position for Job Base.
The Position parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API. This parameter is a key value for the Job Base entity and must be provided.
MISSING_PROBATION_BEGIN_DATEMissing mandatory Probation Begin Date for Job Base; must be entered when Probation Units or Probation End Date is entered.
The Probation Begin Date parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API.
MISSING_PROBATION_END_DATEMissing mandatory Probation End Date for Job Base; must be entered when Probation Units or Probation Begin Date is entered.
The Probation End Date parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API.
MISSING_PROBATION_UNITSMissing mandatory Probation Units for Job Base; must be entered when Probation Begin Date or Probation End Date is entered.
The Probation Units parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API.
MISSING_SALARY_ENCUMBRANCEMissing mandatory Salary Encumbrance for Job Base.
The Salary Encumbrance parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API.
MISSING_STEP_INCR_DAYMissing mandatory Step Increase Day for Job Base; must be entered when Step Increase Month is entered.
The Step Increase Day parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API.
MISSING_STEP_INCR_MONMissing mandatory Step Increase Month for Job Base; must be entered when Step Increase Day is entered.
The Step Increase Month parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API.
MISSING_SUFFMissing mandatory Suffix for Job Base.
The Suffix parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Base API. This parameter is a key value for the Job Base entity and must be provided.
PAY_HISTORY_EXISTSA record exists on Pay History for Job Base; delete not allowed.
A Job Assignment cannot be deleted once the employee has been paid for that job.
PCLS_NOT_FOUNDPosition Class for Job Base Position not found.
Check Position Class rules for the Position.
PERSON_NOT_AN_EMPLOYEECannot create Job Base; person is not defined as an employee.
You must enter Employee information before a Job Assignment can be created.
PK_NOT_FOUNDCannot find record using primary or unique key for Job Base.
Verify the entered PIDM, Position, and Suffix.
PRIMARY_JOB_EXISTSThis employee already has a primary job.
Only one primary job can be active at a time.
PRIMARY_JOB_NOT_FOUNDA primary job has not been defined for this employee.
One primary job must exist for the employee.
P_DELETE_FAILEDCannot delete Job Base; record does not exist.
An attempt was made to delete a Job Base record, but a record with these key values (or ROWID) could not be found.
RECORD_EXISTSCannot create a Job Base; record already exists.
An attempt was made to create a new Job Base record, but a record already exists with these key values.
ROWID_NOT_FOUNDCannot find the Job Base record using ROWID.
Verify the record ID.
WARNING_EMPLOYEE_IS_SUPERVISORThe employee in this Job Base position is a supervisor.
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction.
WARNING_IPEDS_NOT_REPORTABLEThis Job Assignment is not IPEDS Reportable, but the IPEDS Report Indicator is set to Yes.
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction.
WARNING_IPEDS_REPORTABLEThis Job Assignment is IPEDS Reportable, but the IPEDS Report Indicator is set to No.
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction.
WARNING_MISSING_CONTRACT_DATESMissing mandatory Contract dates for Job Base; required for encumbrance calculation with deferred pay.
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction.
WARNING_POSN_ENDED_BEFORE_JOBPosition ended before Job Assignment End Date.
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction.
WARNING_REACTIVATE_TERM_EMPLThis employee has been terminated; the termination date and reason should be removed from that record.
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction.
WARNING_SALARY_ENCUMBRANCENet change in Salary Encumbrance for Job Base is greater than Position Available Budget.
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction.
WARNING_SAL_ENC_ZERO_HSalary Encumbrance for Job Assignment defaulted to zero because method is Hours Input.
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction.
WARNING_SAL_ENC_ZERO_VSalary Encumbrance for Job Assignment defaulted to zero because method is Value Input.
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction.

Program units
f_get_error   Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

error_tab   Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


error_tab   gb_common_strings.errmsg_tab_type;

Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


Function f_get_error(p_errorname VARCHAR2,
                     p_value_01  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_value_02  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_value_03  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)
  RETURN gb_common_strings.err_type

Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

p_errorname   Name associated with the error message.