
Package nb_job_detail_strings

This package contains error messages and error message functions for the Job Detail API (NB_JOB_DETAIL).

Message NameError Message
BASE_EARNINGS_NOT_FOUNDBase earning for the employee class was not found for Job Detail.
Check Employee Class rules for Base Earnings.
COMP_UNPREDICTABLE_RESULTSSpecifying more than one of the following Job Detail fields can produce unpredictable compensation results; Regular Rate, Hours Per Pay, Assignment Salary, Factor, Annual Salary.
Change the compensation data using two separate transactions.
ILLEGAL_ANN_SALARYAnnual Salary for Job Detail cannot be changed unless Salary Step is zero.
Omit the Annual Salary parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
ILLEGAL_ASSGN_SALARYAssignment Salary for Job Detail cannot be changed unless Salary Step is zero.
Omit the Assignment Salary parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API./TD>
ILLEGAL_ASSN_CODESTRS Assignment for Job Detail not allowed when Banner Payroll not installed.
Omit the STRS Assignment parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
ILLEGAL_DFPR_CODEDefer Pay for Job Detail not allowed when Banner Payroll not installed.
Omit the Defer Pay parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
ILLEGAL_EMPR_CODEEmployer for Job Detail not allowed when Banner Payroll not installed.
Omit the Employer parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
ILLEGAL_ENCUMBRANCE_HRSEncumbrance Hours for Job Detail not allowed when Employee Class Salary Encumbrance rule set to System Calculated or Value Input.
Omit the Encumbrance Hours parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
ILLEGAL_JBLN_CODEJob Location for Job Detail not allowed when Banner Payroll not installed.
Omit the Job Location parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
ILLEGAL_JCRE_CODEJob Change Reason for Job Detail not allowed when Banner Payroll not installed.
Omit the Job Change Reason parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
ILLEGAL_LCAT_CODELeave Category for Job Detail not allowed when Banner Payroll not installed.
Omit the Leave Category parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
ILLEGAL_LCAT_CODE_LEAVE_METHODLeave Category for Job Detail not allowed when Accrue Leave Method is by employee.
Omit the Leave Category parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
ILLEGAL_LGCD_CODELongevity for Job Detail not allowed when Banner Payroll not installed.
Omit the Longevity parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
ILLEGAL_LOCN_CODEEEO Location for Job Detail not allowed when Banner Payroll not installed.
Omit the EEO Location parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
ILLEGAL_LOCN_CODE_COMMERCIALEEO Location for Job Detail not allowed for non-Commercial installations.
Omit the EEO Location parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
ILLEGAL_PCAT_CODEPremium Pay Category for Job Detail not allowed when Banner Payroll not installed.
Omit the Premium Pay Category parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
ILLEGAL_REG_RATERegular Rate for Job Detail cannot be changed unless Salary Step is zero.
Omit the Regular Rate parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
ILLEGAL_SCHL_CODEEEO School for Job Detail not allowed when Banner Payroll not installed.
Omit the EEO School parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
ILLEGAL_SCHL_CODE_K12EEO School for Job Detail not allowed for non-K12 installations.
Omit the EEO School parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
ILLEGAL_WKCP_CODEWorkers' Compensation for Job Detail not allowed when Banner Payroll not installed.
Omit the Workers' Compensation parameter when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
INVALID_APPT_PCTInvalid Appointment Percentage for Job Detail; must be between .01 and 100.
Correct the entered value for Appointment Percentage.
INVALID_ASSN_CODEInvalid STRS Assignment for Job Detail.
Correct the value for STRS Assignment.
INVALID_COMPENSATION_BALANCE_1Assignment Salary divided by rate does not equal Hours Per Pay.
Re-enter compensation data.
INVALID_COMPENSATION_BALANCE_2Annual Salary divided by Factor does not equal the Assignment Salary.
Re-enter compensation data.
INVALID_COMPENSATION_BALANCE_3Rate times Factor times Hours Per Pay does not equal the Annual Salary.
Re-enter compensation data.
INVALID_COMPENSATION_DIV_ZEROInvalid Compensation value for Job Detail; divide by zero occurred.
Check the entered compensation data for a value of zero.
INVALID_COMPENSATION_FIELDInvalid Compensation field name for Job Detail; calculations could not be completed.
The field name must be a valid Job Detail column name related to compensation.
INVALID_DELETE_BEGIN_DATEInvalid delete for Job Detail; cannot delete first Job Detail when future changes exist.
If appropriate, delete future changes first.
INVALID_DELETE_EMPLOYEE_TERMInvalid delete for Job Detail; employee has been terminated.
Record must exist for Pay History purposes.
INVALID_DELETE_FUTURE_CHANGESInvalid delete for Job Detail; only the last future change record may be deleted.
If appropriate, delete future changes first.
INVALID_DELETE_PAY_HISTORYInvalid delete for Job Detail; pay history exists for the effective date.
Record must exist for Pay History purposes.
INVALID_DFPR_CODEInvalid Defer Pay for Job Detail.
Check the Defer Pay rules for a valid value and re-enter.
INVALID_ECLS_CODEInvalid Employee Class for Job Detail.
Check the Employee Class rules for a value and re-enter.
INVALID_EFFECTIVE_DATE_STATUSInvalid Effective Date; only the Status may be changed to Terminated for this Effective Date.
When the Effective Date is equal to the Last Paid Date, only the Status may be changed to Terminated.
INVALID_EFFECTIVE_DATE_UPDATEInvalid update to Job Detail; only Personnel Change Date, Encumbrance Hours, and Change Reason may be changed for this Effective Date.
When the Effective Date is less than the Last Paid Date, only Personnel Change Date, Encumbance Hours, and Change Reason can be changed.
INVALID_EFFECTIVE_DATE_VS_BJOBInvalid Effective Date for Job Detail; must be within the Job Base Begin and End Date range.
Effective Date must be within the Job Base Begin and End Dates.
INVALID_EFFECTIVE_DATE_VS_FISCInvalid Effective Date for Job Detail; not within a defined fiscal year.
Check the Fiscal Year rules for valid fiscal years.
INVALID_EFFECTIVE_DATE_VS_LPDInvalid Effective Date for Job Detail; must be greater than last paid date of .
Enter an Effective Date greater than the Last Paid Date.
INVALID_EFFECTIVE_DATE_VS_MAXInvalid Effective Date for Job Detail; Effective Date must be after the latest effective date.
Job Detail changes can only be made to the last effective-dated record.
INVALID_EFFECTIVE_DATE_VS_POSNInvalid Effective Date for Job Detail; must be within the Position Begin and End Date range.
Effective Date must be within the Position Begin and End Dates.
INVALID_EFFECTIVE_DATE_VS_TERMInvalid Effective Date for Job Detail; cannot be after Termination Date for Employee.
No Job Detail changes can be made after the termination date of the employee.
INVALID_EMPR_CODEInvalid Employer for Job Detail.
Check the Employer Rules for valid values.
INVALID_ESKL_FOR_ECLSInvalid Position Class Skill for Job Detail EEO Contract Group.
The EEO Contract Group is not valid for the Position.
INVALID_FACTORInvalid Factor for Job Detail; must be greater than zero.
Enter a Factor that is greater than zero.
INVALID_FACTOR_EQUAL_PAYSInvalid Factor for Job Detail; must be less than Pays when Defer Pay is specified.
Change the value for Factor or Pays.
INVALID_FACTOR_FOR_DFPRInvalid Factor for Job Detail; must equal the Factor associated with Defer Pay Rules.
Enter the Factor associated with the Defer Pay Rules.
INVALID_FACTOR_FOR_PICTInvalid Factor for Job Detail; cannot be greater than the number of pays per year for Pay ID.
Check the Pay ID rules and change the value for Factor.
INVALID_FACTOR_NOT_EQUAL_PAYSInvalid Factor for Job Detail; must equal Pays when no Defer Pay is specified.
Change the value for Factor and Pays to be equal.
INVALID_FACTOR_VS_PAYSInvalid Factor for Job Detail; must be between 1 and value of Pays.
Change the value for Factor.
INVALID_HRS_DAYInvalid Hours Per Day for Job Detail; must be between 1 and 24.
Change the value for Hours Per Day.
INVALID_HRS_PAYInvalid Hours Per Pay for Job Detail; must be greater than zero.
Change the value for Hours Per Pay.
INVALID_JBLN_CODEInvalid Job Location for Job Detail.
Check the Job Location rules for a valid value.
INVALID_JCRE_CODEInvalid Job Change Reason for Job Detail.
Check the Job Change Reason rules for a valid value.
INVALID_LCAT_CHANGEInvalid Leave category for Job Detail; cannot be changed when non-zero leave balances exist.
Leave Category cannot be changed when balances for it exist.
INVALID_LCAT_CODEInvalid Leave Category for Job Detail.
Check the Leave Category rules for a valid value.
INVALID_LCAT_FOR_ECLSInvalid Leave Category for Job Detail; not valid for the Employee Class.
Check the Employee Class rules for valid values.
INVALID_LEAV_REPT_METHODInvalid Leave Report Method for Job Detail.
Valid values are P - Payroll, W - Web, D - Departmental, T - Third Party.
INVALID_LGCD_CODEInvalid Longevity for Job Detail.
Check the Longevity rules for valid values.
INVALID_LOCN_CODEInvalid EEO Location for Job Detail.
Check the EEO Location rules for valid values.
INVALID_OPERATION_TYPEInvalid Operation Type for Job Detail.
Valid values are gb_event.CREATE_OPERATION, gb_event.UPDATE_OPERATION, and gb_event.DELETE_OPERATION.
INVALID_PAYSInvalid Pays for Job Detail; must be greater than zero.
Change the value of Pays to be greater than zero.
INVALID_PAYS_FOR_DFPRInvalid Pays for Job Detail; must equal the Pays associated with Defer Pay Rules.
Enter the Pays associated with the Defer Pay rules.
INVALID_PAYS_FOR_PICTInvalid Pays for Job Detail; cannot be greater than the number of pays per year for Pay ID.
Check the Pay ID rules and change the value for Pays.
INVALID_PCAT_CODEInvalid Premium Pay Category for Job Detail.
Check the Premium Pay Category rules for valid values.
INVALID_PCAT_EARN_CODEInvalid Premium Pay Category for Job Detail; includes an invalid Earn Code for the Employee Class.
The Premium Pay Category rules contain an earn code that is not defined for the Employee Class Eligible Earnings.
INVALID_PERS_PAY_CODEInvalid PERS Pay for Job Detail.
Refer to the NP_JOB_ASSIGNMENT API documentation for a list of valid PERS Pay Codes.
INVALID_PICT_CODEInvalid Pay ID for Job Detail.
Check the Payroll ID rules for valid values.
INVALID_PICT_CODE_FOR_CALNInvalid Pay ID for Job Detail; Pay ID not set up on Pay Calendar for Effective Date.
Verify that the Pay ID is set up on the Payroll Calendar rules.
INVALID_PICT_CODE_FOR_DFPRInvalid Pay ID for Job Detail; does not match Pay Id associated with Defer Pay.
Check the Defer Pay rules for a valid value.
INVALID_PICT_CODE_LEAV_REPTInvalid Leave Report Payroll ID for Job Detail.
Check the Pay ID rules for valid values.
INVALID_PICT_CODE_LEAV_REPT_CNInvalid Leave Report Pay ID for Job Detail; Pay ID not set up on Pay Calendar for Effective Date.
Verify that the Leave Report Pay ID is set up on the Payroll Calendar rules.
INVALID_PIDMInvalid PIDM for Job Detail.
An invalid PIDM parameter was provided when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. The PIDM must exist in the general person identification table (SPRIDEN).
INVALID_POSNInvalid Position for Job Detail.
An invalid Position parameter was provided when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
INVALID_POSN_NOT_ACTIVEInvalid Position Status for Job Detail; Position is not active.
The Position Status must be active in order to create or update a Job Detail record.
INVALID_SAL_STEPInvalid Salary Step for Job Detail.
Check the Salary/Rate Structure rules for valid values.
INVALID_SCHL_CODEInvalid EEO School for Job Detail.
Check the Scholl rules for valid values.
INVALID_SGRP_CODEInvalid Salary Group for Job Detail.
Check the Salary Group rules for valid values.
INVALID_SGRP_TABLE_GRADEInvalid Salary Group, Table, and Grade for Job Detail.
Check the Salary Group and Salary/Rate Structure rules for valid combinations.
INVALID_STATUSInvalid Status for Job Detail.
Refer to the NP_JOB_ASSIGNMENT API documentation for a list of valid Status values.
INVALID_STATUS_EMPL_ON_LEAVEInvalid Status for Job Detail; employee is on leave as of the effective date.
The Status cannot be activated when the employee is on leave. Check the Employee Leave of Absence Dates.
INVALID_STRS_PAY_CODEInvalid STRS Pay for Job Detail.
Refer to the NP_JOB_ASSIGNMENT API documentation for a list of valid STRS Pay Codes.
INVALID_SUPERVISOR_JOBInvalid Supervisor ID, Position, and Suffix for Job Detail.
Verify that the ID and Position exist.
INVALID_SUPERVISOR_PIDM_DEADInvalid Supervisor for Job Detail; supervisor is deceased.
A deceased Supervisor cannot be assigned to this Job Detail record.
INVALID_SUPERVISOR_PIDM_NO_ACTInvalid Supervisor for Job Detail; supervisor has no active jobs as of the effective date.
The assigned Supervisor must have an active job.
INVALID_SUPERVISOR_PIDM_TERMInvalid Supervisor for Job Detail; supervisor is terminated.
A terminated Supervisor cannot be assigned to the Job Detail record.
INVALID_TIME_ENTRY_METHODInvalid Time Entry Method for Job Detail.
Refer to the NP_JOB_ASSIGNMENT API documentation for valid Time Entry Method values.
INVALID_TIME_ENTRY_TYPEInvalid Time Entry Type for Job Detail.
Refer to the NP_JOB_ASSIGNMENT API documentation for valid Time Entry Type values.
INVALID_TIME_ENTRY_TYPE_METHODInvalid Time Entry Type for Job Detail Time Entry Method.
A Time Entry Type of None is only valid for a Time Entry Method of Payroll.
INVALID_TIME_IN_OUT_INDInvalid Time Entry In/Out Indicator for Job Detail.
Valid values are Y - Yes, N - No.
INVALID_WKCP_CODEInvalid Workers' Compensation for Job Detail.
Check the Workers' Compensation Classification rules for valid values.
JOB_BASE_NOT_FOUNDJob Base record not found.
A Job Base record must first exist before a Job Detail record can be created.
MISSING_ANN_SALARYMissing mandatory Annual Salary for Job Detail.
The Annual Salary parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_APPT_PCTMissing mandatory Appointment Percent for Job Detail.
The Appointment Percent parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_ASSGN_SALARYMissing mandatory Assignment Salary for Job Detail.
The Assignment Salary parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_COAS_CODE_TSMissing mandatory Time Sheet Chart of Accounts for Job Detail.
The Time Sheet Chart of Accounts parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_COMPENSATION_DATAMissing mandatory Compensation data for Job Detail; compensation calculation could not be completed.
Some Compensation parameters were omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_DFPR_CODEMissing mandatory Defer Pay for Job Detail; required when Factor not equal to Pays.
The Defer Pay parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_ECLS_CODEMissing mandatory Employee Class for Job Detail.
The Employee Class parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_EFFECTIVE_DATEMissing mandatory Effective Date for Job Detail.
The Effective Date parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. This parameter is a key value for the Job Detail entity and must be provided.
MISSING_EMPR_CODEMissing mandatory Employer for Job Detail.
The Employer parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_FACTORMissing mandatory Factor for Job Detail.
The Factor parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_FTEMissing mandatory FTE for Job Detail.
The FTE parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_HRS_DAYMissing mandatory Hours Per Day for Job Detail.
The Hours Per Day parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_HRS_PAYMissing mandatory Hours Per Pay for Job Detail.
The Hours Per Pay parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_LCAT_CODEMissing mandatory Leave Category for Job Detail.
The Leave Category parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_LEAV_REPT_METHODMissing mandatory Leave Report Method for Job Detail.
The Leave Report Method parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_ORGN_CODE_TSMissing mandatory Time Sheet Organization for Job Detail.
The Time Sheet Organization parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_PAYSMissing mandatory Pays for Job Detail.
The Pays parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_PERS_CHG_DATEMissing mandatory Personnel Change Date for Job Detail.
The Personnel Change Date parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_PER_PAY_DEFER_AMTMissing mandatory Per Pay Defer Amount for Job Detail.
The Per Pay Defer Amount parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_PER_PAY_SALARYMissing mandatory Per Pay Defer Salary for Job Detail.
The Per Pay Defer Salary parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_PICT_CODEMissing mandatory Pay ID for Job Detail.
The Pay ID parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_PICT_CODE_LEAV_REPTMissing mandatory Leave Report Pay Id for Job Detail.
The Leave Report Pay ID parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_PIDMMissing mandatory PIDM for Job Detail.
The PIDM parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. This parameter is a key value for the Job Detail entity and must be provided.
MISSING_POSNMissing mandatory Position for Job Detail.
The Position parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. This parameter is a key value for the Job Detail entity and must be provided.
MISSING_POSN_SGRP_TABLE_GRADEMissing mandatory Salary Group, Table, and Grade for Position.
The Salary Group, Table, and Grade are not defined for this Position.
MISSING_REG_RATEMissing mandatory Regular Rate for Job Detail.
The Regular Rate parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_SAL_GRADEMissing mandatory Salary Grade for Job Detail.
The Salary Grade parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_SAL_STEPMissing mandatory Salary Step for Job Detail.
The Salary Step parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_SAL_TABLEMissing mandatory Salary Table for Job Detail.
The Salary Table parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_SGRP_CODEMissing mandatory Salary Group for Job Detail.
The Salary Group parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_SHIFTMissing mandatory Shift for Job Detail.
The Shift parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_STATUSMissing mandatory Status for Job Detail.
The Status parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_SUFFMissing mandatory Suffix for Job Detail.
The Suffix parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. This parameter is a key value for the Job Detail entity and must be provided.
MISSING_SUPERVISOR_PIDMMissing mandatory Supervisor PIDM for Job Detail; required when Supervisor Position or Suffix entered.
The Supervisor PIDM parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_SUPERVISOR_POSNMissing mandatory Supervisor Position for Job Detail; required when Supervisor ID or Position Suffix is entered.
The Supervisor Position parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_SUPERVISOR_SUFFMissing mandatory Supervisor Position Suffix for Job Detail; required when Supervisor ID or Position is entered.
The Supervisor Suffix parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_TIME_ENTRY_METHODMissing mandatory Time Entry Method for Job Detail.
The Time Entry Method parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_TIME_ENTRY_TYPEMissing mandatory Time Entry Type for Job Detail.
The Time Entry Type parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
MISSING_TIME_IN_OUT_INDMissing mandatory Time In/Out Indicator for Job Detail.
The Time In/Out Indicator parameter was omitted when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API.
PARTIAL_PAY_EARN_CODE_NOTFOUNDEarn code of partial pay type does not exist for Job Detail employee class.
Check the Employee Class and Earnings rules for an Earn Code with Partial Pay type.
PCLS_NOT_FOUNDPosition Class for Job Base Position not found.
Check the Position Class rules for valid values.
PERSON_NOT_AN_EMPLOYEECannot create Job Detail; person is not defined as an employee.
An Employee record must exist before creating a Job Base record.
PK_NOT_FOUNDCannot find record using primary or unique key for Job Detail.
The combination of primary key parameters does not refer to an existing Job Detail record.
P_DELETE_FAILEDCannot delete Job Detail; record does not exist.
An attempt was made to delete a Job Detail record, but a record with these key values (or ROWID) could not be found.
RECORD_EXISTSCannot create a Job Detail; record already exists.
An attempt was made to create a new Job Detail record, but a record already exists with these key values.
ROWID_NOT_FOUNDCannot find Job Detail record using ROWID.
An invalid ROWID parameter was provided when calling a function or procedure in the Job Detail API. The ROWID must exist in the database.
WARNING_ECLS_CHANGE_FRINGE_LDEmployee Class for Job Detail has changed; a Labor Distribution for this date should be entered to recalculate fringe encumbrance.
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction.
WARNING_EMPLOYEE_IS_SUPERVISORThe employee in this Job Detail position is a supervisor.
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction.
WARNING_ENCUMBRANCE_HRSEncumbrance Hours for Job Detail fiscal year will not be automatically balanced with Job Base Total Encumbrance Hours.
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction.
WARNING_ENC_HRS_OUT_OF_BALANCEEncumbrance Hours for Job Detail will not balance to Job Base Total Encumbrance Hours for the fiscal year.
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction.
WARNING_ENC_METHOD_VALUE_INPUTEncumbrance Method for Job Detail is Value Input and Annual Salary has changed.
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction.
WARNING_FTE_EXCEEDEDFTE for Job Detail exceeds one.
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction.
WARNING_FUTURE_CHANGE_EXISTSFuture Job Detail changes exist starting on .
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction.
WARNING_MISSING_ENC_HRSMissing mandatory Encumbrance Hours for Job Detail; required when Employee Class Salary Encumbrance rule set to Hours Input.
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction.
WARNING_PICT_CODE_FOR_CALNInvalid Pay ID for Job Detail; Pay ID not set up on Pay Calendar for Effective Date.
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction.
WARNING_PICT_CODE_LEAV_REPT_CNInvalid Leave Report Pay ID for Job Detail; Pay ID not set up on Pay Calendar for Effective Date.
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction.
WARNING_RATE_RANGERate for Job Detail is outside the Salary Table/Grade range.
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction.
WARNING_SALARY_RANGEAnnual Salary for Job Detail is outside the Salary Table/Grade range.
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction.
WARNING_TIME_SHEET_EXISTSTime Sheet exists; changes will not be made to any initialized time entry records.
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction.
WARNING_TOTAL_EMPLOYEE_FTETotal FTE for Job Detail on this employee exceeds one as of the effective date.
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction.
WARNING_TOTAL_POSITION_FTETotal FTE for Job Detail on this position greater than the budgeted FTE.
This is a warning message. It has no affect on the success or failure of the API transaction.

Program units
f_get_error   Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

error_tab   Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


error_tab   gb_common_strings.errmsg_tab_type;

Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


Function f_get_error(p_errorname VARCHAR2,
                     p_value_01  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_value_02  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_value_03  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)
  RETURN gb_common_strings.err_type

Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

p_errorname   Name associated with the error message.