- Barrington Drive
- Barrington Drive
- Bay Street
- Canton Drive
- Canton Drive
- East Drive
- Gouverneur Drive
- Lake Placid Drive
- Lake Placid Drive
- Main Street
- Massena Drive
- Massena Drive
- Malone Drive
- Ogdensburg Drive
- Outer Main Street
- Pierrepont Ave/Rt. 56
- Potsdam Drive
- Potsdam Drive
- Saranac Lake Drive
- Tupper Lake Drive
- Watertown Drive
- Watertown Drive
- Watertown Drive
- Tap your finger or click on a building from the list below to highlite its location.
- Tap your finger or click directly on building to display building information.
- Position your finger or mouse over a building to display the building name or over a street name to magnify the street name.

Faculty, Staff, Commuter Students, Visitors - Permits Required
Lots 1, 2, 6, 9, 20, 25, Hosmer/Snell Circles
Faculty, Staff, Resident Students, Visitors - Permits Required.
Lots 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25A, 26, 32
Faculty, Staff, Students, Visitors - Permits Required
Lots 27, 28, 30
Faculty, Staff, Resident Students, Special Permit, Visitors - Permits Required
Lot 31
Faculty, Staff - Permits Required
Lots 8, 11, 12, 13, 21, 29
Service, Maintence, SHS - Permits Required
Lots 3, 4, 5, 15, 16, 33
Bus Stop
15 Minute Parking
Lots 10, 14
Overnight Parking - Permits Required
Lots 6, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 25A, 26, 27, 31
Handicap Parking - Handicap Permit Required
Lots 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, Hosmer Cirlce, Snell Circle, Robbins Square
University Police, Van Housen Extension, 1st Floor

- Barrington Student Union:
Front Lobby, Union Dining Hall, Multi-Purpose Room, Pete's Place, SGA Office, OSCCS, 204 Area - Bishop:
2nd floor Wakefield Rm - Brainerd Hall:
205 Area - Bowman Hall:
All Student Rooms - Carson Hall:
Pratt Commons - Crane:
Crane Commons - Crumb Library:
LTEC Center, Minerva Cafe, Periodicals, Basement Archives, 2nd Open Study Area - Draime Hall:
All Student Rooms - Dunn Hall:
2nd Floor Laptop Classrooms, 3rd Floor - Flagg Hall:
Ground Floor Lobby - Kellas Hall:
Ground Floor Lobby, 217/218 Conference Rooms - Knowles Hall:
All Student Rooms - Knowles Hall:
2nd Floor MPR - Lehman Hall:
All Student Rooms - Lehman Hall:
Dining Area - MacVicar Hall:
1st Floor Anthropology area - Maxcy Hall:
Gymnasium, Arena, Main Lobby/Ticket Area, Faculty Lounge - Merritt Hall:
Levitt Center - Morey Hall:
Morey 114 Laptop classroom, Morey 203 - Performing Arts Center:
Main Lobby - Raymond Hall:
All Floors - Satterlee Hall:
2nd Floor South and Central, 1st Floor South, 3rd Floor North, 3rd Floor South - Schuette:
2nd floor Library & 3rd Floor central area - Sisson Hall:
Student Success Center 1st Floor - Stillman Hall:
All Areas - Stowell Hall:
306 Chemistry, 2nd Floor (Partial) - Thatcher Hall:
Dexter's Cafe, Thatcher Dining Hall (2nd Floor) - Timerman Hall:
Lobby - Townhouses:
All Student Rooms - Townhouses:
All Student Rooms - Van Housen Hall:
All Student Rooms
Wireless at SUNY Potsdam
Road Runner Wi-Fi