
Package px_record_of_employment_rules

This package provides messaging support and field validations for the Canadian Record of Employment API (PX_RECORD_OF_EMPLOYMENT).

Program units
p_register_entity   Register the attribute value pairs to the message cache for delete operations.
p_register_entity   Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache for create and update operations.
p_validate   Validates all data in the record.


Procedure p_register_entity(p_operation_type     NUMBER,
                            p_internal_record_id gb_common.internal_record_id_type)

Register the attribute value pairs to the message cache for delete operations.
This signature uses the ROWID only, for delete operations.

p_operation_type   Type of DML operation: create,update,delete. NUMBER Required
p_internal_record_id   Database ROWID VARCHAR2(18) required


Procedure p_register_entity(p_operation_type         NUMBER,
                            p_pidm                   pxrroec.pxrroec_pidm%TYPE,
                            p_seq_no                 pxrroec.pxrroec_seq_no%TYPE,
                            p_pict_code              pxrroec.pxrroec_pict_code%TYPE,
                            p_empr_code              pxrroec.pxrroec_empr_code%TYPE,
                            p_empr_fed_ein           pxrroec.pxrroec_empr_fed_ein%TYPE,
                            p_print_ind              pxrroec.pxrroec_print_ind%TYPE,
                            p_reprint_ind            pxrroec.pxrroec_reprint_ind%TYPE,
                            p_serial_no              pxrroec.pxrroec_serial_no%TYPE,
                            p_amends_serial_no       pxrroec.pxrroec_amends_serial_no%TYPE,
                            p_language_ind           pxrroec.pxrroec_language_ind%TYPE,
                            p_issue_date             pxrroec.pxrroec_issue_date%TYPE,
                            p_reference_number       pxrroec.pxrroec_reference_number%TYPE,
                            p_sin                    pxrroec.pxrroec_sin%TYPE,
                            p_job_title              pxrroec.pxrroec_job_title%TYPE,
                            p_first_day_worked       pxrroec.pxrroec_first_day_worked%TYPE,
                            p_last_day_worked        pxrroec.pxrroec_last_day_worked%TYPE,
                            p_final_pay_date         pxrroec.pxrroec_final_pay_date%TYPE,
                            p_recall_ind             pxrroec.pxrroec_recall_ind%TYPE,
                            p_recall_date            pxrroec.pxrroec_recall_date%TYPE,
                            p_roec_code              pxrroec.pxrroec_roec_code%TYPE,
                            p_total_hrs              pxrroec.pxrroec_total_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_total_grs              pxrroec.pxrroec_total_grs%TYPE,
                            p_1996_weeks             pxrroec.pxrroec_1996_weeks%TYPE,
                            p_1996_earnings          pxrroec.pxrroec_1996_earnings%TYPE,
                            p_contact_pidm           pxrroec.pxrroec_contact_pidm%TYPE,
                            p_contact_tele_area_code pxrroec.pxrroec_contact_tele_area_code%TYPE,
                            p_contact_tele_number    pxrroec.pxrroec_contact_tele_number%TYPE,
                            p_contact_tele_ext       pxrroec.pxrroec_contact_tele_ext%TYPE,
                            p_issuing_pidm           pxrroec.pxrroec_issuing_pidm%TYPE,
                            p_issuing_tele_area_code pxrroec.pxrroec_issuing_tele_area_code%TYPE,
                            p_issuing_tele_number    pxrroec.pxrroec_issuing_tele_number%TYPE,
                            p_issusing_tele_ext      pxrroec.pxrroec_issusing_tele_ext%TYPE,
                            p_earn_code_vac          pxrroec.pxrroec_earn_code_vac%TYPE,
                            p_vac_grs                pxrroec.pxrroec_vac_grs%TYPE,
                            p_stat_hol_earn_code1    pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_earn_code1%TYPE,
                            p_stat_hol_date1         pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_date1%TYPE,
                            p_stat_hol_grs1          pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_grs1%TYPE,
                            p_stat_hol_earn_code2    pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_earn_code2%TYPE,
                            p_stat_hol_date2         pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_date2%TYPE,
                            p_stat_hol_grs2          pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_grs2%TYPE,
                            p_stat_hol_earn_code3    pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_earn_code3%TYPE,
                            p_stat_hol_date3         pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_date3%TYPE,
                            p_stat_hol_grs3          pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_grs3%TYPE,
                            p_other_earn_code1       pxrroec.pxrroec_other_earn_code1%TYPE,
                            p_other_earn_code1_grs   pxrroec.pxrroec_other_earn_code1_grs%TYPE,
                            p_other_earn_code2       pxrroec.pxrroec_other_earn_code2%TYPE,
                            p_other_earn_code2_grs   pxrroec.pxrroec_other_earn_code2_grs%TYPE,
                            p_other_earn_code3       pxrroec.pxrroec_other_earn_code3%TYPE,
                            p_other_earn_code3_grs   pxrroec.pxrroec_other_earn_code3_grs%TYPE,
                            p_benefit_ind            pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_ind%TYPE,
                            p_benefit_grs            pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_grs%TYPE,
                            p_benefit_start_date     pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_start_date%TYPE,
                            p_benefit_day_week_ind   pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_day_week_ind%TYPE,
                            p_pp1_payno              pxrroec.pxrroec_pp1_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp1_grs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp1_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp2_payno              pxrroec.pxrroec_pp2_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp2_grs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp2_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp3_payno              pxrroec.pxrroec_pp3_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp3_grs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp3_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp4_payno              pxrroec.pxrroec_pp4_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp4_grs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp4_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp5_payno              pxrroec.pxrroec_pp5_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp5_grs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp5_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp6_payno              pxrroec.pxrroec_pp6_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp6_grs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp6_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp7_payno              pxrroec.pxrroec_pp7_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp7_grs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp7_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp8_payno              pxrroec.pxrroec_pp8_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp8_grs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp8_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp9_payno              pxrroec.pxrroec_pp9_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp9_grs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp9_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp10_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp10_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp10_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp10_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp11_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp11_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp11_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp11_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp12_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp12_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp12_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp12_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp13_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp13_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp13_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp13_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp14_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp14_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp14_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp14_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp15_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp15_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp15_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp15_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp16_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp16_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp16_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp16_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp17_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp17_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp17_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp17_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp18_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp18_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp18_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp18_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp19_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp19_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp19_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp19_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp20_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp20_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp20_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp20_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp21_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp21_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp21_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp21_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp22_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp22_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp22_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp22_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp23_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp23_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp23_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp23_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp24_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp24_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp24_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp24_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp25_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp25_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp25_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp25_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp26_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp26_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp26_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp26_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp27_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp27_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp27_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp27_grs%TYPE,
                            p_comment_line1          pxrroec.pxrroec_comment_line1%TYPE,
                            p_comment_line2          pxrroec.pxrroec_comment_line2%TYPE,
                            p_comment_line3          pxrroec.pxrroec_comment_line3%TYPE,
                            p_comment_line4          pxrroec.pxrroec_comment_line4%TYPE,
                            p_comment_line5          pxrroec.pxrroec_comment_line5%TYPE,
                            p_comment_line6          pxrroec.pxrroec_comment_line6%TYPE,
                            p_user_id                pxrroec.pxrroec_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
                            p_money_type1            pxrroec.pxrroec_money_type1%TYPE,
                            p_money_type2            pxrroec.pxrroec_money_type2%TYPE,
                            p_money_type3            pxrroec.pxrroec_money_type3%TYPE,
                            p_pp28_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp28_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp28_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp28_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp29_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp29_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp29_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp29_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp30_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp30_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp30_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp30_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp31_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp31_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp31_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp31_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp32_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp32_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp32_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp32_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp33_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp33_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp33_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp33_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp34_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp34_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp34_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp34_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp35_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp35_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp35_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp35_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp36_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp36_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp36_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp36_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp37_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp37_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp37_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp37_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp38_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp38_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp38_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp38_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp39_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp39_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp39_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp39_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp40_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp40_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp40_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp40_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp41_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp41_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp41_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp41_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp42_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp42_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp42_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp42_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp43_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp43_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp43_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp43_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp44_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp44_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp44_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp44_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp45_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp45_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp45_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp45_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp46_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp46_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp46_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp46_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp47_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp47_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp47_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp47_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp48_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp48_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp48_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp48_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp49_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp49_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp49_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp49_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp50_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp50_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp50_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp50_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp51_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp51_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp51_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp51_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp52_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp52_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp52_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp52_grs%TYPE,
                            p_pp53_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp53_payno%TYPE,
                            p_pp53_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp53_grs%TYPE,
                            p_data_origin            pxrroec.pxrroec_data_origin%TYPE,
                            p_pp1_hrs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp1_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp2_hrs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp2_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp3_hrs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp3_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp4_hrs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp4_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp5_hrs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp5_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp6_hrs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp6_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp7_hrs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp7_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp8_hrs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp8_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp9_hrs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp9_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp10_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp10_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp11_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp11_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp12_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp12_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp13_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp13_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp14_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp14_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp15_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp15_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp16_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp16_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp17_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp17_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp18_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp18_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp19_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp19_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp20_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp20_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp21_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp21_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp22_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp22_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp23_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp23_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp24_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp24_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp25_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp25_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp26_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp26_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp27_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp27_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp28_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp28_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp29_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp29_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp30_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp30_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp31_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp31_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp32_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp32_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp33_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp33_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp34_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp34_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp35_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp35_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp36_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp36_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp37_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp37_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp38_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp38_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp39_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp39_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp40_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp40_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp41_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp41_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp42_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp42_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp43_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp43_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp44_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp44_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp45_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp45_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp46_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp46_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp47_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp47_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp48_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp48_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp49_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp49_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp50_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp50_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp51_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp51_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp52_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp52_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_pp53_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp53_hrs%TYPE,
                            p_bulk_file_name         pxrroec.pxrroec_bulk_file_name%TYPE,
                            p_vac_roev_code          pxrroec.pxrroec_vac_roev_code%TYPE,
                            p_vac_start_date         pxrroec.pxrroec_vac_start_date%TYPE,
                            p_vac_end_date           pxrroec.pxrroec_vac_end_date%TYPE,
                            p_stat_hol_earn_code4    pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_earn_code4%TYPE,
                            p_stat_hol_date4         pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_date4%TYPE,
                            p_stat_hol_grs4          pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_grs4%TYPE,
                            p_stat_hol_earn_code5    pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_earn_code5%TYPE,
                            p_stat_hol_date5         pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_date5%TYPE,
                            p_stat_hol_grs5          pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_grs5%TYPE,
                            p_other_start_date1      pxrroec.pxrroec_other_start_date1%TYPE,
                            p_other_end_date1        pxrroec.pxrroec_other_end_date1%TYPE,
                            p_other_start_date2      pxrroec.pxrroec_other_start_date2%TYPE,
                            p_other_end_date2        pxrroec.pxrroec_other_end_date2%TYPE,
                            p_other_start_date3      pxrroec.pxrroec_other_start_date3%TYPE,
                            p_other_end_date3        pxrroec.pxrroec_other_end_date3%TYPE,
                            p_benefit_roes_code      pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_roes_code%TYPE,
                            p_benefit_end_date       pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_end_date%TYPE,
                            p_benefit_roes_code2     pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_roes_code2%TYPE,
                            p_benefit_grs2           pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_grs2%TYPE,
                            p_benefit_start_date2    pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_start_date2%TYPE,
                            p_benefit_end_date2      pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_end_date2%TYPE,
                            p_benefit_day_week_ind2  pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_day_week_ind2%TYPE,
                            p_benefit_roes_code3     pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_roes_code3%TYPE,
                            p_benefit_grs3           pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_grs3%TYPE,
                            p_benefit_start_date3    pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_start_date3%TYPE,
                            p_benefit_end_date3      pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_end_date3%TYPE,
                            p_benefit_day_week_ind3  pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_day_week_ind3%TYPE,
                            p_benefit_roes_code4     pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_roes_code4%TYPE,
                            p_benefit_grs4           pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_grs4%TYPE,
                            p_benefit_start_date4    pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_start_date4%TYPE,
                            p_benefit_end_date4      pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_end_date4%TYPE,
                            p_benefit_day_week_ind4  pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_day_week_ind4%TYPE,
                            p_internal_record_id     gb_common.internal_record_id_type)

Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache for create and update operations.
This signature registers all parameters.

p_operation_type   Type of DML operation: create,update,delete. NUMBER Required
p_pidm   Employee Identification Number. NUMBER(8) Required Key
p_seq_no   Record Sequence Number. NUMBER(2) Required Key
p_pict_code   Payroll ID. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key
p_empr_code   Employer Code. VARCHAR2(4) Required Key
p_empr_fed_ein   Revenue Canada Business Number. VARCHAR2(15) Required
p_print_ind   Ready to print indicator. VARCHAR2(1) Required
p_reprint_ind   Reprint amend indicator. VARCHAR2(1) Required
p_serial_no   Serial number of ROE record. VARCHAR2(9)
p_amends_serial_no   Amended serial number of ROE amended or replaced. VARCHAR2(12)
p_language_ind   The preferred language indicator of the issuing employer. VARCHAR2(1) Required
p_issue_date   Issued Date of the ROE record. DATE Required
p_reference_number   Reference Number used by the employer to identify the employee. VARCHAR2(12)
p_sin   The Employee social insurance number. VARCHAR2(9) Required
p_job_title   Employee job title. VARCHAR2(40)
p_first_day_worked   Employee first worked date. DATE Required
p_last_day_worked   Employee last worked date. DATE Required
p_final_pay_date   Employee final paid date. DATE Required
p_recall_ind   The employee return to active employment indicator. VARCHAR2(1)
p_recall_date   The expected date of the employee return to active employment. DATE
p_roec_code   Reason of the employer issuing this ROE. VARCHAR2(3) Required
p_total_hrs   The total insurable hours worked by the employee in the last 52 weeks. NUMBER(11,2) Required
p_total_grs   The sum of applicable gross of all EI deduction records in the last 52 weeks. NUMBER(11,2)
p_1996_weeks   1996 Employment history insurable weeks. NUMBER(,)
p_1996_earnings   1996 Employment history insurable earnings. NUMBER(,)
p_contact_pidm   Employee Identification number to be contacted. NUMBER(8) Required
p_contact_tele_area_code   Employee phone number area code to be contacted. VARCHAR2(3) Required
p_contact_tele_number   Employee phone number to be contacted. VARCHAR2(7) Required
p_contact_tele_ext   Employee phone number extention to be contacted. VARCHAR2(4)
p_issuing_pidm   Issuing person identification number. NUMBER(8) Required
p_issuing_tele_area_code   Issuing person telephone number area code. VARCHAR2(3) Required
p_issuing_tele_number   Issuing person telephone number. VARCHAR2(7) Required
p_issusing_tele_ext   Issuing person telephone number extention. VARCHAR2(4)
p_earn_code_vac   Vacation pay earnings code. VARCHAR2(3)
p_vac_grs   Vacation pay amount. NUMBER(11,2)
p_stat_hol_earn_code1   Statutory holiday pay earnings code 1. VARCHAR2(3)
p_stat_hol_date1   Statutory holiday date 1. DATE
p_stat_hol_grs1   Statutory holiday pay amount 1. NUMBER(11,2)
p_stat_hol_earn_code2   Statutory holiday pay earnings code 2. VARCHAR2(3)
p_stat_hol_date2   Statutory holiday date 2. DATE
p_stat_hol_grs2   Statutory holiday pay amount 2. NUMBER(11,2)
p_stat_hol_earn_code3   Statutory holiday pay earnings code 3. VARCHAR2(3)
p_stat_hol_date3   Statutory holiday date 3. DATE
p_stat_hol_grs3   Statutory holiday pay amount 3. NUMBER(11,2)
p_other_earn_code1   Other monies earning code 1. VARCHAR2(3)
p_other_earn_code1_grs   Other monies earning amount 1. NUMBER(11,2)
p_other_earn_code2   Other monies earning code 2. VARCHAR2(3)
p_other_earn_code2_grs   Other monies earning amount 2. NUMBER(11,2)
p_other_earn_code3   Other monies earning code 3. VARCHAR2(3)
p_other_earn_code3_grs   Other monies earning amount 3. NUMBER(11,2)
p_benefit_ind   Will the employee be receiving benefit indicator. VARCHAR2(1) Required
p_benefit_grs   The amount the employee will receive for benefit. NUMBER(11,2)
p_benefit_start_date   Start date of the employee receive benefit. DATE
p_benefit_day_week_ind   The benefit payment period indicator. VARCHAR2(1)
p_pp1_payno   Pay period breakdown number 1. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp1_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 1. NUMBER(11,2)
p_pp2_payno   Pay period breakdown number 2. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp2_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 2. NUMBER(,)
p_pp3_payno   Pay period breakdown number 3. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp3_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 3. NUMBER(,)
p_pp4_payno   Pay period breakdown number 4. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp4_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 4. NUMBER(,)
p_pp5_payno   Pay period breakdown number 5. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp5_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 5. NUMBER(,)
p_pp6_payno   Pay period breakdown number 6. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp6_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 6. NUMBER(,)
p_pp7_payno   Pay period breakdown number 7. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp7_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 7. NUMBER(,)
p_pp8_payno   Pay period breakdown number 8. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp8_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 8. NUMBER(,)
p_pp9_payno   Pay period breakdown number 9. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp9_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 9. NUMBER(,)
p_pp10_payno   Pay period breakdown number 10. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp10_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 10. NUMBER(,)
p_pp11_payno   Pay period breakdown number 11. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp11_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 11. NUMBER(,)
p_pp12_payno   Pay period breakdown number 12. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp12_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 12. NUMBER(,)
p_pp13_payno   Pay period breakdown number 13. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp13_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 13. NUMBER(,)
p_pp14_payno   Pay period breakdown number 14. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp14_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 14. NUMBER(,)
p_pp15_payno   Pay period breakdown number 15. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp15_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 15. NUMBER(,)
p_pp16_payno   Pay period breakdown number 16. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp16_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 16. NUMBER(,)
p_pp17_payno   Pay period breakdown number 17. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp17_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 17. NUMBER(,)
p_pp18_payno   Pay period breakdown number 18. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp18_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 18. NUMBER(,)
p_pp19_payno   Pay period breakdown number 19. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp19_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 19. NUMBER(,)
p_pp20_payno   Pay period breakdown number 20. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp20_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 20. NUMBER(,)
p_pp21_payno   Pay period breakdown number 21. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp21_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 21. NUMBER(,)
p_pp22_payno   Pay period breakdown number 22. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp22_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 22. NUMBER(,)
p_pp23_payno   Pay period breakdown number 23. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp23_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 23. NUMBER(,)
p_pp24_payno   Pay period breakdown number 24. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp24_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 24. NUMBER(,)
p_pp25_payno   Pay period breakdown number 25. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp25_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 25. NUMBER(,)
p_pp26_payno   Pay period breakdown number 26. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp26_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 26. NUMBER(,)
p_pp27_payno   Pay period breakdown number 27. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp27_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 27. NUMBER(,)
p_comment_line1   Comment of the record line 1. VARCHAR2(38)
p_comment_line2   Comment of the record line 2. VARCHAR2(38)
p_comment_line3   Comment of the record line 3. VARCHAR2(38)
p_comment_line4   Comment of the record line 4. VARCHAR2(38)
p_comment_line5   Comment of the record line 5. VARCHAR2(38)
p_comment_line6   Comment of the record line 6. VARCHAR2(38)
p_user_id   VARCHAR2(30) Required
p_money_type1   PXRROEC_MONEY_TYPE1 This field indicates Canadian ROE Types of Other Money1. VARCHAR2(1)
p_money_type2   PXRROEC_MONEY_TYPE2 This field indicates Canadian ROE Types of Other Money2. VARCHAR2(1)
p_money_type3   PXRROEC_MONEY_TYPE3 This field indicates Canadian ROE Types of Other Money3. VARCHAR2(1)
p_pp28_payno   Pay period breakdown number 28. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp28_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 28. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp29_payno   Pay period breakdown number 29. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp29_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 29. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp30_payno   Pay period breakdown number 30. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp30_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 30. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp31_payno   Pay period breakdown number 31. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp31_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 31. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp32_payno   Pay period breakdown number 32. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp32_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 32. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp33_payno   Pay period breakdown number 33. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp33_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 33. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp34_payno   Pay period breakdown number 34. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp34_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 34. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp35_payno   Pay period breakdown number 35. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp35_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 35. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp36_payno   Pay period breakdown number 36. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp36_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 36. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp37_payno   Pay period breakdown number 37. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp37_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 37. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp38_payno   Pay period breakdown number 38. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp38_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 38. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp39_payno   Pay period breakdown number 39. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp39_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 39. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp40_payno   Pay period breakdown number 40. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp40_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 40. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp41_payno   Pay period breakdown number 41. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp41_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 41. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp42_payno   Pay period breakdown number 42. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp42_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 42. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp43_payno   Pay period breakdown number 43. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp43_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 43. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp44_payno   Pay period breakdown number 44. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp44_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 44. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp45_payno   Pay period breakdown number 45. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp45_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 45. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp46_payno   Pay period breakdown number 46. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp46_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 46. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp47_payno   Pay period breakdown number 47. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp47_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 47. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp48_payno   Pay period breakdown number 48. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp48_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 48. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp49_payno   Pay period breakdown number 49. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp49_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 49. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp50_payno   Pay period breakdown number 50. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp50_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 50. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp51_payno   Pay period breakdown number 51. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp51_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 51. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp52_payno   Pay period breakdown number 52. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp52_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 52. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp53_payno   Pay period breakdown number 53. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp53_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 53. NUMBER(9,2)
p_data_origin   DATA ORIGIN: Source system that created or updated the row. VARCHAR2(30)
pxrroec_pp1_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 1. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp2_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 2. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp3_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 3. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp4_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 4. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp5_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 5. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp6_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 6. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp7_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 7. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp8_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 8. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp9_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 9. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp10_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 10. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp11_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 11. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp12_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 12. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp13_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 13. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp14_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 14. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp15_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 15. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp16_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 16. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp17_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 17. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp18_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 18. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp19_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 19. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp20_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 20. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp21_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 21. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp22_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 22. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp23_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 23. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp24_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 24. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp25_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 25. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp26_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 26. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp27_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 27. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp28_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 28. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp29_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 29. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp30_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 30. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp31_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 31. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp32_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 32. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp33_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 33. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp34_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 34. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp35_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 35. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp36_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 36. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp37_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 37. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp38_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 38. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp39_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 39. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp40_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 40. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp41_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 41. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp42_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 42. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp43_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 43. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp44_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 44. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp45_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 45. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp46_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 46. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp47_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 47. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp48_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 48. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp49_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 49. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp50_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 50. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp51_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 51. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp52_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 52. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp53_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 53. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_bulk_file_name   ROE bulk transfer file name that is transmitted to Web ROE. VARCHAR2(30)
p_vac_roev_code   Canadian ROE vacation pay code. VARCHAR2(1)
p_vac_start_date   Start date for this payment. DATE
p_vac_end_date   End date for this payment. DATE
p_stat_hol_earn_code4   Statutory holiday pay earnings code 4. VARCHAR2(3)
p_stat_hol_date4   Statutory holiday date 4. DATE
p_stat_hol_grs4   Statutory holiday pay amount 4. NUMBER(11,2)
p_stat_hol_earn_code5   Statutory holiday pay earnings code 5. VARCHAR2(3)
p_stat_hol_date5   Statutory holiday date 5. DATE
p_stat_hol_grs5   Statutory holiday pay amount 5. NUMBER(11,2)
p_other_start_date1   Other monies start date for payment 1. DATE
p_other_end_date1   Other monies end date for payment 1. DATE
p_other_start_date2   Other monies start date for this payment 2. DATE
p_other_end_date2   Other monies end date for this payment 2. DATE
p_other_start_date3   Other monies start date for this payment 3. DATE
p_other_end_date3   Other monies end date for this payment 3. DATE
p_benefit_roes_code   Canadian ROE special payment code. VARCHAR2(5)
p_benefit_end_date   End date of the employee receive benefit. DATE
p_benefit_roes_code2   Canadian ROE special payment code 2. VARCHAR2(5)
p_benefit_grs2   The amount the employee will receive for benefit 2. NUMBER(11,2)
p_benefit_start_date2   Start date of the employee receive benefit 2. DATE
p_benefit_end_date2   End date of the employee receive benefit 2. DATE
p_benefit_day_week_ind2   The benefit payment period indicator2. VARCHAR2(1)
p_benefit_roes_code3   Canadian ROE special payment code 3. VARCHAR2(5)
p_benefit_grs3   The amount the employee will receive for benefit 3. NUMBER(11,2)
p_benefit_start_date3   Start date of the employee receive benefit 3. DATE
p_benefit_end_date3   End date of the employee receive benefit 3. DATE
p_benefit_day_week_ind3   The benefit payment period indicator3. VARCHAR2(1)
p_benefit_roes_code4   Canadian ROE special payment code 4. VARCHAR2(5)
p_benefit_grs4   The amount the employee will receive for benefit 4. NUMBER(11,2)
p_benefit_start_date4   Start date of the employee receive benefit 4. DATE
p_benefit_end_date4   End date of the employee receive benefit 4. DATE
p_benefit_day_week_ind4   The benefit payment period indicator4. VARCHAR2(1)
p_internal_record_id   Database ROWID VARCHAR2(18) required


Procedure p_validate(p_pidm                   pxrroec.pxrroec_pidm%TYPE,
                     p_seq_no                 pxrroec.pxrroec_seq_no%TYPE,
                     p_pict_code              pxrroec.pxrroec_pict_code%TYPE,
                     p_empr_code              pxrroec.pxrroec_empr_code%TYPE,
                     p_empr_fed_ein           pxrroec.pxrroec_empr_fed_ein%TYPE,
                     p_print_ind              pxrroec.pxrroec_print_ind%TYPE,
                     p_reprint_ind            pxrroec.pxrroec_reprint_ind%TYPE,
                     p_serial_no              pxrroec.pxrroec_serial_no%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_amends_serial_no       pxrroec.pxrroec_amends_serial_no%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_language_ind           pxrroec.pxrroec_language_ind%TYPE,
                     p_issue_date             pxrroec.pxrroec_issue_date%TYPE,
                     p_reference_number       pxrroec.pxrroec_reference_number%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_sin                    pxrroec.pxrroec_sin%TYPE,
                     p_job_title              pxrroec.pxrroec_job_title%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_first_day_worked       pxrroec.pxrroec_first_day_worked%TYPE,
                     p_last_day_worked        pxrroec.pxrroec_last_day_worked%TYPE,
                     p_final_pay_date         pxrroec.pxrroec_final_pay_date%TYPE,
                     p_recall_ind             pxrroec.pxrroec_recall_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_recall_date            pxrroec.pxrroec_recall_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_roec_code              pxrroec.pxrroec_roec_code%TYPE,
                     p_total_hrs              pxrroec.pxrroec_total_hrs%TYPE,
                     p_total_grs              pxrroec.pxrroec_total_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_1996_weeks             pxrroec.pxrroec_1996_weeks%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_1996_earnings          pxrroec.pxrroec_1996_earnings%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_contact_pidm           pxrroec.pxrroec_contact_pidm%TYPE,
                     p_contact_tele_area_code pxrroec.pxrroec_contact_tele_area_code%TYPE,
                     p_contact_tele_number    pxrroec.pxrroec_contact_tele_number%TYPE,
                     p_contact_tele_ext       pxrroec.pxrroec_contact_tele_ext%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_issuing_pidm           pxrroec.pxrroec_issuing_pidm%TYPE,
                     p_issuing_tele_area_code pxrroec.pxrroec_issuing_tele_area_code%TYPE,
                     p_issuing_tele_number    pxrroec.pxrroec_issuing_tele_number%TYPE,
                     p_issusing_tele_ext      pxrroec.pxrroec_issusing_tele_ext%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_earn_code_vac          pxrroec.pxrroec_earn_code_vac%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_vac_grs                pxrroec.pxrroec_vac_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_stat_hol_earn_code1    pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_earn_code1%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_stat_hol_date1         pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_date1%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_stat_hol_grs1          pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_grs1%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_stat_hol_earn_code2    pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_earn_code2%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_stat_hol_date2         pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_date2%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_stat_hol_grs2          pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_grs2%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_stat_hol_earn_code3    pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_earn_code3%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_stat_hol_date3         pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_date3%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_stat_hol_grs3          pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_grs3%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_other_earn_code1       pxrroec.pxrroec_other_earn_code1%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_other_earn_code1_grs   pxrroec.pxrroec_other_earn_code1_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_other_earn_code2       pxrroec.pxrroec_other_earn_code2%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_other_earn_code2_grs   pxrroec.pxrroec_other_earn_code2_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_other_earn_code3       pxrroec.pxrroec_other_earn_code3%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_other_earn_code3_grs   pxrroec.pxrroec_other_earn_code3_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_benefit_ind            pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_ind%TYPE,
                     p_benefit_grs            pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_benefit_start_date     pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_start_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_benefit_day_week_ind   pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_day_week_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp1_payno              pxrroec.pxrroec_pp1_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp1_grs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp1_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp2_payno              pxrroec.pxrroec_pp2_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp2_grs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp2_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp3_payno              pxrroec.pxrroec_pp3_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp3_grs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp3_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp4_payno              pxrroec.pxrroec_pp4_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp4_grs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp4_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp5_payno              pxrroec.pxrroec_pp5_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp5_grs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp5_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp6_payno              pxrroec.pxrroec_pp6_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp6_grs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp6_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp7_payno              pxrroec.pxrroec_pp7_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp7_grs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp7_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp8_payno              pxrroec.pxrroec_pp8_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp8_grs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp8_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp9_payno              pxrroec.pxrroec_pp9_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp9_grs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp9_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp10_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp10_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp10_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp10_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp11_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp11_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp11_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp11_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp12_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp12_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp12_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp12_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp13_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp13_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp13_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp13_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp14_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp14_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp14_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp14_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp15_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp15_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp15_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp15_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp16_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp16_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp16_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp16_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp17_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp17_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp17_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp17_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp18_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp18_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp18_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp18_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp19_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp19_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp19_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp19_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp20_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp20_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp20_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp20_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp21_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp21_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp21_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp21_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp22_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp22_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp22_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp22_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp23_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp23_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp23_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp23_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp24_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp24_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp24_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp24_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp25_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp25_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp25_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp25_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp26_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp26_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp26_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp26_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp27_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp27_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp27_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp27_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
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                     p_comment_line4          pxrroec.pxrroec_comment_line4%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_comment_line5          pxrroec.pxrroec_comment_line5%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_comment_line6          pxrroec.pxrroec_comment_line6%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_user_id                pxrroec.pxrroec_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
                     p_money_type1            pxrroec.pxrroec_money_type1%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_money_type2            pxrroec.pxrroec_money_type2%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_money_type3            pxrroec.pxrroec_money_type3%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
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                     p_pp28_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp28_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp29_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp29_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp29_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp29_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp30_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp30_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp30_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp30_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp31_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp31_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp31_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp31_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp32_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp32_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp32_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp32_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp33_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp33_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp33_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp33_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp34_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp34_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp34_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp34_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp35_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp35_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp35_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp35_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp36_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp36_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp36_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp36_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp37_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp37_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp37_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp37_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp38_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp38_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp38_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp38_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp39_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp39_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp39_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp39_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp40_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp40_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp40_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp40_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp41_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp41_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp41_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp41_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp42_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp42_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp42_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp42_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp43_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp43_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp43_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp43_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp44_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp44_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp44_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp44_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp45_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp45_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp45_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp45_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp46_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp46_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp46_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp46_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp47_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp47_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp47_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp47_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp48_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp48_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp48_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp48_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp49_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp49_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp49_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp49_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp50_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp50_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp50_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp50_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp51_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp51_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp51_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp51_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp52_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp52_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp52_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp52_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp53_payno             pxrroec.pxrroec_pp53_payno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp53_grs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp53_grs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_data_origin            pxrroec.pxrroec_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp1_hrs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp1_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp2_hrs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp2_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp3_hrs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp3_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp4_hrs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp4_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp5_hrs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp5_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp6_hrs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp6_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp7_hrs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp7_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp8_hrs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp8_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp9_hrs                pxrroec.pxrroec_pp9_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp10_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp10_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp11_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp11_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp12_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp12_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp13_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp13_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp14_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp14_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp15_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp15_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp16_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp16_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp17_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp17_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp18_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp18_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp19_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp19_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp20_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp20_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp21_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp21_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp22_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp22_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp23_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp23_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp24_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp24_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp25_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp25_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp26_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp26_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp27_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp27_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp28_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp28_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp29_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp29_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp30_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp30_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp31_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp31_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp32_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp32_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp33_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp33_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp34_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp34_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp35_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp35_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp36_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp36_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp37_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp37_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp38_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp38_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp39_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp39_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp40_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp40_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp41_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp41_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp42_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp42_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp43_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp43_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp44_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp44_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp45_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp45_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp46_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp46_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp47_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp47_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp48_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp48_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp49_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp49_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp50_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp50_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp51_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp51_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp52_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp52_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_pp53_hrs               pxrroec.pxrroec_pp53_hrs%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_bulk_file_name         pxrroec.pxrroec_bulk_file_name%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_vac_roev_code          pxrroec.pxrroec_vac_roev_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_vac_start_date         pxrroec.pxrroec_vac_start_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_vac_end_date           pxrroec.pxrroec_vac_end_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_stat_hol_earn_code4    pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_earn_code4%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_stat_hol_date4         pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_date4%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_stat_hol_grs4          pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_grs4%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_stat_hol_earn_code5    pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_earn_code5%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_stat_hol_date5         pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_date5%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_stat_hol_grs5          pxrroec.pxrroec_stat_hol_grs5%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_other_start_date1      pxrroec.pxrroec_other_start_date1%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_other_end_date1        pxrroec.pxrroec_other_end_date1%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_other_start_date2      pxrroec.pxrroec_other_start_date2%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_other_end_date2        pxrroec.pxrroec_other_end_date2%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_other_start_date3      pxrroec.pxrroec_other_start_date3%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_other_end_date3        pxrroec.pxrroec_other_end_date3%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_benefit_roes_code      pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_roes_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_benefit_end_date       pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_end_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_benefit_roes_code2     pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_roes_code2%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_benefit_grs2           pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_grs2%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_benefit_start_date2    pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_start_date2%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_benefit_end_date2      pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_end_date2%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_benefit_day_week_ind2  pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_day_week_ind2%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_benefit_roes_code3     pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_roes_code3%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_benefit_grs3           pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_grs3%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_benefit_start_date3    pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_start_date3%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_benefit_end_date3      pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_end_date3%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_benefit_day_week_ind3  pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_day_week_ind3%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_benefit_roes_code4     pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_roes_code4%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_benefit_grs4           pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_grs4%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_benefit_start_date4    pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_start_date4%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_benefit_end_date4      pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_end_date4%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_benefit_day_week_ind4  pxrroec.pxrroec_benefit_day_week_ind4%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)

Validates all data in the record.

p_pidm   Employee Identification Number. NUMBER(8) Required Key
p_seq_no   Record Sequence Number. NUMBER(2) Required Key
p_pict_code   Payroll ID. VARCHAR2(2) Required Key
p_empr_code   Employer Code. VARCHAR2(4) Required Key
p_empr_fed_ein   Revenue Canada Business Number. VARCHAR2(15) Required
p_print_ind   Ready to print indicator. VARCHAR2(1) Required
p_reprint_ind   Reprint amend indicator. VARCHAR2(1) Required
p_serial_no   Serial number of ROE record. VARCHAR2(9)
p_amends_serial_no   Amended serial number of ROE amended or replaced. VARCHAR2(12)
p_language_ind   The preferred language indicator of the issuing employer. VARCHAR2(1) Required
p_issue_date   Issued Date of the ROE record. DATE Required
p_reference_number   Reference Number used by the employer to identify the employee. VARCHAR2(12)
p_sin   The Employee social insurance number. VARCHAR2(9) Required
p_job_title   Employee job title. VARCHAR2(40)
p_first_day_worked   Employee first worked date. DATE Required
p_last_day_worked   Employee last worked date. DATE Required
p_final_pay_date   Employee final paid date. DATE Required
p_recall_ind   The employee return to active employment indicator. VARCHAR2(1)
p_recall_date   The expected date of the employee return to active employment. DATE
p_roec_code   Reason of the employer issuing this ROE. VARCHAR2(3) Required
p_total_hrs   The total insurable hours worked by the employee in the last 52 weeks. NUMBER(11,2) Required
p_total_grs   The sum of applicable gross of all EI deduction records in the last 52 weeks. NUMBER(11,2)
p_1996_weeks   1996 Employment history insurable weeks. NUMBER(,)
p_1996_earnings   1996 Employment history insurable earnings. NUMBER(,)
p_contact_pidm   Employee Identification number to be contacted. NUMBER(8) Required
p_contact_tele_area_code   Employee phone number area code to be contacted. VARCHAR2(3) Required
p_contact_tele_number   Employee phone number to be contacted. VARCHAR2(7) Required
p_contact_tele_ext   Employee phone number extention to be contacted. VARCHAR2(4)
p_issuing_pidm   Issuing person identification number. NUMBER(8) Required
p_issuing_tele_area_code   Issuing person telephone number area code. VARCHAR2(3) Required
p_issuing_tele_number   Issuing person telephone number. VARCHAR2(7) Required
p_issusing_tele_ext   Issuing person telephone number extention. VARCHAR2(4)
p_earn_code_vac   Vacation pay earnings code. VARCHAR2(3)
p_vac_grs   Vacation pay amount. NUMBER(11,2)
p_stat_hol_earn_code1   Statutory holiday pay earnings code 1. VARCHAR2(3)
p_stat_hol_date1   Statutory holiday date 1. DATE
p_stat_hol_grs1   Statutory holiday pay amount 1. NUMBER(11,2)
p_stat_hol_earn_code2   Statutory holiday pay earnings code 2. VARCHAR2(3)
p_stat_hol_date2   Statutory holiday date 2. DATE
p_stat_hol_grs2   Statutory holiday pay amount 2. NUMBER(11,2)
p_stat_hol_earn_code3   Statutory holiday pay earnings code 3. VARCHAR2(3)
p_stat_hol_date3   Statutory holiday date 3. DATE
p_stat_hol_grs3   Statutory holiday pay amount 3. NUMBER(11,2)
p_other_earn_code1   Other monies earning code 1. VARCHAR2(3)
p_other_earn_code1_grs   Other monies earning amount 1. NUMBER(11,2)
p_other_earn_code2   Other monies earning code 2. VARCHAR2(3)
p_other_earn_code2_grs   Other monies earning amount 2. NUMBER(11,2)
p_other_earn_code3   Other monies earning code 3. VARCHAR2(3)
p_other_earn_code3_grs   Other monies earning amount 3. NUMBER(11,2)
p_benefit_ind   Will the employee be receiving benefit indicator. VARCHAR2(1) Required
p_benefit_grs   The amount the employee will receive for benefit. NUMBER(11,2)
p_benefit_start_date   Start date of the employee receive benefit. DATE
p_benefit_day_week_ind   The benefit payment period indicator. VARCHAR2(1)
p_pp1_payno   Pay period breakdown number 1. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp1_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 1. NUMBER(11,2)
p_pp2_payno   Pay period breakdown number 2. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp2_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 2. NUMBER(,)
p_pp3_payno   Pay period breakdown number 3. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp3_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 3. NUMBER(,)
p_pp4_payno   Pay period breakdown number 4. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp4_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 4. NUMBER(,)
p_pp5_payno   Pay period breakdown number 5. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp5_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 5. NUMBER(,)
p_pp6_payno   Pay period breakdown number 6. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp6_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 6. NUMBER(,)
p_pp7_payno   Pay period breakdown number 7. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp7_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 7. NUMBER(,)
p_pp8_payno   Pay period breakdown number 8. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp8_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 8. NUMBER(,)
p_pp9_payno   Pay period breakdown number 9. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp9_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 9. NUMBER(,)
p_pp10_payno   Pay period breakdown number 10. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp10_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 10. NUMBER(,)
p_pp11_payno   Pay period breakdown number 11. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp11_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 11. NUMBER(,)
p_pp12_payno   Pay period breakdown number 12. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp12_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 12. NUMBER(,)
p_pp13_payno   Pay period breakdown number 13. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp13_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 13. NUMBER(,)
p_pp14_payno   Pay period breakdown number 14. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp14_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 14. NUMBER(,)
p_pp15_payno   Pay period breakdown number 15. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp15_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 15. NUMBER(,)
p_pp16_payno   Pay period breakdown number 16. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp16_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 16. NUMBER(,)
p_pp17_payno   Pay period breakdown number 17. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp17_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 17. NUMBER(,)
p_pp18_payno   Pay period breakdown number 18. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp18_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 18. NUMBER(,)
p_pp19_payno   Pay period breakdown number 19. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp19_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 19. NUMBER(,)
p_pp20_payno   Pay period breakdown number 20. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp20_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 20. NUMBER(,)
p_pp21_payno   Pay period breakdown number 21. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp21_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 21. NUMBER(,)
p_pp22_payno   Pay period breakdown number 22. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp22_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 22. NUMBER(,)
p_pp23_payno   Pay period breakdown number 23. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp23_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 23. NUMBER(,)
p_pp24_payno   Pay period breakdown number 24. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp24_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 24. NUMBER(,)
p_pp25_payno   Pay period breakdown number 25. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp25_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 25. NUMBER(,)
p_pp26_payno   Pay period breakdown number 26. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp26_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 26. NUMBER(,)
p_pp27_payno   Pay period breakdown number 27. VARCHAR2(3)
p_pp27_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 27. NUMBER(,)
p_comment_line1   Comment of the record line 1. VARCHAR2(38)
p_comment_line2   Comment of the record line 2. VARCHAR2(38)
p_comment_line3   Comment of the record line 3. VARCHAR2(38)
p_comment_line4   Comment of the record line 4. VARCHAR2(38)
p_comment_line5   Comment of the record line 5. VARCHAR2(38)
p_comment_line6   Comment of the record line 6. VARCHAR2(38)
p_user_id   VARCHAR2(30) Required
p_money_type1   PXRROEC_MONEY_TYPE1 This field indicates Canadian ROE Types of Other Money1. VARCHAR2(1)
p_money_type2   PXRROEC_MONEY_TYPE2 This field indicates Canadian ROE Types of Other Money2. VARCHAR2(1)
p_money_type3   PXRROEC_MONEY_TYPE3 This field indicates Canadian ROE Types of Other Money3. VARCHAR2(1)
p_pp28_payno   Pay period breakdown number 28. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp28_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 28. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp29_payno   Pay period breakdown number 29. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp29_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 29. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp30_payno   Pay period breakdown number 30. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp30_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 30. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp31_payno   Pay period breakdown number 31. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp31_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 31. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp32_payno   Pay period breakdown number 32. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp32_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 32. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp33_payno   Pay period breakdown number 33. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp33_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 33. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp34_payno   Pay period breakdown number 34. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp34_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 34. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp35_payno   Pay period breakdown number 35. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp35_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 35. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp36_payno   Pay period breakdown number 36. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp36_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 36. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp37_payno   Pay period breakdown number 37. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp37_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 37. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp38_payno   Pay period breakdown number 38. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp38_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 38. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp39_payno   Pay period breakdown number 39. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp39_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 39. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp40_payno   Pay period breakdown number 40. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp40_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 40. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp41_payno   Pay period breakdown number 41. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp41_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 41. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp42_payno   Pay period breakdown number 42. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp42_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 42. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp43_payno   Pay period breakdown number 43. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp43_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 43. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp44_payno   Pay period breakdown number 44. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp44_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 44. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp45_payno   Pay period breakdown number 45. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp45_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 45. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp46_payno   Pay period breakdown number 46. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp46_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 46. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp47_payno   Pay period breakdown number 47. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp47_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 47. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp48_payno   Pay period breakdown number 48. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp48_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 48. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp49_payno   Pay period breakdown number 49. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp49_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 49. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp50_payno   Pay period breakdown number 50. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp50_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 50. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp51_payno   Pay period breakdown number 51. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp51_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 51. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp52_payno   Pay period breakdown number 52. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp52_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 52. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp53_payno   Pay period breakdown number 53. NUMBER(9,2)
p_pp53_grs   Pay period amount breakdown number 53. NUMBER(9,2)
p_data_origin   DATA ORIGIN: Source system that created or updated the row. VARCHAR2(30)
pxrroec_pp1_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 1. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp2_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 2. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp3_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 3. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp4_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 4. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp5_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 5. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp6_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 6. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp7_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 7. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp8_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 8. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp9_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 9. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp10_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 10. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp11_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 11. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp12_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 12. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp13_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 13. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp14_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 14. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp15_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 15. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp16_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 16. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp17_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 17. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp18_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 18. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp19_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 19. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp20_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 20. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp21_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 21. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp22_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 22. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp23_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 23. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp24_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 24. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp25_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 25. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp26_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 26. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp27_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 27. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp28_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 28. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp29_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 29. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp30_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 30. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp31_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 31. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp32_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 32. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp33_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 33. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp34_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 34. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp35_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 35. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp36_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 36. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp37_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 37. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp38_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 38. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp39_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 39. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp40_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 40. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp41_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 41. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp42_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 42. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp43_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 43. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp44_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 44. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp45_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 45. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp46_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 46. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp47_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 47. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp48_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 48. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp49_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 49. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp50_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 50. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp51_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 51. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp52_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 52. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_pp53_hrs   Insurable Hours of the Pay Period 53. NUMBER(9,2)
pxrroec_bulk_file_name   ROE bulk transfer file name that is transmitted to Web ROE. VARCHAR2(30)
p_vac_roev_code   Canadian ROE vacation pay code. VARCHAR2(1)
p_vac_start_date   Start date for this payment. DATE
p_vac_end_date   End date for this payment. DATE
p_stat_hol_earn_code4   Statutory holiday pay earnings code 4. VARCHAR2(3)
p_stat_hol_date4   Statutory holiday date 4. DATE
p_stat_hol_grs4   Statutory holiday pay amount 4. NUMBER(11,2)
p_stat_hol_earn_code5   Statutory holiday pay earnings code 5. VARCHAR2(3)
p_stat_hol_date5   Statutory holiday date 5. DATE
p_stat_hol_grs5   Statutory holiday pay amount 5. NUMBER(11,2)
p_other_start_date1   Other monies start date for payment 1. DATE
p_other_end_date1   Other monies end date for payment 1. DATE
p_other_start_date2   Other monies start date for this payment 2. DATE
p_other_end_date2   Other monies end date for this payment 2. DATE
p_other_start_date3   Other monies start date for this payment 3. DATE
p_other_end_date3   Other monies end date for this payment 3. DATE
p_benefit_roes_code   Canadian ROE special payment code. VARCHAR2(5)
p_benefit_end_date   End date of the employee receive benefit. DATE
p_benefit_roes_code2   Canadian ROE special payment code 2. VARCHAR2(5)
p_benefit_grs2   The amount the employee will receive for benefit 2. NUMBER(11,2)
p_benefit_start_date2   Start date of the employee receive benefit 2. DATE
p_benefit_end_date2   End date of the employee receive benefit 2. DATE
p_benefit_day_week_ind2   The benefit payment period indicator2. VARCHAR2(1)
p_benefit_roes_code3   Canadian ROE special payment code 3. VARCHAR2(5)
p_benefit_grs3   The amount the employee will receive for benefit 3. NUMBER(11,2)
p_benefit_start_date3   Start date of the employee receive benefit 3. DATE
p_benefit_end_date3   End date of the employee receive benefit 3. DATE
p_benefit_day_week_ind3   The benefit payment period indicator3. VARCHAR2(1)
p_benefit_roes_code4   Canadian ROE special payment code 4. VARCHAR2(5)
p_benefit_grs4   The amount the employee will receive for benefit 4. NUMBER(11,2)
p_benefit_start_date4   Start date of the employee receive benefit 4. DATE
p_benefit_end_date4   End date of the employee receive benefit 4. DATE
p_benefit_day_week_ind4   The benefit payment period indicator4. VARCHAR2(1)