Message Name | Error Message |
EMPLOYEE_DECEASED | Employee Identification Number for Mass Record of Employment is deceased. |
Employee is deceased. |
INVALID_EMPCODE | Invalid Employer Code for the employee. |
Employer Code must exist in PHRDEDN. |
INVALID_EMPR_CODE | Invalid Employer Code for Mass Record of Employment. |
Employer Code must exist in PTREMPR. |
INVALID_FIRST_DAY_WORKED | Employee Last Work Date should be greater than Employee First Work Date. |
Employee Last Work Date should be greater than Employee First Work Date. |
INVALID_RECALL_DATE | Employee Recall Date should be greater than Employee Last Work Date. |
Employee Recall Date should be greater than Employee Last Work Date. |
INVALID_JOB | Employee must have a Job assigned to Pay Id selected. |
Employee does not have a Job assigned to the selected Payroll ID. |
INVALID_LANGUAGE_IND | Invalid Language Indicator for Mass Canadian Record of Employment; Valid values: E and F. |
Valid values for Language Indicator are E and F. |
INVALID_PICT_CODE | Invalid Payroll ID for Mass Record of Employment. |
Payroll ID must exist in PTRPICT. |
INVALID_PIDM | Invalid PIDM for Mass Record of Employment. |
Employee Identification number is invalid. |
INVALID_RECALL_IND | Invalid Recall Indicator for Mass Canadian Record of Employment; Valid values: N, S, U and Y. |
Valid values for Recall Indicator are N, S, U and Y. |
INVALID_ROEC_CODE | Invalid Reason for Issuing ROE for Mass Record of Employment. |
Reason for issuing ROE must exist in PTVROER. |
MISSING_EMPR_CODE | Missing mandatory Employer Code for Mass Record of Employment. |
Employer Code must be entered. It is a key value for the record in the table. |
MISSING_FIRST_DAY_WORKED | Missing mandatory Employee First Worked Date for Mass Record of Employment. |
PEmployee First Worked Date must be entered. It is a key value for the record in the table. |
MISSING_LANGUAGE_IND | Missing mandatory Language Indicator for Mass Record of Employment. |
Language Indicator must be entered. It is a key value for the record in the table. |
MISSING_LAST_DAY_WORKED | Missing mandatory Employee Last Day Worked for Mass Record of Employment. |
Employee Last Worked Date must be entered. It is a key value for tecord in the table. |
MISSING_PICT_CODE | Missing mandatory Payroll ID for Mass Record of Employment. |
Payroll ID must be entered. It is a key value for the record in the table. |
MISSING_PIDM | Missing mandatory Employee Identification Number for Mass Record of Employment. |
Employee Identification Number must be entered. It is a key value for the record in the table. |
MISSING_RECALL_DATE | Missing mandatory Employee Return Date for Mass Record of Employment. |
Employee Return Date must be entered. It is a key value for the record in the table. |
MISSING_RECALL_IND | Missing mandatory Employee Return Indicator for Mass Record of Employment. |
Return Indicator must be entered. It is a key value for the record in the table. |
MISSING_ROEC_CODE | Missing mandatory Reason for the Employer Issuing this ROE for Mass Record of Employment. |
Reason for Employer issuing the ROE must be enterd. It is a key value for the record in the table. |
PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot update Mass Canadian Record of Employment; record does not exist. |
Cannot update the Record of Employment as the record does not exist. |
P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete Mass Canadian Record of Employment, record does not exist. |
Cannot delete the Record of Employment as the record does not exist. |