Package gp_international_student
Process API to retrieve International Student Information.
This enhancement provides a new process level API to assist with the
retrieval of Banner International Student data specifically for importation
to FSAAtlas. The new process level API provides seamless integration between
Banner & FSAAtlas.
This process level API will work in conjunction with Banner Population Selection
to retrieve International Student data for individuals defined specifically by
the institution. The API may be executed to retrieve new records for FSAAtlas
from Banner or to update existing FSAAtlas records. Data will be returned to
FSAAtlas in XML Format.
Please refer to the FSAAtlas Technical Guide for more detailed information regarding
the processing procedures related to this API specific to FSAAtlas.
Processing Information
The API is driven by PIDM and Term Code. When the data exists in Banner for a specific
PIDM or Population Selection and within a specific term code, this process level API
wil retrieve the Name, Address (US, Foreign, Mailing), Email and Email and Telephone
information. General Student/Learner information may be retrieved as well as Biographical
and International data. A complete list of potentially extracted fiels is provided.
FSAAtlas may make a request to Banner for one specific PIDM.
For requests for more than one PIDM, Population Selection can be incorporated into
the request. The Population Selection would first need to be generated in Banner. The
Application ID, Selection ID, Creator ID, and User ID for the Population Selection would
then need to be included in the request from FSAAtlas to Banner to retrieve data for the
entire population.
From FSAAtlas, a 'Request Document' is submitted to Banner in XML format. A function
f_get_student_data takes the request xml from FSAAtlas and returns a 'Response
Document' as a CLOB. The request XML should be an Oracle XMLType data passed to the function.
The following is the format for the Request XML Document:
- fsaAtlasRequest - Required Root Element
- CampusId - This element is the student PIDM. Could be Empty if Population
selection is used.
- Term - Required element identifying the following terms:
- CurrentTerm - The current processing term code
- Next Term - The next term code
- Population Selection - Required element if CampusId is not provided, else optional.
When both campusId and Population Selection are provided, CampusId takes precedence.
- ApplicationId - Required element Pop. Sel. Application Id
- SelectionId - Required element Pop. Sel. Selection Id
- CreatorId - Required element Pop. Sel. Creator Id
- UserId - Required element Pop. Sel. User Id
- MailingAddress - Optional element with attribute "BannerCode" defining the mailing
address type code
- MailingTelephone - Optional element with attribute "BannerCode" defining the mailing
telephone type code
- EmailCode - Optional element identify the email type code
- US - Optional element identifying the US email type code
- Mailing - Optional element identifying the Mailing email type code
- Foreign - Optional element identifying the Foreign email type code
NOTE: In addition to the Request XML Document, two Banner GTVSDAX rules must exist in order
for a foreign and/or US Address to be retrieved by the API. A GTVSDAX rule for Codes SVSFADDR
and SVSUADDR, having Group Code 'ADDRESS' must each have an External Code that includes the
appropriate Address Type to be retrieved by the API. No US or Foreign Address will be selected
without these two rules.
The following list identifies the potential fields that are returned by the process API, provided all appropriate input data is available:
Field # | XML Element Name | Description |
1 | CampusId | Banner Student/Learner PIDM |
2 | Adm_Id | Banner Student/Learner ID |
3 | LastName | Last Name |
4 | FirstName | First Name |
5 | MiddleName | Middle Name |
6 | Suffix | Suffix |
7 | BirthDate | Birth Date |
8 | SSN | Social Security Number |
9 | TaxID | Tax ID (SSN) |
10 | Gender | Gender |
11 | BirthCountry | Birth Country Code |
12 | BirthCity | Birth City |
13 | CitizenshipCountry | Citizenship Country |
14 | PassportNumber | Passport Number |
15 | PassportExpDate | Passport Expiration Date |
16 | PassportIssuingCntry | Passport Issuing Country |
17 | VisaNumber | Visa Number |
18 | VisaIssuingCountry | Visa Issuing Country |
19 | PortofEntry | Port of Entry |
20 | PrimaryMajor | Primary Curriculum Primary Major |
21 | SecondaryMajor | Primary Curriculum Secondary Major |
22 | Minor | Primary Curriculum Minor |
23 | NextSessionStartDate | Next Term Start Date |
24 | CurrentSessionEndDate | Current Term End Date |
25 | EduLevel | Education Level of Student/Learner |
26 | USAddr1 | US Address Line 1 |
27 | USAddr2 | US Address Line 2 |
28 | USCity | US City |
29 | USState | US State |
30 | USPostalCode | US Postal Code |
31 | USPostalRoutingRoute | US Postal Routing Code |
32 | FrnAddr1 | Foreign Address Line 1 |
33 | FrnAdd2 | Foreign Address Line 2 |
34 | FrnCity | Foreign City |
35 | FrnProvince | Foreign Province (State) |
36 | FrnPostalCode | Foreign Postal Code |
37 | FrnCountry | Foreign Country |
38 | FtPt | Student / Applicant Full Time Part Time Indicator |
39 | USEmail | US Email Address |
40 | Foreign Email | Foreign Email Address |
41 | USPhone | US Phone Number including Area and Extension |
42 | USPhoneCode | Banner Phone Type Code |
43 | DegreeSought | Degree Sought by the Student/ Applicant |
44 | MailingAddr1 | Mailing Address Line 1 |
45 | MailingAddr2 | Mailing Address Line 2 |
46 | MailingCity | Mailing City |
47 | MailingState | Mailling State |
48 | MailingPostalCode | Mailing Postal Code |
49 | MailingPostalRoutingCode | Mailing Postal Routing Code |
50 | MailingProvince | Mailing Province (State) |
51 | MailingCountry | Mailing Country |
52 | MailingPhone | Mailing Phone Number including Area and extension |
53 | MailingPhoneCode | Banner Phone Type Code |
54 | MailingEmail | Mailing Email Address |
55 | Dept | Department |
56 | CollegeSchool | College |
57 | Marital | Marital Status |
58 | PreferredFirstName | Preferred First Name |
59 | ImmigStatus | Immigration Status |
60 | ImmigStatusExp | Immigration Expiration Date |
61 | ProfileTypeCode | Visa Type Code in Banner |
62 | CurriculumSequence | Banner Curriculum Sequence Number Identifying Primary Curriculum |
Process API to get international student data.
This function gets the request XML document of type Oracle XMLTYPE and retrieves data from banner. The data is then assembled into an XML format and returned as CLOB.
@parm p_xt The request XML Document which is an oracle xmltype. XMLTYPE