Package gp_gprxref_rules Support subprograms for the GPRXREF (gp_gprxref). |
Program units |
p_register_entity | Register the attribute value pairs to the message cache for delete operations. |
p_register_entity | * Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache for create and update operations. |
p_validate | * Validates all data in the record. |
PROCEDURE p_register_entity(p_operation_type NUMBER, p_internal_record_id gb_common.internal_record_id_type)
Register the attribute value pairs to the message cache for delete operations.
This signature uses the ROWID only, for delete operations.
Parameters |
p_operation_type |
Type of DML operation: create,update,delete. NUMBER Required | |
p_internal_record_id |
Database ROWID VARCHAR2(18) required |
PROCEDURE p_register_entity(p_operation_type NUMBER, p_proxy_idm gprxref.gprxref_proxy_idm%TYPE, p_person_pidm gprxref.gprxref_person_pidm%TYPE, p_retp_code gprxref.gprxref_retp_code%TYPE, p_proxy_desc gprxref.gprxref_proxy_desc%TYPE, p_start_date gprxref.gprxref_start_date%TYPE, p_stop_date gprxref.gprxref_stop_date%TYPE, p_create_user gprxref.gprxref_create_user%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user, p_create_date gprxref.gprxref_create_date%TYPE, p_user_id gprxref.gprxref_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user, p_passphrase gprxref.gprxref_passphrase%TYPE, p_internal_record_id gb_common.internal_record_id_type)
* Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache for create and update operations.
* This signature registers all parameters.
* @param p_operation_type Type of DML operation: create,update,delete. NUMBER Required
* @param p_proxy_idm See GPBPRXY. There is one GPRXREF record per proxy/person combination. NUMBER(8) Required Key
* @param p_person_pidm General Person PIDM of student who cross-referenced this proxy. NUMBER(8) Required Key
* @param p_retp_code This code defines the relationship to the proxy as maintained by the person. This code may determine rules or parameters for the proxy authorization. A proxy with parent code may be selected for common matching. VARCHAR2(30)
* @param p_proxy_desc This is a name or description shown with the proxy email address as maintained by the person. It could be their proper name or something like "mom", "dad" or "uncle bud". The proxy email address and this description are shown on
the person pages to help identify the proxy. VARCHAR2(120)
* @param p_start_date This date is maintained by the person. TRUNC(SYSDATE) must be equal or greater than this date before the person can be selected by the proxy to view pages. Default to the date the proxy was added by the person. Future dating is
supported. DATE Required
* @param p_stop_date This date is maintained by the person. TRUNC(SYSDATE) must be equal or less than this date before the person can be selected by the proxy to view pages. The default stop date is calculated using rule parameter based on
relationship code. The stop date can be updated to a past date to disable access for that proxy. DATE Required
* @param p_create_user Username responsible for initial creation. VARCHAR2(30)
* @param p_create_date Date when the record was initially created. DATE
* @param p_user_id The ID for the user that most recently updated the record. VARCHAR2(30)
* @param p_passphrase This character string is assigned by the person and known by the proxy as evidence of FERPA authorization. Not used by web4proxy. VARCHAR2(256)
* @param p_internal_record_id Database ROWID VARCHAR2(18) required
PROCEDURE p_validate(p_proxy_idm gprxref.gprxref_proxy_idm%TYPE, p_person_pidm gprxref.gprxref_person_pidm%TYPE, p_retp_code gprxref.gprxref_retp_code%TYPE, p_proxy_desc gprxref.gprxref_proxy_desc%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_start_date gprxref.gprxref_start_date%TYPE, p_stop_date gprxref.gprxref_stop_date%TYPE, p_create_user gprxref.gprxref_create_user%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user, p_create_date gprxref.gprxref_create_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_user_id gprxref.gprxref_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user, p_passphrase gprxref.gprxref_passphrase%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)
* Validates all data in the record.
* @param p_proxy_idm See GPBPRXY. There is one GPRXREF record per proxy/person combination. NUMBER(8) Required Key
* @param p_person_pidm General Person PIDM of student who cross-referenced this proxy. NUMBER(8) Required Key
* @param p_retp_code This code defines the relationship to the proxy as maintained by the person. This code may determine rules or parameters for the proxy authorization. A proxy with parent code may be selected for common matching. VARCHAR2(30)
* @param p_proxy_desc This is a name or description shown with the proxy email address as maintained by the person. It could be their proper name or something like "mom", "dad" or "uncle bud". The proxy email address and this description are shown on
the person pages to help identify the proxy. VARCHAR2(120)
* @param p_start_date This date is maintained by the person. TRUNC(SYSDATE) must be equal or greater than this date before the person can be selected by the proxy to view pages. Default to the date the proxy was added by the person. Future dating is
supported. DATE Required
* @param p_stop_date This date is maintained by the person. TRUNC(SYSDATE) must be equal or less than this date before the person can be selected by the proxy to view pages. The default stop date is calculated using rule parameter based on
relationship code. The stop date can be updated to a past date to disable access for that proxy. DATE Required
* @param p_create_user Username responsible for initial creation. VARCHAR2(30)
* @param p_create_date Date when the record was initially created. DATE
* @param p_user_id The ID for the user that most recently updated the record. VARCHAR2(30)
* @param p_passphrase This character string is assigned by the person and known by the proxy as evidence of FERPA authorization. Not used by web4proxy. VARCHAR2(256)