Package gp_genbpsh_rules Support subprograms for the GENBPSH (gp_genbpsh). |
Program units |
p_register_entity | Register the attribute value pairs to the message cache for delete operations. |
p_register_entity | Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache for create and update operations. |
p_validate | Validates all data in the record. |
PROCEDURE p_register_entity(p_operation_type NUMBER, p_internal_record_id gb_common.internal_record_id_type)
Register the attribute value pairs to the message cache for delete operations.
This signature uses the ROWID only, for delete operations.
Parameters |
p_operation_type |
Type of DML operation: create,update,delete. NUMBER Required | |
p_internal_record_id |
Database ROWID VARCHAR2(18) required |
PROCEDURE p_register_entity(p_operation_type NUMBER, p_gidm genbpsh.genbpsh_gidm%TYPE, p_syst_code genbpsh.genbpsh_syst_code%TYPE, p_retp_code genbpsh.genbpsh_retp_code%TYPE, p_dtyp_code genbpsh.genbpsh_dtyp_code%TYPE, p_create_ind genbpsh.genbpsh_create_ind%TYPE, p_person_pidm genbpsh.genbpsh_person_pidm%TYPE, p_aux_data genbpsh.genbpsh_aux_data%TYPE, p_load_status genbpsh.genbpsh_load_status%TYPE, p_load_date genbpsh.genbpsh_load_date%TYPE, p_user_id genbpsh.genbpsh_user_id%TYPE, p_create_date genbpsh.genbpsh_create_date%TYPE, p_internal_record_id gb_common.internal_record_id_type)
Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache for create and update operations.
This signature registers all parameters.
Parameters |
p_operation_type |
Type of DML operation: create,update,delete. NUMBER Required | |
p_gidm |
Unique ID of General Matching Person. NUMBER(8) Required Key | |
p_syst_code |
Specifies what system will be using this person (e.g. Web4Proxy). VARCHAR2(30) Required Key | |
p_retp_code |
Record type within system (e.g. Parent, Spouse, Employer, etc). VARCHAR2(30) Required Key | |
p_dtyp_code |
What kind of data is this (e.g. Proxy, Advancement, etc). VARCHAR2(30) Required Key | |
p_create_ind |
Should this data type be created? Y = yes, create; N = no, do not create. This is initially populated from the rule table and may be overridden on the online form. VARCHAR2(1) Required | |
p_person_pidm |
This will be the pidm of the person initiating the proxy relationship. NUMBER(8) Required Key | |
p_aux_data |
This will be the Advancement XREF code belonging to the proxy (GENBPSH_PIDM); the Advancement XREF code for the person can be derived from ATVXREF_REVERSE_XREF. VARCHAR2(30) | |
p_load_status |
The status of moving this type of data for this person. Valid value is M (move). A blank/null value is unprocessed. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_load_date |
Date the data was moved. DATE | |
p_user_id |
The ID for the user that most recently updated the record. VARCHAR2(30) | |
p_create_date |
This field contains date new record created. DATE | |
p_internal_record_id |
Database ROWID VARCHAR2(18) required |
PROCEDURE p_validate(p_gidm genbpsh.genbpsh_gidm%TYPE, p_syst_code genbpsh.genbpsh_syst_code%TYPE, p_retp_code genbpsh.genbpsh_retp_code%TYPE, p_dtyp_code genbpsh.genbpsh_dtyp_code%TYPE, p_create_ind genbpsh.genbpsh_create_ind%TYPE, p_person_pidm genbpsh.genbpsh_person_pidm%TYPE, p_aux_data genbpsh.genbpsh_aux_data%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_load_status genbpsh.genbpsh_load_status%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_load_date genbpsh.genbpsh_load_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_user_id genbpsh.genbpsh_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_create_date genbpsh.genbpsh_create_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)
Validates all data in the record.
Parameters |
p_gidm |
Unique ID of General Matching Person. NUMBER(8) Required Key | |
p_syst_code |
Specifies what system will be using this person (e.g. Web4Proxy). VARCHAR2(30) Required Key | |
p_retp_code |
Record type within system (e.g. Parent, Spouse, Employer, etc). VARCHAR2(30) Required Key | |
p_dtyp_code |
What kind of data is this (e.g. Proxy, Advancement, etc). VARCHAR2(30) Required Key | |
p_create_ind |
Should this data type be created? Y = yes, create; N = no, do not create. This is initially populated from the rule table and may be overridden on the online form. VARCHAR2(1) Required | |
p_person_pidm |
This will be the pidm of the person initiating the proxy relationship. NUMBER(8) Required Key | |
p_aux_data |
This will be the Advancement XREF code belonging to the proxy (GENBPSH_PIDM); the Advancement XREF code for the person can be derived from ATVXREF_REVERSE_XREF. VARCHAR2(30) | |
p_load_status |
The status of moving this type of data for this person. Valid value is M (move). A blank/null value is unprocessed. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_load_date |
Date the data was moved. DATE | |
p_user_id |
The ID for the user that most recently updated the record. VARCHAR2(30) | |
p_create_date |
This field contains date new record created. DATE |