Package gp_common_matching This package implements the Common Matching business process.The common matching business process checks for the existance of a record within the Banner System based on criteria (rules) defined for the source of the data. The common matching process has three possibilities for a match result: Match, New, and Suspense. Match means that the process found one and only one record in the database that matched on all selected match criteria. New means that the process did not find a match on any of the selected criteria. Suspense means that the process found more than one record that matched on all selected criteria, or it found records that matched on some selected criteria but not on other criteria. To utilize the common matching process, perform the following: - Using the P_INSERT_GOTCMME procedure, insert all available data which will be used to match existing data within the Banner System. - Using the P_COMMON_MATCHING procedure, perform the common matching process. - Interogate the results returned from the common matching process. The common matching process can raise 2 exceptions: - The common matching source code has no rules associated with it. - An entry does not exist in the Common Matching Entry (GOTCMME) Table. |
Program units |
f_api_version | Returns the API version number. |
p_common_matching | Performs the common matching algorithm. |
p_insert_gotcmme | Procedure to insert a record in the global temporary table used as input into the common matching process. |
Returns the API version number.
Returns |
Version of the API signature. Changes only when the signature changes. |
PROCEDURE p_common_matching(p_cmsc_code IN gorcmsr.gorcmsr_cmsc_code%TYPE, p_match_status_out OUT gotcmrt.gotcmrt_result_ind%TYPE, p_match_pidm_out OUT gotcmrt.gotcmrt_pidm%TYPE)
Performs the common matching algorithm.
Parameters |
p_cmsc_code |
Code to identify the source of data input into the common matching process. VARCHAR2(20) Required | |
p_match_status_out |
Overall result of the common matching process. M if a match was found, S if multiple possible matches were found , otherwise N for new. VARCHAR2(1) Required | |
p_match_pidm_out |
Internal identification number of the matching entity. NUMBER(8) |
PROCEDURE p_insert_gotcmme(p_last_name IN gotcmme.gotcmme_last_name%TYPE, p_entity_cde IN gotcmme.gotcmme_entity_cde%TYPE, p_first_name IN gotcmme.gotcmme_first_name%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_mi IN gotcmme.gotcmme_mi%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_id IN gotcmme.gotcmme_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_street_line1 IN gotcmme.gotcmme_street_line1%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_city IN gotcmme.gotcmme_city%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_stat_code IN gotcmme.gotcmme_stat_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_zip IN gotcmme.gotcmme_zip%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_natn_code IN gotcmme.gotcmme_natn_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_cnty_code IN gotcmme.gotcmme_cnty_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_phone_area IN gotcmme.gotcmme_phone_area%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_phone_number IN gotcmme.gotcmme_phone_number%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_ssn IN gotcmme.gotcmme_ssn%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_birth_day IN gotcmme.gotcmme_birth_day%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_birth_mon IN gotcmme.gotcmme_birth_mon%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_birth_year IN gotcmme.gotcmme_birth_year%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_sex IN gotcmme.gotcmme_sex%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_email_address IN gotcmme.gotcmme_email_address%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)
Procedure to insert a record in the global temporary table used as input into the common matching process.
Parameters |
p_last_name |
Last name of person or non-person name to match. VARCHAR2(60) Required | |
p_entity_cde |
Identifies whether the record is for a person or non-person. Valid values: P - person, C - non-person, B - both. VARCHAR2(1) Required | |
p_first_name |
First name of person to match. VARCHAR2(15) | |
p_mi |
Middle name of person to match. VARCHAR2(15) | |
p_id |
Identification number of person or non-person to match. VARCHAR2(9) | |
p_street_line1 |
First line of the address to match. VARCHAR2(30) | |
p_city |
City of the address to match. VARCHAR2(20) | |
p_stat_code |
State of the address to match. VARCHAR2(3) | |
p_zip |
Zip code of the address to match. VARCHAR2(10) | |
p_natn_code |
Nation/Country of the address to match. VARCHAR2(5) | |
p_cnty_code |
County of the address to match. VARCHAR2(5) | |
p_phone_area |
Telephone number area code to match. VARCHAR2(3) | |
p_phone_number |
Telephone number to match. VARCHAR2(7) | |
p_ssn |
Social Security Number, Social Insurance Number or Tax Identification Number to match. VARCHAR2(9) | |
p_birth_day |
Day of birth to match. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_birth_mon |
Month of birth to match. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_birth_year |
Year of birth to match. VARCHAR2(4) | |
p_sex |
Gender to match. M - Male, F - Female, N - Unknown VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_email_address |
The e-mail address to match. VARCHAR2(90) |