
Package gp_cardholder

Process APIs related to campus card system eligible cardholders.


The APIs in this package allow the calling application to acquire information from the Banner about individuals that may be eligible for a campus card at the institution. The information can be used to create or update a cardholder record in an external campus card system.


All persons in the Banner system are considered eligible cardholders and classified by one or more cardholder roles. Cardholder roles are defined via the business rules form (GORRSQL) using process code CARDHOLDER_ROLES. Crosswalk validation rules (GTVSDAX) are needed to identify address, phone, and email hierarchies, active meal, room, and phone assignment statuses, and residence address and phone data sources. Please refer to the setup section of the user documentation for details.


This package contains process API functions that accept request information in the form of an Oracle object type (OOT), and return response information, also in OOT form.

This package also contains service API functions that accept request information in XML form (Oracle's XMLTYPE), call the appropriate process API, and return response information in XML form, contained in a character large object (CLOB).

Typically, there is one service API function for each process API function. Each pair shares a common name (i.e., the function is "overloaded"). The service API function converts the incoming XML message to an OOT that will be accepted by the corresponding process API. The service API function also converts the response OOT returned from the process API back to XML.

This package also contains one API that is called to stimulate publication of SyncEligibleCardholder messages by the Banner Cardholder Event Publisher. This API accepts a cardholder role as a parameter and enqueues an identity event for each person in Banner that meets the role criteria.

Program units
f_get_eligible_cardholder   Service API to get an eligible cardholder.
f_get_eligible_cardholder   Process API to get an eligible cardholder.
f_get_eligible_cardholders   Service API to get eligible cardholders.
f_get_eligible_cardholders   Process API to get eligible cardholders.
p_handle_event   Streams Apply Process API to get an eligible cardholder.
p_sync_eligible_cardholders   Process API to enqueue identity events for persons in Banner the meet the supplied role criteria.


FUNCTION f_get_eligible_cardholder(p_xt xmltype) RETURN CLOB

Service API to get an eligible cardholder.

The f_get_eligible_cardholder service API function accepts an XML request message with a root element of GetEligibleCardholder. This request message XML contains a current Banner ID number (source=SPRIDEN.SPRIDEN_ID), or other accepted ID. Other accepted IDs include the IMSID used for eLearning integrations (source=GOBSRID.GOBSRID_SOURCED_ID) and the Luminis Platform logon identifier or LogonID (source=GOBTPAC.GOBTPAC_EXTERNAL_USER or SPRIDEN.SPRIDEN_ID, depending on institutional preferences).

The f_get_eligible_cardholder service API function converts the XML to an Oracle object type (OOT) and calls the f_get_eligible_cardholder process API function, passing in the OOT. The response that is returned by the process API function is converted from OOT to XML with a root element of ShowEligibleCardholder. This XML is returned by the service API in the form of a Character Large Object (CLOB).

p_xt   XML for GetEligibleCardholder. XMLTYPE

XML for ShowEligibleCardholder. CLOB


FUNCTION f_get_eligible_cardholder(p_request_oot uwx_get_eligible_cardholder)
  RETURN uwx_show_eligible_cardholder

Process API to get an eligible cardholder.

The f_get_eligible_cardholder process API function accepts a request message in the form of a UWX_GET_ELIGIBLE_CARDHOLDER Oracle object type (OOT). This request message contains the person's ID number (Refer to the description of f_get_eligible_cardholder service API function for further details concerning valid IDs).

The f_get_eligible_cardholder process API function queries the SCT Banner database in order to build a response message containing the cardholder information. The response message is returned by the process API in the form of a UWX_SHOW_ELIGIBLE_CARDHOLDER OOT.

p_request_oot   OOT containing the request message. UWX_GET_ELIGIBLE_CARDHOLDER

OOT containing the response message. UWX_SHOW_ELIGIBLE_CARDHOLDER


FUNCTION f_get_eligible_cardholders(p_xt xmltype) RETURN CLOB

Service API to get eligible cardholders.

The f_get_eligible_cardholders service API function accepts an XML request message with a root element of GetEligibleCardholders. This request message XML contains one or more cardholder roles as defined on the SCT Banner GORRSQL form.

The f_get_eligible_cardholders service API function converts the XML to an oracle Object Type (OOT) and calls the f_get_eligible_cardholders process API function, passing in the OOT. The response that is returned by the process API function is converted from OOT to XML with a root element of ShowEligibleCardholders. This XML is returned by the service API in the form of a Character Large Object (CLOB). It provides multiple cardholder records for those people who meet the criteria established for the roles.

p_xt   XML for GetEligibleCardholders. XMLTYPE

XML for ShowEligibleCardholder. CLOB


FUNCTION f_get_eligible_cardholders(p_request_oot uwx_get_eligible_cardholders)
  RETURN uwx_show_eligible_cardholders

Process API to get eligible cardholders.

The f_get_eligible_cardholders process API function accepts a request message in the form of a UWX_GET_ELIGIBLE_CARDHOLDERS Oracle object type (OOT). This request message contains one or more cardholder roles. (Refer to description of f_get_eligible_cardholders service API function for further details concerning valid roles).

The f_get_eligible_cardholders process API function queries the SCT Banner database in order to build a response message containing cardholder information for anyone in the database who meets the criteria established for the given roles. The response message is returned by the process API in the form of a UWX_SHOW_ELIGIBLE_CARDHOLDERS OOT.

p_request_oot   OOT contianing the request message. UWX_GET_ELIGIBLE_CARDHOLDERS

OOT containing the response message. UWX_SHOW_ELIGIBLE_CARDHOLDERS


PROCEDURE p_handle_event(in_any IN sys.anydata)

Streams Apply Process API to get an eligible cardholder.

The p_handle_event process API accepts an Oracle LCR indicating a change to the Card Holder Entity and publishes a  SHOW_ELIGIBLE_CARDHOLDER OOT to a Banner AQ topic. PROCEDURE: p_handle_event


PROCEDURE p_sync_eligible_cardholders(roles_tab rco_role_nt)

Process API to enqueue identity events for persons in Banner the meet the supplied role criteria.

The p_sync_eligible_cardholders process API procedure accepts a request message in the form of a RCO_ROLE_NT Oracle object type (OOT). This request message contains one or more cardholder roles as a table.

The p_sync_eligible_cardholders process API procedure validates the cardholder role(s) supplied as the input parameter and queries the Banner database for the SPRIDEN_PIDM records that match the criteria of those cardholder roles. Records that are returned are inserted as corresponding Person Identity messages in ccard_event_table for processing by the Banner Cardholder Event Publisher.

roles_tab   containing the request roles. RCO_ROLES_NT