
Package gb_userdefault

This package provides the Common Business interface for the USER DEFAULTS API, gb_userdefault.
GOBFPUD: (FGAC Person User Defaults)
FGAC Person User Defaults defines a user's home domain and allows controls to permit cross-domain searches for personal identification information and exempt a user completely from FGAC PII processing.
PII domains determine which PIDMs a user can access based on the existence of a PIDM row in the PII domain driver table.
The PII home domain may be selected from the PII domains directly assigned to the user as well as from the PII domains assigned to business profiles assigned to the user.
The PII home domain will control the user's access to a particular data set.
If a user is exempt from PII processing they will have access to all data.
A user that is permitted to perform cross-domain searches (cross domain search indicator set to 'Y') will be able to select PIDMs beyond their assigned domains on the SOAIDEN, FOIIDEN, GOAMTCH and GUIALTI search forms. The permission to search across domains grants the user temporary access to the selected ID for the duration of the current Banner session.
All proxy IDs that are used for Self Service should be added to Person User Defaults and Exempt from PII should be set to 'Y'.
When PII is enabled it is system wide and impacts all users including Self Service listener IDs.
Adding Self Service proxy IDs and setting those IDs to be Exempt from PII will ensure that PII will not impact Student or Employee users who do not have an Oracle log-in.

Program units
f_api_version   Returns the API version number.
f_exists   Checks to see if a record exists.
f_isequal   Compares two records for equality.
f_query_all   Selects all records for the entity.
f_query_one   Selects one record using the key.
f_query_by_rowid   Selects one record using the ROWID.
f_query_one_lock   Selects one record and locks it.
p_create   Creates a record.
p_delete   Deletes a record.
p_lock   Locks a record.
p_update   Updates a record.

userdefault_rec   Entity record type.
userdefault_ref   Entity cursor variable type.
userdefault_tab   Entity table type.

M_ENTITY_NAME   Business Entity name.



Business Entity name.


TYPE userdefault_rec IS RECORD (
   r_fgac_user_id            gobfpud.gobfpud_fgac_user_id%TYPE,
   r_exempt_ind              gobfpud.gobfpud_exempt_ind%TYPE,
   r_cross_domain_ind        gobfpud.gobfpud_cross_domain_ind%TYPE,
   r_user_id                 gobfpud.gobfpud_user_id%TYPE,
   r_fdmn_code               gobfpud.gobfpud_fdmn_code%TYPE,
   r_internal_record_id      gb_common.internal_record_id_type);

Entity record type.


TYPE userdefault_ref IS REF CURSOR RETURN userdefault_rec;

Entity cursor variable type.


TYPE userdefault_tab IS TABLE OF userdefault_rec INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;

Entity table type.



Returns the API version number.

Version of the API signature. Changes only when the signature changes.


FUNCTION f_exists(p_fgac_user_id gobfpud.gobfpud_fgac_user_id%TYPE,
                  p_rowid        VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) RETURN VARCHAR2

Checks to see if a record exists.

p_fgac_user_id   Oracle ID for whom the default settings applies. Optional Key
p_rowid   Database ROWID of the record to be selected. Optional

Y if found, otherwise N.


FUNCTION f_isequal(rec_one userdefault_rec,
                   rec_two userdefault_rec) RETURN VARCHAR2

Compares two records for equality.

rec_one   The first record to compare. Defined as type userdefault_rec. Required
rec_two   The second record to compare. Defined as type userdefault_rec. Required

Y if all values in records are equal, otherwise N. Nulls match Nulls.


FUNCTION f_query_all(p_fgac_user_id gobfpud.gobfpud_fgac_user_id%TYPE)
  RETURN userdefault_ref

Selects all records for the entity.

p_fgac_user_id   Oracle ID for whom the default settings applies. Required Key

A cursor variable that will fetch the set of records


FUNCTION f_query_one(p_fgac_user_id gobfpud.gobfpud_fgac_user_id%TYPE)
  RETURN userdefault_ref

Selects one record using the key.

p_fgac_user_id   Oracle ID for whom the default settings applies. Required Key

A cursor variable that will fetch exactly one record


FUNCTION f_query_by_rowid(p_rowid VARCHAR2) RETURN userdefault_ref

Selects one record using the ROWID.

p_rowid   Database ROWID of the record to be selected. Required

A cursor variable that will fetch exactly one record


FUNCTION f_query_one_lock(p_fgac_user_id gobfpud.gobfpud_fgac_user_id%TYPE,
                          p_rowid        VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)
  RETURN userdefault_ref

Selects one record and locks it.

p_fgac_user_id   Oracle ID for whom the default settings applies. Optional Key
p_rowid   Database ROWID of the record to be selected. Optional

A cursor variable for one record, locking the record


PROCEDURE p_create(p_fgac_user_id     gobfpud.gobfpud_fgac_user_id%TYPE,
                   p_exempt_ind       gobfpud.gobfpud_exempt_ind%TYPE,
                   p_cross_domain_ind gobfpud.gobfpud_cross_domain_ind%TYPE,
                   p_user_id          gobfpud.gobfpud_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
                   p_fdmn_code        gobfpud.gobfpud_fdmn_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_rowid_out        OUT VARCHAR2)

Creates a record.

p_fgac_user_id   Oracle ID for whom the default settings applies. Required Key
p_exempt_ind   Indicates (Y/N) if the user is exempt from all PII processing. Required
p_cross_domain_ind   Indicates (Y/N) if the user is able to search multiple domains on the PII Restricted Search form. Required
p_user_id   Oracle ID of the user who created or last updated a record. Optional
p_fdmn_code   Home domain code for an individual. These include PII domain types. Optional
p_rowid_out   Database ROWID of the record to be created. Required


PROCEDURE p_delete(p_fgac_user_id gobfpud.gobfpud_fgac_user_id%TYPE,
                   p_rowid        VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)

Deletes a record.

p_fgac_user_id   Oracle ID for whom the default settings applies. Optional Key
p_rowid   Database ROWID of the record to be deleted. Optional


PROCEDURE p_lock(p_fgac_user_id gobfpud.gobfpud_fgac_user_id%TYPE,
                 p_rowid_inout  IN OUT VARCHAR2)

Locks a record.
If the ROWID is not passed in, the record is located using the key values and the ROWID of the locked row is passed in p_rowid_inout

p_fgac_user_id   Oracle ID for whom the default settings applies. Optional Key
p_rowid_inout   Database ROWID of the record to be locked. Optional


PROCEDURE p_update(p_fgac_user_id     gobfpud.gobfpud_fgac_user_id%TYPE,
                   p_exempt_ind       gobfpud.gobfpud_exempt_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_cross_domain_ind gobfpud.gobfpud_cross_domain_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_user_id          gobfpud.gobfpud_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
                   p_fdmn_code        gobfpud.gobfpud_fdmn_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_rowid            VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)

Updates a record.

p_fgac_user_id   Oracle ID for whom the default settings applies. Required Key
p_exempt_ind   Indicates (Y/N) if the user is exempt from all PII processing. Required
p_cross_domain_ind   Indicates (Y/N) if the user is able to search multiple domains on the PII Restricted Search form. Required
p_user_id   Oracle ID of the user who created or last updated a record. Optional
p_fdmn_code   Home domain code for the individual. These include PII domain types. Optional
p_rowid   Database ROWID of the record to be updated. Optional