
Package gb_sde_metadata_rules

Support subprograms for the SDE_METADATA (gb_sde_metadata).

Program units
p_register_entity   Register the attribute value pairs to the message cache for delete operations.
p_register_entity   Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache for create and update operations.
p_validate   Validates all data in the record.


PROCEDURE p_register_entity(p_operation_type     NUMBER,
                            p_internal_record_id gb_common.internal_record_id_type)

Register the attribute value pairs to the message cache for delete operations.
This signature uses the ROWID only, for delete operations.

p_operation_type   Type of DML operation: create,update,delete. NUMBER Required
p_internal_record_id   Database ROWID VARCHAR2(18) required


PROCEDURE p_register_entity(p_operation_type  NUMBER,
                            p_table_name      gorsdam.gorsdam_table_name%TYPE,
                            p_attr_name       gorsdam.gorsdam_attr_name%TYPE,
                            p_attr_type       gorsdam.gorsdam_attr_type%TYPE,
                            p_attr_order      gorsdam.gorsdam_attr_order%TYPE,
                            p_attr_reqd_ind   gorsdam.gorsdam_attr_reqd_ind%TYPE,
                            p_attr_data_type  gorsdam.gorsdam_attr_data_type%TYPE,
                            p_attr_prompt     gorsdam.gorsdam_attr_prompt%TYPE,
                            p_user_id         gorsdam.gorsdam_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
                            p_attr_data_len   gorsdam.gorsdam_attr_data_len%TYPE,
                            p_attr_data_scale gorsdam.gorsdam_attr_data_scale%TYPE,
                            p_attr_info       gorsdam.gorsdam_attr_info%TYPE,
                            p_attr_base_col   gorsdam.gorsdam_attr_base_col%TYPE,
                            p_sddc_code       gorsdam.gorsdam_sddc_code%TYPE,
                            p_data_origin     gorsdam.gorsdam_data_origin%TYPE,
                            /* 80-2 p_create_source             gorsdam.gorsdam_create_source%TYPE, */
                            p_lov_form             gorsdam.gorsdam_lov_form%TYPE,
                            p_lov_table_ovrd       gorsdam.gorsdam_lov_table_ovrd%TYPE,
                            p_lov_attr_ovrd        gorsdam.gorsdam_lov_attr_ovrd%TYPE,
                            p_lov_code_title       gorsdam.gorsdam_lov_code_title%TYPE,
                            p_lov_desc_title       gorsdam.gorsdam_lov_desc_title%TYPE,
                            p_lov_low_range        gorsdam.gorsdam_lov_low_range%TYPE,
                            p_lov_high_range       gorsdam.gorsdam_lov_high_range%TYPE,
                            p_lov_low_sysdate_ind  gorsdam.gorsdam_lov_low_sysdate_ind%TYPE,
                            p_lov_high_sysdate_ind gorsdam.gorsdam_lov_high_sysdate_ind%TYPE,
                            p_gjapdef_validation   gorsdam.gorsdam_gjapdef_validation%TYPE,
                            p_sql_sqpr_code        gorsdam.gorsdam_sql_sqpr_code%TYPE,
                            p_sql_sqru_code        gorsdam.gorsdam_sql_sqru_code%TYPE,
                            p_internal_record_id   gb_common.internal_record_id_type)

Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache for create and update operations.
This signature registers all parameters.

p_operation_type   Type of DML operation: create,update,delete. NUMBER Required
p_table_name   Name of the table supplemented by the attribute. VARCHAR2(90) Required Key
p_attr_name   Name of the attribute. VARCHAR2(90) Required Key
p_attr_type   Type of the attribute;  A(dd) to table, S(ubstitutes) field. VARCHAR2(3) Required
p_attr_order   Default display order of the attribute. NUMBER(3) Required
p_attr_reqd_ind   This field indicates if the Attribute is required (Y/N). VARCHAR2(3) Required
p_attr_data_type   Data type of the field. VARCHAR2(90) Required
p_attr_prompt   Default prompt or label for the user interface. VARCHAR2(150) Required
p_user_id   The unique identification of the user. VARCHAR2(90) Required
p_attr_data_len   Maximum length of the attribute data. NUMBER(8)
p_attr_data_scale   Scale for number type attributes. NUMBER(2)
p_attr_info   Default hint or information text for the user interface. VARCHAR2(3072)
p_attr_base_col   Base table field substituted by this attribute. VARCHAR2(90)
p_sddc_code   Discriminator associated with this Attribute. VARCHAR2(30)
p_data_origin   Source system that created or updated the row. VARCHAR2(90)
p_lov_form   Indicates an existing LOV form (similar to List on GJAPDEF) which would pass back a specific value just as it does on GJAPCTL. If it is equal to GTQSDLV then the SDE LOV table will be used. VARCHAR2(30)
p_lov_table_ovrd   Used to override the table name if using the GTQSDLV in the LOV form. The value of DEFAULT can be used to define "generic" validations. VARCHAR2(30)
p_lov_attr_ovrd   Used to override the attribute name if using the GTQSDLV in the LOV form. VARCHAR2(30)
p_lov_code_title   Used as an override for "Code" for the title of the Value field on GTQSDLV. VARCHAR2(255)
p_lov_desc_title   Used as an override for "Description" for the description of the Value field on GTQSDLV. VARCHAR2(255)
p_lov_low_range   The low value of a range of values used for validation. SYS.ANYDATA
p_lov_high_range   The high value of a range of values used for validation. SYS.ANYDATA
p_lov_low_sysdate_ind   An indicator used to specify that the low range for a DATE is SYSDATE. VARCHAR2(01)
p_lov_high_sysdate_ind   An indicator used to specify that the high range for a DATE is SYSDATE. VARCHAR2(01)
p_gjapdef_validation   The validation routine (similar to GJAPDEF Validation) used in the same way that GJAPCTL validates values. These routines are all 'hard coded' and will work the exact way that they work on GJAPCTL. VARCHAR2(30)
p_sql_sqpr_code   Process code from GORRSQL used to define the SQL validation routine. VARCHAR2(30)
p_sql_sqru_code   Rule code from GORRSQL used to define the SQL validation routine. VARCHAR2(30)
p_internal_record_id   Database ROWID VARCHAR2(18) required


PROCEDURE p_validate(p_table_name      gorsdam.gorsdam_table_name%TYPE,
                     p_attr_name       gorsdam.gorsdam_attr_name%TYPE,
                     p_attr_type       gorsdam.gorsdam_attr_type%TYPE,
                     p_attr_order      gorsdam.gorsdam_attr_order%TYPE,
                     p_attr_reqd_ind   gorsdam.gorsdam_attr_reqd_ind%TYPE,
                     p_attr_data_type  gorsdam.gorsdam_attr_data_type%TYPE,
                     p_attr_prompt     gorsdam.gorsdam_attr_prompt%TYPE,
                     p_user_id         gorsdam.gorsdam_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
                     p_attr_data_len   gorsdam.gorsdam_attr_data_len%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_attr_data_scale gorsdam.gorsdam_attr_data_scale%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_attr_info       gorsdam.gorsdam_attr_info%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_attr_base_col   gorsdam.gorsdam_attr_base_col%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_sddc_code       gorsdam.gorsdam_sddc_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_data_origin     gorsdam.gorsdam_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     /* 80-2 p_create_source             gorsdam.gorsdam_create_source%TYPE DEFAULT NULL); */
                     p_lov_form             gorsdam.gorsdam_lov_form%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_lov_table_ovrd       gorsdam.gorsdam_lov_table_ovrd%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_lov_attr_ovrd        gorsdam.gorsdam_lov_attr_ovrd%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_lov_code_title       gorsdam.gorsdam_lov_code_title%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_lov_desc_title       gorsdam.gorsdam_lov_desc_title%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_lov_low_range        gorsdam.gorsdam_lov_low_range%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_lov_high_range       gorsdam.gorsdam_lov_high_range%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_lov_low_sysdate_ind  gorsdam.gorsdam_lov_low_sysdate_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_lov_high_sysdate_ind gorsdam.gorsdam_lov_high_sysdate_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_gjapdef_validation   gorsdam.gorsdam_gjapdef_validation%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_sql_sqpr_code        gorsdam.gorsdam_sql_sqpr_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_sql_sqru_code        gorsdam.gorsdam_sql_sqru_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)

Validates all data in the record.

p_table_name   Name of the table supplemented by the attribute. VARCHAR2(90) Required Key
p_attr_name   Name of the attribute. VARCHAR2(90) Required Key
p_attr_type   Type of the attribute;  A(dd) to table, S(ubstitutes) field. VARCHAR2(3) Required
p_attr_order   Default display order of the attribute. NUMBER(3) Required
p_attr_reqd_ind   This field indicates if the Attribute is required (Y/N). VARCHAR2(3) Required
p_attr_data_type   Data type of the field. VARCHAR2(90) Required
p_attr_prompt   Default prompt or label for the user interface. VARCHAR2(150) Required
p_user_id   The unique identification of the user. VARCHAR2(90) Required
p_attr_data_len   Maximum length of the attribute data. NUMBER(8)
p_attr_data_scale   Scale for number type attributes. NUMBER(2)
p_attr_info   Default hint or information text for the user interface. VARCHAR2(3072)
p_attr_base_col   Base table field substituted by this attribute. VARCHAR2(90)
p_sddc_code   Discriminator associated with this Attribute. VARCHAR2(30)
p_data_origin   Source system that created or updated the row. VARCHAR2(90)
p_lov_form   Indicates an existing LOV form (similar to List on GJAPDEF) which would pass back a specific value just as it does on GJAPCTL. If it is equal to GTQSDLV then the SDE LOV table will be used. VARCHAR2(30)
p_lov_table_ovrd   Used to override the table name if using the GTQSDLV in the LOV form. The value of DEFAULT can be used to define "generic" validations. VARCHAR2(30)
p_lov_attr_ovrd   Used to override the attribute name if using the GTQSDLV in the LOV form. VARCHAR2(30)
p_lov_code_title   Used as an override for "Code" for the title of the Value field on GTQSDLV. VARCHAR2(255)
p_lov_desc_title   Used as an override for "Description" for the description of the Value field on GTQSDLV. VARCHAR2(255)
p_lov_low_range   The low value of a range of values used for validation. SYS.ANYDATA
p_lov_high_range   The high value of a range of values used for validation. SYS.ANYDATA
p_lov_low_sysdate_ind   An indicator used to specify that the low range for a DATE is SYSDATE. VARCHAR2(01)
p_lov_high_sysdate_ind   An indicator used to specify that the high range for a DATE is SYSDATE. VARCHAR2(01)
p_gjapdef_validation   The validation routine (similar to GJAPDEF Validation) used in the same way that GJAPCTL validates values. These routines are all 'hard coded' and will work the exact way that they work on GJAPCTL. VARCHAR2(30)
p_sql_sqpr_code   Process code from GORRSQL used to define the SQL validation routine. VARCHAR2(30)
p_sql_sqru_code   Rule code from GORRSQL used to define the SQL validation routine. VARCHAR2(30)