
Package gb_roomdefinition_str

This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Room Definition API (gb_roomdefinition).

Message KeyError Message
EXCEEDS_MAX_CAPACITYCapacity exceeds Room Definition maximum capacity
Value entered for room definition capacity is greater than the value for maximum capacity.
INVALID_BCAT_CODECategory code does not exist for Room Definition building
Invalid value entered for the room definition category code.  The category must first be defined for the building and then will be available as a room category.
INVALID_BLDG_CODEInvalid Room Definition Building Code
Invalid value entered for the room definition building code.  The building must have an existing building definition.
INVALID_COLL_CODEInvalid Room Definition College Code
Code entered for the room definition college code must be a valid value in the College Code validation table (STVCOLL).
INVALID_DEPT_CODEInvalid Room Definition Department Code
Code entered for room definition department code must be a valid value in the Department validation table (STVDEPT).
INVALID_PARS_CODEInvalid value for Room Definition Partition Code
Value entered for the partition code must be a valid value in the Partition validation table (GTVPARS).
INVALID_PRCD_CODEInvalid Room Definition Phone Rate Code
Value entered for the room definition phone rate code must be a valid value in the Phone Rate Code validation table (STVPRCD).
INVALID_RMST_CODEInvalid Room Definition Status Code
Value entered for room definition status code must be a valid value in the Room Status Code validation table (STVRMST).
INVALID_ROOM_TYPE Room Definition Room type must be D, C, or O
Value entered for the room definition room type must be a D (Residence Hall), C (Classroom), or O (Other).
INVALID_RRCD_CODEInvalid Room Definition Room Rate Code
Value entered for the room definition room rate code must be a valid value in the Room Rate Code validation table (STVRRCD).
INVALID_SEXRoom Definition Gender designation must be M, F, or null
Value entered for the room definition gender designation must be M (Male), F (Female) or null (Either).
INVALID_TERM_CODE_EFFInvalid value for Room Definition Effective Term Code
Value entered for the room definition effective term code must be a valid value in the Term Code validation table (STVTERM).
MISSING_BLDG_CODEMissing mandatory Room Definition Building Code
Value for the room definition building code is required.
MISSING_CAPACITYMissing mandatory Room Definition Capacity
Value for the room definition capacity is required.
MISSING_ROOM_NUMBERMissing mandatory Room Definition Room Number
Value for the room definition room number is required.
MISSING_ROOM_TYPEMissing mandatory Room Definition Room Type
Value for the room definition room type is required.
MISSING_TERM_CODE_EFFMissing mandatory Room Definition Effective Term
Value for the room definition effective term is required.
PK_NOT_FOUNDCannot find Room Definition record using primary or unique key
Cannot find the room definition with the values entered.
P_DELETE_FAILEDCannot delete, Room Definition record does not exist
Cannot find the room definition record based on the information specified, so the record cannot be deleted.
RECORD_EXISTSCannot create, Room Definition record already exists
Room definition record cannot be created because it already exists.
ROOM_ASSIGNED Room Definition Room already assigned; cannot delete
Room is already assigned and cannot delete because a child record exists.
ROOM_GENDER_NOT_BLDGRoom Gender designation does not match Building Gender
Gender designation specified for the room definition does not match the gender associated with the building code.

Program units
f_get_error   Returns error the message corresponding to p_errorname.

error_tab   Global table for error messages.


error_tab gb_common_strings.errmsg_tab_type;

Global table for error messages.


FUNCTION f_get_error(p_errorname VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2

Returns error the message corresponding to p_errorname.
@retun Returns message corresponding to the name in p_errorname.

p_errorname   Name associated with error message.