
Package gb_prior_college

This package provides the Common Business interface for the PRIOR COLLEGE API (gb_prior_college).
The Prior College API creates information about the person?s educational background.
Before prior college information can be created, identification information must exist for the person.
A person can have many prior college records.  Internal identification number and source background institution code are required as the primary key for each record.  Other values for transcript received date, transcript reviewed date, and admissions request code are optional.  If a value is passed for prior college official transcript, the value must be a Y or null.
This API is called from multiple product lines.  Some of its logic may be used by specific product lines only. For these cases, context variables are being used. The context variable CHECK_HR_SECURITY is used when the calling product line is Human Resources in order to perform person access checks.  The context variable CALLED_FROM_STUDENT is used to perform logic specific to the STUDENT product.

Program units
f_api_version   Returns the API version number.
f_exists   Checks if a record exists.
f_isequal   Compares two records for equality.
f_query_all   Selects all records for the entity.
f_query_one   Selects one record using key.
f_query_by_rowid   Selects one record using ROWID.
f_query_one_lock   Selects one record and locks it.
p_create   Creates a record.
p_delete   Deletes a record.
p_lock   Locks a record.
p_update   Updates a record.

prior_college_rec   Business Entity record type
prior_college_ref   Entity cursor variable type
prior_college_tab   Entity table type

M_ENTITY_NAME   Business Entity Name
M_BASE_TABLE_NAME   Base table name



Business Entity Name



Base table name


TYPE prior_college_rec IS RECORD (
  r_pidm                    sorpcol.sorpcol_pidm%TYPE,
  r_sbgi_code               sorpcol.sorpcol_sbgi_code%TYPE,
  r_trans_recv_date         sorpcol.sorpcol_trans_recv_date%TYPE,
  r_trans_rev_date          sorpcol.sorpcol_trans_rev_date%TYPE,
  r_official_trans          sorpcol.sorpcol_official_trans%TYPE,
  r_admr_code               sorpcol.sorpcol_admr_code%TYPE,
  r_data_origin             sorpcol.sorpcol_data_origin%TYPE,
  r_user_id                 sorpcol.sorpcol_user_id%TYPE,
  r_internal_record_id      gb_common.internal_record_id_type);

Business Entity record type


TYPE prior_college_ref IS REF CURSOR RETURN prior_college_rec;

Entity cursor variable type


TYPE prior_college_tab IS TABLE OF prior_college_rec INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;

Entity table type



Returns the API version number.

Version of the API signature. Changes only when the signature changes.


FUNCTION f_exists(p_pidm      sorpcol.sorpcol_pidm%TYPE,
                  p_sbgi_code sorpcol.sorpcol_sbgi_code%TYPE,
                  p_rowid     gb_common.internal_record_id_type DEFAULT NULL)

Checks if a record exists.

p_pidm   Internal identification number of the student. NUMBER(8) Required Key
p_sbgi_code   The prior college code of the prospect or applicant. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key
p_rowid   Database ROWID of the record to be selected. VARCHAR2(18)

Y if found, otherwise N.


FUNCTION f_isequal(rec_one prior_college_rec,
                   rec_two prior_college_rec) RETURN VARCHAR2

Compares two records for equality.
Tests each field of rec_one against the corresponding field of rec_two. Two null values are considered equal.

rec_one   The first record to compare. Type prior_college_rec Required
rec_two   The second record to compare. Type prior_college_rec Required

Y if all values in records are equal, otherwise N. Nulls match Nulls.


FUNCTION f_query_all(p_pidm      sorpcol.sorpcol_pidm%TYPE,
                     p_sbgi_code sorpcol.sorpcol_sbgi_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)
  RETURN prior_college_ref

Selects all records for the entity.

p_pidm   Internal identification number of the student. NUMBER(8) Required Key
p_sbgi_code   The prior college code of the prospect or applicant. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key

A cursor variable that will fetch the set of records.


FUNCTION f_query_one(p_pidm      sorpcol.sorpcol_pidm%TYPE,
                     p_sbgi_code sorpcol.sorpcol_sbgi_code%TYPE)
  RETURN prior_college_ref

Selects one record using key.

p_pidm   Internal identification number of the student. NUMBER(8) Required Key
p_sbgi_code   The prior college code of the prospect or applicant. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key

A cursor variable that will fetch exactly one record.


FUNCTION f_query_by_rowid(p_rowid gb_common.internal_record_id_type)
  RETURN prior_college_ref

Selects one record using ROWID.

p_rowid   Database ROWID of the record to be selected. VARCHAR2(18) Required

A cursor variable that will fetch exactly one record.


FUNCTION f_query_one_lock(p_pidm      sorpcol.sorpcol_pidm%TYPE,
                          p_sbgi_code sorpcol.sorpcol_sbgi_code%TYPE,
                          p_rowid     gb_common.internal_record_id_type DEFAULT NULL)
  RETURN prior_college_ref

Selects one record and locks it.

p_pidm   Internal identification number of the student. NUMBER(8) Required Key
p_sbgi_code   The prior college code of the prospect or applicant. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key
p_rowid   Database ROWID of the record to be selected. VARCHAR2(18)

A cursor variable for one record, locking the record.


PROCEDURE p_create(p_pidm            sorpcol.sorpcol_pidm%TYPE,
                   p_sbgi_code       sorpcol.sorpcol_sbgi_code%TYPE,
                   p_trans_recv_date sorpcol.sorpcol_trans_recv_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_trans_rev_date  sorpcol.sorpcol_trans_rev_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_official_trans  sorpcol.sorpcol_official_trans%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_admr_code       sorpcol.sorpcol_admr_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_data_origin     sorpcol.sorpcol_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_user_id         sorpcol.sorpcol_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
                   p_rowid_out       OUT gb_common.internal_record_id_type)

Creates a record.

p_pidm   Internal identification number of the student. NUMBER(8) Required Key
p_sbgi_code   The prior college code of the prospect or applicant. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key
p_trans_recv_date   The date an academic transcript was received from the prior college. DATE
p_trans_rev_date   The date an academic transcript was reviewed by the institution. DATE
p_official_trans   Designates the transcript received was an official transcript. Y denotes yes. VARCHAR2(1)
p_admr_code   The admission checklist request item code which may be cross referenced, i.e., receipt of transcript here updates admissions checklist received date. VARCHAR2(4)
p_data_origin   Source system that created or updated the row. VARCHAR2(30)
p_user_id   The Oracle ID of the user who changed the record. VARCHAR2(30)
p_rowid_out   Database ROWID of the record to be created. VARCHAR2(18) Required


PROCEDURE p_delete(p_pidm      sorpcol.sorpcol_pidm%TYPE,
                   p_sbgi_code sorpcol.sorpcol_sbgi_code%TYPE,
                   p_rowid     gb_common.internal_record_id_type DEFAULT NULL)

Deletes a record.
When deleting a prior college record, if any prior college degree children records exist, they will also be deleted.

p_pidm   Internal identification number of the student. NUMBER(8) Required Key
p_sbgi_code   The prior college code of the prospect or applicant. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key
p_rowid   Database ROWID of the record to be deleted. VARCHAR2(18)


PROCEDURE p_lock(p_pidm        sorpcol.sorpcol_pidm%TYPE,
                 p_sbgi_code   sorpcol.sorpcol_sbgi_code%TYPE,
                 p_rowid_inout IN OUT gb_common.internal_record_id_type)

Locks a record.
If ROWID is not passed in, the record is located using the key values and the ROWID of the locked row is passed in p_rowid_inout

p_pidm   Internal identification number of the student. NUMBER(8) Required Key
p_sbgi_code   The prior college code of the prospect or applicant. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key
p_rowid_inout   Database ROWID of the record to be locked. VARCHAR2(18) Required


PROCEDURE p_update(p_pidm            sorpcol.sorpcol_pidm%TYPE,
                   p_sbgi_code       sorpcol.sorpcol_sbgi_code%TYPE,
                   p_trans_recv_date sorpcol.sorpcol_trans_recv_date%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_date,
                   p_trans_rev_date  sorpcol.sorpcol_trans_rev_date%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_date,
                   p_official_trans  sorpcol.sorpcol_official_trans%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_admr_code       sorpcol.sorpcol_admr_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_data_origin     sorpcol.sorpcol_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_user_id         sorpcol.sorpcol_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
                   p_rowid           gb_common.internal_record_id_type DEFAULT NULL)

Updates a record.
The Source background institution, sbgi_code, is part of the primary key and is not updateable.

p_pidm   Internal identification number of the student. NUMBER(8) Required Key
p_sbgi_code   The prior college code of the prospect or applicant. VARCHAR2(6) Required Key
p_trans_recv_date   The date an academic transcript was received from the prior college. DATE
p_trans_rev_date   The date an academic transcript was reviewed by the institution. DATE
p_official_trans   Designates the transcript received was an official transcript. Y denotes yes. VARCHAR2(1)
p_admr_code   The admission checklist request item code which may be cross referenced, i.e., receipt of transcript here updates admissions checklist received date. VARCHAR2(4)
p_data_origin   Source system that created or updated the row. VARCHAR2(30)
p_user_id   The Oracle ID of the user who changed the record. VARCHAR2(30)
p_rowid   Database ROWID of the record to be updated. VARCHAR2(18)