Message Name | Error Message |
DOWNLOAD_ERROR | Error with file download. |
The requested file could not be processed. Please refer to the accompanying message for additional information. |
DOWNLOAD_STATUS | Download Status. |
The status of the downloaded file is displayed in an accompanying message. |
FK_EXISTS | Cannot delete, linked record exists in table %01%. |
An attempt to delete a record from the large object table, GORBLOB, failed because a record exists in the specified table. This related record must be deleted before the large object record can be deleted. |
INVALID_BLOT_CODE | Invalid value for large object type code. |
An attempt to create or update a large object record failed because the large object type value is invalid and a valid value from the GTVBLOT table must be specified. |
INVALID_DELETED | Invalid value for deleted. |
An attempt to create or update a large object record failed because the value for the deleted column must be NULL or Y. No other values are permitted. |
DIR_NOT_FOUND | Directory alias %01% not found. File = %02% |
There was no entry found for the directory alias. Verify that the directory alias has been created with the CREATE DIRECTORY command. |
INVALID_FILE | Only one LOB, BFILE, or directory/filename may be defined. |
An attempt to create or update a large object record failed because multiple values of a binary file locator (BFILE), binary large object (BLOB), or directory/file
were specified. Only one relationship may be specified. |
INVALID_LOADFROMFILE | Invalid value for loadfromfile indicator. |
An attempt to create or update a large object record failed because the loadfromfile value is invalid. The valid values are N (accept the BFILE or directory/file without any validation), V (validate that the BFILE or directory/file is valid), or Y (load the BLOB from the BFILE for directory/file, with validation implied). |
INVALID_OS | Error! OS=%01% Dir=%02% File=%03% |
The operating system environment defined in the GUBINST table did not match a recognized value of UNX, VMS, or WIN. |
MISSING_BLOT_CODE | Missing mandatory value for large object type code. |
An attempt to create or update a large object record failed because the large object type is missing and a valid value must be specified. |
MISSING_FILE | LOB, BFILE, directory/filename may not all be NULL. |
An attempt to create or update a large object record failed because neither a binary file locator (BFILE), binary large object (BLOB), nor directory/file were specified. One, and only one, relationship must be specified. |
MISSING_USER_ID | Missing mandatory value for user id. |
An attempt to create or update a large object record failed because the user id is missing and a valid value must be specified. |
NO_BFILE_EXISTS | The BFILE %01% does not exist. |
The BFILE locator points to a file that does not exist, or a file that you do not have permission to access, or is using a directory alias that has not been defined. |
PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find record using primary or unique key. |
An attempt to read, update or delete the large object record failed because no matching record was found. |
P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete, record does not exist. |
An attempt to delete the large object record failed because no matching record was found. |