
Package gb_large_object_rules

Support subprograms for the LARGE OBJECT API (gb_large_object).

Program units
p_register_entity   Registers the attribute value pairs to the message cache for delete operations.
p_register_entity   Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache for create and update operations.
p_validate   Validates all the data in the record.


PROCEDURE p_register_entity(p_operation_type     PLS_INTEGER,
                            p_internal_record_id gb_common.internal_record_id_type)

Registers the attribute value pairs to the message cache for delete operations.
This signature uses the ROWID only, for the delete operations.

p_operation_type   Type of DML operation: create, update, or delete. NUMBER Required
p_internal_record_id   Database ROWID VARCHAR2(18) required


PROCEDURE p_register_entity(p_operation_type PLS_INTEGER,
                            p_media_id       gorblob.gorblob_media_id%TYPE,
                            p_blot_code      gorblob.gorblob_blot_code%TYPE,
                            p_user_id        gorblob.gorblob_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
                            -- blobs and bfiles are never registered
                            p_deleted            gorblob.gorblob_deleted%TYPE,
                            p_data_origin        gorblob.gorblob_data_origin%TYPE,
                            p_internal_record_id gb_common.internal_record_id_type)

Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache for create and update operations.
This signature registers the all parameters except for p_blob and p_bfile which are not being registered.

p_operation_type   Type of DML operation: create, update, or delete. NUMBER Required
p_media_id   Unique generated ID number. NUMBER(38) Required Key
p_blot_code   Code that describes the contents of the large object (BLOB). VARCHAR2(30) Required
p_user_id   User ID of the User who created or last updated the record. VARCHAR2(30) Required
p_deleted   The record is flagged for deletion from the associated file system file. It may be deleted if this column has a value of Y. Once the file is deleted this row may be deleted from table GORBLOB. VARCHAR2(01)
p_data_origin   Source system that created or updated the row. VARCHAR2(30)
p_internal_record_id   Database ROWID VARCHAR2(18) required


PROCEDURE p_validate(p_blot_code    gorblob.gorblob_blot_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_user_id      gorblob.gorblob_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
                     p_blob         gorblob.gorblob_blob%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_bfile        gorblob.gorblob_bfile%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_directory    VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_filename     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_loadfromfile VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'Y',
                     p_ins_upd      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'I',
                     p_deleted      gorblob.gorblob_deleted%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_data_origin  gorblob.gorblob_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)

Validates all the data in the record.

p_blot_code   Code that describes the contents of the binary large object (BLOB) or binary file locator (BFILE). The p_blot_code is defined in the gtvblot table. VARCHAR2(30) Required
p_user_id   User ID of the User who created or last updated the record. VARCHAR2(30) Required
p_blob   The binary large object stored in the database. BLOB
p_bfile   The bfile locator pointing to the file system file. BFILE
p_directory   Field to define the logical directory of external file. The logical is created with the CREATE DIRECTORY command. VARCHAR2(30)
p_filename   Field to define the file name of an external file. VARCHAR2(2000)
p_loadfromfile   Field used with external files only. VARCHAR2(01)
N   do not load or validate an external file.
V   validates that the external file exists.
Y   indicates the external file should be loaded into a BLOB (validation is implied) (default).

p_ins_upd   Field used to indicate whether validation is performed as part of an insert or update. VARCHAR2(01)
I   performed as part of an insert.
U   performed as part of a delete.

p_deleted   The record is flagged for deletion from the associated file system file. It may be deleted if this column has a value of Y. Once the file is deleted this row may be deleted from table gorblob. VARCHAR2(01)
p_data_origin   Source system that created or updated the row. VARCHAR2(30)