
Package gb_integ_config_rules

This package provides support for messaging and data validation for the INTEG_CONFIG API (gb_integ_config).

Program units
p_register_entity   Registers the attribute value pairs to the message cache for delete operations.
p_register_entity   Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache for create and update operations.
p_validate   Validates all data in the record.
f_valid_setting_value   Validates the configuration setting value.


PROCEDURE p_register_entity(p_operation_type     NUMBER,
                            p_internal_record_id gb_common.internal_record_id_type)

Registers the attribute value pairs to the message cache for delete operations.
This signature uses the ROWID only, for delete operations.

p_operation_type   Type of DML operation: create, update, or delete. NUMBER Required
p_internal_record_id   Database ROWID. VARCHAR2(18) Required


PROCEDURE p_register_entity(p_operation_type     NUMBER,
                            p_sqpr_code          goriccr.goriccr_sqpr_code%TYPE,
                            p_icsn_code          goriccr.goriccr_icsn_code%TYPE,
                            p_value              goriccr.goriccr_value%TYPE,
                            p_user_id            goriccr.goriccr_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
                            p_value_desc         goriccr.goriccr_value_desc%TYPE,
                            p_seq_no             goriccr.goriccr_seq_no%TYPE,
                            p_translation_value  goriccr.goriccr_translation_value%TYPE,
                            p_data_origin        goriccr.goriccr_data_origin%TYPE,
                            p_internal_record_id gb_common.internal_record_id_type)

Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache for create and update operations.
This signature registers all parameters.

p_operation_type   Type of DML operation: create, update, or delete. NUMBER Required
p_sqpr_code   The integration configuration setting process code. VARCHAR2(30) Required Key
p_icsn_code   The integration configuration setting name. VARCHAR2(30) Required Key
p_value   Value of configuration setting. VARCHAR2(200) Required Key
p_user_id   The unique identification of the user. VARCHAR2(30) Required
p_value_desc   Description of the value entered for the given setting. VARCHAR2(60)
p_seq_no   Ordinal number used when order of configuration settings is important. NUMBER(2)
p_translation_value   A value that is the technical equivalent of the value in the VALUE field. VARCHAR2(200)
p_data_origin   Source system that created or updated the row. VARCHAR2(30)
p_internal_record_id   Database ROWID. VARCHAR2(18) Required


PROCEDURE p_validate(p_sqpr_code          goriccr.goriccr_sqpr_code%TYPE,
                     p_icsn_code          goriccr.goriccr_icsn_code%TYPE,
                     p_value              goriccr.goriccr_value%TYPE,
                     p_user_id            goriccr.goriccr_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
                     p_value_desc         goriccr.goriccr_value_desc%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_seq_no             goriccr.goriccr_seq_no%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_translation_value  goriccr.goriccr_translation_value%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_data_origin        goriccr.goriccr_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_internal_record_id gb_common.internal_record_id_type DEFAULT NULL)

Validates all data in the record.

p_sqpr_code   The integration configuration setting process code. VARCHAR2(30) Required Key
p_icsn_code   The integration configuration setting name. VARCHAR2(30) Required Key
p_value   Value of configuration setting. VARCHAR2(200) Required Key
p_user_id   The unique identification of the user. VARCHAR2(30) Required
p_value_desc   Description of the value entered for the given setting. VARCHAR2(60)
p_seq_no   Ordinal number used when order of configuration settings is important. NUMBER(2)
p_translation_value   A value that is the technical equivalent of the value in the VALUE field. VARCHAR2(200)
p_data_origin   Source system that created or updated the row. VARCHAR2(30)
p_internal_record_id   Database ROWID. VARCHAR2(18)


FUNCTION f_valid_setting_value(p_sqpr_code IN goriccr.goriccr_sqpr_code%TYPE,
                               p_icsn_code IN goriccr.goriccr_icsn_code%TYPE,
                               p_value     IN goriccr.goriccr_value%TYPE,
                               p_desc_out  OUT VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2

Validates the configuration setting value.

p_sqpr_code   The integration configuration setting process code. VARCHAR2(30) Required Key
p_icsn_code   The integration configuration setting name. VARCHAR2(30) Required Key
p_value   Value of configuration setting. VARCHAR2(200) Required Key
p_desc_out   Description of the setting value, derived from a validation table lookup or hardcoded for some settings. VARCHAR2(60)