Package gb_identification Provides the Common Business interface for the IDENTIFICATION API (gb_identification).Each person or non-person (company, vendor, etc.) in Banner has a Personal Identification Master number (PIDM).
Each PIDM is stored in the SPRIDEN table, with the Banner ID, name and other associated data. Only one record for a PIDM is considered the current active record. This record has spriden_change_ind set to NULL.
One or more names or IDs may be associated with a PIDM. These are audit records and are used to log name and ID changes.
Since ID, Name, and Name Type are all parts of the key, and are updatable, p_delete and p_update identify the current record in different ways. |
Program units |
f_api_version | Returns the API version number. |
f_exists | Checks to see if a record exists. |
f_get_entity | Returns the entity indicator that defines if the PIDM belongs to a Person or Company. |
f_isequal | Compares two records for equality. |
f_query_by_rowid | Selects one record using ROWID. |
f_query_one | Selects one Identification record. |
f_query_all | Selects a set of Identification records. |
f_query_one_lock | Selects one record and locks it for update. |
p_lock | Locks a record. |
p_create | Creates an Identification record. |
p_delete | Deletes a record. |
p_update | Updates an Identification record. |
f_idname_search | Performs an ID or Name search. |
f_ssnname_search | Performs an SSN search. |
Types |
identification_rec | Entity record type |
idname_search_rec | ID Name Search record type |
identification_ref | Entity cursor variable type |
idname_search_ref | ID Name Search cursor variable type |
id_tab | Entity table type |
Constants |
M_ENTITY_NAME | Business Entity name |
Business Entity name
TYPE identification_rec IS RECORD ( r_pidm spriden.spriden_pidm%TYPE, r_id spriden.spriden_id%TYPE, r_last_name spriden.spriden_last_name%TYPE, r_first_name spriden.spriden_first_name%TYPE, r_mi spriden.spriden_mi%TYPE, r_change_ind spriden.spriden_change_ind%TYPE, r_entity_ind spriden.spriden_entity_ind%TYPE, r_user spriden.spriden_user%TYPE, r_origin spriden.spriden_origin%TYPE, r_ntyp_code spriden.spriden_ntyp_code%TYPE, r_data_origin spriden.spriden_data_origin%TYPE, r_create_fdmn_code spriden.spriden_create_fdmn_code%TYPE, r_surname_prefix spriden.spriden_surname_prefix%TYPE, r_internal_record_id gb_common.internal_record_id_type);
Entity record type
TYPE idname_search_rec IS RECORD ( r_pidm spriden.spriden_pidm%TYPE, r_id spriden.spriden_id%TYPE, r_name spriden.spriden_last_name%TYPE, r_internal_record_id gb_common.internal_record_id_type, r_distinct_query_count INTEGER);
ID Name Search record type
TYPE identification_ref IS REF CURSOR RETURN identification_rec;
Entity cursor variable type
TYPE idname_search_ref IS REF CURSOR RETURN idname_search_rec;
ID Name Search cursor variable type
TYPE id_tab IS TABLE OF identification_rec INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
Entity table type
Returns the API version number.
Returns |
Version of the API signature. Changes only when the signature changes. |
FUNCTION f_exists(p_pidm spriden.spriden_pidm%TYPE, p_id spriden.spriden_id%TYPE, p_last_name spriden.spriden_last_name%TYPE, p_first_name spriden.spriden_first_name%TYPE, p_mi spriden.spriden_mi%TYPE, p_change_ind spriden.spriden_change_ind%TYPE, p_ntyp_code spriden.spriden_ntyp_code%TYPE, p_surname_prefix spriden.spriden_surname_prefix%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_rowid gb_common.internal_record_id_type DEFAULT NULL) RETURN VARCHAR2
Checks to see if a record exists.
Parameters |
p_pidm |
Internal identification number of the person. NUMBER(8) Required Key | ||||||||||
p_id |
Identification number used to access the person on-line. VARCHAR2(9) Required Key | ||||||||||
p_last_name |
Last name of the person. VARCHAR2(60) Required Key | ||||||||||
p_first_name |
First name of the person. VARCHAR2(15) Key | ||||||||||
p_mi |
Middle initial of the person. VARCHAR2(15) Key | ||||||||||
p_change_ind |
The type of change made to the record. VARCHAR2(1) Required Key
| ||||||||||
p_ntyp_code |
Name Type. VARCHAR2(1) | ||||||||||
p_rowid |
Database ROWID of the record to be selected. VARCHAR2(18) |
Returns |
Y if found, otherwise N. |
FUNCTION f_get_entity(p_pidm spriden.spriden_pidm%TYPE) RETURN VARCHAR2
Returns the entity indicator that defines if the PIDM belongs to a Person or Company.
Looks only at the current record for the PIDM.
Returns |
C if it is a company, P if it is a person, NULL if not found. |
FUNCTION f_isequal(rec_one identification_rec, rec_two identification_rec) RETURN VARCHAR2
Compares two records for equality.
Tests each field of rec_one against the corresponding field of rec_two.
Two null values are considered equal. The Change indicator is ignored so that current and audit records can be compared.
Parameters |
rec_one |
The first record to compare. Required | |
rec_two |
The second record to compare. Required |
Returns |
Y if all values in records are equal, otherwise N. |
FUNCTION f_query_by_rowid(p_rowid gb_common.internal_record_id_type) RETURN identification_ref
Selects one record using ROWID.
Parameters |
p_rowid |
Database ROWID of the record to be selected. VARCHAR(18) Required |
Returns |
A cursor variable that will fetch exactly one record. |
FUNCTION f_query_one(p_pidm spriden.spriden_pidm%TYPE, p_rowid gb_common.internal_record_id_type DEFAULT NULL) RETURN identification_ref
Selects one Identification record.
Either returns the current row for the PIDM given (change_ind IS NULL), or the row identified by the ROWID. The ROWID takes precedence.
Parameters |
p_pidm |
Internal identification number of the person. NUMBER(8) Required Key | |
p_rowid |
Database ROWID of the record to be selected. VARCHAR(18) Required |
Returns |
A cursor variable that will fetch exactly one record. |
FUNCTION f_query_all(p_pidm spriden.spriden_pidm%TYPE, p_id spriden.spriden_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_last_name spriden.spriden_last_name%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_first_name spriden.spriden_first_name%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_mi spriden.spriden_mi%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_change_ind spriden.spriden_change_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_ntyp_code spriden.spriden_ntyp_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_surname_prefix spriden.spriden_surname_prefix%TYPE DEFAULT NULL) RETURN identification_ref
Selects a set of Identification records.
PIDM is the only required parameter. Any other parameters constrain the set of records returned. NULL matches NULL, and % wildcards can be used because the non-PIDM parameters are matched with the LIKE operator rather than =.
Parameters |
p_pidm |
Internal identification number of the person. NUMBER(8) Key | ||||||||||
p_id |
Identification number used to access the person on-line. VARCHAR2(9) Key | ||||||||||
p_last_name |
Last name of the person. VARCHAR2(60) Key | ||||||||||
p_first_name |
First name of the person. VARCHAR2(15) Key | ||||||||||
p_mi |
Middle initial of the person. VARCHAR2(15) Key | ||||||||||
p_change_ind |
The type of change made to the record. VARCHAR2(1) Key
| ||||||||||
p_ntyp_code |
Name type. VARCHAR2(1) |
Returns |
A cursor variable for record. |
FUNCTION f_query_one_lock(p_pidm spriden.spriden_pidm%TYPE, p_rowid gb_common.internal_record_id_type DEFAULT NULL) RETURN identification_ref
Selects one record and locks it for update.
Either locks the current row for the PIDM given (change_ind IS NULL), or locks the row identified by the ROWID. The ROWID takes precedence.
Parameters |
p_pidm |
Internal identification number of the person. NUMBER(8) Required Key | |
p_rowid |
Database row ID of the record to be locked. VARCHAR2(18) |
Returns |
A cursor variable that will lock and then fetch exactly one record |
PROCEDURE p_lock(p_pidm spriden.spriden_pidm%TYPE, p_id spriden.spriden_id%TYPE, p_last_name spriden.spriden_last_name%TYPE, p_first_name spriden.spriden_first_name%TYPE, p_mi spriden.spriden_mi%TYPE, p_change_ind spriden.spriden_change_ind%TYPE, p_ntyp_code spriden.spriden_ntyp_code%TYPE, p_surname_prefix spriden.spriden_surname_prefix%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_rowid_inout IN OUT gb_common.internal_record_id_type)
Locks a record.
If ROWID is passed, it locks that row. Otherwise, the record is located using the key values.
The ROWID of the locked row is returned in p_rowid_inout.
Parameters |
p_pidm |
Internal identification number of the person. NUMBER(8) Required Key | ||||||||||
p_id |
Identification number used to access the person on-line. VARCHAR2(9) Required Key | ||||||||||
p_last_name |
Last name of the person. VARCHAR2(60) Required Key | ||||||||||
p_first_name |
First name of the person. VARCHAR2(15) Key | ||||||||||
p_mi |
Middle initial of the person. VARCHAR2(15) Key | ||||||||||
p_change_ind |
The type of change made to the record. VARCHAR2(1) Required Key
| ||||||||||
p_ntyp_code |
Name type. VARCHAR2(1) | ||||||||||
p_rowid_inout |
Database ROWID of the record to be locked. VARCHAR2(18) Required |
PROCEDURE p_create(p_id_inout IN OUT spriden.spriden_id%TYPE, p_last_name spriden.spriden_last_name%TYPE, p_first_name spriden.spriden_first_name%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_mi spriden.spriden_mi%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_change_ind spriden.spriden_change_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_entity_ind spriden.spriden_entity_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_user spriden.spriden_user%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user, p_origin spriden.spriden_origin%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_ntyp_code spriden.spriden_ntyp_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_data_origin spriden.spriden_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_surname_prefix spriden.spriden_surname_prefix%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_pidm_inout IN OUT spriden.spriden_pidm%TYPE, p_rowid_out OUT gb_common.internal_record_id_type)
Creates an Identification record.
There are two main modes of operation for this procedure, creating an initial record, and creating audit or history records.
The p_change_ind parameter controls the mode.
There are many interdependencies between parameters.
Creating a new record for the first time.
If p_change_ind is NULL, then a new record is being inserted, and tests are done to make sure any PIDM or ID passed in is not already in the database.
If ID is set to the special keyword 'GENERATED', then a new ID is generated.
If p_pidm_inout is NULL, a new PIDM is also generated. If p_pidm_inout is not null, it must at least be a positive integer not already in the database.
Creating a history record.
If p_change_ind is NOT NULL, then an audit or history record is being inserted. A PIDM and ID are required in this case.
ID Change
If p_change_ind is 'I', the record is an ID change audit record. The name fields must match the name fields of the current record. The p_id value cannot already exist in the database for this PIDM.
Name Change.
If p_change_ind is 'N', the record is a name change audit record. There must exist a record with p_id and p_pidm in the database. The name must not have been used by this PIDM before.
If the entity indicator specifies that the transaction is for a company (spriden_entity_ind= 'C'), the first name is forced to a null string.
Parameters |
p_id_inout |
Identification number used to access the person on-line. VARCHAR2(9) Required Key | ||||||||||
p_last_name |
Last name of the person. VARCHAR2(60) Required Key | ||||||||||
p_first_name |
First name of the person. Required if the entity is a person, not allowed for companies. VARCHAR2(15) Key | ||||||||||
p_mi |
Middle initial of the person. VARCHAR2(15) Key | ||||||||||
p_change_ind |
The type of change made to the record. VARCHAR2(1) Required Key
| ||||||||||
p_entity_ind |
Entity Indicator. VARCHAR2(1)
| ||||||||||
p_user |
The Oracle ID for the user that most recently updated the record. VARCHAR2(30) | ||||||||||
p_origin |
The name of the Banner Object that was used most recently to update the row in the spriden table. VARCHAR2(30) | ||||||||||
p_ntyp_code |
Name type. VARCHAR2(4) Key | ||||||||||
p_create_user |
Banner User ID which created new record. VARCHAR2(30) | ||||||||||
p_create_date |
The date the new record was created. DATE | ||||||||||
p_data_origin |
Source system that generated the data. VARCHAR2(30) | ||||||||||
p_pidm_inout |
Internal identification number of the person. NUMBER(8) Key Required | ||||||||||
p_rowid_out |
Database ROWID of the record to be created. VARCHAR(18) Required |
PROCEDURE p_delete(p_pidm spriden.spriden_pidm%TYPE, p_id spriden.spriden_id%TYPE, p_last_name spriden.spriden_last_name%TYPE, p_first_name spriden.spriden_first_name%TYPE, p_mi spriden.spriden_mi%TYPE, p_change_ind spriden.spriden_change_ind%TYPE, p_ntyp_code spriden.spriden_ntyp_code%TYPE, p_surname_prefix spriden.spriden_surname_prefix%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_rowid gb_common.internal_record_id_type DEFAULT NULL)
Deletes a record.
Only audit records may be deleted. Therefore, p_change_ind cannot be NULL.
If p_change_ind of row being deleted is 'I' then lock all rows with that ID for delete of 'I' row, and then update to the new ID for other rows.
Otherwise just lock the specific row to be deleted.
Parameters |
p_pidm |
Internal identification number of the person. NUMBER(8) Required Key | |||||||
p_id |
Identification number used to access the person on-line. VARCHAR2(9) Required | |||||||
p_last_name |
Last name of the person. VARCHAR2(60) Required | |||||||
p_first_name |
First name of the person. VARCHAR2(15) | |||||||
p_mi |
Middle initial of the person. VARCHAR2(15) | |||||||
p_change_ind |
The type of change that was last made to this record. VARCHAR2(1)
| |||||||
p_ntyp_code |
Name type. VARCHAR2(1) | |||||||
p_surname_prefix |
Last name prefix. VARCHAR2(60) | |||||||
p_rowid |
Database ROWID of the record to be deleted. VARCHAR(18) |
PROCEDURE p_update(p_pidm spriden.spriden_pidm%TYPE, p_id spriden.spriden_id%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string, p_last_name spriden.spriden_last_name%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string, p_first_name spriden.spriden_first_name%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string, p_mi spriden.spriden_mi%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string, p_change_ind spriden.spriden_change_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string, p_entity_ind spriden.spriden_entity_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string, p_user spriden.spriden_user%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user, p_origin spriden.spriden_origin%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string, p_ntyp_code spriden.spriden_ntyp_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string, p_data_origin spriden.spriden_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string, p_surname_prefix spriden.spriden_surname_prefix%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string, p_rowid gb_common.internal_record_id_type DEFAULT NULL)
Updates an Identification record.
This procedure handles updates of both current Identification records and Audit or history records.
When the current record is updated with a new ID or Name, an audit record is automatically created with the old data and with change_ind set to N or I depending on what type of update happened. In this audit record, the user and activity date are set to the current user name and system date.
The API determines on its own if the change is an ID or Name change. The p_change_ind parameter is required for historical reasons, but is no longer used or updated in the database by this procedure.
If an audit record is being updated, only the name type can be changed. No other modifications to audit records are allowed.
Several assumptions are made in order to determine if the current record is to be updated or if an audit record is being updated.
If ROWID is passed in, then the corresponding row is updated, which could be any row. If ROWID is null, then the current record for the PIDM (where change_ind IS NULL) is the row being updated. This is the most common update.
Once the record is located, all the other values passed, ID, Name etc, are treated as values to use in the update, even though they are part of the unique key.
The following edits are performed to determine if the update can proceed.
NOTE:No audit record is created for name type changes.
Parameters |
p_pidm |
Internal identification number of the person. NUMBER(8) Key Required | ||||||||||
p_id |
Identification number used to access the person on-line. VARCHAR2(9) Required Key | ||||||||||
p_last_name |
Last name of the person. VARCHAR2(60) Required Key | ||||||||||
p_first_name |
First name of the person. Required if the entity is a person, not allowed for companies. VARCHAR2(15) Required Key | ||||||||||
p_mi |
Middle initial of the person. VARCHAR2(15) Required Key | ||||||||||
p_change_ind |
The type of change made to the record. This parameter is obsolete for this procedure. VARCHAR2(1) Required Key
| ||||||||||
p_entity_ind |
Entity Indicator. VARCHAR2(1)
| ||||||||||
p_user |
The Oracle ID for the user that most recently updated the record. VARCHAR2(30) | ||||||||||
p_origin |
The name of the Banner Object that was used most recently to update the row in the spriden table. VARCHAR2(30) | ||||||||||
p_ntyp_code |
Name type. VARCHAR2(4) Required Key | ||||||||||
p_data_origin |
Source system that generated the data. VARCHAR2(30) | ||||||||||
p_surname_prefix |
Last name prefix. VARCHAR2(60) | ||||||||||
p_rowid_out |
Database ROWID of the record to be updated. VARCHAR(18) |
FUNCTION f_idname_search(p_id spriden.spriden_id%TYPE, p_last_name spriden.spriden_last_name%TYPE, p_first_name spriden.spriden_first_name%TYPE, p_mi spriden.spriden_mi%TYPE, p_ntyp_code spriden.spriden_ntyp_code%TYPE, p_entity_ind spriden.spriden_entity_ind%TYPE, p_city spraddr.spraddr_city%TYPE, p_stat_code spraddr.spraddr_stat_code%TYPE, p_zip spraddr.spraddr_zip%TYPE, p_ssn spbpers.spbpers_ssn%TYPE, p_sex spbpers.spbpers_sex%TYPE, p_birth_date VARCHAR2) RETURN g_idname_search_nt
Performs an ID or Name search.
Parameters |
p_id |
Identification number used to access the person on-line. VARCHAR2(9) | ||||||||||
p_last_name |
Last name of the person. VARCHAR2(60) | ||||||||||
p_first_name |
First name of the person. VARCHAR2(15) | ||||||||||
p_mi |
Middle initial of the person. VARCHAR2(15) | ||||||||||
p_ntyp_code |
Name Type. VARCHAR2(1) | ||||||||||
p_entity_ind |
Entity Indicator. VARCHAR2(1)
| ||||||||||
p_city |
City associated with the address of the person. VARCHAR2(20) | ||||||||||
p_stat_code |
State associated with the address of the person. VARCHAR2(3) | ||||||||||
p_zip |
ZIP code associated with the address of the person. VARCHAR2(10) | ||||||||||
p_ssn |
The person's social security number. VARCHAR2(9) | ||||||||||
p_sex |
Gender of the person. VARCHAR2(1)
| ||||||||||
p_birth_date |
The person's date of birth. VARCHAR2(11) |
Returns |
A nested table of an object type containing result records. |
FUNCTION f_ssnname_search(p_id spriden.spriden_id%TYPE, p_last_name spriden.spriden_last_name%TYPE, p_first_name spriden.spriden_first_name%TYPE, p_mi spriden.spriden_mi%TYPE, p_ntyp_code spriden.spriden_ntyp_code%TYPE, p_entity_ind spriden.spriden_entity_ind%TYPE, p_city spraddr.spraddr_city%TYPE, p_stat_code spraddr.spraddr_stat_code%TYPE, p_zip spraddr.spraddr_zip%TYPE, p_ssn spbpers.spbpers_ssn%TYPE, p_sex spbpers.spbpers_sex%TYPE, p_birth_date VARCHAR2) RETURN g_idname_search_nt
Performs an SSN search.
Parameters |
p_id |
SSN number that can be used to access the person or persons on-line. VARCHAR2(9) | ||||||||||
p_last_name |
Last name of the person. VARCHAR2(60) | ||||||||||
p_first_name |
First name of the person. VARCHAR2(15) | ||||||||||
p_mi |
Middle initial of the person. VARCHAR2(15) | ||||||||||
p_ntyp_code |
Name Type. VARCHAR2(1) | ||||||||||
p_entity_ind |
Entity Indicator. VARCHAR2(1)
| ||||||||||
p_city |
City associated with the address of the person. VARCHAR2(20) | ||||||||||
p_stat_code |
State associated with the address of the person. VARCHAR2(3) | ||||||||||
p_zip |
ZIP code associated with the address of the person. VARCHAR2(10) | ||||||||||
p_ssn |
The person's social security number. VARCHAR2(9) | ||||||||||
p_sex |
Gender of the person. VARCHAR2(1)
| ||||||||||
p_birth_date |
The person's date of birth. VARCHAR2(11) |
Returns |
A nested table of an object type containing result records. |