Message Key |
Error Message |
MISSING_FDTP_CODE | Domain Type - Missing mandatory value for GOBFDTP_FDTP_CODE. |
The FGAC Domain Type Code is missing and must be a valid value, as defined on the GTVFGAC table. |
MISSING_PREDICATE_IND | Domain Type - Missing mandatory value for GOBFDTP_PREDICATE_IND. |
The FGAC Domain Type Predicate indicator is missing and must be a valid value. Valid values are "Y" (Yes) and "N" (No). |
MISSING_SYS_REQ_IND | Domain Type - Missing mandatory value for GOBFDTP_SYS_REQ_IND. |
The FGAC Domain Type System Required indicator is missing and must be a valid value. Valid values are "Y" (Yes) and "N" (No). |
MISSING_USER_ID | Domain Type - Missing mandatory value for GOBFDTP_USER_ID. |
The FGAC Domain Type User ID is missing and must be a valid value. |
INVALID_FDTP_CODE | Domain Type - Invalid value for GOBFDTP_FDTP_CODE. |
The FGAC Domain Type Code entered must be a valid value in the FGAC Code Validation table (GTVFGAC). |
The FGAC Domain Type Predicate indicator entered must have a value of "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No). |
INVALID_SYS_REQ_IND | Domain Type - Invalid value for GOBFDTP_SYS_REQ_IND. |
The FGAC Domain Type System Required indicator entered must have a value of "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No). |
PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find Domain Type record using primary or unique key. |
An attempt to find a FGAC Domain Type record was unsuccessful using the primary or unique key.
RECORD_EXISTS | Cannot create Domain Type, record already exists. |
An attempt to create a FGAC Domain Type record was unsuccessful because the record already exists.
GOBFDMN_EXISTS | Cannot delete Domain Type, GOBFDMN exists. |
An attempt to delete a FGAC Domain Type record was unsuccessful because a GOBFDMN record exists.
RECORD_REQUIRED | Cannot delete Domain Type, record required. |
An attempt to delete a FGAC Domain Type record was unsuccessful because the record is system required.