
Package gb_displaymask_str

This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Display Mask API, gb_displaymask.

Message KeyError Message
INVALID_ALL_USER_INDInvalid value for data display mask rule All User Indicator
An attempt was made to create or update the data display mask rule All User Indicator to a value other than 'Y'(Yes) or 'N'(No).
INVALID_CONCEAL_INDInvalid value for data display mask rule Conceal Indicator
An attempt was made to create or update the data display mask rule Conceal Indicator to a value other than 'Y'(Yes) or 'N'(No).
INVALID_DISPLAY_INDInvalid value for data display mask rule Display Indicator
An attempt was made to create or update the data display mask rule Visible Indicator (display indicator) to a value other than 'Y' (Yes) or 'N' (No).
INVALID_FBPR_CODEInvalid value for data display mask rule Business Profile Code
An attempt was made to create or update the data display mask rule Business Profile code with an invalid value. The Business Profile code must exist in the FGAC table (GTVFBPR).
INVALID_MASK_DIRECTIONMask Direction is only applicable to fields of Data Type character (C)
An attempt was made to set the Mask Direction to Left (L) or Right (R) for a field that is not of Data Type character (C).  If the Data Type is not character (C) then the Mask Direction should be set to "Not Applicable".
INVALID_MASK_LENGTHMask Length is only applicable to fields of Data Type character (C)
An attempt was made to set the Mask Length for a field that is not of Data Type character (C).  If the Data Type is not character (C) then the Mask Length should be set to null (or left blank).
MISSING_ALL_USER_INDMissing mandatory value for data display mask rule All User Indicator
The data display mask rule All Users Indicator is missing and must be designated with 'Y'(Yes) or 'N'(No).
MISSING_CONCEAL_INDMissing mandatory value for data display mask rule Conceal Indicator
The data display mask rule Conceal Indicator is missing and must be designated with 'Y' (Yes) or 'N' (No).
MISSING_DISPLAY_INDMissing mandatory value for data display mask rule Display Indicator
The data display mask rule Visible Indicator is missing and must be designated with 'Y' (Yes) or 'N' (No).
MISSING_PARENTRequired data display mask rule parent record not found
An attempt to update a data display mask rule was unsuccessful because the required parent record could not be found.
MISSING_USER_IDMissing mandatory value for data display mask rule User ID
The data display mask User is missing and must be a valid value in ALL_USERS.
DUPL_FBPR_CODEDuplicate Object,Block,Item and Business Profile Code Rulet
An attempt was made to create a data display mask rule for an existing Object name, Block Name, Item and Business profile code which would result in a duplicate.
DUPL_FGAC_USER_CODEDuplicate Object,Block,Item and User Rulet
An attempt was made to create a data display mask rule for an existing Object name, Block Name, Item and user which would result in a duplicate.
PK_NOT_FOUNDCannot find data display mask rule record using primary or unique key
An attempt to update or delete a data display mask rule was unsuccessful because the record could not be found using the primary key of object name, column name, item name and sequence number.
P_DELETE_FAILEDCannot delete, data display mask rule record does not exist
An attempt to delete a data display mask rule was unsuccessful because the record could not be found.
RECORD_EXISTSCannot create, data display mask rule record already exists
An attempt to create a data display mask rule was unsuccessful because the record already exists; duplicates are not allowed.
BUTTON_ERRORButton data type canot be concealed or masked
An attempt was made to conceal or mask a item identified as a BUTTON.
Buttons may not be masked or concealed.
TOO_MANY_RULESMust not enter User ID or Business Profile when All Users indicator is selected
An attempt was made to identify a User Id or Business Profile in addition to setting the All Users Indicator to Y. Only one of the options may be used.
NOT_ENOUGH_RULESMust enter User ID or Business Profile or select All Users indicator
An attempt was made to create a masking rule without specifying at least one of the following: All Users Indicator set to Y, a specific User Id, or a specific Business Profile. You must select one.
USER_OR_BUSPROFMust only enter User ID or Business Profile, not both
An attempt was made to enter a specific User Id and Business Profile. Only one of them may be selected.
NO_MASK_WITH_PARTA Format Mask is not to be provided if applying Partial Character Masking attributes
An attempt was made to identify a format mask and to also use the Partial Character Masking feature. Only one option may be used at a time.
INV_LEN_WITH_MASKPartial Character Masking attributes are for items with a length that is greater than 1
An attempt was made to use Partial Character Masking for a field that has a length less than two characters. Partial Character Masking is only permitted if the field being masked is longer than one character.
LENGTH_TOO_LONGPartial Unmasked Length must be less than the Length of the item
An attempt was made to identify a masking length that was greater than the length of the field being masked. The masked length must be less than the field length.
INVALID_MASK_CHARSCharacter format masks may only contain X or * values
An attempt was made to create a character format mask with a character other than X or *. Those are the only two characters permitted in a character format mask.
INVALID_USERInvalid User ID. User does not exist
An attempt was made to specify a Used Id, but the user id does not exist as a valid Oracle User Id.
INVALID_DATE_MASKInvalid format mask for date type item
An attempt was made to create a format mask for a date item, but the mask identified does not use valid date masking characters.
INVALID_NUM_MASKInvalid format mask parameter for numeric type item
An attempt was made to create a format mask for a numeric item, but the mask identified does not use valid numeric masking characters.

Program units
f_get_error   Returns an error message corresponding to p_errorname.

error_tab   Error messages array.


error_tab gb_common_strings.errmsg_tab_type;

Error messages array.


FUNCTION f_get_error(p_errorname VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2

Returns an error message corresponding to p_errorname.

p_errorname   Name associated with the error message. Required