Message Key | Error Message |
INVALID_CONVERTED_AMOUNT | Converted Amount exceeds the maximum value allowed. |
The base currency amount calculated from the Currency Code and Foreign Amount is too large to be stored in the table. Process multiple transactions that total the same amount. |
INVALID_CURR_CODE | Invalid value for Currency Code. |
Currency Code (GTVCURR) or Conversion Rate (GURCURR) was not found as of the date given. |
INVALID_CURR_CODE_INAC | Currency Code is inactive. |
An attempt was made to create a record with a Currency Code that has been marked inactive. |
INVALID_CURR_CODE_RATE | No rate found for Currency Code and date. |
No conversion rate was found for an active Currency Code that is effective on the date provided. |
INVALID_CURR_CODE_TERM | Currency Code is terminated. |
An attempt was made to create a record with a Currency Code that has been terminated. |
INVALID_CURR_WITH_CHARGE | Currency Code may not be used with Charge type Detail Code. |
Currency conversion may only be invoked for transactions with a Payment Detail Code (type P in TBBDETC). |
INVALID_EXCH_DIFF | Exchange Difference does not match current calculation using Foreign Amount and Transaction or Invoice Paid. |
An attempt was made to create a transaction providing an Exchange Difference, and the amount given does not match the current calculation for the difference. |
INVALID_FOREIGN_AMT_NONE | Foreign Amount must be null when processing base currency. |
An attempt was made to create a transaction providing a Foreign Amount but using the base Currency Code. |
INVALID_FOREIGN_AMT_NOT_EQUAL | Amount entered does not match current calculation from Foreign Amount. |
An attempt was made to create a record specifying both Foreign Amount and Amount, but the calculation based on the Rate in effect (GURCURR) yields a different result. |
MISSING_FOREIGN_AMT | Foreign Amount required when processing other than base Currency Code. |
An attempt was made to create a transaction providing a Currency Code but no Foreign Amount. |