
Package gb_currency_rate_str

Error messages and error message functions for CURRENCY_RATE.
These errors may be raised from -
      Accounts Receivable forms that process foreign currency

Message KeyError Message
INVALID_CONVERTED_AMOUNTConverted Amount exceeds the maximum value allowed.
The base currency amount calculated from the Currency Code and Foreign Amount is too large to be stored in the table.  Process multiple transactions that total the same amount.
INVALID_CURR_CODEInvalid value for Currency Code.
Currency Code (GTVCURR) or Conversion Rate (GURCURR) was not found as of the date given.
INVALID_CURR_CODE_INACCurrency Code is inactive.
An attempt was made to create a record with a Currency Code that has been marked inactive.
INVALID_CURR_CODE_RATENo rate found for Currency Code and date.
No conversion rate was found for an active Currency Code that is effective on the date provided.
INVALID_CURR_CODE_TERMCurrency Code is terminated.
An attempt was made to create a record with a Currency Code that has been terminated.
INVALID_CURR_WITH_CHARGECurrency Code may not be used with Charge type Detail Code.
Currency conversion may only be invoked for transactions with a Payment Detail Code (type P in TBBDETC).
INVALID_EXCH_DIFFExchange Difference does not match current calculation using Foreign Amount and Transaction or Invoice Paid.
An attempt was made to create a transaction providing an Exchange Difference, and the amount given does not match the current calculation for the difference.
INVALID_FOREIGN_AMT_NONEForeign Amount must be null when processing base currency.
An attempt was made to create a transaction providing a Foreign Amount but using the base Currency Code.
INVALID_FOREIGN_AMT_NOT_EQUALAmount entered does not match current calculation from Foreign Amount.
An attempt was made to create a record specifying both Foreign Amount and Amount, but the calculation based on the Rate in effect (GURCURR) yields a different result.
MISSING_FOREIGN_AMTForeign Amount required when processing other than base Currency Code.
An attempt was made to create a transaction providing a Currency Code but no Foreign Amount.

Program units
f_get_error   Returns error message corresponding to p_errorname.

error_tab   Error table


error_tab gb_common.errmsg_tab_type;

Error table


FUNCTION f_get_error(p_errorname VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2

Returns error message corresponding to p_errorname.

p_errorname   Name associated with error message.