Message Key | Error Message |
CANNOT_DELETE_SYS_REQ | Cannot delete system required record |
GORCMDD rows with GORCMDD_SYS_REQ_IND set to 'Y' cannot be deleted. Existing rules may be relying on these Element(s). |
CANNOT_UPDATE_SYS_REQ | Cannot update system required record |
GORCMDD rows with GORCMDD_SYS_REQ_IND set to 'Y' cannot be updated. Baseline Banner rules are delivered using these Elements.` |
INVALID_ALLOW_NEG_LENGTH_IND | Invalid value for Allow Negative Length |
GORCMDD_ALLOW_NEG_LENGTH_IND can only be set to 'N' or 'Y'. |
INVALID_COLUMN_NAME | Invalid value for Column Name |
Column Names must exist in the ALL_COL_COMMENTS table. |
INVALID_DATA_ORIGIN | Invalid value for Data Origin |
Data Origin must contain valid value. |
INVALID_ELEMENT | Invalid value for Element |
Rule Element must have valid non-null value. |
INVALID_ELEMENT_REQ_IND | Invalid value for Required Element Indicator |
GORCMDD_ELEMENT_REQ_IND can only be set to 'N' or 'Y'. |
INVALID_LENGTH_CHANGE | Length cannot be changed for this Element |
When GORCMDD_OVERRIDE_LENGTH_IND is set to 'N', corresponding Element Length cannot be changed. |
INVALID_LENGTH_MAXIMUM | Length entered is greater than maximum allowed for this Element |
Element Length cannot exceed value of GORCDMM_MAX_LENGTH. |
INVALID_LENGTH_NEGATIVE | Length cannot be a negative value for this Element |
When GORCMDD_ALLOW_NEG_LENGTH_IND is set to 'N', Element Length cannot be set to negative value. |
INVALID_LENGTH_NEGATIVE_MAX | Length entered is greater than maximum negative allowed for this Element |
Element Length cannot exceed value for this Element, even when negative. |
INVALID_MAX_LENGTH | Invalid value for Maximum Length |
Value for GORCMDD_MAX_LENGTH must be a valid integer, not to exceed 3 digits. |
INVALID_ONLINE_MATCH_IND | Invalid value for Online Indicator |
GORCMDD_ONLINE_MATCH_IND can only be set to 'N' or 'Y'. |
INVALID_OVERRIDE_LENGTH_IND | Invalid value for Length Updateable |
GORCMDD_OVERRIDE_LENGTH_IND can only be set to 'N' or 'Y'. |
INVALID_SYS_REQ_IND | Invalid value for System Required Indicator |
GORCMDD_SYS_REQ_IND can only be set to 'N' or 'Y'. |
INVALID_TABLE | Invalid value for Base Table |
GORCMDD_TABLE value must exist on table ALL_TAB_COMMENTS. |
INVALID_USER_ID | Invalid value for User ID |
User ID must exist on table ALL_USERS. |
MISSING_ALLOW_NEG_LENGTH_IND | Missing mandatory value for Allow Negative Length |
GORCMDD_ALLOW_NEG_LENGTH_IND can only be 'N' or 'Y'. |
MISSING_COLUMN_NAME | Missing mandatory value for Column Name |
GORCMDD_COLUMN_NAME must contain a non-null value that exists on the ALL_COL_COMMENTS table. |
MISSING_ELEMENT | Missing mandatory value for Element |
GORCMDD_ELEMENT must contain a non-null value. |
MISSING_ELEMENT_REQ_IND | Missing mandatory value for Required Element Indicator |
GORCMDD_ELEMENT_REQ_IND can only be set to 'N' or 'Y'. |
MISSING_MAX_LENGTH | Missing mandatory value for Maximum Length |
GORCMDD_MAX_LENGTH must contain a valid 3-digit integer. |
MISSING_ONLINE_MATCH_IND | Missing mandatory value for Online Indicator |
GORCMDD_ONLINE_MATCH_IND can only be set to 'N' or 'Y'. When set to 'Y', corresponding Element is available for use in online Common Matching process. |
MISSING_OVERRIDE_LENGTH_IND | Missing mandatory value for Length Updateable |
GORCMDD_OVERRIDE_LENGTH_IND can only be set to 'N' or 'Y'. When set to 'Y', corresponding Element will be processed thru Common Matching for length set in Matching Rules. |
MISSING_SYS_REQ_IND | Missing mandatory value for System Required Indicator |
GORCMDD_SYS_REQ_IND can only be set to 'N' or 'Y'. System Required rows indicate corresponding Element used in Baseline delivered Common Matching rules. |
MISSING_TABLE | Missing mandatory value for Base Table |
GORCMDD_TABLE value must exist on the ALL_TAB_COMMENTS table. |
MISSING_USER_ID | Missing mandatory value for User ID |
User ID must be a valid non-null value from the ALL_USERS table. |
PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find record using primary or unique key |
Passed parameter values could not locate row in table. |
P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete, record does not exist |
Passed parameter values could not locate row in table. |
RECORD_EXISTS | Cannot create, record already exists |
Element already exists for Base Table and Column Name combination. |