Message Key | Error Message |
AUTO_SCHEDULE_ERROR | Both Building and Room codes must be entered for Auto Schedule codes |
An attempt to create or update a meeting times record using an Auto Schedule code was unsuccessful because both the building code and room code were not entered. |
CLASS_ROOM_CONFLICT | Room schedule conflict within the section |
An attempt to create or update a meeting times record was unsuccessful because the room being scheduled results in a time conflict within the section. |
TIME_CONFLICT | Meeting times conflict within section |
An attempt to create or update a meeting times record is not permitted because the dates and times being scheduled overlap with existing meeting times for the section. |
INSTRUCTOR_EXISTS | Invalid Delete; Instructor will exist with no meeting times |
An attempt to delete a meeting times record for a traditional section is not permitted when an instructor assignment exists for the meeting time. |
INVALID_BLDG_CODE | Invalid value for Building Code |
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Building Code with an invalid value. The Building Code must exist in the Building Code validation table (STVBLDG). |
INVALID_CLASS_ROOM | Room is not defined as a classroom; cannot schedule section in it |
An attempt was made to create or update the course section meeting times with a room that is not defined as a classroom.
The Room Code must be defined with a room type of C (Classroom) in the Room Definition table (SLBRDEF). |
INVALID_COMT_CODE | Invalid value for meeting committee/service type |
An attempt was made to create or update the Meeting times Meeting Committee/Service Type Code with an invalid value.
The Meeting Committee/Service Type Code must exist in the Committee/Service Type Code validation table (STVCOMT). |
INVALID_CRN | Invalid value for meeting CRN |
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times CRN. The CRN must be a valid section in the course section table (SSBSECT). |
INVALID_CRSE_SCHD_CODE | Invalid code for course for meeting section schedule type |
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Schedule Type Code. The Schedule Type Code must exist in the Course Schedule Type table (SCRSCHD). |
INVALID_COURSE_CALL | Cannot insert or update class meeting record; Banner Student not installed |
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times record. Since the Banner Student system is not installed a course type record cannot be created or updated, only event records are supported. Pass in 'EVENT' as the term code value to create an event record. |
INVALID_DATE_RANGE | End date must be greater than start date |
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Start Date. The Start Date must be less than the meeting times End Date. |
INVALID_DAYS_CODE | Invalid value for meeting day of the week |
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Days Code with an invalid value. The Days Code must exist in the Day of Week validation table (STVDAYS). |
INVALID_DAY_NUMBER | Invalid value for meeting day of the week number |
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Days Number with an invalid value. The Days Number must exist in the Day Of Week validation table (STVDAYS). |
INVALID_EVENT_OVERRIDE | Conflict indicator must be 'O' or NULL |
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Conflict Indicator. The Conflict Indicator for an Event must be an O (not Zero!) or null. |
INVALID_EVENT_ROOM | Room is defined as a DORM; cannot schedule an Event in it |
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Room Code for an event with a Dorm('D') Room Type. Only Room Types of Classroom('C') or Other('O') can be scheduled for events. |
INVALID_FRI_DAY | Invalid value for Friday meeting indicator |
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Friday indicator with a value other than 'F'. |
INVALID_FUNC_CODE | Invalid value for meeting function code |
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Function Code with an invalid value. The Function Code must exist in the Function Code validation table (GTVFUNC). |
INVALID_MON_DAY | Invalid value for Monday meeting indicator |
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Monday indicator with a value other than 'M'. |
INVALID_MTYP_CODE | Invalid value for meeting type code |
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Meeting Type Code with an invalid value. The Meeting Type Code must exist in the Meeting Type validation table (GTVMTYP). |
INVALID_OVERRIDE | Conflict indicator must be 'T', 'R', 'O', or NULL |
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Conflict Indicator. The Conflict Indicator must be a T(time only), R(room only), O(both time and room) or NULL. |
INVALID_ROOM_CODE | Building and Room combination is invalid |
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Building Code with an invalid value. The Building Code must exist in combination with a Room Code in the Room Definition table (SLBRDEF). |
INVALID_SAT_DAY | Invalid value for Saturday meeting indicator |
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Saturday indicator with a value other than 'S'. |
INVALID_SCHD_CODE | Invalid value for meeting section schedule type |
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Schedule Type Code. The Schedule Type Code must exist in the Schedule Type Code validation table (STVSCHD). |
INVALID_SESSION_IND | Instructor exists for meeting time, cannot modify the meeting times session indicator |
An attempt was made to update the meeting times Sesssion Indicator (the category field), however a faculty has been assigned to the the meeting time. Remove the faculty assignment first and then update the session indicator. |
INVALID_SUN_DAY | Invalid value for Sunday meeting indicator |
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Sunday indicator with a value other than 'U'. |
INVALID_TERM_CODE | Invalid value for meeting term code |
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Term code. The term code entered must exist in the Term Code validation table (STVTERM). |
INVALID_THU_DAY | Invalid value for Thursday meeting indicator |
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Thursday indicator with a value other than 'R'. |
INVALID_TIMES | End time must be greater than begin time |
An attempt was made to create or update either the meeting times Begin or End Time. The end time must be later than the begin time. |
INVALID_TIME_RANGE | Begin time and end time must be four digits and within range 0000 to 2359 |
An attempt was made to create or update either the meeting times Begin or End Time with an invalid time format. The time must be entered in a format of four digits and fall within the range of 0000 to 2359. |
INVALID_TUE_DAY | Invalid value for Tuesday meeting indicator |
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Tuesday indicator with a value other than 'T'. |
INVALID_WED_DAY | Invalid value for Wednesday meeting indicator |
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Wednesday indicator with a value other than 'W'. |
MISSING_BEGIN_END_TIME | Missing meeting time begin and/or end time |
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times record where the Begin time and/or End time and hours per week is null. If the hours per week is null, then the begin and end times are required. |
MISSING_BLDG_CODE | Room Code cannot be entered without Building Code |
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Room Code without entering a Building Code or entering a NULL value. The Room Code must be entered in combination with a Building Code. |
MISSING_CATEGORY | Missing mandatory value for session indicator |
The session indicator (assigns the faculty to the specific session) is missing or NULL. |
MISSING_CRN | Missing mandatory value for meeting CRN |
The meeting times CRN is missing or NULL and must be a valid value in the Section Table(SSBSECT) for the term. |
MISSING_END_DATE | Missing mandatory value for meeting end date |
The meeting times End Date is missing or NULL and must be entered. |
MISSING_SCHD_CODE | Missing mandatory value for schedule code |
The meeting times schedule code is missing or NULL and must be entered. |
MISSING_START_DATE | Missing mandatory value for meeting start date |
The meeting times Start Date is missing or NULL and must be entered. |
MISSING_TERM_CODE | Missing mandatory value for meeting term code |
The meeting times Term Code is missing or NULL and must be a valid value in the Term Code Validation table (STVTERM). |
MISSING_TIME | Both begin time and end time must be entered, or both must be null |
An attempt to create or update meeting times information was unsuccessful because both the Start Time and End Time must be entered or both must be null. |
NO_FRIDAY | No Fridays occur between start date and end date |
An attempt to create or update meeting times information was unsuccessful because a Friday indicator was entered but no Friday exists between the Start Date and End Date entered. |
NO_MONDAY | No Mondays occur between start date and end date |
An attempt to create or update meeting times information was unsuccessful because a Monday indicator was entered but no Monday exists between the Start Date and End Date entered. |
NO_SATURDAY | No Saturdays occur between start date and end date |
An attempt to create or update meeting times information was unsuccessful because a Saturday indicator was entered but no Saturday exists between the Start Date and End Date entered. |
NO_SUNDAY | No Sundays occur between start date and end date |
An attempt to create or update meeting times information was unsuccessful because a Sunday indicator was entered but no Sunday exists between the Start Date and End Date entered. |
NO_THURSDAY | No Thursdays occur between start date and end date |
An attempt to create or update meeting times information was unsuccessful because a Thursday indicator was entered but no Thursday exists between the Start Date and End Date entered. |
NO_TUESDAY | No Tuesdays occur between start date and end date |
An attempt to create or update meeting times information was unsuccessful because a Tuesday indicator was entered but no Tuesday exists between the Start Date and End Date entered. |
NO_WEDNESDAY | No Wednesdays occur between start date and end date |
An attempt to create or update meeting times information was unsuccessful because a Wednesday indicator was entered but no Wednesday exists between the Start Date and End Date entered. |
PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find record using primary or unique key |
An attempt to find a meeting times record was unsuccessful because the keys provided to select record does not exist. |
P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete, record does not exist |
An attempt to delete a meeting times record failed because no matching record was found. |
ROOM_CONFLICT | Room conflict |
An attempt to create or update a meeting times record was unsuccessful because the room being scheduled results in a time conflict with a previously schedule event/course. |
ROOM_INACTIVE | Room has inactive status; cannot be scheduled |
An attempt to create or update a meeting times record was unsuccessful because the Room Code entered has a status of inactive. The Room Code status must have be a valid active status in the Room Status validation table (STVRMST). |
ROOM_USAGE_RESTRICTION | Room has usage restrictions for this time period |
An attempt to create or update a meeting times record was unsuccessful because the Room is restricted from use for the time period specified. |
SUM_CREDIT_HR_INVALID | Sum of session credit hours exceeds the maximum credit hours allowed for the course |
An attempt to create or update a meeting times record was unsuccessful because the session credit hours exceeds the maximum allowed credit hours defined in the course(SCBCRSE) or the section (SSBSECT). |