
Package gb_classtimes_str

This package contains the error messages and error message functions for the Classtimes API (gb_classtimes).

Message KeyError Message
AUTO_SCHEDULE_ERRORBoth Building and Room codes must be entered for Auto Schedule codes
An attempt to create or update a meeting times record using an Auto Schedule code was unsuccessful because both the building code and room code were not entered.
CLASS_ROOM_CONFLICTRoom schedule conflict within the section
An attempt to create or update a meeting times record was unsuccessful because the room being scheduled results in a time conflict within the section.
TIME_CONFLICTMeeting times conflict within section
An attempt to create or update a meeting times record is not permitted because the dates and times being scheduled overlap with existing meeting times for the section.
INSTRUCTOR_EXISTSInvalid Delete; Instructor will exist with no meeting times
An attempt to delete a meeting times record for a traditional section is not permitted when an instructor assignment exists for the meeting time.
INVALID_BLDG_CODEInvalid value for Building Code
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Building Code with an invalid value.  The Building Code must exist in the Building Code validation table (STVBLDG).
INVALID_CLASS_ROOMRoom is not defined as a classroom; cannot schedule section in it
An attempt was made to create or update the course section meeting times with a room that is not defined as a classroom.
The Room Code must be defined with a room type of C (Classroom) in the Room Definition table (SLBRDEF).
INVALID_COMT_CODEInvalid value for meeting committee/service type
An attempt was made to create or update the Meeting times Meeting Committee/Service Type Code with an invalid value.
 The Meeting Committee/Service Type Code must exist in the Committee/Service Type Code validation table (STVCOMT).
INVALID_CRNInvalid value for meeting CRN
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times CRN.  The CRN must be a valid section in the course section table (SSBSECT).
INVALID_CRSE_SCHD_CODEInvalid code for course for meeting section schedule type
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Schedule Type Code.  The Schedule Type Code must exist in the Course Schedule Type table (SCRSCHD).
INVALID_COURSE_CALLCannot insert or update class meeting record; Banner Student not installed
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times record. Since the Banner Student system is not installed a course type record cannot be created or updated, only event records are supported. Pass in 'EVENT' as the term code value to create an event record.
INVALID_DATE_RANGEEnd date must be greater than start date
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Start Date.  The Start Date must be less than the meeting times End Date.
INVALID_DAYS_CODEInvalid value for meeting day of the week
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Days Code with an invalid value.  The Days Code must exist in the Day of Week validation table (STVDAYS).
INVALID_DAY_NUMBERInvalid value for meeting day of the week number
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Days Number with an invalid value.  The Days Number must exist in the Day Of Week validation table (STVDAYS).
INVALID_EVENT_OVERRIDEConflict indicator must be 'O' or NULL
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Conflict Indicator.  The Conflict Indicator for an Event must be an O (not Zero!) or null.
INVALID_EVENT_ROOMRoom is defined as a DORM; cannot schedule an Event in it
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Room Code for an event with a Dorm('D') Room Type.  Only Room Types of Classroom('C') or Other('O') can be scheduled for events.
INVALID_FRI_DAYInvalid value for Friday meeting indicator
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Friday indicator with a value other than 'F'.
INVALID_FUNC_CODEInvalid value for meeting function code
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Function Code with an invalid value.  The Function Code must exist in the Function Code validation table (GTVFUNC).
INVALID_MON_DAYInvalid value for Monday meeting indicator
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Monday indicator with a value other than 'M'.
INVALID_MTYP_CODEInvalid value for meeting type code
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Meeting Type Code with an invalid value.  The Meeting Type Code must exist in the Meeting Type validation table (GTVMTYP).
INVALID_OVERRIDEConflict indicator must be 'T', 'R', 'O', or NULL
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Conflict Indicator.  The Conflict Indicator must be a T(time only), R(room only), O(both time and room) or NULL.
INVALID_ROOM_CODEBuilding and Room combination is invalid
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Building Code with an invalid value.  The Building Code must exist in combination with a Room Code in the Room Definition table (SLBRDEF).
INVALID_SAT_DAYInvalid value for Saturday meeting indicator
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Saturday indicator with a value other than 'S'.
INVALID_SCHD_CODEInvalid value for meeting section schedule type
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Schedule Type Code.  The Schedule Type Code must exist in the Schedule Type Code validation table (STVSCHD).
INVALID_SESSION_INDInstructor exists for meeting time, cannot modify the meeting times session indicator
An attempt was made to update the meeting times Sesssion Indicator (the category field), however a faculty has been assigned to the the meeting time. Remove the faculty assignment first and then update the session indicator.
INVALID_SUN_DAYInvalid value for Sunday meeting indicator
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Sunday indicator with a value other than 'U'.
INVALID_TERM_CODEInvalid value for meeting term code
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Term code.  The term code entered must exist in the Term Code validation table (STVTERM).
INVALID_THU_DAYInvalid value for Thursday meeting indicator
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Thursday indicator with a value other than 'R'.
INVALID_TIMESEnd time must be greater than begin time
An attempt was made to create or update either the meeting times Begin or End Time. The end time must be later than the begin time.
INVALID_TIME_RANGEBegin time and end time must be four digits and within range 0000 to 2359
An attempt was made to create or update either the meeting times Begin or End Time with an invalid time format.  The time must be entered in a format of four digits and fall within the range of 0000 to 2359.
INVALID_TUE_DAYInvalid value for Tuesday meeting indicator
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Tuesday indicator with a value other than 'T'.
INVALID_WED_DAYInvalid value for Wednesday meeting indicator
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Wednesday indicator with a value other than 'W'.
MISSING_BEGIN_END_TIMEMissing meeting time begin and/or end time
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times record where the Begin time and/or End time and hours per week is null. If the hours per week is null, then the begin and end times are required.
MISSING_BLDG_CODERoom Code cannot be entered without Building Code
An attempt was made to create or update the meeting times Room Code without entering a Building Code or entering a NULL value.  The Room Code must be entered in combination with a Building Code.
MISSING_CATEGORYMissing mandatory value for session indicator
The session indicator (assigns the faculty to the specific session) is missing or NULL.
MISSING_CRNMissing mandatory value for meeting CRN
The meeting times CRN is missing or NULL and must be a valid value in the Section Table(SSBSECT) for the term.
MISSING_END_DATEMissing mandatory value for meeting end date
The meeting times End Date is missing or NULL and must be entered.
MISSING_SCHD_CODEMissing mandatory value for schedule code
The meeting times schedule code is missing or NULL and must be entered.
MISSING_START_DATEMissing mandatory value for meeting start date
The meeting times Start Date is missing or NULL and must be entered.
MISSING_TERM_CODEMissing mandatory value for meeting term code
The meeting times Term Code is missing or NULL and must be a valid value in the Term Code Validation table (STVTERM).
MISSING_TIMEBoth begin time and end time must be entered, or both must be null
An attempt to create or update meeting times information was unsuccessful because both the Start Time and End Time must be entered or both must be null.
NO_FRIDAYNo Fridays occur between start date and end date
An attempt to create or update meeting times information was unsuccessful because a Friday indicator was entered but no Friday exists between the Start Date and End Date entered.
NO_MONDAYNo Mondays occur between start date and end date
An attempt to create or update meeting times information was unsuccessful because a Monday indicator was entered but no Monday exists between the Start Date and End Date entered.
NO_SATURDAYNo Saturdays occur between start date and end date
An attempt to create or update meeting times information was unsuccessful because a Saturday indicator was entered but no Saturday exists between the Start Date and End Date entered.
NO_SUNDAYNo Sundays occur between start date and end date
An attempt to create or update meeting times information was unsuccessful because a Sunday indicator was entered but no Sunday exists between the Start Date and End Date entered.
NO_THURSDAYNo Thursdays occur between start date and end date
An attempt to create or update meeting times information was unsuccessful because a Thursday indicator was entered but no Thursday exists between the Start Date and End Date entered.
NO_TUESDAYNo Tuesdays occur between start date and end date
An attempt to create or update meeting times information was unsuccessful because a Tuesday indicator was entered but no Tuesday exists between the Start Date and End Date entered.
NO_WEDNESDAYNo Wednesdays occur between start date and end date
An attempt to create or update meeting times information was unsuccessful because a Wednesday indicator was entered but no Wednesday exists between the Start Date and End Date entered.
PK_NOT_FOUNDCannot find record using primary or unique key
An attempt to find a meeting times record was unsuccessful because the keys provided to select record does not exist.
P_DELETE_FAILEDCannot delete, record does not exist
An attempt to delete a meeting times record failed because no matching record was found.
ROOM_CONFLICTRoom conflict
An attempt to create or update a meeting times record was unsuccessful because the room being scheduled results in a time conflict with a previously schedule event/course.
ROOM_INACTIVERoom has inactive status; cannot be scheduled
An attempt to create or update a meeting times record was unsuccessful because the Room Code entered has a status of inactive.  The Room Code status must have be a valid active status in the Room Status validation table (STVRMST).
ROOM_USAGE_RESTRICTIONRoom has usage restrictions for this time period
An attempt to create or update a meeting times record was unsuccessful because the Room is restricted from use for the time period specified.
SUM_CREDIT_HR_INVALIDSum of session credit hours exceeds the maximum credit hours allowed for the course
An attempt to create or update a meeting times record was unsuccessful because the session credit hours exceeds the maximum allowed credit hours defined in the course(SCBCRSE) or the section (SSBSECT).

Program units
f_get_error   Returns an error message corresponding to p_errorname.

error_tab   Global error table that holds the error message.


error_tab gb_common_strings.errmsg_tab_type;

Global error table that holds the error message.


FUNCTION f_get_error(p_errorname VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2

Returns an error message corresponding to p_errorname.

p_errorname   Name associated with the error message.