
Package gb_bldgdefinition_str

This package contains the error messages and error message functions for Building Definition API (gb_bldgdefinition).

Message KeyError Message
EXCEEDS_MAX_CAPACITYCapacity exceeds Building Definition maximum capacity
Value entered for the building definition capacity is greater than the value for maximum capacity.
INVALID_BLDG_CODEInvalid Building Definition Building Code
Value specified for the building definition code must be a valid value in the Building Code validation table (STVBLDG).
INVALID_CAMP_CODEInvalid Building Definition Campus Code
Value specified for the building definition campus code must be a valid value in the Campus Code validation table (STVCAMP).
INVALID_CNTY_CODEInvalid Building Definition County Code
Value specified for the building definition county code must be a valid value in the County Code validation table (STVCNTY).
INVALID_COLL_CODEInvalid Building Definition College Code
Value specified for the building definition college code must be a valid value in the College validation table (STVCOLL).
INVALID_DEPT_CODEInvalid Building Definition Department Code
Value specified for the building definition department code must be a valid value in the Department validation table (STVDEPT)
INVALID_PARS_CODEInvalid Building Definition Partition Code
Value entered for the building definition partition code must be a valid value in the Partition validation table (GTVPARS).
INVALID_PRCD_CODEInvalid Building Definition Phone Rate Code
Value entered for the building definition phone rate code must be a valid value in the Phone Rate validation table (STVPRCD).
INVALID_RRCD_CODEInvalid Building Definition Room Rate Code
Value entered for the building definition room rate code must be a valid value in the Room Rate validation table (STVRRCD).
INVALID_SEXInvalid Building Definition Gender
Value entered for the building definition gender is not valid.
INVALID_SEX_VALUE Building Definition Gender designation must be "M", "F" or "null"
Value entered for the building definition gender must be M (Male), F (Female), or null (Either).
INVALID_SITE_CODEInvalid Building Definition Site Code
Value entered for the building definition site code must be a valid value in the Site validation table (STVSITE).
INVALID_STAT_CODEInvalid Building Definition State Code
Value entered for the building definition state code must be a valid value in the State/Province validation table (STVSTAT).
MISSING_BLDG_CODEMissing mandatory Building Definition Building Code
Value must be entered for the building definition code.
MISSING_CAMP_CODEMissing mandatory Building Definition Campus Code
Value must be entered for the building definition campus code.
MISSING_CAPACITYMissing mandatory Building Definition Capacity
Value must be entered for the building definition capacity.
PK_NOT_FOUNDCannot find the Building Definition record using primary or unique key
Cannot find the building definition record based on the information specified.
P_DELETE_FAILEDCannot delete, Building Definition record does not exist
Cannot find building definition record based on the information specified, so the record cannot be deleted.
P_ROOMS_DEFINEDCannot delete, rooms are defined for building
Rooms exist in the room definition table for this building definition building code.  The building code cannot be deleted.
RECORD_EXISTSCannot create, Building Definition record already exists
A building definition record was found based on information entered.  A new one cannot be created since one already exists.

Program units
f_get_error   Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

error_tab   Global error message table


error_tab gb_common_strings.errmsg_tab_type;

Global error message table


FUNCTION f_get_error(p_errorname VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2

Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

p_errorname   Name associated with the error message.

VARCHAR2 Error message associated with the error name.