Message Key | Error Message |
AGE_TOO_LARGE | Age cannot be greater than 130. Please check Birth and Death date. |
When death date is provided, age cannot be greater than 130 years. |
BIRTH_DATE_NULL | Cannot update Birth Date to null for an employee. |
The birth date must be entered for an employee. |
BIRTH_DATE_OUT_OF_RANGE | Calculated age cannot be longer than 3 digits. Please check the birth date. |
The birth date entered is more than 999 years before today. Check the birth date. |
CITIZENSHIP_NULL | Cannot update Citizenship to null for an employee. |
The Citizenship must be entered for an employee. |
DEAD_BIRTH_MISMATCH | Deceased Date must be on or after the Birth Date. |
Deceased Date must be on or after the Birth Date. |
DEAD_IND_REQUIRED | Deceased Indicator must be Y when Deceased Date is entered. |
Deceased Indicator must be Y when Deceased Date is entered. |
DELETE_ON_EMP | Cannot delete Biographical record for an employee. |
The SSN/SIN/TIN, Birth Date, Citizenship, and Gender fields are required for an employee so the row may not be deleted for a person identified as an employee. |
DUTY_BIRTH_MISMATCH | Active Duty Separation Date must be on or after the Birth Date. |
The date passed is less than Birth Date. Enter a date greater than the Birth Date. |
FUTURE_BIRTH_DATE | Future Birth Date not permitted. |
Birth Date must be in the past. |
FUTURE_DEAD | Deceased Date must be before or on the Current Date. |
Deceased Date must be in the past. |
GENDER_EMP | Cannot update Gender to N(ot Available) for an employee. Valid values are M(ale) and F(emale). |
A valid Gender (M or F) must be entered for an employee. |
GENDER_NULL | Cannot update Gender to null for an employee. |
The Gender must be entered for an employee. |
INVALID_CITZ_IND | Citizen Indicator is invalid. It must be Y or null. |
Enter Y or null. |
INVALID_CONFID_IND | Confidential Indicator is invalid. It must be Y or N. |
Enter Y or null. |
INVALID_CONFIRMED_RE_CDE | Ethnicity and Race Confirmed value is invalid. Valid values are Y, N, and null. |
Provide a value of Y, N, or null. |
INVALID_DEAD_IND | Deceased Indicator is invalid. It must be Y or null. |
Enter Y or null. |
INVALID_ETHN_CDE | New Ethnicity is invalid. Valid values are 1-Not Hispanic or Latino, 2-Hispanic or Latino, or null. |
Provide a value of 1, 2, or null. |
INVALID_ETHN_CODE | Ethnic Code is invalid. |
Ethnic Code must exist in the STVETHN table. |
INVALID_LGCY_CODE | Legacy Code is invalid. |
Legacy Code must exist in the STVLGCY table. |
INVALID_MARITAL_CODE | Marital Code is invalid. |
Marital Code must exist in the STVMRTL table. |
INVALID_NATN_CODE_DRIVER | Driver's License Nation Code is invalid. |
The Nation Code must exist in the STVNATN table. |
INVALID_PIDM | PIDM is invalid. |
The PIDM given does not exist in the SPRIDEN table. |
INVALID_RELG_CODE | Religion Code is invalid. |
The Religion Code must exist in the STVRELG table. |
INVALID_SDVET_IND | Special Disabled Veteran indicator is invalid. It must be Y,N or null. |
The only values allowed are Y,N or null. |
INVALID_SEX | Sex Code is invalid. |
Valid values are M(ale), F(emale) or N(ot available). |
INVALID_STAT_CODE_BIRTH | Birth State Code is invalid. |
State Code must exist in STVSTAT. |
INVALID_STAT_CODE_DRIVER | Driver's License State Code is invalid. |
State Code must exist in STVSTAT. |
INVALID_UOMS_CODE_HEIGHT | Unit of Measure for Height is invalid. |
The Unit of Measure must exist in the GTVUOMS table. |
INVALID_UOMS_CODE_WEIGHT | Unit of Measure for Weight is invalid. |
The Unit of Measure must exist in the GTVUOMS table. |
INVALID_VERA_IND | Veteran Category Indicator is invalid. Valid values are O, V, B or null. |
Valid values are O, V, B or null. |
INVALID_ARMED_SERV_MED_VET_IND | Armed Forces Service Medal Indicator is invalid. Valid values are (Y)es, (N)o. |
Valid values are (Y)es, (N)o. |
MISSING_ETHN | Either Ethnicity or New Ethnicity must be entered. |
Provide a value for Ethnicity or New Ethnicity. |
MISSING_PIDM | PIDM is required. |
PIDM must be provided and cannot be null. |
MISSING_RACE | A Race code must be entered. |
Provide a race code. |
MISSING_RACE_ETHN | If a Race code or New Ethnicity has been entered, then both fields are required. |
Provide both Race code and New Ethnicity, or neither. |
PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find person record using primary or unique key. |
There is no BIO record for the PIDM provided. Supply a PIDM with an SPBPERS record. |
P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete, record does not exist. |
A delete is being attempted for a PIDM that has no record in the SPBPERS table. |
RECORD_EXISTS | Cannot create, record already exists. |
There is already a BIO record for this PIDM. |
SSN_NULL | Cannot update SSN/SIN/TIN to null for an employee. |
The SSN/SIN/TIN must be entered for an employee. |