
Package gb_advq_util

Oracle AQ utility package that wraps the dbms_aqadm functionality and adds convenience procedures/functions related to AQ.

Program units
p_enqueue_message   Enqueues an xml message.
p_create_queue   Creates AQ queue/topic.
p_add_subscriber   Adds a subscriber to a Destination(Queue/Topic).
p_remove_subscriber   Remove a subscriber associated with a Queue/Topic.
p_restart_queue   Restarts a Queue/Topic.
p_drop_queue   Drops a Queue/Topic and the underlying Queue table.
p_drop_queue_table   Drop the queue table and force all queues to be stopped and dropped by the system.
p_display_subscribers   Displays subscribers associated with a Destination (Queue/Topic).
p_purge_messages   Purge messages associated to a Destination (Queue/Topic) for a subscriber.
p_display_messages   Display message header info for a particular queue.
p_enqueue_msg_fragments   Enqueues a g_msg_fragments message to AQ single consumer queue.
p_dequeue_msg_fragments   Dequeues a g_msg_fragments message from AQ single consumer queue.
p_dequeue_msg_fragments_condit   Dequeues a g_msg_fragments message conditionally from AQ single consumer queue.
P_PURGE_ENTIRE_QUEUE   Purge the g_msg_fragments messages in single consumer Queue
P_HANDSHAKE_MSG_FRAGMENTS_ENQ   To handle the passoff of g_msg_fragments from Oracle*Form to enqueue procedure for AQ single consumer queue
P_HANDSHAKE_MSG_FRAGMENTS_DEQ1   Handle the passoff of g_msg_fragments from conditional dequeue procedure for AQ single consumer queue into Oracle*Form.
f_get_mf_misc_01_value   Returns the mf_misc_01 value of type VARCHAR2 during conditional dequeue
f_queue_exists   Checks whether a Destination (Queue/Topic) exists.
f_queue_table_exists   Checks whether a Queue/Topic table exists.
f_queue_enabled_for_purge   Returns True if the passed Queue Name is available for dequeuing
f_get_message_count   Returns the number of messages for a particular destination.
F_USE_AQ_AND_NOT_PIPES   Based on GTVSDAX returns Y or N.
F_DBA_QUEUE_TABLE_EXISTS   Returns True if the passed Queue Table has been established
F_COUNT_QTABLE_ROWS   Returns number of g_msg_fragments message for a given Queue Table
F_GET_UNIQUE_TOKEN   Returns a unique identification for use with conditional dequeunig


PROCEDURE p_enqueue_message(p_xml                    CLOB,
                            p_bulk_synchronization   BOOLEAN,
                            p_bulk_sync_code         VARCHAR2,
                            p_entity_list            string_nt,
                            p_vpd_inst_code          VARCHAR2,
                            p_sync_publisher_enabled BOOLEAN,
                            p_message_id             NUMBER)

Enqueues an xml message.

p_xml   Business entity data to be enqueued
p_bulk_synchronization   Indicates if entities are being synchronized in bulk
p_bulk_sync_code   Bulk Synchronization code that is the target system name
p_entity_list   Unique list of busines entities that are contained in the xml
p_vpd_inst_code   VPD Institution code
p_sync_publisher_enabled   Indicator determining if entities need to be sync'd/published by the gateway


PROCEDURE p_create_queue(p_queue_table        IN VARCHAR2,
                         p_payload_type       IN VARCHAR2,
                         p_queue_name         IN VARCHAR2,
                         p_queue_type         IN INTEGER := dbms_aqadm.normal_queue,
                         p_multiple_consumers IN BOOLEAN)

Creates AQ queue/topic.

p_queue_table   Name of table that holds the Queue/Topic data
p_queue_table   Payload that the Queue/Topic holds
p_queue_name   Queue Name
p_queue_type   Queue type (Noraml/Exception)
p_multiple_consumers   Indicator to differentiate between a Queue/Topic


PROCEDURE p_add_subscriber(p_queue_name      IN VARCHAR2,
                           p_subscriber_name IN VARCHAR2)

Adds a subscriber to a Destination(Queue/Topic).

p_queue_name   Queue to which a subscriber is being added
p_subscriber_name   Name of Subscriber being added


PROCEDURE p_remove_subscriber(p_queue_name      IN VARCHAR2,
                              p_subscriber_name IN VARCHAR2)

Remove a subscriber associated with a Queue/Topic.

p_queue_name   Queue/Topic whose subscriber is being removed
p_subscriber_name   Name of subscriber being removed.


PROCEDURE p_restart_queue(p_queue_name IN VARCHAR2,
                          p_wait       IN BOOLEAN := TRUE)

Restarts a Queue/Topic.

p_queue_name   Queue/Topic to restart
p_wait   Indicator to determine whether to wait for any outstanding transactions to complete.


PROCEDURE p_drop_queue(p_queue_table IN VARCHAR2,
                       p_queue_name  IN VARCHAR2 := '%',
                       p_enqueue     IN BOOLEAN := TRUE,
                       p_dequeue     IN BOOLEAN := TRUE,
                       p_wait        IN BOOLEAN := TRUE)

Drops a Queue/Topic and the underlying Queue table. Dropping the Queue table will delete all messages from the Queue table.

p_queue_table   Queue table that holds the Queue/Topic data
p_queue_name   Queue/Topic name
p_enqueue   Indicator to disable Queueing on this queue
p_dequeue   Indicator to disable DeQueueing on this queue
p_wait   Indicator to determine whether to wait for any outstanding transactions to complete


PROCEDURE p_drop_queue_table(p_queue_table IN VARCHAR2,
                             p_force       IN BOOLEAN := FALSE,
                             p_auto_commit IN BOOLEAN := TRUE)

Drop the queue table and force all queues to be stopped and dropped by the system. This will delete all the messages from the queue table.

p_queue_table   Queue/Topic table that holds the Queue/Topic data
p_force   Controls dropping of Queue table.
FALSE   Drop action will not succeed unless all queues associated with this Queue table are dropped
TRUE   Force drop this queue table. Remaining queues will be automatically stopped and dropped.

p_auto_commit   Commit control.
FALSE   Commits the current transaction before the operation is carried out. Operation becomes persistent when the call returns.
TRUE   Force Drop action becomes part of the current transaction thereby taking affect only when calling session issues a commit.


PROCEDURE p_display_subscribers(p_queue_name IN VARCHAR2)

Displays subscribers associated with a Destination (Queue/Topic).

p_queue_name   Name of Queue


PROCEDURE p_purge_messages(p_queue      VARCHAR2,
                           p_subscriber VARCHAR2)

Purge messages associated to a Destination (Queue/Topic) for a subscriber.

p_queue_name   Name of Queue
p_subscriber   Name of Subscriber


PROCEDURE p_display_messages(p_queue_table IN VARCHAR2,
                             p_queue_name  IN VARCHAR2)

Display message header info for a particular queue.

p_queue_table   Queue table name
p_queue_name   Name of Queue


PROCEDURE p_enqueue_msg_fragments(p_queue_name    IN VARCHAR2,
                                  p_msg_fragments IN g_msg_fragments,
                                  p_delivery_mode IN NUMBER := 1)

Enqueues a g_msg_fragments message to AQ single consumer queue.

p_queue_name   Name of the Queue
p_msg_fragments   contains the payload of message fragments to enqueue
p_delivery_mode   indicates a PERSISTENT or BUFFERED message. Persistent is default.


PROCEDURE p_dequeue_msg_fragments(p_queue_name    IN VARCHAR2,
                                  p_max_wait      IN NUMBER,
                                  p_msg_fragments OUT g_msg_fragments,
                                  p_remove_nodata IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N')

Dequeues a g_msg_fragments message from AQ single consumer queue.

p_queue_name   Name of the Queue
p_max_wait   if not null, contains number in seconds to listen for a message to dequeue
p_msg_fragments   contains the payload of message fragments dequeued
p_remove_nodata   default is 'N', if 'Y' will set dequeue_mode to remove without need for payload


PROCEDURE p_dequeue_msg_fragments_condit(p_queue_name    IN VARCHAR2,
                                         p_condit_value  IN VARCHAR2,
                                         p_max_wait      IN NUMBER,
                                         p_wait_factor   IN NUMBER,
                                         p_msg_fragments OUT g_msg_fragments)

Dequeues a g_msg_fragments message conditionally from AQ single consumer queue.

p_queue_name   Name of the Queue
p_condit_value   string value evaluated against g_msg_fragments.mf_misc_01 value.
p_max_wait   seconds (multiplied by a factor, p_wait_factor) to conditionally listen for a message to dequeue
p_wait_factor   with p_max_wait seconds to establish duration to conditionally listen for a message to dequeue
p_msg_fragments   contains the payload of message fragments dequeued


PROCEDURE p_purge_entire_queue(p_queue_name     IN VARCHAR2,
                               p_items_in_queue IN NUMBER)

Purge the g_msg_fragments messages in single consumer Queue

p_queue_name   Name of the Queue
p_items_in_queue   indicates number of messages in the Queue and how many to purge


PROCEDURE p_handshake_msg_fragments_enq(p_queue_name    IN VARCHAR2,
                                        p_return_status OUT VARCHAR2,
                                        p_mf_misc_01    IN VARCHAR2,
                                        p_mf_01         IN sys.anydata,
                                        p_mf_02         IN sys.anydata DEFAULT NULL,
                                        p_mf_03         IN sys.anydata DEFAULT NULL,
                                        p_mf_04         IN sys.anydata DEFAULT NULL,
                                        p_mf_05         IN sys.anydata DEFAULT NULL,
                                        p_mf_06         IN sys.anydata DEFAULT NULL,
                                        p_mf_07         IN sys.anydata DEFAULT NULL,
                                        p_mf_08         IN sys.anydata DEFAULT NULL,
                                        p_mf_09         IN sys.anydata DEFAULT NULL,
                                        p_mf_10         IN sys.anydata DEFAULT NULL)

To handle the passoff of g_msg_fragments from Oracle*Form to enqueue procedure for AQ single consumer queue

p_queue_name   Name of the Queue
p_return_status   Status of the execution of this procedure. A '0' indicates success.
p_mf_misc_01   miscellanous message fragment
p_mf_01   message fragment 01
p_mf_02   message fragment 02
p_mf_03   message fragment 03
p_mf_04   message fragment 04
p_mf_05   message fragment 05
p_mf_06   message fragment 06
p_mf_07   message fragment 07
p_mf_08   message fragment 08
p_mf_09   message fragment 09
p_mf_10   message fragment 10


PROCEDURE p_handshake_msg_fragments_deq1(p_queue_name    IN VARCHAR2,
                                         p_condit        IN VARCHAR2,
                                         p_max_wait      IN NUMBER,
                                         p_wait_factor   IN NUMBER,
                                         p_return_status OUT VARCHAR2,
                                         p_response      OUT VARCHAR2)

Handle the passoff of g_msg_fragments from conditional dequeue procedure for AQ single consumer queue into Oracle*Form. This is specific to GURJOBS_RTN_Q handshake

p_queue_name   Name of the Queue
p_condit   condition value that is compared to mf_misc_01 for dequeue
p_max_wait   seconds (multiplied by a factor, p_wait_factor) to conditionally listen for a message to dequeue
p_wait_factor   with p_max_wait seconds to establish duration to conditionally listen for a message to dequeue
p_return_status   Status of the execution of this procedure. A '0' indicates success.
p_response   for gurjobs_rtn_q this is from p_mf_misc_01 message fragment


FUNCTION f_get_mf_misc_01_value(p_msg_fragments IN g_msg_fragments)

Returns the mf_misc_01 value of type VARCHAR2 during conditional dequeue

p_msg_fragments   item from the Queue user_data, payload


FUNCTION f_queue_exists(p_queue_name IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN

Checks whether a Destination (Queue/Topic) exists.

p_queue_name   Name of Queue


FUNCTION f_queue_table_exists(p_queue_table IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN

Checks whether a Queue/Topic table exists.

p_queue_table   Name of Queue


FUNCTION f_queue_enabled_for_purge(p_queue_name IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN

Returns True if the passed Queue Name is available for dequeuing

p_queue_name   Name of Queue


FUNCTION f_get_message_count(p_queue_table IN VARCHAR2,
                             p_queue_name  IN VARCHAR2) RETURN INTEGER

Returns the number of messages for a particular destination.

p_queue_table   Name of Queue table that holds data for a Destination (Queue/Topic)
p_queue_name   Name of Queue


FUNCTION f_use_aq_and_not_pipes(p_code       IN VARCHAR2,
                                p_group_code IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN

Based on GTVSDAX returns Y or N. Y indicates to use AQ alternative communication mechanism. N indicates to continue to use DBMS_PIPE. N is returned if the row is not found.  If database 11g (or higher) is being used, function will pull the return value from the result cache

p_code   value for GTVSDAX code lookup (AQ4PIPES)
p_group_code   value for GTVSDAX group code (GURJOBS,SSO,GOKOUTD,GOKOUTP)


FUNCTION f_dba_queue_table_exists(p_queue_table IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN

Returns True if the passed Queue Table has been established

p_queue_table   Name of the Queue Table


FUNCTION f_count_qtable_rows(p_queue_table IN VARCHAR2,
                             p_query_str   OUT VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER

Returns number of g_msg_fragments message for a given Queue Table

p_queue_table   Name of the Queue Table
p_query_str   constructed query string. established for debug need.


FUNCTION f_get_unique_token RETURN VARCHAR2

Returns a unique identification for use with conditional dequeunig