
Package gb_address_strings

Error messages and error message functions for the ADDRESS API (GB_ADDRESS).

Message Key Error Message
ACTIVE_ADDR_EXISTSActive address already exists for this type
You can only have one active address of a particular type. Use a different address type, or inactivate the other address of the same type.
ADDRESS_EXISTSAddress of this type exists
There is already an address record that is active for the time between this FROM and TO date.
Select dates that do not overlap for the existing address.
ADDRESS_TYPE_REQUIREDAddress type is required
Address Type is mandatory, use a value from the STVATYP table.
CITY_REQUIREDCity is required
City cannot be null, specify a City.
FINANCE_NOTNULL_DATESFROM and TO dates must be NULL when finance rules are active
Finance does not use date processing for addresses.  FROM and TO dates must both be null when using Finance rules.
INVALID_ADDRESS_TYPEInvalid Address type
The Address Type is not found in the STVATYP table. Please specify an address found in STVATYP.
INVALID_ADDRESS_TYPE_SEQNAddress Type and Sequence does not exist for this entity
There is no address record for this person with the specified Address Type and Sequence Number.  Specify a different Address Type or Sequence Number.
INVALID_ADDR_TYPE_SEQN_INACAddress Type and Sequence is Inactive
The Address Type and Sequence Number provided are for an inactive address. Please specify an Address Type and Sequence number of an active address for this person.
INVALID_ASRC_CODEInvalid Address Source
The Address Source code must be found in the STVASRC table.
INVALID_CORRECTION_DIGITCorrection Digit must be between 0 and 9
Specify a number between 0 and 9.
The County code must be in STVCNTY.
INVALID_DATE_RANGETO date for Address must be after FROM date for Address.
The FROM date must be before the TO date.
INVALID_DELIVERY_POINTDelivery Point must be between 0 and 99
Specify a number between 0 and 99.
The Nation Code must be found in STVNATN.
Please specify a value found in STVNATN.STVNATN_CODE
The State Code must be found in STVSTAT.
The PIDM provided is not found in the SPRIDEN table. Please provide a PIDM that exists in SPRIDEN.
INVALID_REVIEWED_DATAReviewed Indicator and Reviewed User must both be null or both not null
Provide both Reviewed Indicator and Reviewed User (Oracle username), or leave both null.
INVALID_REVIEWED_INDReviewed Indicator must be Y or N
Reviewed Indicator must be Y or N.
INVALID_STATUS_INDStatus indicator must be I or NULL
Specify a value of I or null.
PK_NOT_FOUNDCould not find address record via primary key
The PIDM, Address Type, Sequence Number, and Status Indicator provided are not found in the SPRADDR table.
Specify a valid PIDM, Address Type, Sequence Number, and Status Indicator
ROWID_REQUIREDROWID is required if the status indicator is not supplied
The Status Indicator is required in order to uniquely identify a row. For most operations, the assumption is that the current row, the one with NULL status indicator, is the target.
If you need to update an inactive address to active however, the only way to identify the row to update is to provide the ROWID.
SEQUENCE_IN_USESequence number already in use
On a create operation, it was found that the Sequence Number provided was already being used by an existing address. Use another sequence number, or simply do not specify a sequence number and one will be generated automatically.
SEQUENCE_NOT_ALLOWEDSequence number cannot be used unless finance rules are active
Finance rules allow active addresses to have overlapping dates.  These rules also allow applications to specify the sequence number rather than have it be generated, which is the default.  USE CAUTION when using Finance rules for addresses.
Specifically, problems can arise if one PIDM has addresses entered under standard default address rules plus one or more addresses entered under Finance Rules.
STATE_NATN_REQUIRED'State or nation are required.'
If a ZIP code is provided, then both the State Code and Nation are required.
TOO_MANY_PHONESAddress cannot be deleted, more than one phone number is associated
All Telephone numbers associated with this address must be deleted before the address record can be deleted. Delete the Telephone records for this PIDM and Address Type first.
ZIP_REQUIREDZIP is required if the State is provided
Provide a ZIP code whenever you provide a State Code.
ZIP_STATE_NATN_REQUIREDZip, state and nation cannot all be null
ZIP is required if State is provided.
 If Zip is provided, then State or Nation must be provided.

Program units
f_get_error   Returns the error message corresponding to the p_errorname

error_tab   PL/SQL table type to hold API specific error message strings.


error_tab gb_common_strings.errmsg_tab_type;

PL/SQL table type to hold API specific error message strings.


FUNCTION f_get_error(p_errorname VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2

Returns the error message corresponding to the p_errorname

p_errorname   Name associated with error message.