Package tp_application Process API for application and unapplication of payments.Note that any process which calls procedures in this package needs to set and then release the context for TB_RECEIVABLE - PROCESS to be APPLPMNT. The calling process is also responsible for committing the changes made. |
Program units |
p_apply_cont_detail | Match contract payment detail to charges in application of payments. |
p_unapply_by_date | Unapply payment to charge made since specified date. |
p_unapply_by_term | Unapply payment to charge for term of payment or charge. |
p_unapply_by_tran_number | Unapply payment to charge for specific transaction. |
p_process_unapplication | Process reversal of application of payment to charge. |
Procedure p_apply_cont_detail(p_cont_pidm tbrcpdt.tbrcpdt_cont_pidm%TYPE, p_cont_tran_number tbrcpdt.tbrcpdt_cont_tran_number%TYPE, p_tran_number tbrcpdt.tbrcpdt_tran_number%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)
Match contract payment detail to charges in application of payments.
Parameters |
p_cont_pidm |
Internal Identification Number of the contract sponsor who has made payment. NUMBER(8) Required Key | |
p_cont_tran_number |
Transaction number of the payment in the sponsor receivable account. NUMBER(8) Required Key | |
p_tran_number |
Transaction number assigned to the payment detail record. NUMBER(8) |
Procedure p_unapply_by_date(p_pidm tbrappl.tbrappl_pidm%TYPE, p_apply_date DATE, p_unapply_direct_pay VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)
Unapply payment to charge made since specified date.
Parameters |
p_pidm |
Internal Identification Number of the person or non-person account, valid in SPRIDEN. NUMBER(8) Required Key | |
p_apply_date |
Unapply all transactions applied since this date. DATE | |
p_unapply_direct_pay |
Unapply direct application of payment records. VARCHAR2(1) |
Procedure p_unapply_by_term(p_pidm tbrappl.tbrappl_pidm%TYPE, p_term_code tbraccd.tbraccd_term_code%TYPE, p_unapply_direct_pay VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)
Unapply payment to charge for term of payment or charge.
Parameters |
p_pidm |
Internal Identification Number of the person or non-person account, valid in SPRIDEN. NUMBER(8) Required | |
p_term_code |
Term code for which to unapply all payment transactions. VARCHAR2(6) Required | |
p_unapply_direct_pay |
Unapply direct application of payment records. VARCHAR2(1) |
Procedure p_unapply_by_tran_number(p_pidm tbrappl.tbrappl_pidm%TYPE, p_pay_tran_number tbrappl.tbrappl_pay_tran_number%TYPE, p_cpdt_tran_number tbrappl.tbrappl_cpdt_tran_number%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_unapply_direct_pay VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)
Unapply payment to charge for specific transaction.
Parameters |
p_pidm |
Internal Identification Number of the person or non-person account, valid in SPRIDEN. NUMBER(8) Required | |
p_pay_tran_number |
Transaction number of the detail code used as the payment transaction in application of payments. NUMBER(8) Required | |
p_cpdt_tran_number |
Contract payment detail transaction number, which together with the pay transaction number identifies the detail record on which the application is based. NUMBER(8) | |
p_unapply_direct_pay |
Unapply direct application of payment records. VARCHAR2(1) |
Procedure p_process_unapplication(p_pidm tbrappl.tbrappl_pidm%TYPE, p_pay_tran_number tbrappl.tbrappl_pay_tran_number%TYPE, p_chg_tran_number tbrappl.tbrappl_chg_tran_number%TYPE, p_amount tbrappl.tbrappl_amount%TYPE, p_appl_rowid gb_common.internal_record_id_type)
Process reversal of application of payment to charge.
Procedure is called for each application record selected to be unapplied.
Parameters |
p_pidm |
Internal Identification Number of the person or non-person account, valid in SPRIDEN. NUMBER(8) Required Key | |
p_pay_tran_number |
Transaction number of the detail code used as the payment transaction in application of payments. NUMBER(8) Required | |
p_chg_tran_number |
Transaction number of the detail code used as the charge transaction in application of payments. NUMBER(8) Required | |
p_amount |
Amount of the payment being unapplied. NUMBER(12,2) Required | |
p_appl_rowid |
Database ROWID of the record to be unapplied. VARCHAR2(18) Required |