
Package tokpapi

Accounts Receivable support for Process APIs.

Program units
f_get_deposit_tab   Selects a table of Deposits.
f_get_fee_tab   Selects a table of Receivable Transactions.
p_populate_deposit_nt   Populates a Deposit nested table.
p_populate_fee_nt   Populates a Fee nested table.

fee_rec   Fee summary record type
fee_tab_type   Fee summary table type
deposit_rec   Deposit summary record type
deposit_tab_type   Deposit summary table type


TYPE fee_rec IS RECORD (
        r_detail_code             tbraccd.tbraccd_detail_code%TYPE,
        r_detc_desc               tbbdetc.tbbdetc_desc%TYPE,
        r_dcat_code               tbbdetc.tbbdetc_dcat_code%TYPE,
        r_dcat_desc               ttvdcat.ttvdcat_desc%TYPE,
        r_term_code               tbraccd.tbraccd_term_code%TYPE,
        r_term_desc               stvterm.stvterm_desc%TYPE,
        r_type_ind                tbbdetc.tbbdetc_type_ind%TYPE,
        r_net_amount              NUMBER(14,2));

Fee summary record type


TYPE fee_tab_type                 IS TABLE OF fee_rec
                                  INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;

Fee summary table type


TYPE deposit_rec IS RECORD (
        r_deposit_type            tbbdepc.tbbdepc_dtyp_code%TYPE,
        r_dtyp_desc               ttvdtyp.ttvdtyp_desc%TYPE,
        r_term_code               tbrdepo.tbrdepo_term_code%TYPE,
        r_term_desc               stvterm.stvterm_desc%TYPE,
        r_amount                  NUMBER(9,2),
        r_balance                 NUMBER(9,2));

Deposit summary record type


TYPE deposit_tab_type             IS TABLE OF deposit_rec
                                  INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;

Deposit summary table type


Function f_get_deposit_tab(p_pidm                spriden.spriden_pidm%TYPE,
                           p_term_code           stvterm.stvterm_code%TYPE,
                           p_internal_code       gtvsdax.gtvsdax_internal_code%TYPE,
                           p_internal_code_group gtvsdax.gtvsdax_internal_code_group%TYPE)
  RETURN deposit_tab_type

Selects a table of Deposits.
For the given Internal Group and Code, the Deposit Types provided as External Codes in the crosswalk table are used to return information regarding existing Deposits.
Wildcard (%) may be used with term code.
When the term parameter is null the term values are not returned, summing without regard to term. Use % in the term parameter to include all terms with a sum for each value found.

p_pidm   Internal Identification Number of the person or non-person account, valid in SPRIDEN. NUMBER(8) Required Key
p_term_code   Term associated with the deposits. Wildcard (%) allowed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_internal_code   The pre-determined retrieval code. VARCHAR2(10) Required Key
p_internal_code_group   The group typing for translated or crosswalked values. VARCHAR2(20) Required Key

A table of information regarding Deposits for the Entity.


Function f_get_fee_tab(p_pidm                spriden.spriden_pidm%TYPE,
                       p_term_code           stvterm.stvterm_code%TYPE,
                       p_internal_code       gtvsdax.gtvsdax_internal_code%TYPE,
                       p_internal_code_group gtvsdax.gtvsdax_internal_code_group%TYPE)
  RETURN fee_tab_type

Selects a table of Receivable Transactions.
For the given Internal Group and Code, the Detail Codes provided as External Codes in the crosswalk table are used to return information regarding existing transactions on account.
Wildcard (%) may be used with term code.
When the term parameter is null the term values are not returned, summing without regard to term. Use % in the term parameter to include all terms with a sum for each value found.

p_pidm   Internal Identification Number of the person or non-person account, valid in SPRIDEN. NUMBER(8) Required Key
p_term_code   Term associated with the deposits. Wildcard (%) allowed. VARCHAR2(6)
p_internal_code   The pre-determined retrieval code. VARCHAR2(10) Required Key
p_internal_code_group   The group typing for translated or crosswalked values. VARCHAR2(20) Required Key

A table of information regarding Accounts Receivable transactions for the Entity.


Procedure p_populate_deposit_nt(p_deposit_tab       deposit_tab_type,
                                p_deposit_nt_in_out IN OUT RST_DEPOSIT_NT)

Populates a Deposit nested table.
This procedure appends information about Deposits to a Deposit nested table.

p_deposit_tab   A table of information regarding Deposits.
p_deposit_nt_in_out   Nested table with Deposit information.


Procedure p_populate_fee_nt(p_fee_tab       fee_tab_type,
                            p_fee_nt_in_out IN OUT RST_FEE_NT)

Populates a Fee nested table.
This procedure appends information about Receivable transactions to a Fee nested table.

p_fee_tab   A table of information regarding Receivable transactions.
p_fee_nt_in_out   Nested table with Receivable transaction information.