Message Key | Error Message |
INVALID_1098_AUTH | You are not authorized to change 1098-T tax reporting data. |
An attempt was made to update the 1098-T Tax reporting data. These changes are enabled for the Tax Notification process only. |
INVALID_BALANCE_AMT | The Balance may not exceed the original Amount. |
An attempt was made to update the Balance so that its absolute value exceeds the absolute value of the original Amount. |
INVALID_BALANCE_AUTH | You are not authorized to change the balance. |
Changes to the balance are enabled for Application of Payment only. |
INVALID_BALANCE_SIGN | The sign of the Balance must match the Amount for Charges, and be opposite for Payments. |
An attempt was made to update the Balance using a sign that is not appropriate for the Detail Code and Amount. |
INVALID_BILL_DUE_CHG | Bill and Due Date may not be changed once populated. |
An attempt was made to update the Bill or Due Date of a transaction which has previously been billed. |
INVALID_BILL_DUE_DATE | Bill and Due Dates must both be populated or both be null. |
An attempt was made to create or update a transaction with a Bill or Due Date without the second date of the pair. |
INVALID_CCRD_CODE | Invalid value for Credit Card Code. |
The code must be valid in the Credit Card Type table (TTVCCRD). |
INVALID_CPDT_AMOUNT | Contract Payment Detail may exist only for amount greater than 0. |
Contract Payment Detail may not be associated with payment reversals. |
INVALID_CPDT_BALANCE | Calculated contract payment detail balance does not equal transaction balance. |
An attempt was made to update the Balance to an amount that does not match the total balance of associated contract payment detail. |
INVALID_CPDT_CHG_APPL | Unapply transactions before making change to Contract Payment Detail. |
An attempt was made to update contract payment detail when payment has been applied to charges. Unapply the payment transaction before changing the detail indicator. |
INVALID_CPDT_CHG_EXISTS | Contract Payment Detail exists, change not allowed. |
An attempt was made to remove contract payment detail indicator when detail does exist. |
INVALID_CPDT_CONTRACT | Contract does not exist for this ID and Term. |
An attempt was made to associate contract payment detail when no contract is defined. |
INVALID_CPDT_DETC_TYPE | Contract Payment Detail may not be associated with a charge. |
An attempt was made to create or update a charge transaction with Contract Payment Detail Y, which is not allowed. |
INVALID_CPDT_IND | Contract Payment Detail must be Y or null. |
An attempt was made to create or update a record with a value for Contract Payment Detail indicator other than null or Y. |
INVALID_DUE_DATE | Due Date must be greater than or equal to Bill Date. |
An attempt was made to create or update a transaction with a Due Date which is before the Bill Date. |
INVALID_EFF_DATE_BAL | Effective Date may not be changed when Amount is not equal to Balance. |
An attempt was made to update the effective date after application of payments has occurred. |
INVALID_EFF_DATE_BILL | Effective Date may not be changed when Bill or Due Date exists. |
An attempt was made to update the effective date after the transaction was billed. |
INVALID_EFF_DATE_CHG | Effective Date of a charge must be current or future. |
An attempt was made to create or update a charge transaction with a prior Effective Date, which is enabled only for System Transactions. |
INVALID_EFF_DATE_FEED | Effective Date may not be changed when the feed indicator is equal to F. |
An attempt was made to update an Effective Date after the transaction was fed to the finance ledgers. |
INVALID_EFF_DATE_PAY | Effective Date of a payment must be current date. |
An attempt was made to create or update a payment transaction with an Effective Date other than today, which is enabled only for System Transactions. |
INVALID_INVOICE_NUMBER | Invoice Number is not unique to this account. |
An attempt was made to create or update a transaction with an Invoice Number which has previously been used for a different entity. |
INVALID_INVOICE_NUM_CHG | May not change existing value for Invoice Number. |
An attempt was made to update an existing Invoice Number. |
INVALID_INVOICE_NUM_PAY | Invoice Number allowed on charges only. |
An attempt was made to create or update a payment transaction using an Invoice Number. |
INVALID_INVPAID_BALANCE | Invalid invoice payment; Amount entered exceeds balance of Invoice. |
An attempt was made to create a transaction using Invoice Number Paid, when the Amount of the credit exceeds the total outstanding Balance for the Invoice. |
INVALID_INVPAID_EXIST | Invalid invoice payment; Invoice number paid does not exist. |
An attempt was made to create a transaction using Invoice Number Paid for an Invoice that does not exist for this entity. |
INVALID_INVPAID_SIGN | Invalid invoice payment; Balance of Invoice must have the opposite sign. |
An attempt was made to create a transaction using Invoice Number Paid where the balance is not the opposite of the outstanding Balance for the Invoice. |
INVALID_INVPAID_ZERO | Invalid invoice payment; Balance of Invoice may not be zero. |
An attempt was made to create a transaction using Invoice Number Paid where the Invoice has already been paid in full. |
INVALID_LATE_DCAT_CODE | Invalid value for Late Category Code. |
The Late Category Code must be valid in the Category Code Validation table (TTVDCAT). |
INVALID_LOC_BOTH | Location Management designator and sequence must both be null or both be populated. |
An attempt was made to create a transaction with the Location Management designator or sequence without the second value for the pair. |
INVALID_LOC_MDT | If populated, Location Management designator must be M, D, or T. |
An attempt was made to create a transaction with the Location Management designator other than (M)onthly, (D)aily, or (T)erm. |
INVALID_LOC_MDT_SEQ | Location Management sequence must be in range 0 to 11. |
An attempt was made to create (M)onthly location management transactions with a sequence outside of the allowed range. |
INVALID_LOC_MDT_SEQ_0 | Location Management sequence must be 0 for term or daily charges. |
An attempt was made to create (D)aily or (T)erm location management transactions with a sequence other than 0. |
INVALID_ORIG_CHG_CHANGE | Title IV withdrawal has occurred; change to Original Charge not authorized. |
An attempt was made to create or update the Original Charge indicator after a Title IV withdrawal record has been created for the term, which is enabled selectively. Use form SFAWDRL to change. |
INVALID_ORIG_CHG_IND | Original Charge must be Y or null. |
An attempt was made to create or update a record with a value for Original Charge indicator other than null or Y. |
INVALID_SRCE_CODE | Invalid value for Source Code. |
The Source Code must be valid in the Billing Detail Source Code Validation table (TTVSRCE). |
INVALID_SRCE_ENTRY | System maintained Source Code, may not be entered by operator. |
An attempt was made to create a transaction with a Source Code that is not data enterable, which is enabled only for System Transactions. |
INVALID_TPAY_BALANCE | Invalid line payment; Amount entered exceeds balance. |
An attempt was made to create or update a transaction populating Transaction Paid where the amount of the credit exceeds the outstanding balance of the charge. |
INVALID_TPAY_CPDT_PIDM | Invalid line payment; Charge with no cross-reference student may not be applied to Contract Payment Detail. |
An attempt was made to create or update a transaction using Transaction Paid where the charge has no cross reference PIDM, but the payment expects to apply to contract payment detail by student. |
INVALID_TPAY_CPDT_NOTFOUND | Invalid line payment; Contract Payment Detail does not include the student of the charge. |
An attempt was made to create or update a transaction populating Transaction Paid where the student related to a third party charge has no record in the detail associated with a contract payment. |
INVALID_TPAY_EXIST | Invalid line payment; Transaction number paid does not exist. |
An attempt was made to create or update a transaction populating Transaction Paid where the transaction number specified does not exist. |
INVALID_TPAY_INVOICE | Invoice Number of transaction paid does not match Invoice Number Paid. |
An attempt was made to create or update a transaction populating Transaction Paid where Invoice Paid is also specified and the Invoice Number does not match. |
INVALID_TPAY_INV_PAID | Invalid line payment; Transaction paid has an associated direct invoice payment. |
An attempt was made to create or update a transaction populating Transaction Paid where Invoice Paid was previously specified for the transaction. |
INVALID_TPAY_INV_UPD | Unapply other transactions before changing Transaction or Invoice Number Paid. |
An attempt was made to update the Transaction or Invoice Number Paid when application of payments has previously been made against the transaction. |
INVALID_TPAY_PENDING | Invalid line payment; Applications pending reduce balance to [amount]. |
An attempt was made to create or update a transaction populating Transaction Paid.
Other applications already pending will reduce the balance of the transaction number specified below the current amount. |
INVALID_TPAY_SIGN | Invalid line payment; Balance of transaction paid must have the opposite sign. |
An attempt was made to create or update a transaction populating Transaction Paid where the transaction number specified has a balance with the same sign. |
INVALID_TPAY_ZERO | Invalid line payment; Balance of transaction paid may not be zero. |
An attempt was made to create or update a transaction populating Transaction Paid where the transaction number specified has already been paid in full. |
INVALID_TRAN_DATE_FEED | Transaction Date may not be changed when the feed indicator is equal to F. |
An attempt was made to update the Transaction Date after the record was fed to the finance ledgers. |
INVALID_UNITS | Units must be greater than or equal to 0. |
An attempt was made to create a record with Units less than 0. |
INVALID_UNITS_RATE | Rate and Units must both be populated or both null. |
An attempt was made to create a transaction with Units or Rate without the second value for the pair. |
INVALID_UNITS_RATE_AMOUNT | Calculated Amount exceeds the maximum value allowed. |
The Amount calculated from Units times Rate is too large to be stored in the table. Process multiple transactions that total the same amount. |
INVALID_UNITS_RATE_EQUAL | Units times Rate is not equal to Amount. |
An attempt was made to create a transaction specifying Units, Rate, and Amount, and the Amount is not equal to Units times Rate rounded to 2 decimals. |
MISSING_AMOUNT | Missing mandatory value for amount. |
The Amount may not be null. It must be specified unless calculated from Units times Rate (non-student only) or from a valid Currency Code and Foreign Amount. |
MISSING_BALANCE | Balance may not be changed to null. |
The Balance may not be null. |
MISSING_SRCE_CODE | Missing mandatory value for Source Code. |
The Source Code may not be null. |
PLUS_REFUND_ERR | PLUS Refund code must direct pay a credit from the same term that is disbursed from a valid Parent Loan Application. |
When using the PLUS Refund detail code, transaction number paid is required and must refer to a PLUS Loan disbursement with associated application. |
INVALID_AIDY_CODE | Invalid Aid Year Code. |
An attempt was made to create a record with invalid aid year code. |
INVALID_PERIOD_CODE | Invalid Period Code. |
Invalid Financial Aid Enrollment Period code. |
AID_YEAR_NULL | Aid Year Code must be Null. |
Aid year must be null when Term Code is ARTERM (non-student transactions). |
PERIOD_CODE_NULL | Period Code must be Null. |
Enroll Period must be null when Term Code is ARTERM (non-student transactions). |