
Package tb_receivable_str

Error messages and error message functions for RECEIVABLE.
References to System Transactions refer to the creation of transactions such as Tuition and Fee Assessment, Financial Aid disbursement, Contract and Exemption credits, etc. which are generated based on rules in other tables.
Note that in addition to the messages below, errors may be raised from -
     GB_CURRENCY_RATE regarding currency conversion
     TB_CASHIER_SESSION regarding cashier session
     TB_COMMON regarding address and other common data
     TB_DETAIL_CODE regarding detail codes

Message KeyError Message
INVALID_1098_AUTHYou are not authorized to change 1098-T tax reporting data.
An attempt was made to update the 1098-T Tax reporting data.  These changes are enabled for the Tax Notification process only.
INVALID_BALANCE_AMTThe Balance may not exceed the original Amount.
An attempt was made to update the Balance so that its absolute value exceeds the absolute value of the original Amount.
INVALID_BALANCE_AUTHYou are not authorized to change the balance.
Changes to the balance are enabled for Application of Payment only.
INVALID_BALANCE_SIGNThe sign of the Balance must match the Amount for Charges, and be opposite for Payments.
An attempt was made to update the Balance using a sign that is not appropriate for the Detail Code and Amount.
INVALID_BILL_DUE_CHGBill and Due Date may not be changed once populated.
An attempt was made to update the Bill or Due Date of a transaction which has previously been billed.
INVALID_BILL_DUE_DATEBill and Due Dates must both be populated or both be null.
An attempt was made to create or update a transaction with a Bill or Due Date without the second date of the pair.
INVALID_CCRD_CODEInvalid value for Credit Card Code.
The code must be valid in the Credit Card Type table (TTVCCRD).
INVALID_CPDT_AMOUNTContract Payment Detail may exist only for amount greater than 0.
Contract Payment Detail may not be associated with payment reversals.
INVALID_CPDT_BALANCECalculated contract payment detail balance does not equal transaction balance.
An attempt was made to update the Balance to an amount that does not match the total balance of associated contract payment detail.
INVALID_CPDT_CHG_APPLUnapply transactions before making change to Contract Payment Detail.
An attempt was made to update contract payment detail when payment has been applied to charges.  Unapply the payment transaction before changing the detail indicator.
INVALID_CPDT_CHG_EXISTSContract Payment Detail exists, change not allowed.
An attempt was made to remove contract payment detail indicator when detail does exist.
INVALID_CPDT_CONTRACTContract does not exist for this ID and Term.
An attempt was made to associate contract payment detail when no contract is defined.
INVALID_CPDT_DETC_TYPEContract Payment Detail may not be associated with a charge.
An attempt was made to create or update a charge transaction with Contract Payment Detail Y, which is not allowed.
INVALID_CPDT_INDContract Payment Detail must be Y or null.
An attempt was made to create or update a record with a value for Contract Payment Detail indicator other than null or Y.
INVALID_DUE_DATEDue Date must be greater than or equal to Bill Date.
An attempt was made to create or update a transaction with a Due Date which is before the Bill Date.
INVALID_EFF_DATE_BALEffective Date may not be changed when Amount is not equal to Balance.
An attempt was made to update the effective date after application of payments has occurred.
INVALID_EFF_DATE_BILLEffective Date may not be changed when Bill or Due Date exists.
An attempt was made to update the effective date after the transaction was billed.
INVALID_EFF_DATE_CHGEffective Date of a charge must be current or future.
An attempt was made to create or update a charge transaction with a prior Effective Date, which is enabled only for System Transactions.
INVALID_EFF_DATE_FEEDEffective Date may not be changed when the feed indicator is equal to F.
An attempt was made to update an Effective Date after the transaction was fed to the finance ledgers.
INVALID_EFF_DATE_PAYEffective Date of a payment must be current date.
An attempt was made to create or update a payment transaction with an Effective Date other than today, which is enabled only for System Transactions.
INVALID_INVOICE_NUMBERInvoice Number is not unique to this account.
An attempt was made to create or update a transaction with an Invoice Number which has previously been used for a different entity.
INVALID_INVOICE_NUM_CHGMay not change existing value for Invoice Number.
An attempt was made to update an existing Invoice Number.
INVALID_INVOICE_NUM_PAYInvoice Number allowed on charges only.
An attempt was made to create or update a payment transaction using an Invoice Number.
INVALID_INVPAID_BALANCEInvalid invoice payment; Amount entered exceeds balance of Invoice.
An attempt was made to create a transaction using Invoice Number Paid, when the Amount of the credit exceeds the total outstanding Balance for the Invoice.
INVALID_INVPAID_EXISTInvalid invoice payment; Invoice number paid does not exist.
An attempt was made to create a transaction using Invoice Number Paid for an Invoice that does not exist for this entity.
INVALID_INVPAID_SIGNInvalid invoice payment; Balance of Invoice must have the opposite sign.
An attempt was made to create a transaction using Invoice Number Paid where the balance is not the opposite of the outstanding Balance for the Invoice.
INVALID_INVPAID_ZEROInvalid invoice payment; Balance of Invoice may not be zero.
An attempt was made to create a transaction using Invoice Number Paid where the Invoice has already been paid in full.
INVALID_LATE_DCAT_CODEInvalid value for Late Category Code.
The Late Category Code must be valid in the Category Code Validation table (TTVDCAT).
INVALID_LOC_BOTHLocation Management designator and sequence must both be null or both be populated.
An attempt was made to create a transaction with the Location Management designator or sequence without the second value for the pair.
INVALID_LOC_MDTIf populated, Location Management designator must be M, D, or T.
An attempt was made to create a transaction with the Location Management designator other than (M)onthly, (D)aily, or (T)erm.
INVALID_LOC_MDT_SEQLocation Management sequence must be in range 0 to 11.
An attempt was made to create (M)onthly location management transactions with a sequence outside of the allowed range.
INVALID_LOC_MDT_SEQ_0Location Management sequence must be 0 for term or daily charges.
An attempt was made to create (D)aily or (T)erm location management transactions with a sequence other than 0.
INVALID_ORIG_CHG_CHANGETitle IV withdrawal has occurred; change to Original Charge not authorized.
An attempt was made to create or update the Original Charge indicator after a Title IV withdrawal record has been created for the term, which is enabled selectively. Use form SFAWDRL to change.
INVALID_ORIG_CHG_INDOriginal Charge must be Y or null.
An attempt was made to create or update a record with a value for Original Charge indicator other than null or Y.
INVALID_SRCE_CODEInvalid value for Source Code.
The Source Code must be valid in the Billing Detail Source Code Validation table (TTVSRCE).
INVALID_SRCE_ENTRYSystem maintained Source Code, may not be entered by operator.
An attempt was made to create a transaction with a Source Code that is not data enterable, which is enabled only for System Transactions.
INVALID_TPAY_BALANCEInvalid line payment; Amount entered exceeds balance.
An attempt was made to create or update a transaction populating Transaction Paid where the amount of the credit exceeds the outstanding balance of the charge.
INVALID_TPAY_CPDT_PIDMInvalid line payment; Charge with no cross-reference student may not be applied to Contract Payment Detail.
An attempt was made to create or update a transaction using Transaction Paid where the charge has no cross reference PIDM, but the payment expects to apply to contract payment detail by student.
INVALID_TPAY_CPDT_NOTFOUNDInvalid line payment; Contract Payment Detail does not include the student of the charge.
An attempt was made to create or update a transaction populating Transaction Paid where the student related to a third party charge has no record in the detail associated with a contract payment.
INVALID_TPAY_EXISTInvalid line payment; Transaction number paid does not exist.
An attempt was made to create or update a transaction populating Transaction Paid where the transaction number specified does not exist.
INVALID_TPAY_INVOICEInvoice Number of transaction paid does not match Invoice Number Paid.
An attempt was made to create or update a transaction populating Transaction Paid where Invoice Paid is also specified and the Invoice Number does not match.
INVALID_TPAY_INV_PAIDInvalid line payment; Transaction paid has an associated direct invoice payment.
An attempt was made to create or update a transaction populating Transaction Paid where Invoice Paid was previously specified for the transaction.
INVALID_TPAY_INV_UPDUnapply other transactions before changing Transaction or Invoice Number Paid.
An attempt was made to update the Transaction or Invoice Number Paid when application of payments has previously been made against the transaction.
INVALID_TPAY_PENDINGInvalid line payment; Applications pending reduce balance to [amount].
An attempt was made to create or update a transaction populating Transaction Paid.
Other applications already pending will reduce the balance of the transaction number specified below the current amount.
INVALID_TPAY_SIGNInvalid line payment; Balance of transaction paid must have the opposite sign.
An attempt was made to create or update a transaction populating Transaction Paid where the transaction number specified has a balance with the same sign.
INVALID_TPAY_ZEROInvalid line payment; Balance of transaction paid may not be zero.
An attempt was made to create or update a transaction populating Transaction Paid where the transaction number specified has already been paid in full.
INVALID_TRAN_DATE_FEEDTransaction Date may not be changed when the feed indicator is equal to F.
An attempt was made to update the Transaction Date after the record was fed to the finance ledgers.
INVALID_UNITSUnits must be greater than or equal to 0.
An attempt was made to create a record with Units less than 0.
INVALID_UNITS_RATERate and Units must both be populated or both null.
An attempt was made to create a transaction with Units or Rate without the second value for the pair.
INVALID_UNITS_RATE_AMOUNTCalculated Amount exceeds the maximum value allowed.
The Amount calculated from Units times Rate is too large to be stored in the table.  Process multiple transactions that total the same amount.
INVALID_UNITS_RATE_EQUALUnits times Rate is not equal to Amount.
An attempt was made to create a transaction specifying Units, Rate, and Amount, and the Amount is not equal to Units times Rate rounded to 2 decimals.
MISSING_AMOUNTMissing mandatory value for amount.
The Amount may not be null. It must be specified unless calculated from Units times Rate (non-student only) or from a valid Currency Code and Foreign Amount.
MISSING_BALANCEBalance may not be changed to null.
The Balance may not be null.
MISSING_SRCE_CODEMissing mandatory value for Source Code.
The Source Code may not be null.
PLUS_REFUND_ERRPLUS Refund code must direct pay a credit from the same term that is disbursed from a valid Parent Loan Application.
When using the PLUS Refund detail code, transaction number paid is required and must refer to a PLUS Loan disbursement with associated application.
INVALID_AIDY_CODEInvalid Aid Year Code.
An attempt was made to create a record with invalid aid year code.
Invalid Financial Aid Enrollment Period code.
AID_YEAR_NULLAid Year Code must be Null.
Aid year must be null when Term Code is ARTERM (non-student transactions).
PERIOD_CODE_NULLPeriod Code must be Null.
Enroll Period must be null when Term Code is ARTERM (non-student transactions).

Program units
f_get_error   Returns error message corresponding to p_errorname

error_tab   Error table


error_tab gb_common_strings.errmsg_tab_type;

Error table


Function f_get_error(p_errorname VARCHAR2) return varchar2

Returns error message corresponding to p_errorname

p_errorname   Name associated with error message.