Package tb_misc_detail_rules Support subprograms for MISC_DETAIL.User exit is included to validate the accounting information when ledger numbers are enterable. |
Program units |
p_register_entity | Register the attribute/value pairs to the message cache. |
p_valid_create | Validates data entered, sets defaults, and processes edits and security for insert |
p_valid_update | Validates and edits the data for an update |
Procedure p_register_entity(p_operation_type NUMBER, p_pay_detail_code tbrmisd.tbrmisd_pay_detail_code%TYPE, p_charge_detail_code tbrmisd.tbrmisd_charge_detail_code%TYPE, p_amount tbrmisd.tbrmisd_amount%TYPE, p_desc tbrmisd.tbrmisd_desc%TYPE, p_receipt_number tbrmisd.tbrmisd_receipt_number%TYPE, p_user tbrmisd.tbrmisd_user%TYPE, p_tran_number tbrmisd.tbrmisd_tran_number%TYPE, p_acct_feed_ind tbrmisd.tbrmisd_acct_feed_ind%TYPE, p_charge_coas tbrmisd.tbrmisd_charge_coas%TYPE, p_charge_acci tbrmisd.tbrmisd_charge_acci%TYPE, p_charge_fund tbrmisd.tbrmisd_charge_fund%TYPE, p_charge_orgn tbrmisd.tbrmisd_charge_orgn%TYPE, p_charge_acct tbrmisd.tbrmisd_charge_acct%TYPE, p_charge_prog tbrmisd.tbrmisd_charge_prog%TYPE, p_charge_actv tbrmisd.tbrmisd_charge_actv%TYPE, p_charge_locn tbrmisd.tbrmisd_charge_locn%TYPE, p_pay_coas tbrmisd.tbrmisd_pay_coas%TYPE, p_pay_acci tbrmisd.tbrmisd_pay_acci%TYPE, p_pay_fund tbrmisd.tbrmisd_pay_fund%TYPE, p_pay_orgn tbrmisd.tbrmisd_pay_orgn%TYPE, p_pay_acct tbrmisd.tbrmisd_pay_acct%TYPE, p_pay_prog tbrmisd.tbrmisd_pay_prog%TYPE, p_pay_actv tbrmisd.tbrmisd_pay_actv%TYPE, p_pay_locn tbrmisd.tbrmisd_pay_locn%TYPE, p_session_number tbrmisd.tbrmisd_session_number%TYPE, p_cshr_end_date tbrmisd.tbrmisd_cshr_end_date%TYPE, p_charge_account tbrmisd.tbrmisd_charge_account%TYPE, p_pay_account tbrmisd.tbrmisd_pay_account%TYPE, p_pay_rucl_code tbrmisd.tbrmisd_pay_rucl_code%TYPE, p_charge_rucl_code tbrmisd.tbrmisd_charge_rucl_code%TYPE, p_trans_date tbrmisd.tbrmisd_trans_date%TYPE, p_document_number tbrmisd.tbrmisd_document_number%TYPE, p_dr_cr_ind tbrmisd.tbrmisd_dr_cr_ind%TYPE, p_curr_code tbrmisd.tbrmisd_curr_code%TYPE, p_foreign_amount tbrmisd.tbrmisd_foreign_amount%TYPE, p_feed_date tbrmisd.tbrmisd_feed_date%TYPE, p_feed_doc_code tbrmisd.tbrmisd_feed_doc_code%TYPE, p_pidm tbrmisd.tbrmisd_pidm%TYPE, p_ccrd_code tbrmisd.tbrmisd_ccrd_code%TYPE, p_card_exp_date tbrmisd.tbrmisd_card_exp_date%TYPE, p_payment_id tbrmisd.tbrmisd_payment_id%TYPE, p_card_auth_number tbrmisd.tbrmisd_card_auth_number%TYPE, p_merchant_id tbrmisd.tbrmisd_merchant_id%TYPE, p_data_origin tbrmisd.tbrmisd_data_origin%TYPE, p_create_source tbrmisd.tbrmisd_create_source%TYPE, p_internal_record_id VARCHAR2)
Register the attribute/value pairs to the message cache.
This signature registers the all parameters
Parameters |
p_pay_detail_code |
Payment detail code associated with the debit side of a miscellaneous transaction. VARCHAR2(4) | |
p_charge_detail_code |
Charge detail code associated with the credit side of a miscellaneous transaction. VARCHAR2(4) | |
p_amount |
The amount of the miscellaneous transaction. NUMBER(12,2) | |
p_desc |
Free-Form description associated with the miscellaneous transaction. VARCHAR2(30) | |
p_receipt_number |
Receipt number assigned to the miscellaneous transaction. NUMBER(8) | |
p_user |
User ID of the cashier who created the miscellaneous transaction. VARCHAR2(30) | |
p_tran_number |
One-Up transaction number for each row of detail associated with a miscellaneous transaction receipt number. NUMBER(8) | |
p_acct_feed_ind |
Y - Feed transaction, F - Transaction fed. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_charge_coas |
Banner Finance Chart Of Accounts Code for the credit side of a miscellaneous transaction, valid in FTVCOAS. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_charge_acci |
Banner Finance Index Code for the credit side of a miscellaneous transaction, valid in FTVACCI. VARCHAR2(6) | |
p_charge_fund |
Banner Finance Fund Code for the credit side of a miscellaneous transaction, valid in FTVFUND. VARCHAR2(6) | |
p_charge_orgn |
Banner Finance Organization Code for the credit side of a miscellaneous transaction, valid in FTVORGN. VARCHAR2(6) | |
p_charge_acct |
Banner Finance Account Code for the credit side of a miscellaneous transaction, valid in FTVACCT. VARCHAR2(6) | |
p_charge_prog |
Banner Finance Program Code for the credit side of a miscellaneous transaction, valid in FTVPROG. VARCHAR2(6) | |
p_charge_actv |
Banner Finance Activity Code for the credit side of a miscellaneous transaction, valid in FTVACTV. VARCHAR2(6) | |
p_charge_locn |
Banner Finance Location Code for the credit side of a miscellaneous transaction, valid in FTVLOCN. VARCHAR2(6) | |
p_pay_coas |
Banner Finance Chart Of Accounts Code for the debit side of a miscellaneous transaction, valid in FTVCOAS. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_pay_acci |
Banner Finance Index Code for the debit side of a miscellaneous transaction, valid in FTVACCI. VARCHAR2(6) | |
p_pay_fund |
Banner Finance Fund Code for the debit side of a miscellaneous transaction, valid in FTVFUND. VARCHAR2(6) | |
p_pay_orgn |
Banner Finance Organization Code for the debit side of a miscellaneous transaction, valid in FTVORGN. VARCHAR2(6) | |
p_pay_acct |
Banner Finance Account Code for the debit side of a miscellaneous transaction, valid in FTVACCT. VARCHAR2(6) | |
p_pay_prog |
Banner Finance Program Code for the debit side of a miscellaneous transaction, valid in FTVPROG. VARCHAR2(6) | |
p_pay_actv |
Banner Finance Activity Code for the debit side of a miscellaneous transaction, valid in FTVACTV. VARCHAR2(6) | |
p_pay_locn |
Banner Finance Location Code for the debit side of a miscellaneous transaction, valid in FTVLOCN. VARCHAR2(6) | |
p_session_number |
Cashier session number in which this transaction was posted (0 = current session). NUMBER(5) | |
p_cshr_end_date |
End date and time of the cashiering session for this transaction. DATE | |
p_charge_account |
Free-Form account number for the credit side of a miscellaneous transaction; used when Banner Finance is not installed. VARCHAR2(60) | |
p_pay_account |
Free-Form account number for the debit side of a miscellaneous transaction; used when Banner Finance is not installed. VARCHAR2(60) | |
p_pay_rucl_code |
Rule class code for the debit side of a miscellaneous transaction; used when the transaction is fed to the finance system, valid in FTVRUCL with class type J. VARCHAR2(4) | |
p_charge_rucl_code |
Rule class code for the credit side of a miscellaneous transaction; used when the transaction is fed to the finance system, valid in FTVRUCL with class type J. VARCHAR2(4) | |
p_trans_date |
Transaction date used by the finance system to control posting to the ledgers. DATE | |
p_document_number |
Document number that references a source document for the miscellaneous transaction. VARCHAR2(8) | |
p_dr_cr_ind |
The Debit Credit Indicator identifies this transaction as a debit (D) or credit (C) to the finance ledger. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_curr_code |
Foreign currency code used when creating the payment side of a miscellaneous transaction. VARCHAR2(4) | |
p_foreign_amount |
The amount of the transaction stated in foreign currency. NUMBER(12,2) | |
p_feed_date |
Date this transaction was fed to the finance system. DATE | |
p_feed_doc_code |
Document code used to feed this transaction to the finance system. VARCHAR2(8) | |
p_pidm |
Optional internal identification number, allows association of miscellaneous transactions with an existing entity, valid in SPRIDEN. NUMBER(8) | |
p_ccrd_code |
Code identifying Credit Card Type used in authorizations via gateway, valid in GTVCCRD. VARCHAR2(10) | |
p_card_exp_date |
Credit card expiration date supplied at time of credit card payment. DATE | |
p_payment_id |
Free-Form information identifying a payment; often used to record check or credit card number. VARCHAR2(20) | |
p_card_auth_number |
Credit Card Authorization Number received when transaction was processed. VARCHAR2(12) | |
p_merchant_id |
Merchant ID associated with the Process Name Code, Credit Card Type Code, and System Code. The Merchant ID is included in the credit card payment request transmitted to the vendor handling credit card payments. VARCHAR2(20) | |
p_data_origin |
Source system that last created or updated the data. VARCHAR2(30) | |
p_create_source |
Source system that initially created the record. VARCHAR2(30) | |
p_internal_record_id |
Database rowid. VARCHAR2(18) |
Procedure p_valid_create(lv_tbrmisd_row_inout IN OUT tbrmisd%ROWTYPE)
Validates data entered, sets defaults, and processes edits and security for insert
Parameters |
lv_tbrmisd_rec_inout |
TBRMISD record with parameter values entered, returned with additional data. |
Procedure p_valid_update(lv_validation_rec_inout IN OUT tb_misc_detail.misc_detail_rec, lv_existing_rec tb_misc_detail.misc_detail_rec)
Validates and edits the data for an update
Parameters |
lv_validation_rec_inout |
Proposed TBRMISD record with update values. | |
lv_existing_rec |
Current TBRMISD record before updates. |