
Package tb_detail_code_str

Error messages and error message functions for DETAIL_CODE.

These errors related to the use of Detail Codes may be raised from -

Message KeyError Message
INACTIVE_DETAIL_CODEDetail Code%01% is inactive.
The Status of the Detail Code is not active, and it may only be used in rules-based, system-generated transactions.
INVALID_DELETE_REMOVEPlease remove Detail Code %01% from table(s) %02% prior to delete.
The Detail Code exists in other tables which may result in the creation of transactions, and must be removed from those tables before delete.
INVALID_DELETE_USEDDetail Code %01% has been used in table(s) %02% and may not be deleted.
The Detail Code exists in transaction tables, and may not be deleted until the transactions are purged.
INVALID_DETAIL_CODEInvalid value%01% for Detail Code.
The Detail Code does not exist in the Detail Charge/Payment Code Definition table (TBBDETC).
INVALID_DETAIL_CODE_GRANTDetail Code %01% is reserved for grant processing.
The Detail Code is reserved for the processing of Grant transactions.
INVALID_DETAIL_CODE_CHGDetail code must be of type C (Charge).
An attempt was made to create a transaction using a Payment type detail code when a Charge detail code is required.
INVALID_DETAIL_CODE_PAYDetail code must be of type P (Payment).
An attempt was made to create a transaction using a Charge type detail code when a Payment detail code is required.
INVALID_DETAIL_DEPO_PAYDeposit Payment Detail Code must be of type P (Payment).
An attempt was made to create a deposit using a Charge type detail code for the Deposit Payment Detail Code when a Payment detail code is required.
MISSING_ACCOUNTING_ASOFDetail Code%01% has no accounting information with term based designator null or%02% as of%03%.
An attempt was made to create a transaction using a detail code that has no accounting information as of the transaction date for the appropriate term based designator.
MISSING_ACCOUNTING_REQAccounting information is required for Detail Code%01%.
An attempt was made to create a Miscellaneous Transaction using a detail code with General Ledger Numbers enterable without providing the accounting information.  This error will not be raised if there is default accounting information for the Detail Code.
MISSING_DETAIL_CODEMissing mandatory value for Detail Code.
The Detail Code may not be null.

Program units
f_get_error   Returns error message corresponding to p_errorname.

error_tab   Error table


error_tab gb_common.errmsg_tab_type;

Error table


Function f_get_error(p_errorname VARCHAR2) return varchar2

Returns error message corresponding to p_errorname.

p_errorname   Name associated with error message.