
Package tb_deposit_str

Error messages and error message functions for DEPOSIT.
References to System Transactions refer to the creation of transactions such as Tuition and Fee Assessment, Financial Aid disbursement, Contract and Exemption credits, etc. which are generated based on rules in other tables.
Note that in addition to the messages below, errors may be raised from -
      GB_CURRENCY_RATE regarding currency conversion
      TB_CASHIER_SESSION regarding cashier session
      TB_COMMON regarding address and other common data
      TB_DETAIL_CODE regarding detail codes
      TB_DEPO_CONTROL regarding deposit detail control information

Message KeyError Message
INVALID_AMOUNT_MINDeposit amount must be greater than or equal to the minimum amount.
An attempt was made to create a new deposit or change the Minimum of an existing deposit with an Amount that is not greater than or equal to the Minimum.
INVALID_AUTO_RELEASE_INDInvalid value for Auto Release indicator, must be Y or N for student transaction and N for non-student transaction.
An attempt was made to create or update a deposit with an Auto Release indicator other than N for a non-student transaction and other than Y or N for a student transaction.
INVALID_DETAIL_CODE_DEPOSITInvalid value for Deposit Detail Code.
An attempt was made to create a deposit with a Deposit Detail Code that is not in the Detail Charge/Payment Code Definition table (TBBDETC) or the Deposit Detail Definition table (TBBDEPC).
INVALID_DETAIL_CODE_PAYMENTInvalid value for Detail Code Payment.
An attempt was made to create a deposit with a Payment Code that is not in the Detail Charge/Payment Code Definition table (TBBDETC).
INVALID_EFF_DATE_CHNGEffective Date may not be changed when the feed indicator is equal to F.
An attempt was made to update an Effective Date after the transaction was fed to the finance ledgers.
INVALID_EFF_SYSDATEThe Effective Date must be greater than or equal to today's date.
An attempt was made to create or update a deposit with an Effective Date prior to today's date.
INVALID_EXP_REL_DATEExpiration Date must be greater than or equal to Release Date.
An attempt was made to create or update a deposit with an Expiration Date prior to the Release Date.
INVALID_EXP_SYSDATEExpiration Date must be greater than or equal to today's date.
An attempt was made to create or update a deposit with an Expiration Date prior to today's date.
INVALID_REL_SYSDATERelease Date must be greater than or equal to today's date.
An attempt was made to create or update a deposit with a Release Date prior to today's date.
INVALID_RELEASE_MODEInvalid value for p_release_mode parameter, must be A or M.
An attempt was made to release a deposit with a mode other than A (Automatic) or M (Manual).
MISSING_AMOUNTMissing mandatory value for deposit Amount.
The Amount may not be null. It must be specified unless calculated from a valid Currency Code and Foreign Amount.
MISSING_AUTO_RELEASE_INDMissing mandatory value for Auto Release indicator.
Mandatory value for Auto Release indicator is missing.
MISSING_DESCMissing mandatory value for Detail Code Deposit Description.
Mandatory value for Detail Code Deposit Description is missing.
MISSING_DETAIL_CODE_DEPOSITMissing mandatory value for Deposit Detail Code.
Mandatory value for Deposit Detail Code is missing.
MISSING_DETAIL_CODE_PAYMENTMissing mandatory value for Detail Code Payment.
Mandatory value for Payment Detail Code is missing.
RELEASE_AMOUNT_ERRDeposit amount to be released must be less than or equal to balance.
An attempt was made to release a deposit specifying an amount which is greater than the remaining Balance of the deposit.
RELEASE_DATE_ERRDeposit amount may not be released until release date.
An attempt was made to release a deposit prior to the Release Date.
RELEASE_MIN_AMOUNT_ERRDeposit balance may not fall below minimum until expiration date.
An attempt was made to release a deposit specifying an amount that makes the deposit Balance fall below the Minimum before the Expiration Date.
XNOR_MINAMT_EXPDATEMinimum Amount and Expiration Date must both be populated or both be null.
An attempt was made to create or update a deposit with the Minimum Amount or the Expiration Date without the second value for the pair.

Program units
f_get_error   Returns error message corresponding to p_errorname

error_tab   Error table


error_tab gb_common_strings.errmsg_tab_type;

Error table


Function f_get_error(p_errorname VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2

Returns error message corresponding to p_errorname

p_errorname   Name associated with error message.