
Package tb_contract_payment_str

Error messages and error message functions CONTRACT_PAYMENT.
Note that in addition to the messages below, errors may be raised from -
     TB_COMMON regarding common data
     TB_DETAIL_CODE regarding detail codes

Message NameError Message
APPLICATION_PENDINGUnable to process request due to outstanding charge(s) for student. Please run application of payments.
An attempt was made to process excess payment when there are charges with outstanding balance for the student.
INVALID_AMOUNTAmount must be greater than zero.
Contract Payment Detail is not allowed for payment reversals.
INVALID_AMOUNT_APPLIEDAmount may not be changed after payment has been applied to charges.
An attempt was made to update the Amount after payment has been applied to charges.  Unapply transaction to continue.
INVALID_AMOUNT_BALANCEBalance must equal Amount with opposite sign.
When creating or updating payment detail amount, the value of the balance must equal the value of the amount.
INVALID_BALANCEBalance must be less than or equal to zero.
An attempt was made to create or update Balance greater than zero.
INVALID_BALANCE_AUTHYou are not authorized to change the balance.
Changes to the Balance are allowed only by Application (Unapplication) of Payments processing.
INVALID_CONTRACT_PAYMENTContract Payment Detail is not selected for this transaction on the Contract account.
An attempt was made to create detail associated with a transaction is not identified as having Contract Payment Detail.
INVALID_CONT_NUM_APPLIEDPlease unapply transactions before changing the Contract Number.
An attempt was made to change the Contract Number to be more restrictive after payment has been applied to charges.  Unapply transaction to continue.
INVALID_CONT_PIDMInvalid value for Contract PIDM.
The value for the Contract Internal Identification Number must be valid in SPRIDEN.
INVALID_DETAIL_CODE_PAYMENTDetail code used to Credit Excess to Student must have Type Payment (P).
An attempt was made to credit excess to student using a detail code that is not a Payment.
INVALID_DETAIL_CODE_REFUNDDetail code used to Refund Excess to Contract must have Type Charge (C) and Refund Indicator M (manual) or Y (generate).
An attempt was made to refund excess to contract using a detail code that is not a Refund Charge.
INVALID_FINAL_INDFinal Payment indicator must be Y or N.
Valid values for the final payment indicator are Y and N.
INVALID_OVERPAYMENT_AMOUNTAmount may not exceed payment balance.
An attempt was made to use more than the current credit balance to process excess as contract refund or student credit.
INVALID_OVERPAY_UNASSIGNEDRefund amount for an unassigned student payment must equal payment amount.
An attempt was made to refund excess of an unassigned transaction for less than the full amount.
INVALID_OVERPAY_STUDENTCannot process credit as no Student is assigned to this payment.
An attempt was made to process excess as credit to student on an unassigned transaction.
INVALID_OVERPAY_TPAYDetail transaction number paid indicates the refund has been created.
An attempt was made to refund an unassigned transaction that has already been associated with a charge on the Contract account.
INVALID_REFUND_INDCredit Student (Refund indicator) must be Y or N.
Valid values for the student refund indicator are Y and N.
INVALID_STU_PIDMInvalid value for Student PIDM.
The value for the Student Internal Identification Number must be valid in SPRIDEN.
INVALID_STU_PIDM_CHANGEStudent assigned to contract payment detail may not be changed.
Student identified on the payment detail may not be changed.
INVALID_STU_PIDM_CONTRACTStudent is not assigned to the contract and term specified.
An attempt was made to create contract payment detail for a student not associated with the contract for the term and contract number.
INVALID_TERM_CHANGETerm Code may not be changed.
An attempt was made to change the Term Code.
INVALID_TERM_CODETerm Code does not match the term code of the contract payment.
The term code of contract payment detail must match the term code of the associated payment on the Contract account.
INVALID_TPAY_PIDMStudent of the charge for transaction number paid does match student of the payment.
An attempt was made to apply a payment to a charge due from a different student.
INVALID_TPAY_UNASSIGNEDUnassigned transaction has direct pay association with a charge and may not be changed.
An attempt was made to update an unassigned transaction that has paid a Contract charge (refund).
MISSING_AMOUNTMissing mandatory value for Amount.
The Amount may not be null.
MISSING_BALANCEMissing mandatory value for Balance.
The Balance may not be null.
MISSING_CONTRACT_PAYMENTNo record found on the Contract account for the transaction number given.
An attempt was made to associate Contract Payment Detail with a Payment that does not exist.
MISSING_CONT_PIDMMissing mandatory value for Contract PIDM.
The Contract PIDM may not be null.
MISSING_CONT_TRAN_NUMBERMissing mandatory value for Contract Transaction Number.
The Contract Transaction Number may not be null.
MISSING_FINAL_INDMissing mandatory value for Final Payment Indicator.
The Final Payment Indicator may not be null.
MISSING_REFUND_INDMissing mandatory value for Refund to Student Indicator.
The Refund to Student Indicator may not be null.
MISSING_STUDENT_OR_NAMEEither Student PIDM or Name is required.
The Student PIDM and Name Provided may not both be null.
MISSING_USER_IDMissing mandatory value for User ID.
The User ID may not be null.
P_DELETE_APPLIEDCannot delete because payment has been applied to charges.
An attempt was made to delete a payment after it was applied to charges. Unapply transaction to continue.

Program units
f_get_error   Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

error_tab   Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


error_tab gb_common_strings.errmsg_tab_type;

Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


Function f_get_error(p_errorname VARCHAR2)
  RETURN gb_common_strings.err_type

Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

p_errorname   Name associated with the error message.