
Package tb_contract_auth_str

This package contains the error messages and error message functions for TB_CONTRACT_AUTH.

Message NameError Message
INVALID_AUTH_IND1Invalid value for Authorization indicator, must be Y when student authorization is not required for contracts.
Authorization indicator can only be Y when student authorization is set to not required in TSACTRL.
INVALID_AUTH_IND2Invalid value for Authorization indicator, must be Y,N or NULL.
Valid values for Authorization indicator are Y,N or NULL.
INVALID_AUTH_NUMBER1Cannot enter Authorization number when student authorization is not required for contracts.
An attempt was made to enter Authorization number when student authorization is not required for contracts.
INVALID_AUTH_NUMBER2Cannot enter Authorization number when student is not authorized.
An attempt was made to enter Authorization number when student is not authorized.
INVALID_CONTRACTContract not defined for the given third party Contract, Contract number and Term.
A third party Contract does not exist with the given Contract ID, Contract number and Term.
INVALID_CONTRACT_PIDM1Invalid value for contract PIDM.
The value for the Contract Internal Identification Number must be valid in SPRIDEN.
INVALID_CREDITCannot change; Credits have been posted. Use Delete indicator to reverse credits.
Cannot change; Credits have been posted. Use Delete indicator to reverse credits.
INVALID_DELETE_ACCDCannot delete; Credits have been posted for the student for this contract.
Cannot delete; Credits have been posted for the student for this contract.
INVALID_DELETE_CPDTCannot delete. Payement detail exists for this student.
Cannot delete. Payement detail exists for this student.
INVALID_DELETE_CSTTCannot delete. Student text exists for this student.
Cannot delete. Student text exists for this student.
INVALID_DELETE_MEMOCannot delete. Memo exists for this student.
Cannot delete. Memo exists for this student.
INVALID_DEL_INDInvalid value for Delete indicator, must be D or NULL.
Valid alue for Delete indicator are D or NULL.
INVALID_ROLL_CONTRACTStudent cannot be rolled if Roll Contract is not selected.
An attempt was made to set Student Roll to Y, when the Base Contract Roll is set to N.
INVALID_ROLL_STUDENTStudent cannot be rolled if Roll Students is not selected for the contract.
An attempt was made to set Student Roll to Y, when the Base Contract Student Roll is set to N.
INVALID_STUDENT_CONT_ROLL_INDInvalid value for student contract roll indicator, must be Y or N.
Valid values for student contract roll indicator are Y or N.
INVALID_STUDENT_PIDMStudent ID identifies a non-person; must enter a person ID.
Student ID identifies a non-person; must enter a person ID.
An attempt was made to Authorize Contract payment for a student who is deceased.
INVALID_STU_PIDMInvalid value for Student PIDM.
The value for the Student Internal Identification Number must be valid in SPRIDEN.
INVALID_TERM_CODEInvalid value for Term code.
Term code must exist in STVTERM.
INVALID_TERM_CODE_EXPIRATION1Invalid value for expiration term code.
Term code must exist in STVTERM.
INVALID_TERM_CODE_EXPIRATION2Expiration Term Code should be equal or greater than Term Code.
Expiration Term Code should be equal or greater than Term Code.
INVALID_TERM_CODE_EXPIRATION3Expiration Term Code should be equal or less than the contracts Expiration Term Code.
Expiration Term Code should be equal or less than the contracts Expiration Term Code.
MISSING_CONTRACT_NUMBERMissing mandatory value for Contract number.
Missing mandatory value for Contract number.
MISSING_CONTRACT_PIDMMissing mandatory value for Contract PIDM.
Missing mandatory value for Contract PIDM.
MISSING_CONTRACT_PRIORITYMissing mandatory value for Contract priority.
Missing mandatory value for Contract priority.
MISSING_STUDENT_CONT_ROLL_INDMissing mandatory value for Student Contract roll indicator.
Missing mandatory value for Student Contract roll indicator.
MISSING_STU_PIDMMissing mandatory value for Student PIDM.
Missing mandatory value for Student PIDM.
MISSING_TERM_CODEMissing mandatory value for Term Code.
Missing mandatory value for Term Code.
PK_NOT_FOUNDCannot find record using primary or unique key for the tb_contract_auth API.
Cannot find record using primary or unique key for the tb_contract_auth API.
P_DELETE_FAILEDCannot delete, record does not exist.
Cannot delete, record does not exist.
RECORD_EXISTSCannot create, record already exists.
Cannot create, record already exists.

Program units
f_get_error   Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

error_tab   Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


error_tab gb_common_strings.errmsg_tab_type;

Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.


Function f_get_error(p_errorname VARCHAR2)
  RETURN gb_common_strings.err_type

Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.

p_errorname   Name associated with the error message.