Message Name | Error Message |
INVALID_AUTH_IND1 | Invalid value for Authorization indicator, must be Y when student authorization is not required for contracts. |
Authorization indicator can only be Y when student authorization is set to not required in TSACTRL. |
INVALID_AUTH_IND2 | Invalid value for Authorization indicator, must be Y,N or NULL. |
Valid values for Authorization indicator are Y,N or NULL. |
INVALID_AUTH_NUMBER1 | Cannot enter Authorization number when student authorization is not required for contracts. |
An attempt was made to enter Authorization number when student authorization is not required for contracts. |
INVALID_AUTH_NUMBER2 | Cannot enter Authorization number when student is not authorized. |
An attempt was made to enter Authorization number when student is not authorized. |
INVALID_CONTRACT | Contract not defined for the given third party Contract, Contract number and Term. |
A third party Contract does not exist with the given Contract ID, Contract number and Term. |
INVALID_CONTRACT_PIDM1 | Invalid value for contract PIDM. |
The value for the Contract Internal Identification Number must be valid in SPRIDEN. |
INVALID_CREDIT | Cannot change; Credits have been posted. Use Delete indicator to reverse credits. |
Cannot change; Credits have been posted. Use Delete indicator to reverse credits. |
INVALID_DELETE_ACCD | Cannot delete; Credits have been posted for the student for this contract. |
Cannot delete; Credits have been posted for the student for this contract. |
INVALID_DELETE_CPDT | Cannot delete. Payement detail exists for this student. |
Cannot delete. Payement detail exists for this student. |
INVALID_DELETE_CSTT | Cannot delete. Student text exists for this student. |
Cannot delete. Student text exists for this student. |
INVALID_DELETE_MEMO | Cannot delete. Memo exists for this student. |
Cannot delete. Memo exists for this student. |
INVALID_DEL_IND | Invalid value for Delete indicator, must be D or NULL. |
Valid alue for Delete indicator are D or NULL. |
INVALID_ROLL_CONTRACT | Student cannot be rolled if Roll Contract is not selected. |
An attempt was made to set Student Roll to Y, when the Base Contract Roll is set to N. |
INVALID_ROLL_STUDENT | Student cannot be rolled if Roll Students is not selected for the contract. |
An attempt was made to set Student Roll to Y, when the Base Contract Student Roll is set to N. |
INVALID_STUDENT_CONT_ROLL_IND | Invalid value for student contract roll indicator, must be Y or N. |
Valid values for student contract roll indicator are Y or N. |
INVALID_STUDENT_PIDM | Student ID identifies a non-person; must enter a person ID. |
Student ID identifies a non-person; must enter a person ID. |
INVALID_STUDENT_PIDM_DCSD | Person is deceased. |
An attempt was made to Authorize Contract payment for a student who is deceased. |
INVALID_STU_PIDM | Invalid value for Student PIDM. |
The value for the Student Internal Identification Number must be valid in SPRIDEN. |
INVALID_TERM_CODE | Invalid value for Term code. |
Term code must exist in STVTERM. |
INVALID_TERM_CODE_EXPIRATION1 | Invalid value for expiration term code. |
Term code must exist in STVTERM. |
INVALID_TERM_CODE_EXPIRATION2 | Expiration Term Code should be equal or greater than Term Code. |
Expiration Term Code should be equal or greater than Term Code. |
INVALID_TERM_CODE_EXPIRATION3 | Expiration Term Code should be equal or less than the contracts Expiration Term Code. |
Expiration Term Code should be equal or less than the contracts Expiration Term Code. |
MISSING_CONTRACT_NUMBER | Missing mandatory value for Contract number. |
Missing mandatory value for Contract number. |
MISSING_CONTRACT_PIDM | Missing mandatory value for Contract PIDM. |
Missing mandatory value for Contract PIDM. |
MISSING_CONTRACT_PRIORITY | Missing mandatory value for Contract priority. |
Missing mandatory value for Contract priority. |
MISSING_STUDENT_CONT_ROLL_IND | Missing mandatory value for Student Contract roll indicator. |
Missing mandatory value for Student Contract roll indicator. |
MISSING_STU_PIDM | Missing mandatory value for Student PIDM. |
Missing mandatory value for Student PIDM. |
MISSING_TERM_CODE | Missing mandatory value for Term Code. |
Missing mandatory value for Term Code. |
PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find record using primary or unique key for the tb_contract_auth API. |
Cannot find record using primary or unique key for the tb_contract_auth API. |
P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete, record does not exist. |
Cannot delete, record does not exist. |
RECORD_EXISTS | Cannot create, record already exists. |
Cannot create, record already exists. |