
Package tb_common

Utility functions and procedures for Banner Accounts Receivable APIs.

Program units
f_api_version   Returns the API version number.
f_update_sobseqn_receipt   Returns next available receipt number.
p_addr_edit   Edits the  address for Accounts Receivable.
p_return_check_fee   Assesses (or reverses) an additional charge if there is a rule for the detail code in the Returned Check Code Definition table (TBBRETC).
p_find_student   Returns spriden identification record for given ID or SSN.

tbbretc_c   Cursor for Return Check Fee table


cursor tbbretc_c(
   p_detail_code  tbbretc.tbbretc_detail_code%TYPE)

Cursor for Return Check Fee table


Function f_api_version RETURN PLS_INTEGER

Returns the API version number.

Version of the API signature. Changes only when the signature changes.


Function f_update_sobseqn_receipt RETURN NUMBER

Returns next available receipt number. Updates SOBSEQN table to next available number for function RECEIPT.

The next receipt number.


Procedure p_addr_edit(p_pidm             tbrdepo.tbrdepo_pidm%TYPE,
                      p_term_code        tbrdepo.tbrdepo_term_code%TYPE,
                      p_check_default    VARCHAR2,
                      p_atyp_code_inout  IN OUT tbrdepo.tbrdepo_atyp_code%TYPE,
                      p_atyp_seqno_inout IN OUT tbrdepo.tbrdepo_atyp_seqno%TYPE,
                      error_msg_out      OUT VARCHAR2)

Edits the  address for Accounts Receivable.
For non-student transactions, ensures that valid address type and sequence number are used. Will default from the customer profile if both code and sequence are null and address is available.

For student transactions, address type and sequence may not be populated.

p_pidm   Internal Identification Number of the person or non-person account, valid in SPRIDEN. NUMBER(8) Required
p_term_code   Term associated with the transaction. For student transactions valid in STVTERM, or ARTERM for non-student transactions. VARCHAR2(6) Required
p_check_default   Y to obtain address from customer profile if available and both code and sequence parameters are null, or N to bypass.  Required
p_atyp_code_inout   In combination with ATYP_SEQNO, the address associated with a transaction. Valid in STVATYP. VARCHAR2(2)
p_atyp_seqno_inout   In combination with ATYP_CODE, the address associated with a transaction. Combination valid and active in SPRADDR. NUMBER(2)
error_msg_out   Error message if any encountered, or null.


Procedure p_return_check_fee(p_pidm           tbraccd.tbraccd_pidm%TYPE,
                             p_term_code      tbraccd.tbraccd_term_code%TYPE,
                             p_detail_code    tbraccd.tbraccd_detail_code%TYPE,
                             p_entry_date     tbraccd.tbraccd_entry_date%TYPE DEFAULT SYSDATE,
                             p_amount         tbraccd.tbraccd_amount%TYPE,
                             p_trans_date     tbraccd.tbraccd_trans_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                             p_effective_date tbraccd.tbraccd_effective_date%TYPE,
                             p_receipt_number tbraccd.tbraccd_receipt_number%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                             p_atyp_code      tbraccd.tbraccd_atyp_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                             p_atyp_seqno     tbraccd.tbraccd_atyp_seqno%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                             p_user           tbraccd.tbraccd_user%TYPE,
                             p_session_number tbraccd.tbraccd_session_number%TYPE,
                             p_cshr_end_date  tbraccd.tbraccd_cshr_end_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)

Assesses (or reverses) an additional charge if there is a rule for the detail code in the Returned Check Code Definition table (TBBRETC).
Called by the receivable API when creating charge transactions.

p_pidm   Internal Identification Number of the person or non-person account, valid in SPRIDEN. NUMBER(8) Required
p_term_code   Term associated with the transaction. For student transactions valid in STVTERM, or ARTERM for non-student transactions. VARCHAR2(6) Required
p_detail_code   Detail code associated with the transaction, valid in TBBDETC. VARCHAR2(4) Required
p_entry_date   Entry date and time of the transaction, when initially created. DATE default sysdate
p_amount   Amount of the transaction. NUMBER(12,2) Required
p_trans_date   Transaction date used by the finance system to control posting to the ledgers. DATE
p_effective_date   Effective date of the transaction used to calculate amount due, determine placement on the bill, and control feed to the finance system based on Accounts Receivable System Control setting. DATE Required
p_receipt_number   Receipt number associated with the transaction, if generated when the transaction was created. NUMBER(8)
p_atyp_code   In combination with ATYP_SEQNO, the address where the bill for this transaction will be sent. Required for non-student transactions; not allowed for student transactions. Valid in STVATYP. VARCHAR2(2)
p_atyp_seqno   In combination with ATYP_CODE, the address where the bill for this transaction will be sent. Required for non-student transactions; not allowed for student transactions. Combination valid and active in SPRADDR. NUMBER(2)
p_user   User ID of the cashier who created the transaction. VARCHAR2(30) Required
p_session_number   Cashier session number in which this transaction was posted (0 = current session). NUMBER(5) Required
p_cshr_end_date   End date and time of the cashiering session for this transaction. DATE


Procedure p_find_student(p_id               IN spriden.spriden_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                         p_ssn              IN spbpers.spbpers_ssn%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                         p_ident_source_out OUT VARCHAR2,
                         p_ident_rec_out    OUT spriden%ROWTYPE,
                         p_msg_out          OUT gb_common_strings.err_type)

Returns spriden identification record for given ID or SSN.
Identification number is checked against both current and prior (alternative) values.

p_id   Identification number to validate and retrieve identification record. VARCHAR2(9)
p_ssn   Social Security Number to validate and retrieve identification record. VARCHAR2(15)
p_ident_source_out   Returns source of identification record returned. VARCHAR2(1).
I   Found student using Identification number.
S   Found student using Social Security Number.

p_ident_rec_out   Identification record returned given input parameter ID or SSN.
p_msg_out   Error message if any encountered, or null.