
Package tb_cashier_session_rules

Support subprograms for CASHIER_SESSION (tb_cashier_session).

Program units
f_current_or_closed   Validates that either the current session or a valid closed session is being used.
p_register_entity   Register the attribute value pairs to the message cache for delete operations.
p_register_entity   Register the attribute/value pairs to the message cache for create and update operations.
p_validate   Validates all the data in the record.


Function f_current_or_closed(p_user                    tbbcshr.tbbcshr_user%TYPE,
                             p_session_number          tbbcshr.tbbcshr_session_number%TYPE,
                             p_end_date                tbbcshr.tbbcshr_end_date%TYPE,
                             p_existing_session_number tbbcshr.tbbcshr_session_number%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                             p_existing_end_date       tbbcshr.tbbcshr_end_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)

Validates that either the current session or a valid closed session is being used.

p_user   User ID that is identified as a cashier. VARCHAR2(30) Required
p_session_number   Session number to be used. NUMBER(5) Required
p_end_date   End date to be used. DATE Required
p_existing_session_number   Session number currently on record. NUMBER(5)
p_existing_end_date   End date currently on record. DATE

Error message if not valid, otherwise null.


Procedure p_register_entity(p_operation_type     NUMBER,
                            p_internal_record_id gb_common.internal_record_id_type)

Register the attribute value pairs to the message cache for delete operations.
This signature uses the ROWID only, for the delete operations.

p_operation_type   Type of DML operation: create,update,delete. NUMBER Required
p_internal_record_id   Database ROWID VARCHAR2(18) required


Procedure p_register_entity(p_operation_type      NUMBER,
                            p_user                tbbcshr.tbbcshr_user%TYPE,
                            p_session_number      tbbcshr.tbbcshr_session_number%TYPE,
                            p_start_date          tbbcshr.tbbcshr_start_date%TYPE,
                            p_end_date            tbbcshr.tbbcshr_end_date%TYPE,
                            p_session_ind         tbbcshr.tbbcshr_session_ind%TYPE,
                            p_bank_deposit_number tbbcshr.tbbcshr_bank_deposit_number%TYPE,
                            p_bank_code           tbbcshr.tbbcshr_bank_code%TYPE,
                            p_data_origin         tbbcshr.tbbcshr_data_origin%TYPE,
                            p_internal_record_id  gb_common.internal_record_id_type)

Register the attribute/value pairs to the message cache for create and update operations.
This signature registers the all parameters.

p_operation_type   Type of DML operation: create,update,delete. NUMBER Required
p_user   Userid that is identified as a cashier. VARCHAR2(30) Required Key
p_session_number   Session number associated with the cashier. NUMBER(5) Required Key
p_start_date   Start date of the cashier"s session.  This date is determined by the entry date of the first transaction in the session. DATE
p_end_date   End date of the cashier"s session.  This date is determined by the entry date of the last transaction in the session. DATE
p_session_ind   blank - Open, C - Closed, F - Final, R - Reported. VARCHAR2(1) Required
p_bank_deposit_number   A unique code used by a bank to identify a deposit. VARCHAR2(8)
p_bank_code   Bank code related to the bank deposit number. VARCHAR2(2)
p_data_origin   Source system that last created or updated the data. VARCHAR2(30)
p_internal_record_id   Database ROWID VARCHAR2(18) required


Procedure p_validate(p_user                tbbcshr.tbbcshr_user%TYPE,
                     p_session_number      tbbcshr.tbbcshr_session_number%TYPE,
                     p_start_date          tbbcshr.tbbcshr_start_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_end_date            tbbcshr.tbbcshr_end_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_session_ind         tbbcshr.tbbcshr_session_ind%TYPE,
                     p_bank_deposit_number tbbcshr.tbbcshr_bank_deposit_number%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_bank_code           tbbcshr.tbbcshr_bank_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_data_origin         tbbcshr.tbbcshr_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)

Validates all the data in the record.

p_user   Userid that is identified as a cashier. VARCHAR2(30) Required Key
p_session_number   Session number associated with the cashier. NUMBER(5) Required Key
p_start_date   Start date of the cashier"s session.  This date is determined by the entry date of the first transaction in the session. DATE
p_end_date   End date of the cashier"s session.  This date is determined by the entry date of the last transaction in the session. DATE
p_session_ind   blank - Open, C - Closed, F - Final, R - Reported. VARCHAR2(1) Required
p_bank_deposit_number   A unique code used by a bank to identify a deposit. VARCHAR2(8)
p_bank_code   Bank code related to the bank deposit number. VARCHAR2(2)
p_data_origin   Source system that last created or updated the data. VARCHAR2(30)