Message Name | Error Message |
INVALID_ASK_AMOUNT | Ask Amount is not valid. It must be between 0 and 99999999999.99 |
The Ask Amount must be between 0 and 99999999999.99. |
INVALID_ASK_AMOUNT_CHG_IND | Ask Amount Change Indicator is not valid. |
Ask Amount Change Indicator must be a Y or N. |
INVALID_COMMENT_CHG_IND | Comment Change Indicator is not valid. |
Comment Change Indicator must be a Y or N. |
INVALID_DUE_DATE | Proposal Due Date is not valid. |
The Proposal Due Date is not a valid date. |
INVALID_DUE_DATE_CHG_IND | Proposal Due Date Change Indicator is not valid. |
Proposal Due Date Change Indicator must be a Y or N. |
INVALID_FINANCE_CODE | Finance Code is not valid. |
Finance Code is not valid. |
INVALID_FINANCE_CODE_CHG_IND | Finance Code Change Indicator is not valid. |
Finance Code Change Indicator must be a Y or N. |
INVALID_PIDM | Internal ID is not valid. |
The Internal ID does not exist in the database. |
INVALID_PROPOSAL | Proposal Code is not valid for the Internal ID. |
The Internal ID does not have this Proposal Code on any records. |
INVALID_PROP_CODE | Proposal Code is not valid. |
The Proposal Code does not exist in the database. |
INVALID_PRST_CODE | Proposal Status Code is not valid. |
The Proposal Status Code does not exist in the database. |
INVALID_PRST_CODE_CHG_IND | Proposal Status Code Change Indicator is not valid. |
Proposal Status Code Change Indicator must be Y or N. |
INVALID_PRST_DATE | Proposal Status Date is not valid. |
The Proposal Status Date is not a valid date. |
INVALID_PRST_DATE_CHG_IND | Proposal Status Date Change Indicator is not valid. |
Proposal Status Date Change Indicator must be Y or N. |
INVALID_SEQ_NO | Proposal History Sequence Number is not valid. It must be between 0 and 999 |
The Proposal History Sequence Number must be between 0 and 999. |
INVALID_STAFF_IDEN_CHG_IND | Staff Identification Change Indicator is not valid. |
Staff Identification Change Indicator must be Y or N. |
INVALID_STAFF_IDEN_CODE | Staff Identification is not valid. |
The Staff Identification value does not exist in the database. |
INVALID_STAFF_PIDM | Staff Internal ID is not valid. |
The Internal ID for the Staff Member does not exist in the database. |
INVALID_STAFF_PIDM_CHG_IND | Staff Internal ID Change Indicator is not valid. |
Staff Internal ID Change Indicator must be Y or N. |
MISSING_DATA_ORIGIN | Data Origin is missing. |
The source of the data being supplied must be given. |
MISSING_PIDM | Internal ID is missing. |
An Internal ID must be supplied. |
MISSING_PROP_CODE | Proposal Code is missing. |
A Proposal Code must be supplied. |
MISSING_SEQ_NO | Proposal History Sequence Number is missing. |
A Proposal History Sequence Number must be supplied. |
MISSING_USER_ID | User ID is missing. |
A User ID must be supplied for the person making the change. |
PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find record using primary or unique key for the Proposal History API. |
A record could not be found for the supplied primary key information. |
P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete the Proposal History record (ab_proposal_history) because the record does not exist. |
A record could not be found for the supplied primary key information. |
RECORD_EXISTS | Proposal History API cannot create Proposal History (ab_proposal_history) because the record already exists. |
The record cannot be created because another record already exists with the same primary key. |
SEQ_NO_IN_USE | Proposal History Sequence Number already used for the Proposal |
The Proposal History Sequence Number has already been used on another record for this person. |