Message Name | Error Message |
INVALID_GIVH_CODE | Giving Vehicle Code is not valid. |
The Giving Vehicle Code does not exist in the database. |
INVALID_GIVH_CODE_CHG_IND | Giving Vehicle Code Change Indicator is not valid. |
The Giving Vehicle Code Change Indicator must be Y or N. |
INVALID_PIDM | Internal ID not valid. |
The Internal ID does not exist in Banner. |
INVALID_PROJ_CODE | Project Code is not valid. |
The Project Code does not exist in the database. |
INVALID_PROJ_EFF_FROM_DATE | Project Effective From Date is not valid. |
The Project Effective From Date is not a valid date. |
INVALID_PROJ_EFF_TO_DATE | Project Effective To Date is not valid. |
The Project Effective To Date is not a valid date. |
INVALID_PROJ_FROM_DATE_CHG_IND | Project Effective From Date Change Indicator is not valid. |
The Project Effective From Date Change Indicator must be Y or N. |
INVALID_PROJ_TEXT_CHG_IND | Project Text Change Indicator is not valid. |
The Project Text Change Indicator must be Y or N. |
INVALID_PROJ_TO_DATE_CHG_IND | Project Effective To Date Change Indicator is not valid. |
The Project Effective To Date Change Indicator must be Y or N. |
INVALID_PROPOSAL | Project Code is not valid for the Internal ID. |
The Project Code is not assigned to the constituent. |
INVALID_PROP_CODE | Proposal Code is not valid. |
The Proposal Code does not exist in the database. |
INVALID_PROP_SEQ_NO | Proposal Code Sequence Number is not valid. |
The Proposal Code Sequence Number does not exist in the database. |
INVALID_PRST_CODE | Project Status Code is not valid. |
The Project Status Code does not exist in the database. |
INVALID_PRST_CODE_CHG_IND | Project Status Code Change Indicator is not valid. |
The Project Status Code Change Indicator must be Y or N. |
INVALID_PRST_DATE | Project Status Date is not valid. |
The Project Status Date is not a valid date. |
INVALID_PRST_DATE_CHG_IND | Project Status Date Change Indicator is not valid. |
The Project Status Date Change Indicator must be Y or N. |
INVALID_SEQ_NO | Project History Sequence Number is not valid. It must be between 0 and 999 |
The Project History Sequence Number must be between 0 and 999. |
INVALID_TARGET_ASK_AMOUNT | Target Ask Amount is not valid. It must be between 0 and 999999999.99 |
The Target Ask Amount must be between 0 and 999999999.99. |
INVALID_TARGET_ASK_AMT_CHG_IND | Target Ask Amount Change Indicator is not valid. |
The Target Ask Amount Change Indicator must be Y or N. |
INVALID_TARGET_ASK_DATE | Target Ask Date is not valid. |
The Target Ask Date is not a valid date. |
INVALID_TARGET_ASK_DTE_CHG_IND | Target Ask Date Change Indicator is not valid. |
The Target Ask Date Change Indicator must be Y or N. |
MISSING_DATA_ORIGIN | Data Origin is missing. |
The origin of the data being supplied must be entered. |
MISSING_PARENT | Required Project (AMRPROP) record not found. |
No Project record found to match this history change. |
MISSING_PIDM | Internal ID is missing. |
An Internal ID must be supplied. |
MISSING_PROJ_CODE | Project Code is missing. |
A Project Code must be supplied. |
MISSING_PROP_CODE | Proposal Code is missing. |
A Proposal Code must be supplied. |
MISSING_PROP_SEQ_NO | Proposal Code Sequence Number is missing. |
A Proposal Code Sequence Number must be supplied. |
MISSING_SEQ_NO | Project History Sequence Number is missing. |
A sequence number must be supplied for the Project History record. |
MISSING_USER_ID | User ID is missing. |
A value for User ID must be supplied. |
PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find record using primary or unique key for the Project History API. |
The record cannot be found using the Internal ID, Proposal Code, and Project Code. |
P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete Project History (ab_project_history) because the record does not exist. |
No record exists for the Internal ID, Proposal Code, and Project Code. |
RECORD_EXISTS | Project History API cannot create Project History (ab_project_history) because the record already exists. |
A new record cannot be created using the Internal ID, Proposal Code, Project Code, and Sequence Number. |
SEQ_NO_IN_USE | Project History Sequence Number already used for the Proposal |
The Project History Sequence Number already used for the Proposal, Project, and Internal ID combination. |
INVALID_FRBPROP_CODE_CHG_IND | Finance Proposal Code Change Indicator is not valid. |
The Finance Proposal Code Indicator must be Y or N. |
INVALID_FRBPROP_CODE | Finance Proposal Code is not valid. |
The Finance Proposal must be exist on the FRBPROP table. |
FRBPROP_CODE_NOT_ALLOWED | Banner Finance is not installed, Finance Proposal Code is not allowed. |
Banner Finance must be installed to use Finance Proposal codes. |
Global PL/SQL table that holds the error messages.
Returns the error message corresponding to p_errorname.