Message Name | Error Message |
INVALID_ACC_REJ_IND | Benefit or Premium Reject or Accept Indicator for the Gift Auxiliary Hold API is not valid. |
The Benefit or Premium Reject or Accept Indicator must be A, R or Null. |
INVALID_AUXL_CODE | Auxiliary Code for the Gift Auxiliary Hold API is not valid. |
The Auxiliary Code does not exist on the Auxiliary Code Validation Table (ATVAUXL). |
INVALID_DCPR_CODE | Benefit or Premium code for the Gift Auxiliary Hold API is not valid. |
The Benefit or Premium code does not exist on the Benefit/Premiums Validation Table (ATVDCPR). |
INVALID_DCPR_COST | Actual Value for the Gift Auxiliary Hold API is not valid. |
The Actual Value is not numeric or is outside the range of 0 to 999999999.99. |
INVALID_DCPR_VALUE | Benefit or Premium Value for the Gift Auxiliary Hold API is not valid. |
Then Benefit or Premium Value is not numeric or is outside the range of 0 to 999999999.99. |
INVALID_DEDUCT_FOR_TAXES | Benefit or Premium Deduct for Taxes indicator for the Gift Auxiliary Hold API is not valid. |
The Benefit or Premium Deduct for Taxes indicator must be Y or Null. |
INVALID_DONR_CODE | Donor Code for the Gift Auxiliary Hold API is not valid. |
The Donor Code does not exist for the Donor. |
INVALID_GIFT_NO | Gift Number for the Gift Auxiliary Hold API is not valid. |
The Gift Number does not exist. |
INVALID_ID | No pending gifts for the ID Number. |
The ID Number does not exist. |
INVALID_ID_GIFT | Gift Number invalid for the ID Number. |
The Gift Number does not exist for the ID Number. |
INVALID_ID_PIDM | No pending gifts for the ID and Internal ID combination. |
The combination of ID and Internal ID has no pending gifts. |
INVALID_ID_PIDM_GIFT | Gift Number invalid for the ID and Internal ID combination. |
The pending Gift Number does not exist for the combination of ID and Internal ID. |
INVALID_ISSUE_DATE | Benefit or Premium Issue Date for the Gift Auxiliary Hold API is not valid. |
The Benefit or Premium Issue Date is not a valid date. |
INVALID_PIDM | No pending gifts for the Internal ID. |
There are no pending gifts for the Internal ID. |
INVALID_PIDM_GIFT | Gift Number invalid for the Internal ID. |
The Gift Number does not exist for the Internal ID. |
INVALID_PREF_CLAS | Preferred Class for the Gift Auxiliary Hold API is not valid. |
The Preferred Class is not the Preferred Class for the Advancement Individual |
MISSING_AUXL_CODE | Auxiliary Code is missing. This field is required by the Gift Auxiliary Hold API. |
The Auxiliary Code was not supplied and must be a valid value from the Auxiliary Code Validation Table (ATVAUXL). |
MISSING_AUXL_DESC | Auxiliary Code Description is missing. This field is required by the Gift Auxiliary Hold API. |
The Auxiliary Code Description was not supplied. |
MISSING_AUXL_VALUE_DATE | Auxiliary Value Date is missing. This field is required by the Gift Auxiliary Hold API. |
The Auxiliary Value Date was not supplied. |
MISSING_DATA_ORIGIN | Data Origin is missing. This field is required by the Gift Auxiliary Hold API. |
The Data Origin was not supplied. |
MISSING_DCPR_COST | Actual Value is missing. This field is required by the Gift Auxiliary Hold API. |
The Actual Value was not supplied and must be in the range of 0 to 999999999.99. |
MISSING_GIFT_NO | Gift Number is missing. This field is required by the Gift Auxiliary Hold API. |
A Gift Number was not supplied. |
MISSING_ID | ID Number is missing. This field is required by the Gift Auxiliary Hold API. |
An ID Number was not supplied. |
MISSING_USER_ID | User ID is missing. This field is required by the Gift Auxiliary Hold API. |
The User ID was not supplied. |
PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find record using primary or unique key for the Gift Auxiliary Hold API. |
The record could not be found using the Primary Key. |
P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete Gift Auxiliary Hold (ab_gift_auxl_hold) because the record does not exist. |
The record to be deleted does not exist based on the key information supplied. |