Message Key | Error Message |
AARMEMB_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, membership information exists |
Must delete membership record (AARMEMB) before deleting organization record. |
ASBSORG_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, solicitor assignments exist |
Must delete solicitor information (ASBSORG) before deleting organization record. |
ASRSORG_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, solicitors exist |
Must delete solicitors (ASRSORG) before deleting organization record. |
AFRCRES_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, solicitor contact results exist |
Must delete solicitor contact results (AFRCRES) before deleting organization record. |
AFRCSLT_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, member of a solicitor organization |
Must delete solicitor organization (AFRCSLT) before deleting organization record. |
AFRCTYP_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, it has been assigned to solicitor |
Must delete solicitor record (AFRCTYP) before deleting organization record. |
AFRCTYP2_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, it has been assigned as a solicitor |
Must delete solicitor record (AFRCTYP) before deleting organization record. |
AMREXRT_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, external ratings exist |
Must delete external ratings (AMREXRT) before deleting organization record. |
AMRINFO_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, prospect information exists |
Must delete prospect information (AMRINFO) before deleting organization record. |
AORCONT_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, secondary contact exists |
Must delete secondary contact (AORCONT) before deleting organization record. |
AORFUND_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, funding areas exist |
Must delete funding areas (AORFUND) before deleting organization record. |
AORMACC_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, matching gift institution accreditation exists |
Must delete matching gift institution accreditation (AORMACC) before deleting organization record. |
AORMAST_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, matching gift advancement status exists |
Must delete matching gift advancement status (AORMAST) before deleting organization record. |
AORMCTL_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, matching gift institution control exists |
Must delete matching gift institution control (AORMCTL) before deleting organization record. |
AORMDEF_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, matching gift deferred gift exists |
Must delete matching gift deferred gift (AORMDEF) before deleting organization record. |
AORMEDU_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, matching gift education institution type exists |
Must delete matching gift education institution type (AORMEDU) before deleting organization record. |
AORMERQ_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, matching gift employment requirements exist |
Must delete matching gift employment requirements (AORMERQ) before deleting organization record. |
AORMGCD_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, matching gift campaign/designation ratio exists |
Must delete matching gift campaign/designation ratio (AORMGCD) before deleting organization record. |
AORMGCM_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, matching gift comments exist |
Must delete matching gift comments (AORMGCM) before deleting organization record. |
AORMIND_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, matching gift industry code exists |
Must delete matching gift industry code (AORMIND) before deleting organization record. |
AORMLOC_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, matching gift institution location exists |
Must delete matching gift institution location (AORMLOC) before deleting organization record. |
AORMLVL_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, matching gift institution level exists |
Must delete matching gift institution level (AORMLVL) before deleting organization record. |
AORMNAT_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, matching gift national association exists |
Must delete matching gift national association (AORMNAT) before deleting organization record. |
AORMNED_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, matching gift non-educational institution rule exists |
Must delete matching gift non-educational institution rule (AORMNED) before deleting organization record. |
AORMPRO_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, matching gift procedure exists |
Must delete matching gift procedure (AORMPRO) before deleting organization record. |
AORMPUR_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, matching gift related purpose exists |
Must delete matching gift related purpose (AORMPUR) before deleting organization record. |
AORMRTO_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, matching gift campaign/designation ratio exists |
Must delete matching gift campaign/designation ratio (AORMRTO) before deleting organization record. |
APBCONS_EXISTS | Cannot create organization; ID exists as an Advancement individual |
ID can exist as Advancement individual or Advancement organization, but not both. |
APRACTY_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, activity information exists |
Must delete activity information (APRACTY) before deleting organization record. |
APRCHIS_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, giving history exists |
Must delete giving history (APRCHIS) before deleting organization record. |
APRCONF_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, solicitor contact results exist |
Must delete solicitor contact results (APRCONF) before deleting organization record. |
APREHIS_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, employment history exists |
Must delete employment history (APREHIS) before deleting organization record. |
APREXCL_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, exclusions exist |
Must delete exclusions (APREXCL) before deleting organization record. |
APRMAIL_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, mail codes exist |
Must delete mail codes (APRMAIL) before deleting organization record. |
APRPMEM_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, procedural soft credit exists |
Must delete procedural soft credit (APRPMEM) before deleting organization record. |
APRPROS_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, special purpose information exists |
Must delete special purpose information (APRPROS) before deleting organization record. |
APRSALU_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, salutation exists |
Must delete salutation (APRSALU) before deleting organization record. |
APRVIPC_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, advancement variable purpose code exists |
Must delete advancement variable purpose code (APRVIPC) before deleting organization record. |
APRXREF_EXISTS | Cannot delete organization, cross references exist |
Must delete cross references (APRXREF) before deleting organization record. |
INVALID_ATYP_CODE | Invalid value for the address to use for the organizational contact |
Address code must be valid in the Address Code validation table (STVATYP). |
INVALID_BEG_FY_MM | Invalid value for beginning month of the organization's fiscal year |
Value for beginning month of the organization's fiscal year must be between '01' and '12'. |
INVALID_BEG_FY_MM_DD | Organization fiscal year beginning month/day invalid |
Fiscal year beginning day must be valid for the fiscal year beginning month. |
INVALID_DESG_MG_IND | Invalid value for the organization's Matching Gift Designation Indicator |
Valid values for Matching Gift Designation Indicator are: S=Same as employee gift, U=Unrestricted, X=Designated for general operating budget. |
INVALID_DONR_CODE | Invalid value for organization donor category code |
Donor code must be valid in the Donor Category validation table (ATVDONR). |
INVALID_DUPL_MG_IND | Invalid value for organization's Duplicate Match Indicator |
Valid values for Duplicate Match Indicator are: Y=company will match gifts, N=company will not match gifts. |
INVALID_END_FY_MM | Invalid value for ending month of organization's fiscal year |
Value for ending month of organization fiscal year must be between '01' and '12'. |
INVALID_END_FY_MM_DD | Organization fiscal year ending month/day invalid |
Fiscal year ending day must be valid for the fiscal year ending month. |
INVALID_GRANT_RANGE | Organization grant HIGH must be greater than grant LOW |
Value for Grant Dollars High must be greater than the value for Grant Dollars Low. |
INVALID_JOBC_CODE | Invalid value for the job category associated with the organizational contact |
Job category code must be valid in the Job Category validation table (ATVJOBC). |
INVALID_MDIS_CODE | Invalid value for organization's matching gift distribution code |
Matching gift distribution code must be valid in the Matching Gift Distribution validation table (ATVMDIS). |
INVALID_MDIS_DEADLINE_MM | Invalid value for month of organization's matching gift distribution deadline date |
Month of organization matching gift distribution deadline must be between '01' and '12'. |
INVALID_MDIS_DEADLINE_MM_DD | Organization matching gift distribution deadline month/day invalid |
Organization matching gift distribution deadline day must be valid for the distribution deadline month. |
INVALID_MDIS_MM | Invalid value for month of organization's matching gift distribution |
Month of organization matching gift distribution must be between '01' and '12'. |
INVALID_MDIS_MM_DD | Organization matching gift distribution month/day invalid |
Organization matching gift distribution day must be valid for the distribution month. |
INVALID_MGMT_MG_IND | Invalid value for organization's Management Indicator |
Valid values for Management Indicator are: C=Corporation administers matching gift, F=Foundation administers company's matching gift. |
INVALID_MG_ACK_IND | Invalid value for organization's Acknowledgement Indicator |
Valid values for Acknowledgement Indication are: Y=Company required acknowledgement of matching gift, N=No matching gift acknowledgement required, A=Acknowledgements may be combined and sent periodically. |
INVALID_MG_RECEIPT_IND | Invalid value for organization's Receipt Required Indicator |
Valid values for Receipt Required Indicator are: Y=Receipt is required, N=No receipt is required. |
INVALID_OTH_ED_MG_IND | Invalid value for organization's Other Programs Indicator |
Valid values for Other Aid-to-Education Program Indicator are 'Y' and 'N'. |
INVALID_PIDM | Invalid or missing PIDM for organization |
PIDM must exist in SPRIDEN table. |
INVALID_PROP_DEADLINE_MM | Invalid value for organization's proposal deadline month |
Month of organization proposal deadline must be between '01' and '12'. |
INVALID_PROP_DEADLINE_MM_DD | Organization proposal deadline month/day invalid |
Organization proposal deadline day must be valid for the proposal deadline month. |
INVALID_SICC_CODE | Invalid value for the organization's standard industry code |
Standard industry code must be valid in the SIC Code validation table (ATVSICC). |
INVALID_STATE_ASSOC_MG_IND | Invalid value for organization's State Association Indicator |
Valid values for Matching Gifts to State or Regional Associations of Private Colleges Indicator are 'Y' and 'N'. |
MISSING_BUSINESS | Missing mandatory value for the organization's general category of business |
Enter organization's general category of business. |
MISSING_DONR_CODE | Donor category code missing; required for creation of organization header |
Enter valid Donor Code (ATVDONR) for creation of organization record. |
MISSING_FIRST_NAME | Organization contact first name required when last name exists |
Enter the first name of the organizational contact. |
MISSING_LAST_NAME | Organization contact last name required when prefix, suffix, surname prefix or middle initial exists |
Enter the last name of the organizational contact. |
MISSING_PIDM | Missing mandatory value for the organization's internal system generated ID number |
Enter a valid PIDM (SPRIDEN) for the organization. |
NOT_A_COMPANY | Organization ID is not a valid company |
ID must exist in SPRIDEN as a company. |
NO_ADDR_THIS_TYPE | Organization does not have address of this type |
Address type must exist in SPRADDR for the organization. |
PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find organization record using primary or unique key |
PIDM does not exist as an organization. |
P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete organization, record does not exist |
PIDM does not exist as an organization. |
RECORD_EXISTS | Cannot create organization, record already exists |
PIDM already exists as an organization. |
INVALID_MATCH_PCT | Invalid Match Percentage |
. | Match percentage must be between 0 and 999.