Package ab_adv_organization_rules This package provides support subprograms for the Advancement Organization API (ab_adv_organization_rules). |
Program units |
p_register_entity | Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache. |
p_register_entity | Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache. |
p_validate | Validates all the data in the record. |
Procedure p_register_entity(p_operation_type NUMBER, p_internal_record_id VARCHAR2)
Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache. This signature uses the ROWID only, for the delete operations.
Parameters |
p_internal_record_id |
Database ROWID. VARCHAR2(18) |
Procedure p_register_entity(p_operation_type NUMBER, p_pidm aoborgn.aoborgn_pidm%TYPE, p_ein aoborgn.aoborgn_ein%TYPE, p_business aoborgn.aoborgn_business%TYPE, p_sicc_code aoborgn.aoborgn_sicc_code%TYPE, p_match_pct aoborgn.aoborgn_match_pct%TYPE, p_match_org_max aoborgn.aoborgn_match_org_max%TYPE, p_match_person_max aoborgn.aoborgn_match_person_max%TYPE, p_atyp_code aoborgn.aoborgn_atyp_code%TYPE, p_jobc_code aoborgn.aoborgn_jobc_code%TYPE, p_title_contact aoborgn.aoborgn_title_contact%TYPE, p_last_name_contact aoborgn.aoborgn_last_name_contact%TYPE, p_first_name_contact aoborgn.aoborgn_first_name_contact%TYPE, p_mi_contact aoborgn.aoborgn_mi_contact%TYPE, p_mg_pidm aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_pidm%TYPE, p_empl_cnt aoborgn.aoborgn_empl_cnt%TYPE, p_empl_pt_prof aoborgn.aoborgn_empl_pt_prof%TYPE, p_empl_ft_prof aoborgn.aoborgn_empl_ft_prof%TYPE, p_tot_revenue aoborgn.aoborgn_tot_revenue%TYPE, p_tot_assets aoborgn.aoborgn_tot_assets%TYPE, p_tot_earnings aoborgn.aoborgn_tot_earnings%TYPE, p_pre_tax_profit aoborgn.aoborgn_pre_tax_profit%TYPE, p_grant_low aoborgn.aoborgn_grant_low%TYPE, p_grant_high aoborgn.aoborgn_grant_high%TYPE, p_prop_deadline_mm aoborgn.aoborgn_prop_deadline_mm%TYPE, p_prop_deadline_dd aoborgn.aoborgn_prop_deadline_dd%TYPE, p_year_inc aoborgn.aoborgn_year_inc%TYPE, p_beg_fy_mm aoborgn.aoborgn_beg_fy_mm%TYPE, p_beg_fy_dd aoborgn.aoborgn_beg_fy_dd%TYPE, p_end_fy_mm aoborgn.aoborgn_end_fy_mm%TYPE, p_end_fy_dd aoborgn.aoborgn_end_fy_dd%TYPE, p_oth_ed_mg_ind aoborgn.aoborgn_oth_ed_mg_ind%TYPE, p_state_assoc_mg_ind aoborgn.aoborgn_state_assoc_mg_ind%TYPE, p_desg_mg_ind aoborgn.aoborgn_desg_mg_ind%TYPE, p_mdis_code aoborgn.aoborgn_mdis_code%TYPE, p_mdis_mm aoborgn.aoborgn_mdis_mm%TYPE, p_mdis_dd aoborgn.aoborgn_mdis_dd%TYPE, p_mdis_deadline_mm aoborgn.aoborgn_mdis_deadline_mm%TYPE, p_mdis_deadline_dd aoborgn.aoborgn_mdis_deadline_dd%TYPE, p_dupl_mg_ind aoborgn.aoborgn_dupl_mg_ind%TYPE, p_mg_ack_ind aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_ack_ind%TYPE, p_mgmt_mg_ind aoborgn.aoborgn_mgmt_mg_ind%TYPE, p_match_pers_inst_yr aoborgn.aoborgn_match_pers_inst_yr%TYPE, p_match_org_ceiling_yr aoborgn.aoborgn_match_org_ceiling_yr%TYPE, p_match_org_empl_yr aoborgn.aoborgn_match_org_empl_yr%TYPE, p_match_minimum aoborgn.aoborgn_match_minimum%TYPE, p_society_name aoborgn.aoborgn_society_name%TYPE, p_year_mg aoborgn.aoborgn_year_mg%TYPE, p_financials_date aoborgn.aoborgn_financials_date%TYPE, p_mg_load_update_date aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_load_update_date%TYPE, p_mg_load_source aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_load_source%TYPE, p_mg_receipt_ind aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_receipt_ind%TYPE, p_match_maximum aoborgn.aoborgn_match_maximum%TYPE, p_prefix_contact aoborgn.aoborgn_prefix_contact%TYPE, p_suffix_contact aoborgn.aoborgn_suffix_contact%TYPE, p_mg_load_id aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_load_id%TYPE, p_data_origin aoborgn.aoborgn_data_origin%TYPE, p_user_id aoborgn.aoborgn_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user, p_surname_prefix_contact aoborgn.aoborgn_surname_prfx_contact%TYPE, p_internal_record_id VARCHAR2)
Registers the attribute/value pairs to the message cache. This signature registers all parameters.
Parameters |
p_pidm |
Internal system-generated identification number. NUMBER(8) Required Key | |
p_ein |
Organization's federal identification number. VARCHAR2(9) | |
p_business |
Organization's general category of business. VARCHAR2(30) Required | |
p_sicc_code |
Organization's standard industry code. VARCHAR2(4) | |
p_match_pct |
Organization's matching gift percentage. NUMBER(3) | |
p_match_org_max |
Amount the organization will donate to an institution per year. NUMBER(11,2) | |
p_match_person_max |
Amount an employee can be matched per year. NUMBER(11,2) | |
p_atyp_code |
Address to use for the organizational primary contact. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_jobc_code |
Job category associated with the organizational primary contact's title. VARCHAR2(3) | |
p_title_contact |
Job title of the organizational primary contact. VARCHAR2(60) | |
p_last_name_contact |
Last name of the organizational primary contact. VARCHAR2(25) | |
p_first_name_contact |
First name of the organizational primary contact. VARCHAR2(15) | |
p_mi_contact |
Middle initial of the organizational primary contact. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_mg_pidm |
Internal ID number for the matching gift company associated with the organization. The PIDM may be the same PIDM or the parent PIDM. NUMBER(8) | |
p_empl_cnt |
Total number of employees. NUMBER(9) | |
p_empl_pt_prof |
Total number of part-time professional employees. NUMBER(9) | |
p_empl_ft_prof |
Total number of full-time professional employees. NUMBER(9) | |
p_tot_revenue |
Total revenue for the organization. NUMBER(12) | |
p_tot_assets |
Total assets for the organization. NUMBER(12) | |
p_tot_earnings |
Total earnings for the organization. NUMBER(12) | |
p_pre_tax_profit |
Pre-tax profit for the organization. NUMBER(12) | |
p_grant_low |
Grant dollars low range. NUMBER(12) | |
p_grant_high |
Grant dollars high range. NUMBER(12) | |
p_prop_deadline_mm |
Proposal deadline month. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_prop_deadline_dd |
Proposal deadline day of month. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_year_inc |
Organization date of incorporation (Format YYYY). NUMBER(4) | |
p_beg_fy_mm |
Beginning month of organization's fiscal year. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_beg_fy_dd |
Beginning day of month for organization's fiscal year. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_end_fy_mm |
Ending month of organization's fiscal year. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_end_fy_dd |
Ending day of month for organization's fiscal year. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_oth_ed_mg_ind |
Other aid-to-education program in addition to matching gift program. Values Y or N. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_state_assoc_mg_ind |
Organization matches gifts to state or regional associations of private colleges. Values Y or N. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_desg_mg_ind |
Designation of matching gifts indicator. Values S=Same as employee gift, U=Unrestriced, X=Designated for general operating budget. Used in matching gift batch process. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_mdis_code |
Matching gift distribution code. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_mdis_mm |
Month of matching gift distribution. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_mdis_dd |
Day of month for matching gift distribution. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_mdis_deadline_mm |
Month of matching gift distribution deadline date. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_mdis_deadline_dd |
Day of month for matching gift distribution deadline date. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_dupl_mg_ind |
Matching Gift duplicate match indicator. Company will (Y) or will not (N) match gifts eligible to be matched by other companies. Used in the matching gift batch process. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_mg_ack_ind |
Company required acknowledgment of matching gift, Y, N or A. An A indicates acknowledgments may be combined and sent periodically. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_mgmt_mg_ind |
Management indicator; C=Corp administers matching gifts,F=Foundation administers company's matching gifts. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_match_pers_inst_yr |
Amount an employee can be matched per institution per year. NUMBER(11,2) | |
p_match_org_ceiling_yr |
Overall ceiling amount the organization will match each year. NUMBER(11,2) | |
p_match_org_empl_yr |
Maximum corporate matching gift payout per employee per year. NUMBER(11,2) | |
p_match_minimum |
Minimum amount organization will match. NUMBER(11,2) | |
p_society_name |
Gift society name. This name will default to gift societies when the memberships are created. The name may be modified on the society form. VARCHAR2(60) | |
p_year_mg |
Year the matching gift program was started within the organization. NUMBER(4) | |
p_financials_date |
Date associated with the financial total fields. DATE | |
p_mg_load_update_date |
Date that matching gift information was last loaded from an external source. DATE | |
p_mg_load_source |
Source of the last external matching gift information load. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_mg_receipt_ind |
Matching gift receipt indicator, Y indicates that a receipt is required. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_match_maximum |
Maximum matching gift amount allowed. NUMBER(11,2) | |
p_prefix_contact |
Prefix associated with the name of the primary contact. VARCHAR2(20) | |
p_suffix_contact |
Suffix associated with the name of the primary contact. VARCHAR2(20) | |
p_mg_load_id |
Supplying agency's ID Number for the company being loaded VARCHAR2(9) | |
p_data_origin |
Source system that generated or updated the data. VARCHAR2(30) | |
p_user_id |
VARCHAR2(30) | |
p_surname_prefix_contact |
Surname of the organizational primary contact. VARCHAR2(60) | |
p_internal_record_id |
Database VARCHAR2(18) |
Procedure p_validate(p_pidm aoborgn.aoborgn_pidm%TYPE, p_ein aoborgn.aoborgn_ein%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_business aoborgn.aoborgn_business%TYPE, p_sicc_code aoborgn.aoborgn_sicc_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_match_pct aoborgn.aoborgn_match_pct%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_match_org_max aoborgn.aoborgn_match_org_max%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_match_person_max aoborgn.aoborgn_match_person_max%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_atyp_code aoborgn.aoborgn_atyp_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_jobc_code aoborgn.aoborgn_jobc_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_title_contact aoborgn.aoborgn_title_contact%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_last_name_contact aoborgn.aoborgn_last_name_contact%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_first_name_contact aoborgn.aoborgn_first_name_contact%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_mi_contact aoborgn.aoborgn_mi_contact%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_mg_pidm aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_pidm%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_empl_cnt aoborgn.aoborgn_empl_cnt%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_empl_pt_prof aoborgn.aoborgn_empl_pt_prof%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_empl_ft_prof aoborgn.aoborgn_empl_ft_prof%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_tot_revenue aoborgn.aoborgn_tot_revenue%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_tot_assets aoborgn.aoborgn_tot_assets%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_tot_earnings aoborgn.aoborgn_tot_earnings%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_pre_tax_profit aoborgn.aoborgn_pre_tax_profit%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_grant_low aoborgn.aoborgn_grant_low%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_grant_high aoborgn.aoborgn_grant_high%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_prop_deadline_mm aoborgn.aoborgn_prop_deadline_mm%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_prop_deadline_dd aoborgn.aoborgn_prop_deadline_dd%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_year_inc aoborgn.aoborgn_year_inc%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_beg_fy_mm aoborgn.aoborgn_beg_fy_mm%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_beg_fy_dd aoborgn.aoborgn_beg_fy_dd%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_end_fy_mm aoborgn.aoborgn_end_fy_mm%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_end_fy_dd aoborgn.aoborgn_end_fy_dd%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_oth_ed_mg_ind aoborgn.aoborgn_oth_ed_mg_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_state_assoc_mg_ind aoborgn.aoborgn_state_assoc_mg_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_desg_mg_ind aoborgn.aoborgn_desg_mg_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_mdis_code aoborgn.aoborgn_mdis_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_mdis_mm aoborgn.aoborgn_mdis_mm%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_mdis_dd aoborgn.aoborgn_mdis_dd%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_mdis_deadline_mm aoborgn.aoborgn_mdis_deadline_mm%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_mdis_deadline_dd aoborgn.aoborgn_mdis_deadline_dd%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_dupl_mg_ind aoborgn.aoborgn_dupl_mg_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_mg_ack_ind aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_ack_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_mgmt_mg_ind aoborgn.aoborgn_mgmt_mg_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_match_pers_inst_yr aoborgn.aoborgn_match_pers_inst_yr%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_match_org_ceiling_yr aoborgn.aoborgn_match_org_ceiling_yr%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_match_org_empl_yr aoborgn.aoborgn_match_org_empl_yr%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_match_minimum aoborgn.aoborgn_match_minimum%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_society_name aoborgn.aoborgn_society_name%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_year_mg aoborgn.aoborgn_year_mg%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_financials_date aoborgn.aoborgn_financials_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_mg_load_update_date aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_load_update_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_mg_load_source aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_load_source%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_mg_receipt_ind aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_receipt_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_match_maximum aoborgn.aoborgn_match_maximum%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_prefix_contact aoborgn.aoborgn_prefix_contact%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_suffix_contact aoborgn.aoborgn_suffix_contact%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_mg_load_id aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_load_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_data_origin aoborgn.aoborgn_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_user_id aoborgn.aoborgn_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user, p_surname_prefix_contact aoborgn.aoborgn_surname_prfx_contact%TYPE DEFAULT NULL)
Validates all the data in the record.
Parameters |
p_pidm |
Internal system-generated identification number. NUMBER(8) Required Key | |
p_ein |
Organization's federal identification number. VARCHAR2(9) | |
p_business |
Organization's general category of business. VARCHAR2(30) Required | |
p_sicc_code |
Organization's standard industry code. VARCHAR2(4) | |
p_match_pct |
Organization's matching gift percentage. NUMBER(3) | |
p_match_org_max |
Amount the organization will donate to an institution per year. NUMBER(11,2) | |
p_match_person_max |
Amount an employee can be matched per year. NUMBER(11,2) | |
p_atyp_code |
Address to use for the organizational primary contact. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_jobc_code |
Job category associated with the organizational primary contact's title. VARCHAR2(3) | |
p_title_contact |
Job title of the organizational primary contact. VARCHAR2(60) | |
p_last_name_contact |
Last name of the organizational primary contact. VARCHAR2(25) | |
p_first_name_contact |
First name of the organizational primary contact. VARCHAR2(15) | |
p_mi_contact |
Middle initial of the organizational primary contact. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_mg_pidm |
Internal ID number for the matching gift company associated with the organization. The PIDM may be the same PIDM or the parent PIDM. NUMBER(8) | |
p_empl_cnt |
Total number of employees. NUMBER(9) | |
p_empl_pt_prof |
Total number of part-time professional employees. NUMBER(9) | |
p_empl_ft_prof |
Total number of full-time professional employees. NUMBER(9) | |
p_tot_revenue |
Total revenue for the organization. NUMBER(12) | |
p_tot_assets |
Total assets for the organization. NUMBER(12) | |
p_tot_earnings |
Total earnings for the organization. NUMBER(12) | |
p_pre_tax_profit |
Pre-tax profit for the organization. NUMBER(12) | |
p_grant_low |
Grant dollars low range. NUMBER(12) | |
p_grant_high |
Grant dollars high range. NUMBER(12) | |
p_prop_deadline_mm |
Proposal deadline month. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_prop_deadline_dd |
Proposal deadline day of month. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_year_inc |
Organization date of incorporation (Format YYYY). NUMBER(4) | |
p_beg_fy_mm |
Beginning month of organization's fiscal year. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_beg_fy_dd |
Beginning day of month for organization's fiscal year. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_end_fy_mm |
Ending month of organization's fiscal year. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_end_fy_dd |
Ending day of month for organization's fiscal year. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_oth_ed_mg_ind |
Other aid-to-education program in addition to matching gift program. Values Y or N. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_state_assoc_mg_ind |
Organization matches gifts to state or regional associations of private colleges. Values Y or N. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_desg_mg_ind |
Designation of matching gifts indicator. Values S=Same as employee gift, U=Unrestriced, X=Designated for general operating budget. Used in matching gift batch process. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_mdis_code |
Matching gift distribution code. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_mdis_mm |
Month of matching gift distribution. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_mdis_dd |
Day of month for matching gift distribution. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_mdis_deadline_mm |
Month of matching gift distribution deadline date. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_mdis_deadline_dd |
Day of month for matching gift distribution deadline date. VARCHAR2(2) | |
p_dupl_mg_ind |
Matching gift duplicate match indicator. Company will (Y) or will not (N) match gifts eligible to be matched by other companies. Used in the matching gift batch process. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_mg_ack_ind |
Company required acknowledgment of matching gift, Y, N or A. An A indicates acknowledgments may be combined and sent periodically. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_mgmt_mg_ind |
Management indicator C=Corp administers matching gifts, F=Foundation administers company's matching gifts. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_match_pers_inst_yr |
Amount an employee can be matched per institution per year. NUMBER(11,2) | |
p_match_org_ceiling_yr |
Overall ceiling amount the organization will match each year. NUMBER(11,2) | |
p_match_org_empl_yr |
Maximum corporate matching gift payout per employee per year. NUMBER(11,2) | |
p_match_minimum |
Minimum amount organization will match. NUMBER(11,2) | |
p_society_name |
Gift society name. This name will default to gift societies when the memberships are created. The name may be modified on the society form. VARCHAR2(60) | |
p_year_mg |
Year the matching gift program was started within the organization. NUMBER(4) | |
p_financials_date |
Date associated with the financial total fields. DATE | |
p_mg_load_update_date |
Date that matching gift information was last loaded from an external source. DATE | |
p_mg_load_source |
Source of the last external matching gift information load. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_mg_receipt_ind |
Matching gift receipt indicator, Y indicates that a receipt is required. VARCHAR2(1) | |
p_match_maximum |
Maximum matching gift amount allowed. NUMBER(11,2) | |
p_prefix_contact |
Prefix associated with the name of the primary contact. VARCHAR2(20) | |
p_suffix_contact |
Suffix associated with the name of the primary contact. VARCHAR2(20) | |
p_mg_load_id |
Supplying agency's ID Number for the company being loaded. VARCHAR2(9) | |
p_data_origin |
Source system that generated or updated the data. VARCHAR2(30) | |
p_user_id |
VARCHAR2(30) | |
p_surname_prefix_contact |
Surname of the organizational primary contact. VARCHAR2(60) |