
Package ab_adv_organization

This package provides the Common Business interface for the Advancement Organization API (ab_adv_organization). Only one Organization record may be created per PIDM, which must exist in SPRIDEN as a company.
An Organization record will be created only if the PIDM does not already exist as an Advancement Organization (i.e, a PIDM may exist as an Advancement Organization or an Advancement Individual, but never both).
A valid Donor Code (ATVDONR) must be supplied when creating an Organization record. If a Donor Category record (APRCATG) does not already exist for the Donor Code, it will be created when the Organization record is created, because an Organization record cannot exist without a Donor Category record.
When an Organization record is deleted, all of its Donor Category records will also be deleted.

Program units
f_api_version   Returns the API version number
f_exists   Checks to see if an organization record exists
f_isequal   Compare two organization records for equality
f_query_all   Selects all records for the organization.
f_query_one   Selects one organization record using key.
f_query_by_rowid   Selects one Organization record using rowid.
f_query_one_lock   Selects one Organization record and locks it.
p_create   Creates an Organization record
p_delete   Deletes an Organization record
p_lock   Locks an Organization record
p_update   Updates an Organization record

adv_organization_rec   Entity record type
adv_organization_ref   Entity cursor variable type
adv_organization_tab   Entity table type

M_ENTITY_NAME   Business Entity name



Business Entity name


TYPE adv_organization_rec IS RECORD (
   r_pidm                    aoborgn.aoborgn_pidm%TYPE,
   r_ein                     aoborgn.aoborgn_ein%TYPE,
   r_business                aoborgn.aoborgn_business%TYPE,
   r_sicc_code               aoborgn.aoborgn_sicc_code%TYPE,
   r_match_pct               aoborgn.aoborgn_match_pct%TYPE,
   r_match_org_max           aoborgn.aoborgn_match_org_max%TYPE,
   r_match_person_max        aoborgn.aoborgn_match_person_max%TYPE,
   r_atyp_code               aoborgn.aoborgn_atyp_code%TYPE,
   r_jobc_code               aoborgn.aoborgn_jobc_code%TYPE,
   r_title_contact           aoborgn.aoborgn_title_contact%TYPE,
   r_last_name_contact       aoborgn.aoborgn_last_name_contact%TYPE,
   r_first_name_contact      aoborgn.aoborgn_first_name_contact%TYPE,
   r_mi_contact              aoborgn.aoborgn_mi_contact%TYPE,
   r_mg_pidm                 aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_pidm%TYPE,
   r_empl_cnt                aoborgn.aoborgn_empl_cnt%TYPE,
   r_empl_pt_prof            aoborgn.aoborgn_empl_pt_prof%TYPE,
   r_empl_ft_prof            aoborgn.aoborgn_empl_ft_prof%TYPE,
   r_tot_revenue             aoborgn.aoborgn_tot_revenue%TYPE,
   r_tot_assets              aoborgn.aoborgn_tot_assets%TYPE,
   r_tot_earnings            aoborgn.aoborgn_tot_earnings%TYPE,
   r_pre_tax_profit          aoborgn.aoborgn_pre_tax_profit%TYPE,
   r_grant_low               aoborgn.aoborgn_grant_low%TYPE,
   r_grant_high              aoborgn.aoborgn_grant_high%TYPE,
   r_prop_deadline_mm        aoborgn.aoborgn_prop_deadline_mm%TYPE,
   r_prop_deadline_dd        aoborgn.aoborgn_prop_deadline_dd%TYPE,
   r_year_inc                aoborgn.aoborgn_year_inc%TYPE,
   r_beg_fy_mm               aoborgn.aoborgn_beg_fy_mm%TYPE,
   r_beg_fy_dd               aoborgn.aoborgn_beg_fy_dd%TYPE,
   r_end_fy_mm               aoborgn.aoborgn_end_fy_mm%TYPE,
   r_end_fy_dd               aoborgn.aoborgn_end_fy_dd%TYPE,
   r_oth_ed_mg_ind           aoborgn.aoborgn_oth_ed_mg_ind%TYPE,
   r_state_assoc_mg_ind      aoborgn.aoborgn_state_assoc_mg_ind%TYPE,
   r_desg_mg_ind             aoborgn.aoborgn_desg_mg_ind%TYPE,
   r_mdis_code               aoborgn.aoborgn_mdis_code%TYPE,
   r_mdis_mm                 aoborgn.aoborgn_mdis_mm%TYPE,
   r_mdis_dd                 aoborgn.aoborgn_mdis_dd%TYPE,
   r_mdis_deadline_mm        aoborgn.aoborgn_mdis_deadline_mm%TYPE,
   r_mdis_deadline_dd        aoborgn.aoborgn_mdis_deadline_dd%TYPE,
   r_dupl_mg_ind             aoborgn.aoborgn_dupl_mg_ind%TYPE,
   r_mg_ack_ind              aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_ack_ind%TYPE,
   r_mgmt_mg_ind             aoborgn.aoborgn_mgmt_mg_ind%TYPE,
   r_match_pers_inst_yr      aoborgn.aoborgn_match_pers_inst_yr%TYPE,
   r_match_org_ceiling_yr    aoborgn.aoborgn_match_org_ceiling_yr%TYPE,
   r_match_org_empl_yr       aoborgn.aoborgn_match_org_empl_yr%TYPE,
   r_match_minimum           aoborgn.aoborgn_match_minimum%TYPE,
   r_society_name            aoborgn.aoborgn_society_name%TYPE,
   r_year_mg                 aoborgn.aoborgn_year_mg%TYPE,
   r_financials_date         aoborgn.aoborgn_financials_date%TYPE,
   r_mg_load_update_date     aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_load_update_date%TYPE,
   r_mg_load_source          aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_load_source%TYPE,
   r_mg_receipt_ind          aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_receipt_ind%TYPE,
   r_match_maximum           aoborgn.aoborgn_match_maximum%TYPE,
   r_prefix_contact          aoborgn.aoborgn_prefix_contact%TYPE,
   r_suffix_contact          aoborgn.aoborgn_suffix_contact%TYPE,
   r_mg_load_id              aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_load_id%TYPE,
   r_data_origin             aoborgn.aoborgn_data_origin%TYPE,
   r_user_id                 aoborgn.aoborgn_user_id%TYPE,
   r_surname_prefix_contact  aoborgn.aoborgn_surname_prfx_contact%TYPE,
   r_internal_record_id      gb_common.internal_record_id_type);

Entity record type


TYPE adv_organization_ref IS REF CURSOR RETURN adv_organization_rec;

Entity cursor variable type


TYPE adv_organization_tab IS TABLE OF adv_organization_rec INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;

Entity table type


Function f_api_version RETURN PLS_INTEGER

Returns the API version number

Version of the API signature. Changes only when the signature changes.


Function f_exists(p_pidm  aoborgn.aoborgn_pidm%TYPE,
                  p_rowid VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) RETURN VARCHAR2

Checks to see if an organization record exists

p_pidm   Internal system generated identification number that uniquely identifies the Organization record. NUMBER(8) Key
p_rowid   Database rowid of the record to select. VARCHAR2(18)

Y if found, otherwise N


Function f_isequal(rec_one adv_organization_rec,
                   rec_two adv_organization_rec) RETURN VARCHAR2

Compare two organization records for equality

rec_one   The first record to compare. Defined as type adv_organization_rec. Required
rec_two   The second record to compare. Defined as type adv_organization_rec. Required

Y if all values in records are equal, otherwise N. Nulls match Nulls.


Function f_query_all(p_pidm aoborgn.aoborgn_pidm%TYPE)
  RETURN adv_organization_ref

Selects all records for the organization.

p_pidm   Internal system generated identification number. NUMBER(8) Required Key

A cursor variable that will fetch the set of records


Function f_query_one(p_pidm aoborgn.aoborgn_pidm%TYPE)
  RETURN adv_organization_ref

Selects one organization record using key.

p_pidm   Internal system generated identification number. NUMBER(8) Required Key

A cursor variable that will fetch exactly one record


Function f_query_by_rowid(p_rowid VARCHAR2) RETURN adv_organization_ref

Selects one Organization record using rowid.

p_rowid   Database rowid of record to select. VARCHAR2(18) Required

A cursor variable that will fetch exactly one record


Function f_query_one_lock(p_pidm  aoborgn.aoborgn_pidm%TYPE,
                          p_rowid VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)
  RETURN adv_organization_ref

Selects one Organization record and locks it.

p_pidm   Internal system generated identification number. NUMBER(8) Key
p_rowid   Database rowid of record to select. VARCHAR2(18)

A cursor variable for one record, locking the record


Procedure p_create(p_pidm                 aoborgn.aoborgn_pidm%TYPE,
                   p_ein                  aoborgn.aoborgn_ein%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_business             aoborgn.aoborgn_business%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_sicc_code            aoborgn.aoborgn_sicc_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_match_pct            aoborgn.aoborgn_match_pct%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_match_org_max        aoborgn.aoborgn_match_org_max%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_match_person_max     aoborgn.aoborgn_match_person_max%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_atyp_code            aoborgn.aoborgn_atyp_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_jobc_code            aoborgn.aoborgn_jobc_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_title_contact        aoborgn.aoborgn_title_contact%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_last_name_contact    aoborgn.aoborgn_last_name_contact%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_first_name_contact   aoborgn.aoborgn_first_name_contact%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_mi_contact           aoborgn.aoborgn_mi_contact%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_mg_pidm              aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_pidm%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_empl_cnt             aoborgn.aoborgn_empl_cnt%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_empl_pt_prof         aoborgn.aoborgn_empl_pt_prof%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_empl_ft_prof         aoborgn.aoborgn_empl_ft_prof%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_tot_revenue          aoborgn.aoborgn_tot_revenue%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_tot_assets           aoborgn.aoborgn_tot_assets%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_tot_earnings         aoborgn.aoborgn_tot_earnings%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_pre_tax_profit       aoborgn.aoborgn_pre_tax_profit%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_grant_low            aoborgn.aoborgn_grant_low%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_grant_high           aoborgn.aoborgn_grant_high%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_prop_deadline_mm     aoborgn.aoborgn_prop_deadline_mm%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_prop_deadline_dd     aoborgn.aoborgn_prop_deadline_dd%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_year_inc             aoborgn.aoborgn_year_inc%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_beg_fy_mm            aoborgn.aoborgn_beg_fy_mm%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_beg_fy_dd            aoborgn.aoborgn_beg_fy_dd%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_end_fy_mm            aoborgn.aoborgn_end_fy_mm%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_end_fy_dd            aoborgn.aoborgn_end_fy_dd%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_oth_ed_mg_ind        aoborgn.aoborgn_oth_ed_mg_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_state_assoc_mg_ind   aoborgn.aoborgn_state_assoc_mg_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_desg_mg_ind          aoborgn.aoborgn_desg_mg_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_mdis_code            aoborgn.aoborgn_mdis_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_mdis_mm              aoborgn.aoborgn_mdis_mm%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_mdis_dd              aoborgn.aoborgn_mdis_dd%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_mdis_deadline_mm     aoborgn.aoborgn_mdis_deadline_mm%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_mdis_deadline_dd     aoborgn.aoborgn_mdis_deadline_dd%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_dupl_mg_ind          aoborgn.aoborgn_dupl_mg_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_mg_ack_ind           aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_ack_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_mgmt_mg_ind          aoborgn.aoborgn_mgmt_mg_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_match_pers_inst_yr   aoborgn.aoborgn_match_pers_inst_yr%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_match_org_ceiling_yr aoborgn.aoborgn_match_org_ceiling_yr%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_match_org_empl_yr    aoborgn.aoborgn_match_org_empl_yr%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_match_minimum        aoborgn.aoborgn_match_minimum%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_society_name         aoborgn.aoborgn_society_name%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_year_mg              aoborgn.aoborgn_year_mg%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_financials_date      aoborgn.aoborgn_financials_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_mg_load_update_date  aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_load_update_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_mg_load_source       aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_load_source%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_mg_receipt_ind       aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_receipt_ind%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_match_maximum        aoborgn.aoborgn_match_maximum%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_prefix_contact       aoborgn.aoborgn_prefix_contact%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_suffix_contact       aoborgn.aoborgn_suffix_contact%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_mg_load_id           aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_load_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_data_origin          aoborgn.aoborgn_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_user_id              aoborgn.aoborgn_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
                   p_donr_code            aprcatg.aprcatg_donr_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   -- Above parameter added 01/25/04 - JC
                   p_surname_prefix_contact aoborgn.aoborgn_surname_prfx_contact%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                   p_rowid_out              OUT VARCHAR2)

Creates an Organization record

p_pidm   Internal system generated identification number. NUMBER(8) Required Key
p_ein   Organization's federal identification number. VARCHAR2(9)
p_business   Organization's general category of business. VARCHAR2(30) Required
p_sicc_code   Organization's standard industry code. VARCHAR2(4)
p_match_pct   Organization's matching gift percentage. NUMBER(3)
p_match_org_max   Amount the organization will donate to an institution per year. NUMBER(11,2)
p_match_person_max   Amount an employee can be matched per year. NUMBER(11,2)
p_atyp_code   Address to use for the organizational primary contact. VARCHAR2(2)
p_jobc_code   Job category associated with the organizational primary contact's title. VARCHAR2(3)
p_title_contact   Job title of the organizational primary contact. VARCHAR2(60)
p_last_name_contact   Last name of the organizational primary contact. VARCHAR2(25)
p_first_name_contact   First name of the organizational primary contact. VARCHAR2(15)
p_mi_contact   Middle initial of the organizational primary contact. VARCHAR2(1)
p_mg_pidm   Internal ID for the matching gift company associated with the organization.  The PIDM may be the same PIDM or the parent PIDM. NUMBER(8)
p_empl_cnt   Total number of employees. NUMBER(9)
p_empl_pt_prof   Total number of part-time professional employees. NUMBER(9)
p_empl_ft_prof   Total number of full-time professional employees. NUMBER(9)
p_tot_revenue   Total revenue for the organization. NUMBER(12)
p_tot_assets   Total assets for the organization. NUMBER(12)
p_tot_earnings   Total earnings for the organization. NUMBER(12)
p_pre_tax_profit   Pre-tax profit for the organization. NUMBER(12)
p_grant_low   Grant dollars low range. NUMBER(12)
p_grant_high   Grant dollars high range. NUMBER(12)
p_prop_deadline_mm   Proposal deadline month. VARCHAR2(2)
p_prop_deadline_dd   Proposal deadline day of month. VARCHAR2(2)
p_year_inc   Organization date of incorporation (Format YYYY). NUMBER(4)
p_beg_fy_mm   Beginning month of organization's fiscal year. VARCHAR2(2)
p_beg_fy_dd   Beginning day of month for organization's fiscal year. VARCHAR2(2)
p_end_fy_mm   Ending month of organization's fiscal year. VARCHAR2(2)
p_end_fy_dd   Ending day of month for organization's fiscal year. VARCHAR2(2)
p_oth_ed_mg_ind   Other aid-to-education program in addition to matching gift program.  Values Y or N. VARCHAR2(1)
p_state_assoc_mg_ind   Organization matches gifts to state or regional associations of private colleges.  Values Y or N. VARCHAR2(1)
p_desg_mg_ind   Designation of matching gifts indicator.  Values S=Same as employee gift, U=Unrestricted, X=Designated for general operating budget. Used in matching gift batch process. VARCHAR2(1)
p_mdis_code   Matching gift distribution code. VARCHAR2(1)
p_mdis_mm   Month of matching gift distribution. VARCHAR2(2)
p_mdis_dd   Day of month for matching gift distribution. VARCHAR2(2)
p_mdis_deadline_mm   Month of matching gift distribution deadline date. VARCHAR2(2)
p_mdis_deadline_dd   Day of month for matching gift distribution deadline date. VARCHAR2(2)
p_dupl_mg_ind   Matching gift duplicate match indicator.  Company will (Y) or will not (N) match gifts eligible to be matched by other companies.  Used in the matching gift batch process. VARCHAR2(1)
p_mg_ack_ind   Company required acknowledgment of matching gift, Y, N or A.  An A indicates acknowledgments may be combined and sent periodically. VARCHAR2(1)
p_mgmt_mg_ind   Management indicator; C=Corp administers matching gifts,F=Foundation administers company's matching gifts. VARCHAR2(1)
p_match_pers_inst_yr   Amount an employee can be matched per institution per year. NUMBER(11,2)
p_match_org_ceiling_yr   Overall ceiling amount the organization will match each year. NUMBER(11,2)
p_match_org_empl_yr   Maximum corporate matching gift payout per employee per year. NUMBER(11,2)
p_match_minimum   Minimum amount organization will match. NUMBER(11,2)
p_society_name   Gift society name.  This name will default to gift societies when the memberships are created.  The name may be modified on the society form. VARCHAR2(60)
p_year_mg   Year the matching gift program was started within the organization. NUMBER(4)
p_financials_date   Date associated with the financial total fields. DATE
p_mg_load_update_date   Date that matching gift information was last loaded from an external source. DATE
p_mg_load_source   Source of the last external matching gift information load. VARCHAR2(1)
p_mg_receipt_ind   Matching gift receipt indicator, Y indicates that a receipt is required. VARCHAR2(1)
p_match_maximum   Maximum matching gift amount allowed. NUMBER(11,2)
p_prefix_contact   Prefix associated with the name of the primary contact. VARCHAR2(20)
p_suffix_contact   Suffix associated with the name of the primary contact. VARCHAR2(20)
p_mg_load_id   Supplying agency's ID number for the company being loaded VARCHAR2(9)
p_data_origin   Source system that generated or updated the data. VARCHAR2(30)
p_user_id   User who inserted or last update the data. VARCHAR2(30)
p_donr_code   Donor code needed for creation of Donor Category record. VARCHAR2(4) Required
p_surname_prefix_contact   Surname of the organizational primary contact. VARCHAR2(60)
p_rowid_out   Database rowid of record created. VARCHAR2(18)


Procedure p_delete(p_pidm  aoborgn.aoborgn_pidm%TYPE,
                   p_rowid VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)

Deletes an Organization record

p_pidm   Internal system generated identification number. NUMBER(8)
p_rowid   Database rowid of record to delete. VARCHAR2(18)


Procedure p_lock(p_pidm        aoborgn.aoborgn_pidm%TYPE,
                 p_rowid_inout IN OUT VARCHAR2)

Locks an Organization record
If rowid is not passed in, the record is located using the key values and the rowid of the locked row is passed in p_rowid_inout

p_pidm   Internal system generated identification number. NUMBER(8)
p_rowid_inout   Database rowid of record to lock. VARCHAR2(18)


Procedure p_update(p_pidm                   aoborgn.aoborgn_pidm%TYPE,
                   p_ein                    aoborgn.aoborgn_ein%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_business               aoborgn.aoborgn_business%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_sicc_code              aoborgn.aoborgn_sicc_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_match_pct              aoborgn.aoborgn_match_pct%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_match_org_max          aoborgn.aoborgn_match_org_max%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_match_person_max       aoborgn.aoborgn_match_person_max%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_atyp_code              aoborgn.aoborgn_atyp_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_jobc_code              aoborgn.aoborgn_jobc_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_title_contact          aoborgn.aoborgn_title_contact%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_last_name_contact      aoborgn.aoborgn_last_name_contact%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_first_name_contact     aoborgn.aoborgn_first_name_contact%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_mi_contact             aoborgn.aoborgn_mi_contact%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_mg_pidm                aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_pidm%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_empl_cnt               aoborgn.aoborgn_empl_cnt%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_empl_pt_prof           aoborgn.aoborgn_empl_pt_prof%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_empl_ft_prof           aoborgn.aoborgn_empl_ft_prof%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_tot_revenue            aoborgn.aoborgn_tot_revenue%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_tot_assets             aoborgn.aoborgn_tot_assets%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_tot_earnings           aoborgn.aoborgn_tot_earnings%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_pre_tax_profit         aoborgn.aoborgn_pre_tax_profit%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_grant_low              aoborgn.aoborgn_grant_low%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_grant_high             aoborgn.aoborgn_grant_high%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_prop_deadline_mm       aoborgn.aoborgn_prop_deadline_mm%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_prop_deadline_dd       aoborgn.aoborgn_prop_deadline_dd%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_year_inc               aoborgn.aoborgn_year_inc%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_beg_fy_mm              aoborgn.aoborgn_beg_fy_mm%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_beg_fy_dd              aoborgn.aoborgn_beg_fy_dd%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_end_fy_mm              aoborgn.aoborgn_end_fy_mm%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_end_fy_dd              aoborgn.aoborgn_end_fy_dd%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_oth_ed_mg_ind          aoborgn.aoborgn_oth_ed_mg_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_state_assoc_mg_ind     aoborgn.aoborgn_state_assoc_mg_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_desg_mg_ind            aoborgn.aoborgn_desg_mg_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_mdis_code              aoborgn.aoborgn_mdis_code%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_mdis_mm                aoborgn.aoborgn_mdis_mm%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_mdis_dd                aoborgn.aoborgn_mdis_dd%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_mdis_deadline_mm       aoborgn.aoborgn_mdis_deadline_mm%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_mdis_deadline_dd       aoborgn.aoborgn_mdis_deadline_dd%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_dupl_mg_ind            aoborgn.aoborgn_dupl_mg_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_mg_ack_ind             aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_ack_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_mgmt_mg_ind            aoborgn.aoborgn_mgmt_mg_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_match_pers_inst_yr     aoborgn.aoborgn_match_pers_inst_yr%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_match_org_ceiling_yr   aoborgn.aoborgn_match_org_ceiling_yr%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_match_org_empl_yr      aoborgn.aoborgn_match_org_empl_yr%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_match_minimum          aoborgn.aoborgn_match_minimum%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_society_name           aoborgn.aoborgn_society_name%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_year_mg                aoborgn.aoborgn_year_mg%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_financials_date        aoborgn.aoborgn_financials_date%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_date,
                   p_mg_load_update_date    aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_load_update_date%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_date,
                   p_mg_load_source         aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_load_source%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_mg_receipt_ind         aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_receipt_ind%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_match_maximum          aoborgn.aoborgn_match_maximum%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_number,
                   p_prefix_contact         aoborgn.aoborgn_prefix_contact%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_suffix_contact         aoborgn.aoborgn_suffix_contact%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_mg_load_id             aoborgn.aoborgn_mg_load_id%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_data_origin            aoborgn.aoborgn_data_origin%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_user_id                aoborgn.aoborgn_user_id%TYPE DEFAULT gb_common.f_sct_user,
                   p_surname_prefix_contact aoborgn.aoborgn_surname_prfx_contact%TYPE DEFAULT dml_common.f_unspecified_string,
                   p_rowid                  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)

Updates an Organization record
If rowid is not passed in, the record is located using the key values.

p_pidm   Internal system generated identification number. NUMBER(8) Key
p_ein   Organization's federal identification number. VARCHAR2(9)
p_business   Organization's general category of business. VARCHAR2(30)
p_sicc_code   Organization's standard industry code. VARCHAR2(4)
p_match_pct   Organization's matching gift percentage. NUMBER(3)
p_match_org_max   Amount the organization will donate to an institution per year. NUMBER(11,2)
p_match_person_max   Amount an employee can be matched per year. NUMBER(11,2)
p_atyp_code   Address to use for the organizational primary contact. VARCHAR2(2)
p_jobc_code   Job category associated with the organizational primary contact's title. VARCHAR2(3)
p_title_contact   Job title of the organizational primary contact. VARCHAR2(60)
p_last_name_contact   Last name of the organizational primary contact. VARCHAR2(25)
p_first_name_contact   First name of the organizational primary contact. VARCHAR2(15)
p_mi_contact   Middle initial of the organizational primary contact. VARCHAR2(1)
p_mg_pidm   Internal ID number for the matching gift company associated with the organization.  The PIDM may be the same PIDM or the parent PIDM. NUMBER(8)
p_empl_cnt   Total number of employees. NUMBER(9)
p_empl_pt_prof   Total number of part-time professional employees. NUMBER(9)
p_empl_ft_prof   Total number of full-time professional employees. NUMBER(9)
p_tot_revenue   Total revenue for the organization. NUMBER(12)
p_tot_assets   Total assets for the organization. NUMBER(12)
p_tot_earnings   Total earnings for the organization. NUMBER(12)
p_pre_tax_profit   Pre-tax profit for the organization. NUMBER(12)
p_grant_low   Grant dollars low range. NUMBER(12)
p_grant_high   Grant dollars high range. NUMBER(12)
p_prop_deadline_mm   Proposal deadline month. VARCHAR2(2)
p_prop_deadline_dd   Proposal deadline day of month. VARCHAR2(2)
p_year_inc   Organization date of incorporation (Format YYYY). NUMBER(4)
p_beg_fy_mm   Beginning month of organization's fiscal year. VARCHAR2(2)
p_beg_fy_dd   Beginning day of month for organization's fiscal year. VARCHAR2(2)
p_end_fy_mm   Ending month of organization's fiscal year. VARCHAR2(2)
p_end_fy_dd   Ending day of month for organization's fiscal year. VARCHAR2(2)
p_oth_ed_mg_ind   Other aid-to-education program in addition to matching gift program.  Values Y or N. VARCHAR2(1)
p_state_assoc_mg_ind   Organization matches gifts to state or regional associations of private colleges.  Values Y or N. VARCHAR2(1)
p_desg_mg_ind   Designation of matching gifts indicator.  Values S=Same as employee gift, U=Unrestricted, X=Designated for general operating budget. Used in matching gift batch process. VARCHAR2(1)
p_mdis_code   Matching gift distribution code. VARCHAR2(1)
p_mdis_mm   Month of matching gift distribution. VARCHAR2(2)
p_mdis_dd   Day of month for matching gift distribution. VARCHAR2(2)
p_mdis_deadline_mm   Month of matching gift distribution deadline date. VARCHAR2(2)
p_mdis_deadline_dd   Day of month for matching gift distribution deadline date. VARCHAR2(2)
p_dupl_mg_ind   Matching gift duplicate match indicator.  Company will (Y) or will not (N) match gifts eligible to be matched by other companies.  Used in the matching gift batch process. VARCHAR2(1)
p_mg_ack_ind   Company required acknowledgment of matching gift, Y, N or A.  An A indicates acknowledgments may be combined and sent periodically. VARCHAR2(1)
p_mgmt_mg_ind   Management indicator; C=Corp administers matching gifts,F=Foundation administers company's matching gifts. VARCHAR2(1)
p_match_pers_inst_yr   Amount an employee can be matched per institution per year. NUMBER(11,2)
p_match_org_ceiling_yr   Overall ceiling amount the organization will match each year. NUMBER(11,2)
p_match_org_empl_yr   Maximum corporate matching gift payout per employee per year. NUMBER(11,2)
p_match_minimum   Minimum amount organization will match. NUMBER(11,2)
p_society_name   Gift society name.  This name will default to gift societies when the memberships are created.  The name may be modified on the society form. VARCHAR2(60)
p_year_mg   Year the matching gift program was started within the organization. NUMBER(4)
p_financials_date   Date associated with the financial total fields. DATE
p_mg_load_update_date   Date that matching gift information was last loaded from an external source. DATE
p_mg_load_source   Source of the last external matching gift information load. VARCHAR2(1)
p_mg_receipt_ind   Matching Gift Receipt Indicator, Y indicates that a receipt is required. VARCHAR2(1)
p_match_maximum   Maximum matching gift amount allowed. NUMBER(11,2)
p_prefix_contact   Prefix associated with the name of the primary contact. VARCHAR2(20)
p_suffix_contact   Suffix associated with the name of the primary contact. VARCHAR2(20)
p_mg_load_id   Supplying agency's ID Number for the company being loaded VARCHAR2(9)
p_data_origin   Source system that generated or updated the data. VARCHAR2(30)
p_user_id   User who inserted or last update the data. VARCHAR2(30)
p_surname_prefix_contact   Surname of the organizational primary contact. VARCHAR2(60)
p_internal_record_id   Database ROWID. VARCHAR2(18)